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1832 –1898

ORRIS L. PARRISH was, in the words of Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., “the dean of Carroll collectors.” Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-

Glass, according to Mr. Parrish, were his inspiration, and, having procured them, he felt that he “must have a copy of everything the author had written.” In 1928 he had pri-vately printed A List of the Writings of Lewis Carroll (Charles L. Dodgson ) In the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey, which was followed in 1933 by A Supplementary List, also privately printed.

If Mr. Parrish was unable, as would be true of any Carroll collector, to acquire a copy of everything Carroll had written, he still formed an impressive collection, particularly strong in items published or issued during the author’s lifetime. The collection included a remarkably large number of Carroll’s elusive pamphlets and leaflets, as well as many binding variants and association copies of the principal books. Other notable, and un-usual, items in the collection were four albums of photographs by Carroll; a copy of the celebrated biscuit tin, given to Mr. Parrish by one of Carroll’s sisters; and a leather wal-let carefully indexed on the flap in Carroll’s (or, rather, Dodgson’s) hand.

Since Mr. Parrish cared “almost nothing for manuscripts,” it is not surprising that, despite his great interest in Carroll, there were only forty-odd Carroll letters in the collection, which included, on the other hand, the large accumulation of mathematical manuscripts that Carroll left when he died and Carroll’s diary of his trip to Russia, pri-vately printed by Mr. Parrish in 1928 under the title Tour in 1867.

There appears to be no end to Carrolliana, and it would not be difficult to become lost in the thickets of editions, translations, adaptations, parodies, etc. The Library’s course in adding to the Carroll collection has not always been clear, but the main purpose has always been to enhance the core collection and to avoid overwhelming it with periph-eral material. Almost the very first items acquired for the Parrish Collection after it came to Princeton were three lots purchased at the Harmsworth sale in 1947, all consid-erable rarities: American Telegrams (1865), the circular to friends in behalf of an Oxford Graduate in distress (1883), and a variant of the “Stranger Circular” (1890). Four years later the Library was able to purchase, also at auction, an apparently very scarce run of

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C. L. Dodgson278

1. Address by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (Louis [sic] Carroll ) at S. Mary Magdalen Church (3 p.m. The Children’s Service) on Harvest Thanksgiving Day.In the Parish Magazine of S. Mary Magdalen, St. Leonards-on-Sea [Nov. 1897].Pages [1–2]. 24 cm., bound 24.5 cm.The [October 1897] issue, under the headings “Harvest Thanksgiving Services” and “For Children,” includes announcements of the ad-dress, scheduled for October 3rd, p. [1]; and the issue of [March 1898] includes “ ‘Lewis Carroll,’ ” a paragraph on his death, signed E. B[eales?]., p. [2].

The monthly issues from January 1897 through April 1898 bound in one volume, without title page. Deep red horizontal straight-grain mo-rocco. Sprinkled edges, reddish orange.

2. … Address by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll ) at S. Mary Magdalen Church, St. Leon-ards-on-Sea (3 p.m., the Children’s Service ), on Harvest Thanksgiving Day, October 3rd, 1897. [1932.][4] p. 22.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll Centenary, 1932.At top left corner of p. [1]: From the Rev. P.

the Parish Magazine of S. Mary Magdalen, St. Leonards-on-Sea, which contains in the November 1897 issue an Address for children by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson. Among other early additions to the collection were three circular letters addressed to Mrs. Villiers Blakemore and signed by Carroll.

The Library has added over the years some three hundred printed items to the col-lection. The additions have included thirteen presentation copies, including an 1865 Alice, the gift of William H. Scheide ; editions and translations, many of the latter the gifts of Warren Weaver; biographical, bibliographical, and critical works; twenty-seven photographs by Carroll; and five books from the libraries of members of the Dodgson family.

The Library has also added to the collection some sixty letters written by Carroll, as well as fourteen letters to him from William Holman Hunt, John Ruskin, and oth-ers; the manuscript of an acrostic addressed to Alice Crompton; and “Story of the three sisters,” eight pen-and-ink sketches on one side of a sheet, drawn by Carroll for May Mileham while on a train trip. Included among other additions are six pencil sketches by Henry Holiday and five proofs for illustrations for The Hunting of the Snark (1876); six pen-and-ink drawings by Harry Furniss for Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (1893); a pen-and-ink drawing by F. Carruthers Gould for Hector H. Munro’s The Westminster Alice (1902); a pen-and-ink caricature of Dodgson by Burr Shafer for The Saturday Review of Literature (1948); and a preparatory sketch in pencil by Carlo Pellegrini (“Ape”) for a caricature of Dean Liddell published in Vanity Fair (1875). Also acquired were the man-uscript libretto of “Alice in Wonderland,” performed in the Shepard Memorial Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts, on December 15, 1898, signed by the cast and management, mainly students or graduates of Harvard, M.I.T., Radcliffe, and Wellesley; the auto-graph manuscript of Derek Hudson’s biography of Lewis Carroll (1954); and the first draft of Hudson’s British Council pamphlet on Carroll (1958).

nos. 1–2

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C. L. Dodgson 279Gordon Duff, Rector of S. Mary Magdalen’s, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Reprinted with permis-sion.Unbound.

3. Copy 2.22 cm.“3rd issue” in boldface type at top of p. [1]. Dif-ferent paper and typeface.Unbound.

4. Advertisem*nt. 1893.Single sheet, printed on one side. 17.5 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll, dated Christmas, 1893.Concerns the poor printing of the pictures in the Sixtieth Thousand of Through the Looking-Glass, and asks owners to exchange their cop-ies. For another version, see No. 229, [Circular asking for the return. . . .].2 copies.A third copy is inserted in the 1878 edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ; a fourth copy is laid in Sylvie and Bruno (1889), Copy 2; and a fifth copy is inserted in Sylvie and Bruno Con-cluded (1893), Copy 4. See Nos. 19, 502, and 518.

5. “Alice dear, will you join me in hunting the Snark?”In The Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol. 8, No. 4, June 1947.Page 194. 24 cm.Autograph manuscript of an acrostic poem to Alice Crompton, reproduced in facsimile from the original in the Parrish Collection.The text of the poem had earlier been printed in Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., Catalogue 863, April 21–22, 1947, lot 172.Light yellowish green illustrated wrappers.

6. “Alice” on the Stage. By Lewis Carroll.In The Theatre, New Series, Vol. 9, No. 52, April 1887. London: Carson and Comerford.Pages [179]–184. Mounted front. 24 cm.Pale orange yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in reddish brown.

7. Copy 2.25 cm.The leaves extracted and bound in dark pur-plish blue sand cloth. Original wrappers bound in. Also bound in, following front wrapper, is “ ‘The Theatre’ Advertiser,” April 1887, iv p.

8. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1865.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Variant “a” of the second preliminary gather-ing.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der and a circular cut of Alice holding the pig on front cover, a triple rule border and a circu-lar cut of the Cheshire Cat on back cover, all blocked in gold. Black endpapers.Inscribed by Carroll on halftitle: Mrs. G. Lillie Craik with the Author’s kind regards.Ex libris of Francis Ketanneh (removed).Gift of William H. Scheide.

9. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Il-lustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmil-lan and Co., 1866.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1865 edition but with an ornament blocked in gold below the title on the spine. A.e.g. Bluish gray endpapers.The author’s own copy, with his monogram, CLD, inscribed on halftitle, and with thirty-seven suggested corrections in his hand on free back endpaper.See No. 955, Brooks Catalogue, Lot 682.

10. Copy 2.Dark red morocco, gilt, with the White Rabbit on front cover, by Bayntun/Riviere, original covers bound in. A.e.g.Bookplate of Dr. & Mrs. Howard T. Behrman.

11. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1866.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 20 cm.

nos. 2–11

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C. L. Dodgson280Variant 1 of the t.p.; Variant “A” of the second preliminary gathering.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Black endpapers.

12. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark green pebble cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition, but with publisher’s monogram in gold at foot of spine. A.e.g.

13. Copy 2.Dark reddish orange pebble cloth; otherwise as Copy 1.With a copy of Our Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, No. 120, April 17, 1869, containing a full-page illus-trated advert. for this edition.

14. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Fourteenth Thousand. London: Macmillan and Co., 1869.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Inscribed on halftitle: Coventry Patmore Esq The Mansion Hastings.

15. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: Lee, Shepard, and Dill-ingham, 1871.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark green pebble cloth, blocked as the 1866 English edition, but with only the circular cut on front cover and the ornament on spine in gold, the rest in blind, and with the publish-er’s monogram in gold at foot of spine. Edges stained reddish brown.

16. Copy 2.Dark reddish orange pebble cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition, but with an elaborate ornamental border in place of the tri-ple rule border, and with the spine elaborately blocked in gold. A.e.g.

17. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Il-lustrations by John Tenniel. Fifty-fifth Thou-sand. London: Macmillan and Co., 1877.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Advert., [2] p. at back.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Edith Rose Blakemore from the Author Sep. 11. 1877.

18. Copy 2.The title leaf is a cancel, pasted on a stub.Blocked in blind on front cover and printed at head of title: Presented for the Use of Sick Chil-dren.Dark red sand cloth, blocked as above but in blind. Sprinkled edges.No advert.Stamped on halftitle: Presented by the Author, for the use of sick children, July, 1890.

19. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Fifty-eighth Thousand. London: Macmillan and Co., 1878.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.White parchment paper boards, textured and with a soft leathery finish, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Advert., [2] p. at back.Inserted at front, following halftitle, is a one-page “Advertisem*nt,” signed Lewis Carroll, dated Christmas, 1893, in which the author regrets the imperfect printing of the pictures in the Sixtieth Thousand issue of Through the Looking-Glass, invites holders of such copies to exchange them for better ones, and announces his intention to give the imperfect copies to needy institutions.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Helen Mel-ville Standen from the Author. Ap. 9. 1884.

20. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Sixty-fourth Thousand. London: Macmillan and Co., 1880.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the

nos. 11–20

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C. L. Dodgson 2811866 English edition. A.e.g. Advert., [2] p. at back.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Mar-garet A. A. Dodgson with the Author’s best love—Jan. 1881. Inscription on verso of free front endpaper: Zoë F. Poole—in memory of MAAD—Jany. 1916.Laid in is an undated note signed by Zoë Fran-ces Poole, the author’s niece, telling how the book came into her possession.

21. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: George Munro [1885?].199 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Dark grayish yellowish brown diaper cloth, front cover blocked in black and gold. Advert., verso of p. 199.

22. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Eightieth Thou-sand. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886.[9], 192 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Adverts., [3] p. at back.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Presented to Edith Martin by Lewis Carroll, as a memento of her having taken part in the Dream-Play “Alice in Wonderland” written by H. Savile- Clarke and first produced Christmas, 1886.

23. … ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887.[9], 179, [1] p. Front., illus. 19 cm.At head of title: People’s Edition.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with an illustration of Alice and the pack of cards blocked in black and red on front cover, pub-lisher’s monogram blocked in black and red on back cover.Adverts., [3] p. at back.Stamped on t.p.: With the Publishers’ Compli-ments.

Tipped in are an autograph signature of John Tenniel and reproductions of eight sketches in ink by Lewis Carroll. Also, a clipping, from an unidentified publication, of “What hand may wreathe thy natal crown,” Carroll’s con-tribution to The Garland of Rachel ; a newspa-per clipping of a letter headed Ch. Ch., Oxford, Jan 22, 1878, to “My dear Jessie,” signed Lewis Carroll; a newspaper clipping of “A Charade by ‘Lewis Carroll’ ” in six 5-line stanzas; and other clippings about Carroll, Tenniel, Alice Liddell, etc.Book label of Thomas Hutchinson.

24. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: Worthington Company, 1893.[9], 190 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Strong red diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover blocked in black, spine blocked in gold. Bev-elled boards. Floral-patterned endpapers, yel-low green on yellowish white.“Catalogue,” 4 p. at back.Bookplate of Elizabeth Clarke.

25. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: Hurst & Company [1896].166 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.Very pale purplish blue wrappers. On outside front wrapper: No. 161. The Universal Library. June 1, 1896. Advert. on outside back wrap- per.Adverts., [4] p. at back.

26. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: George Munro’s Sons [1899].[7]–199 p. Front., illus. 18 cm.White wrappers, printed in blue. On out-side front wrapper: No. 482. Seaside Library Pocket Edition. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., [7] p., and “The Seaside Library, Pocket Edition,” Feb. 1899, [3]–23, [1] p., at back.

nos. 20–26

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C. L. Dodgson28227. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Twelve

Full-Page Illustrations in Color From Draw-ings by Blanche McManus. New York: M. F. Mansfield and A. Wessels [c1899].[5]–121 p. Colored front., colored plates. 25.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Light gray smooth cloth, with a design by the illustrator on front cover blocked in red and blue. Top edges stained red. Illustrated (by B. MacManus) endpapers, printed in red.

28. ——— by Lewis Carroll. With an Introduc-tion by E. S. Martin. Illustrated by Peter New-ell. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1901.xvii, 192, [1] p. Front., plates. 22.5 cm.Ornamental borders in moderate olive by Rob-ert Murray Wright.“Introduction,” p. xi–xvii.Yellowish white parchment paper boards, with a cut of Alice embossed in gold at lower left of front cover. T.e.g.; other edges untrimmed.

29. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Edited by Flor-ence Milner. . . . Illustrated by F. Y. Cory. . . . Chicago, New York, London: Rand, McNally & Company [c1902].192 p. Front., plate, illus. 18 cm.Series halftitle: The Canterbury Classics. . . . ed-ited under the general supervision of Katha-rine Lee Bates.“Introduction to the Series,” by Katharine Lee Bates, p. 5–6. “A Biographical Sketch,” “Notes,” “A Reading List,” “Suggestions to Teachers,” p. 155–192.Moderate yellowish brown buckram, with the Canterbury Classics “coat of arms” blocked in dark brown on front cover.Pastedown front endpaper has an illustrated “bookplate” printed in black on white.

30. ———. Adapted for Very Little Folks from the Original Story. By Lewis Carroll. With Thirty-two Coloured Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited;

New York: The Macmillan Company, 1903.127, [1] p. Colored front., colored illus. 12.5 cm. On halftitle: The Little Folks’ Edition.“In adapting the present edition from the orig-inal work by Mr. Lewis Carroll, only those portions of the text and the pictures suitable for very little folks have been used. Although the story reads continuously, it is, in reality, but one-sixth of the length of the complete edi-tion, and contains only a selection of the illus-trations.”—“Note,” p. [5].Dark red smooth cloth, with a cut of the White Rabbit (repeated from p. 7) blocked in white, red, and black on front cover.

31. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Numerous Illustrations by Brinsley Le Fanu. London: “Books for the Bairns” Office [Stead’s Pub-lishing House], [1907].120 p. Illus. 17.5 cm.“Books for the Bairns,” No. 142.Strong red flexible smooth cloth, with a pic-ture of the Mad Tea-Party (repeated from p. 57) printed in black on front cover. Binding cut flush with edges.Adverts., [2] p. at front and [6] p. at back.

32. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Mil-licent Sowerby. London: Chatto and Windus, 1907.[13], 166 p. Colored front., colored plates, illus. 21.5 cm.Series halftitle: The St. Martin’s Illustrated Li-brary of Standard Authors.Grayish blue smooth cloth, front cover blocked in dark blue and gold, with a circular colored illustration of Alice at the Caucus Race printed on paper and mounted in the center. T.e.g. Il-lustrated endpapers, gold on white.“Some Books for the Young,” [8] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: To Captain E. F. Hard-ing with best wishes from Millicent Sowerby Aug. 1907. Above the inscription is a pencil and watercolor sketch by the illustrator, signed with initials.

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C. L. Dodgson 28333. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Ar-

thur Rackham. With a Proem by Austin Dob-son. London: William Heinemann; New York: Doubleday Page & Co. [1907].xi, 161, [1] p. Colored front., colored plates, il-lus. 21 cm.Illustrated t.p.Plates have tissue guards with descriptive letterpress.[Proem], p. v.Moderate yellow green buckram, with a cut of the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle danc-ing the Lobster Quadrille blocked in gold on front cover, spine blocked in black. Top edges stained green. Illustrated endpapers, strong yellow green on white.Advert., verso of final leaf.

34. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Ar-thur Rackham. With a Proem by Austin Dob-son. London: William Heinemann; New York: Doubleday Page & Co. [1907].xi, 161, [1] p. Mounted colored front., mounted colored plates, illus. 29 cm.Illustrated t.p.Plates are mounted on heavy, grayish yellow-ish brown paper, and have tissue guards with descriptive letterpress.[Proem], p. v.“This Edition is limited to five hundred and fifty copies for sale in the United States of America, of which this is No. [in manuscript:] 259 Doubleday Page Co.”Moderate olive green boards, with a colored pic-ture of Alice printed on paper, trimmed along the outline of the figure, and mounted on front cover. Very dark yellowish green smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold. T.e.g.; other edges un-trimmed. Illustrated endpapers, strong green-ish yellow on white.

35. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Eight Co-loured Plates and One Hundred and Twelve Other Illustrations by Charles Robinson. Lon-don, New York, Toronto and Melbourne: Cas-sell and Company, Ltd., 1910.

[12], 179, [1] p. Colored front., colored plates, illus. (some colored). 21 cm.Illustrated t.p., printed in black, brown, and red. Light brown smooth cloth, with a full-cover il-lustration of the Mad Tea-Party on front cover and an illustration of the Caterpillar on spine, both blocked in five colors.

36. … Alice’s First Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. (The First Part of “Alice in Wonderland”) With Illustrations. Chicago: Hall & McCreary Company [1912].32 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Instructor Library Books. [No. 201.]With Tenniel’s illustrations.Grayish yellowish brown flexible smooth cloth, with on front cover a border printed in brown, a picture of the White Rabbit printed in green, and lettered in orange. Pastedown endpapers only, green on white, patterned at front, printed with adverts. at back.Bookplate printed on pastedown front endpa-per: This book belongs to [in pencil:] Virginia Oussani [.]

37. … Alice’s Further Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. (The Second Part of “Alice in Wonderland”) With Illustrations. Chicago: Hall & McCreary Company [1912].32 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Instructor Library Books. [No. 202.]With Tenniel’s illustrations.Grayish yellowish brown flexible smooth cloth, with on front cover a border printed in green, a picture of Alice, the Gryphon, and the Mock Turtle printed in brown, and lettered in brown. Pastedown endpapers only, green on white, patterned at front, printed with adverts. at back.

38. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With the Original Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Philip Lee Warner, Publisher to the Medici Society Ld., 1914.

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C. L. Dodgson284xi, [1], 131 p., 2 leaves. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and grayish blue.Series halftitle: The Riccardi Press Books.“Of this edition … have been printed in the Ric-cardi Fount on handmade Riccardi Paper 1000 copies, and upon Vellum 12 copies, of which 10 are for sale. Paper copy Number [in manu-script:] 391.”Patterned paste boards, strong yellowish brown and dark olive on yellowish white. Grayish olive smooth cloth spine. Paper label on front cover and on spine. T.e.g.; fore and bottom edges deckled.

39. Copy 2.23 cm.“Vellum copy Number [in manuscript:] Six.”Pale yellow flexible vellum; with two pairs of moderate olive cloth ties. T.e.g.Bookplate of John Gribbel.

40. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With 48 Co-loured Plates by Margaret W. Tarrant. Lon-don, Melbourne and Toronto: Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, 1916.xvi, 21–332 p. Colored front., colored illus. 21.5 cm.Dark grayish olive green diagonal fine rib cloth, with a colored illustration of the Mad Tea-Party (a repeat of the illustration on p. 174) printed on paper and mounted on front cover. Colored illustrated endpapers.Adverts., p. 333–340.

41. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Med Anmärknin-gar av G. Björkelund och S. B. T. Danielsson. . . . Lund: C. W. K. Gleerups Förlag [1923].iv, 119 p. Illus. 19 cm.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Moderate red wrappers. Advert. on outside back wrapper.Accompanying this, in matching wrappers, is: Ordlista till Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Av G. Björkelund och S. B. T. Danielsson. . . . Lund: C. W. K. Gleerups Förlag [1923]. 44 p. 19 cm.

42. Alice in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Il-lustrated by Dudley Jarrett. London: The Readers Library Publishing Company Ltd [1924?].253 p. Front., illus. 17 cm.Illustrated t.p.The pastedown front endpaper is counted as p. [1–2], the free front endpaper, with frontis-piece on verso, as p. [3–4], and p. 253 is the recto of the free back endpaper.Dark red buckram, front cover and spine blocked in gold. Illustrated endpapers, black on white.

43. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1866 [c1927].[15], 192 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Facsimile of the 1866 edition (Variant 2 of the t.p.; Variant “A” of the second preliminary gathering), including the binding, but with the 1927 copyright statement and a Publish-er’s [6]-page “Foreword” added. The cloth is not quite as smooth as that of the original edi-tion, and the color slightly more orange. A.e.g. Black endpapers.

44. … ———. By Lewis Carroll. Shanghai, China: The Commercial Press, Limited, 1927.3 leaves, 74 p. 15.5 cm.At head of title: Ai-li-ssu i hsiang chi yu.Abridged.Medium gray decorated wrappers. On outside front wrapper: Student’s Library Series. Ying wen hsüeh ts’ung k’an. Adverts. on inside and outside back wrapper.

45. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Il-lustrated with six Coloured Lithographs by Marie Laurencin. Paris: The Black Sun Press, 1930.3 leaves, 114 p., 1 blank leaf, 1 leaf. [6] colored plates. 24.5 by 29.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and orange. Highlights throughout in orange.

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C. L. Dodgson 285370 numbered copies for Europe; 420 num-bered copies for the United States. This is No. 313 of the American Edition.White wrappers, folded over two leaves of text paper, with a third blank leaf free at front and back, printed in orange and black. Deckle edges.

46. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Centenary Edition with Preface by Hugh Walpole. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1932.xv, [7], 200, [2] p. Front., illus. 15.5 cm.“A Preface,” p. vii–xv.Dark yellowish green smooth cloth, with a circular cut of Alice holding the pig blocked in gold and a double rule border blocked in blind on front cover; back cover plain.Advert., 2 p. at back.Autograph signatures of 12 members of the Dodgson family on free front endpaper, and a 13th on a slip tipped in. Laid in is an als, M. Evangeline Dodgson to Mr. Parrish, Feb. 21, 1933, concerning the gathering of signatures for him.

47. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by John Tenniel. New York: The Limited Edi-tions Club, 1932.xi, [1] p., 1 leaf, 182, [1] p. Front., illus. 24.5 cm.“Introduction,” by Henry Seidel Canby, p. v– [xii].1500 copies printed. This copy not num- bered.The unbound sheets in 13 signatures.

48. Copy 2.22.5 cm.Copy Number 165. Signed in manuscript by Frederic Warde, the typographer and binder.Inscribed on leaf inserted after halftitle: Alice Hargreaves.Very deep red fine morocco, covers and spine blocked in gold. A.e.g.

49. ——— by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Gwynedd M. Hudson. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited [1938].222 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored plates, il-lus. 25.5 cm.Light olive gray buckram, with a Wonderland scene blocked in red on front cover. Illustrated endpapers, red on yellowish gray.

50. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Minia Press [1938].[11], 192 p. Front., illus. 5.8 cm.“Printed and published by Edmund S. Wood.” “Printed in the U. S. A.”Deep reddish brown sand cloth, with a cut of the White Rabbit blocked in gold on front cover, spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained orange.In gold cardboard slipcase.2 copies.

51. ——— by Lewis Carroll. With the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel in black and white, and in full colour from sixteen scenes and figures by Hugh Gee. New York: Chanti-cleer Press [c1948].119, [1] p. Colored plates, illus. 22 cm.Deep brown smooth cloth, with a cut of the Mad Hatter blocked in gold on front cover. Il-lustrated endpapers, strong reddish brown and dark brown on white.

52. Alice in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Il-lustrated by Marjorie Torrey. Abridged and prepared under the supervision of Josette Frank. . . . New York: Random House, c1955.62, [2] p. Illus. (some colored). 28.5 cm.Glazed colored illustrated boards. Colored illustrated endpapers.

53. … ———. Prefatory Note by Roger Lance-lyn Green. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co Inc [c1961].vii, 103 p. Illus. 18 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Series halftitle: Everyman’s Library. 836.

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C. L. Dodgson286“Prefatory Note,” p. v–vi.With illustrations by the author.Illustrated paperback, green, black, and white on deep orange yellow.

54. Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Il-lustrated by Ralph Steadman. London: Dennis Dobson [c1967].108 p. Illus. 33.5 cm.Pages [3–4] and [7–8] printed on brown paper.“Introduction,” by Ralph Steadman, p. [7].White simulated calf, with a floral design in black on front and on back cover.

55. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. With the illustrations of John Tenniel. Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library [c1980].[9], 169, [1] p. Illus. 23.5 cm.The text is printed in brown, the illustrations in black.The t.p. and opening pages of the chapters are framed with illustrated borders.“The illustrations of John Tenniel … are repro-duced from the first American edition of the book. . . .”Dark gray fabrikoid, covers and spine blocked in gold. A.e.g. Floriated endpapers, white on light gray.

56. Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonder-land. Illustrated by Barry Moser. Preface and Notes by James R. Kincaid. Text edited by Sel-wyn H. Goodacre. Printed by Harold McGrath at Pennyroyal Press. West Hatfield, Massa-chusetts, 1982.2 prel. leaves, 145, [6] p. Front., folding plate, illus. 42.5 cm.T.p. printed in black, red, and blue. Headings printed in blue, side notes in red.“Preface,” by James R. Kincaid, p. 7–11.“A Note on the Text,” by Selwyn H. Goodacre, p. 137–139.“A Note on the Prints,” by Barry Moser, p. 143–145.

“The Pennyroyal Press Sesquicentennial Edi-tion of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was printed in West Hatfield, Massachusetts, in an edition of three hundred and fifty copies. . . . The calligraphy on the title page is the work of G. G. Laurens, as is the versal ‘A’ of the first chapter opening, which was engraved & hand-colored by Barry Moser. The binding is from the workshop of Gray Parrot, Easthampton, Massachusetts.” Copy no. 317.Half purple morocco, spine gilt. Decorated end-papers, printed in yellow.With an additional suite of the illustrations, signed by the artist, in a cloth chemise.The book and chemise laid in a matching quar-ter purple morocco tray case.

57. ———. Illustrated by Barry Moser. Preface and Notes by James R. Kincaid. Text edited by Selwyn H. Goodacre. Berkeley, Los An-geles, London: University of California Press [c1982].1 prel. leaf, [2], 146, [6] p. Front., illus. 34.5 cm. T.p. printed in black and red. Headings printed in blue, side notes in red.“Preface,” by James R. Kincaid, p. [5]–11. “A Note on the Text,” by Selwyn H. Goodacre, p. [135]–139. “A Note on the Prints,” by Barry Moser, p. [141]–145.“The University of California Edition of Al-ice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a careful reproduction of the original printing by Har-old McGrath at Pennyroyal Press, West Hat-field, Massachusetts. . . . The calligraphy on the title page is the work of G. G. Laurens, as is the versal ‘A’ of the first chapter opening.”“First printing 1982.”Moderate pink boards. Bright red buckram spine. Top edges stained red. Purple spot mar-bled endpapers.

58. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Car-roll. Illustrated by Justin Todd. London: Vic-tor Gollancz Ltd, 1984.158 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored illus. 25 cm. “This text is based on that of Alice’s Adventures

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C. L. Dodgson 287in Wonderland published in one volume with Through the Looking Glass by Puffin Books in 1982.”—p. [4].Dark greenish blue buckram. In dust jacket.“The photograph of Alice Liddell [as ‘The Beggar Maid’ ] on the back of the jacket is re-produced by courtesy of the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Literature [sic ], Prince- ton University Library.”

59. … ———. Illustrated by Anthony Browne. New York: Alfred A. Knopf [c1988].[9], 117, [1] p. Colored front., colored illus. 28.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Printed in brown.Vivid red buckram, spine blocked in gold.With a copy of the poster, illustrated in color, advertising the book. 55.5 by 31.5 cm.

60. ——— by Lewis Carroll. With Illustrations in Color by Bessie Pease Gutmann and Black-and-White Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York, Avenel, New Jersey: Children’s Classics [c1988].xx p., 1 leaf, 249 p. Colored plates, illus. 24 cm. Illustrated t.p.“Preface to This Illustrated Edition,” by Claire Booss, Series Editor, p. ix.“Foreword,” by Ellen S. Shapiro, p. xi–xvii.Very light brown oilcloth, with two of the col-ored illustrations in the book repeated, one on front cover, the other on back cover. Black leather spine with a gray leather label, both blocked in gold. Top edges stained red. Deco-rated endpapers, black and white on gray.

Alice’s Adventures inWonderland

Gregg Shorthand

61. Alice in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Printed in Gregg Shorthand. New York, Bos-ton, Chicago, San Francisco, Liverpool: The Gregg Publishing Company [1917?].[3], 154 p. Illus. 17 cm.

T.p. in roman characters.The illustrations are by Tenniel and unidenti-fied artists.“Shorthand plates written by Georgie Gregg.” Grayish yellow green buckram, with pictures of Wonderland characters blocked in red and blue on front cover.

Pitman Shorthand

62. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With Illustrations by John Tenniel. Printed in the Intermediate Stage of Pitman’s Shorthand. New Era Edition. . . . London, Bath, Melbourne, Toronto, New York: Sir Isaac Pit-man & Sons, Ltd. [1930]. 154 p. Illus. 16.5 cm.T.p. in roman characters.Light greenish blue stiff wrappers. Advert. on outside back wrapper. Dark purplish blue peb-ble cloth spine.Adverts., [2], 9, [3] p. at back.


63. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. . . . Embossed by Permission of the Publishers, Macrae Smith Company, Philadel-phia. Louisville, Kentucky: American Printing House for the Blind, 1926.2 vols. 28 cm.T.p. statement transcribed from the Braille.Braille Grade 1.5.Dark brown coarse sand cloth. Moderate yellowish brown buckram spine.Stamped on verso of free front endpaper of each volume: Inspected Feb 17 1932 By Num-ber 11[.]

Bookplate of Thomas & Jania Erwin.

Excerpts from Alice’sAdventures in Wonderland

64. The Songs from “Alice’s Adventures in Won-derland,” Written by Lewis Carroll. The Mu-sic Composed by William Boyd. . . . London: Weekes & Co. [1870].

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C. L. Dodgson288[2], 10 p. 17 by 26 cm.Cover title.Words and music.“Preface,” unsigned, dated London 1870, verso of dedication.“The words of these songs are printed through the express permission of the Author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”—p. 1.Lewis Carrroll added four lines of verse to “ ’Tis the Voice of a Lobster,” for this publica-tion, p. 9.White illustrated wrappers, with a circular cut of Alice holding the pig in center of outside front wrapper. “New Songs” on outside back wrapper.

65. Copy 2.16.5 by 25.5 cm.“VII Songs from Lilliput Levee” on inside back wrapper. “New Songs,” as above, on out-side back wrapper.

66. Copy 3.17.5 by 26 cm.Adverts. as in Copy 2, but with “New Songs” on inside back wrapper, “VII Songs” on out-side back wrapper.

67. Copy 4.17 by 25.5 cm.Different adverts. on inside and outside back wrapper, printed in double columns.

68. Copy 5.17.5 by 25.5 cm.Added to imprint on outside front wrapper: … and Simpkin, Marshall & Co.“New Songs,” as above, on inside back wrap-per. Outside back wrapper blank.

69. … Songs from “Alice in Wonder-land.” Words by Lewis Carroll. (By Permission.) Music by Annie E. Armstrong. London: Hart & Co. [circa 1893?].24 p. 33.5 cm.At head of title: Dedicated to the Children of England.

Words and music.Strong yellow illustrated wrappers. On outside front wrapper: No. 18. Empire Music Albums. Price 6d. Adverts. on outside back wrapper, in-cluding “Empire Music Albums,” listing Nos. 1–14.Stamped below London imprint on outside front wrapper: Köhler & Son.

70. Copy 2.Without wrappers.

71. Copies 3–4.33 cm.Another issue. Publisher’s imprint on t.p. and outside front wrapper differs: London: F. Pit-man Hart & Co., Ltd. Light grayish yellowish brown illustrated wrappers. Text and illustration on outside front wrapper in a slightly smaller size than on Copy 1; Price 1/–. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers. Adverts. on outside back wrapper similar in content to Copy 1, but, among other variations, “Empire Music Albums” now lists Nos. 1–37.Both text paper and wrapper paper differ from Copy 1.

72 … Nonsense Songs. (The Songs That Came Out Wrong.) From Alice in Wonderland. A Song-Cycle for Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass. The Lyrics by Lewis Carroll. The Music by Liza Lehmann. . . . London, New York, Melbourne: Chappell & Co. Ltd., c1908.[8], 62 p. 31 cm.At head of title: To little Mary Bedford.Words and music.Light grayish yellowish brown illustrated (by H. G. Banks) wrappers, printed in yellowish pink, green, and white. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., [2] p. at back.

73. Copy 2.Another issue. Toronto added to imprint.Different wrappers, light gray, printed in blue

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C. L. Dodgson 289as the title page. Different adverts., on inside and outside back wrapper only.Different adverts., [2] p. at back.

74. Songs from “Alice in Wonderland.” By Lewis Carroll. Music by H. Fraser-Simson. Illus-trations by John Tenniel. With an Introduc-tion by A. A. Milne. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.; Keith Prowse & Co. Ltd. [1932].55 p. Illus. 25.5 cm.Words and music.“Introduction,” p. [3].Illustrated boards, red and blue on light green-ish yellow. Black buckram spine.Inscribed in pencil on free front endpaper: F. Madan 1932.

75. Song Folio of Paramount’s “Alice in Wonder-land” original lyrics by Lewis Carroll music by Dimitri Tiomkin and Nathaniel Finston. . . . London & Sydney: Chappell & Co., Ltd.; New York: De Sylva, Brown & Henderson, Inc.; Paris: Chappell S.A. [c1933].32 p. Illus. 31.5 cm.Cover title.White glossy wrappers, with black and white photographs from the movie and title printed in blue on outside front wrapper, photographs of members of cast on outside back wrapper. “Cast of A Century” listed on inside back wrapper.

76. Alice in Wonderland. 1943. [1942.][24] p. Illus. 12 cm.Cover title.Words and music.A calendar in the form of a small spiral note-book. With an excerpt from the novel and an illustration by Arthur Rackham for each month. Printed entirely in brown.On outside back cover: A Brownie Creation, c 262.Stiff covers of white text paper, with an illustra-tion of the Mad Tea-Party in brown (a repeat of the illustration for August) on outside front cover.

77. … Beautiful Soup. Words by Lewis Carroll. Music by Richard Addinsell. . . . [N.Y.C., Lon-don]: Chappell & Co., Inc., c1944.Page [1], moderate pink illustrated wrapper; p. [2], adverts.; p. 3–5, words and music; p. [6], adverts.Caption title. At head of title: “Alice in Wonder-land.”Copyright by Keith Prowse & Co., Ltd.Self-wrappers; unstitched.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonder- land Translations


78. … Avonture van Alida in Towerland (Nage- volg). Deur Lewis Carroll. Met die oorspronk- like illustrasies deur Sir John Tenniel. Vry in Afrikaans oorgesit deur Tannie [pseud.]. Londen: Macmillan & Kie. Bpk. [1934].48 p. Illus. 18 cm.Cover title. At head of title: Die Kinderklas-sieke. Junior (Ouderdomme 6 tot 9). [23.]Grayish yellow green decorated wrappers, printed in blue. Adverts. on outside back wrap-per.


79. … Alis fi ard al-’aja’ib. Ta’ lif Luwis Karul. Tarjumah ’Abd al-’Aziz Tawfiq Jawbar. . . . Misr: Matba ’at al-Ragha’ib [1946].63 p. Front., illus. 27 cm.“Jama ’at Ruwwad al-Fikr al-Hadith.”Illustrated t.p.Printed in blue throughout.The illustrations are unsigned.Abridged and simplified version for children; includes vocabulary notes, p. 61–63.Illustrated paperback, strong orange yellow, printed in color.With a penciled note in Arabic on p. 10.

80. Alis fi bilad al-’aja’ib. al-Qahirah [Cairo]: Dar al-Hilal, 1956.[10] p. Colored illus. 28.5 cm.

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C. L. Dodgson290A cartoon version, based on the Disney film, in five 2-page installments in Samir, Nos. 4–8, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, and June 3, 1956.Illustrated wrappers, printed in color.


81. A-li-ssu man yu ch’i ching chi. Lewis Carroll yüan chu. Chao Yuen Ren fan i. [Shanghai: Shang-wu yin shu kuan, 1922.]31, 192 p. Illus. 19 cm.With illustrations by Tenniel and T. H. Robin-son.Light yellowish brown wrappers.Adverts., one-half p. at back.With marginal notes in Chinese in black and purple ink.

82. ———. Lewis Carroll yüan chu. Chao Yuen Ren fan i. [Shanghai: Shang-wu yin shu kuan, 1923.]31, 192 p. Illus. 19 cm.With illustrations by Tenniel and T. H. Robin-son.Second edition.Light gray wrappers. Flyleaf at front and colo-phon leaf at back pasted down.Adverts., one-half p. at back.

83. ———. Lewis Carroll yüan chu. Chao Yuen Ren fan i. [Shanghai: Shang-wu yin shu kuan, 1924.]31, 192 p. Illus. 19 cm.With illustrations by Tenniel and T. H. Robin-son.Third edition.Light bluish gray wrappers. Colophon leaf pasted down.Adverts., one-half p. at back.

84. ———. Lewis Carroll yüan chu. Chao Yuen Ren fan i. [Shanghai: Shang-wu yin shu kuan, 1931.]31, 192 p. Illus. 19 cm.With illustrations by Tenniel & T. H. Robinson. Fifth edition.

White wrappers, with Tenniel’s illustration of Alice and the Cheshire Cat on outside front wrapper, printed in green and red.

85. ———. Lewis Carroll chu. Chao Yuen Ren i. [Shanghai: Shang-wu yin shu kuan, 1939.]31, 192 p. Illus. 19 cm.With illustrations by Tenniel & T. H. Robinson. Fourth postwar edition.White illustrated wrappers, printed in blue, green, and yellow. First and last leaves loosely pasted down.Inscription on t.p.: To the Gest Oriental Li-brary: I present this translation of Alice’s Ad-ventures in Wonderland by my friend Chao Yuen-Ren. Hu Shih Oct. 21, 1958.With Dr. Hu’s personal seal stamped on t.p.Laid in is Dr. Hu’s card with inscription: I in-tend to present this to the Lewis Carroll Col-lection of Princeton University. Hu Shih.


86. … Alencina Dobrodruzstvi v Podzemni Risi. Ilustroval Sir John Tenniel. Praha: Elzevir Nakladatelstvi B. Moser, 1931.134, [3] p. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll. Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.“A do cestiny prelozil Jaroslav Cisar.”Deep yellowish pink and white illustrated wrappers.


87. Maries Haendelser i Vidunderlandet. Efter det Engelske ved D. G. Med 41 Illustrationer. Kjøbenhavn: Fr. Wøldikes Forlag, 1875.[3], 144 p. Illus. 16.5 cm.The author’s name does not appear.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Light grayish yellowish brown stiff plain wrap-pers.

88. … Alice i Vidunderland. Med 40 Illustra-tioner af Sir John Tenniel. Omslag af Axel Mathiesen. København og Oslo: Jespersen og Pios Forlag, 1930.

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C. L. Dodgson 29196 p. Illus. 20.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll. White boards, with a colored illustration on front cover, adverts. printed in blue on back cover. Dark reddish orange smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.


89. Lize’s Avonturen in het Wonderland. Naar het Engelsch. Nijmegen: Blomhert & Timmerman [1874 or 1875].20 p. Colored plates. 29 cm.Cover title.The author’s name is not given.A fairly complete translation through the mid-dle of Chapter 8, at which point the remainder of the novel is very roughly summarized in less than a page.The illustration on the outside front wrapper and the plates are lithographs by Emrik & Bin-ger after Tenniel.Dark grayish yellow illustrated wrappers, prin- ted in color. Advert. on outside back wrapper. Inscribed in purple ink on outside front wrap-per: Sophie—from CLD. Inscription on back of first plate: Given to my sister by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Caroll [sic ]) & inscribed by him on the cover about the year 1875 Charles T. ffoulkes.

90. Alice’s Avonturen in het Wonderland. Naar het Engelsch van Lewis Carroll. Met 40 Illus-traties van John Tenniel. Leiden: Boekhandel en Drukkerij vorheen E. J. Brill [Voorbericht 1899].vi p., 1 leaf, 146 p. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.“Voorbericht,” p. [v]–vi, signed R. ten Raa.Light olive gray smooth cloth, with an illustra-tion (not by Tenniel) blocked in very dark green on front cover. Floral-patterned endpa-pers, light olive on white.Adverts., [6] p. at back.

91. … ———. Naar het Engelsch van Lewis Carroll. Geillustreerd. . . . Heerenveen: Uit-gevers-Mij. Hepkema [1912].

2 vols. Illus. 18 cm.At head of title: Boeken voor Joncens en Meis jes. No. 28 [29].The illustrations are by B. Le Fanu.Deep reddish brown illustrated wrappers.Adverts., [1] p. at back of Vol. i, and [5] p. at back of Vol. ii .

92. Alice’s Avonturen in Wonderland. Door Lewis Carroll. Geillustreerd door Arthur Rackham. Amsterdam: Van Holkema & Warendorf [1920].[4], 139 p. Mounted colored front. and plates, illus. 21.5 cm.T.p. illustrated in black and lettered in green.No. 533 of 550 copies.Yellowish white smooth cloth, with a floral de-sign blocked in grayish green and gold, fram-ing a colored illustration of the Pool of Tears, printed on paper and mounted on front cover, back cover blocked in grayish green, floral design blocked in grayish green and gold on spine. T.e.g. Patterned endpapers, yellowish white on light grayish yellowish brown.


93. La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando. De Lewis Carroll. Tradukita de E. L. Kearney, M.A. Ilustrita (lau afabla permeso de l’eldonisto de Stead’s Prose Classics) per dek bildoj de Brin-sley Le Fanu. London: British Esperanto As-sociation (Incorporated), 1910.xii, 132 p. Plates. 18.5 cm.Light yellowish pink wrappers, with a drawing of Alice and the White Rabbit in black on out-side front wrapper.

94. Copy 2.19 cm.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with the drawing as above blocked in black on front cover, spine blocked in gold.

95. Copy 3.19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked as above.

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C. L. Dodgson292French

96. Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles. Par Lewis Carroll. Traduit de l’Anglais par Henri Bué. Ouvrage Illustré de 42 Vignettes par John Tenniel. Londres: Macmillan and Co., 1869.[9], 196 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark blue smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. Imprint at foot of spine: Macmillan & Co. A.e.g. Dark grayish brown endpapers.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Katherine Beatrice Standen from the Author. Ap./84.

97. Copy 2.Imprint at foot of spine, in caps and small caps: Macmillan[.] Grayish reddish brown endpa-pers.

98. Copy 3.Imprint at foot of spine, in caps and small caps: Macmillan[.] Dark grayish reddish brown endpapers.

99. Copy 4.Imprint at foot of spine, in caps and small caps: Macmillan[.] Dark olive green endpapers.

100. Copy 5.19.5 cm.Imprint at foot of spine, in caps: Macmillan[.] Black endpapers.Stamped on recto of frontispiece leaf: H. G. Sharp 9 Dec. 1898 Oxford.

101. Copy 6.20 cm.Deep purplish blue sand cloth, with only a tri-ple rule border blocked in blind on front and back covers. No imprint at foot of spine. Plain edges. Grayish reddish brown endpapers.Inscribed on halftitle: A Rawnsley.

102. … Alice au Pays des Merveilles. Traduction et illustrations de René Bour. Préface de Do-minique Aury. Postface de Pierre Mille. Laus-anne: La Guilde du Livre [c1951].202, [1] p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 24 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.

Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Volume No. 156.“Introduction,” by Dominique Aury, p. 7–[16].“René Bour,” by Pierre Mille, p. 201–[203].Exemplaire No. 2802 of an edition of 8300 cop-ies.Brilliant yellow glazed boards, with a draw-ing of Alice in black on front cover. Yellowish white parchment paper spine, blocked in gold.Inscription in Mr. Adler’s hand on pastedown front endpaper: Elmer Adler August 18. 1951 from Lessing Rosenwald Erwinna. Penna.

103. … Les Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Mer-veilles. Texte français par Henri Parisot. Col-lection “L’Age d’Or.” [Paris]: Flammarion [c1968].189, [10] p. 20 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Strong pink decorated paperback, printed in black and green. “Dessin de couverture de Max Ernst.”

104. Aventures d’Alice au Pays des Merveilles. By Lewis Carroll. Translated from the English by Henry Bué. With a New Introduction by Mor-ton N. Cohen. With 42 Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. [1972].xii, [7], 196 p. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.“Introduction to the Dover Edition,” p. v–xii.Brilliant greenish yellow illustrated paperback, printed in color.“A Catalogue of Selected Dover Books,” [5] p. at back.


105. Alice’s Abenteuer im Wunderland. Von Lewis Carroll. Aus dem Englischen von Antonie Zimmermann. Mit zweiundvierzig Illustrati-onen von John Tenniel. Autorisirte Ausgabe. Leipzig: Johann Friedrich Hartknoch [1869].[9], 178 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Light grayish yellow illustrated boards, printed in black. Green hair-vein marbled edges.

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C. L. Dodgson 293Inscribed on free front endpaper: Miss Agnes Bartram. Zur freundlichen Erinnerung an A. Zimmermann. den 1. Januar 1873.

106. Copy 2.19 cm.Dark yellowish green smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Book label of C. Cubitt.

107. ———. Von Lewis Carroll. Uebersetzt von Antonie Zimmermann. Mit zweiundvier-zig Illustrationen von John Tenniel. London: Macmillan und Comp., 1869.[9], 178 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark yellowish green smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g.

108. ———. Von Lewis Carroll. Autorisierte Ausgabe aus dem Englischen. Mit 8 Vollbil-dern und zahlreichen Text-Illustrationen von John Tenniel. 3. Auflage. Leipzig: Ed. Wartigs Verlag Ernst Hoppe [n.d.].[7], 172 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored plates, illus. 19.5 cm.Deep reddish orange smooth cloth, with a circular cut of Alice and the Dodo (after Ten-niel) and floral decoration (not after Tenniel) blocked in color on front cover.Advert., [1] p. at back.

109. … Alice im Wunderland. Deutsch von He-lene Scheu-Riesz. Ausstattung von Uriel Birn-baum. Wien, Leipzig, New York: Sesam-Ver-lag, 1923.109, [1] p. Colored front., colored plates. 22 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Grayish blue imitation sand cloth, front cover blocked in gold.Adverts., [2] p. at back.

110. ———. Von Lewis Carroll. Illustriert von F. W. Roth. 3. bis 8. Tausend. Übertragen von R. G. L. Barrett. Nürnberg: Zu beziehen durch Verlag “Der Bund”; [Würzburg-Aumühle: Konrad Triltsch], [1923].

[7], 158 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored plates, illus. 17.5 cm.White glazed illustrated boards, printed in color. Deep reddish orange imitation sand cloth spine and corners.Inscription on free front endpaper: Verehrungs-voll gewidmet vom Uebersetzer. Felbridge, 2/x/33. Below this is a quatrain in German, signed R. G. L. B.Tipped in at front is a letter from R. G. L. Bar-rett to Messrs. Maggs, dated 2/x/33, giving the publication dates for this edition as 1922 and 1923; the letter also mentions that the in-scription on the free front endpaper is for Mr. Parrish.

111. ———. Von Lewis Carroll. Übersetzung von Klara Sternbeck. Bilder von A. E. Jackson und Kurt Lange. Berlin: Meidinger’s Jugend-schriften Verlag G.m.b.H. [1931].95, [1] p. Mounted colored plates, illus. 24.5 cm.Colored illustrated boards. Illustrated endpa-pers, red on white.


112. … ’Alisah be-erets ha-pela’ot. Katuv ’ivrit bi-yede L. Siman. Frankfurt ’an Main, Moskvah-Odesah: Omanut [1924].172 p. Plates, illus. 21 cm.At head of title: L. Kerol.Vocalized.Illustrated by various artists; includes several plates by Arthur Rackham.Includes a glossary of difficult words, p. 161– 172.Grayish yellowish brown paste-pattern boards, with dabs of paint in green, orange, and white. Pale orange yellow imitation sand cloth spine and corners, with a cut of Alice blocked in black on one corner of front cover.

113. … ’Alizah be-erets ha-pela’ot. Tirgem, Aha-ron Amir. Tel-Aviv: Mahbarot le-sifrut, 5711 [i.e. 1951].112 p. Illus. 24.5 cm.

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C. L. Dodgson294At head of title: Lu’is Kerol.Vocalized.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Silver boards embossed all over with dense rows of small squares, with two of Tenniel’s illustra-tions blocked in red, one on front cover and the other on back cover. Edges stained yellow.


114. … Jadhu Nagri (Alice in Wonderland ). Delhi: Rajpal and Sons [1961].99 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.On verso of title leaf: Mul lakhek Levis Kairol. Rupantarkar Shreekant Vyas.“Kishor Sahitya.”The illustrator cannot be identified.3rd edition.White illustrated boards, printed in color. Ad-verts. on back cover. Illustrated endpapers, grayish blue and white.


115. … Alisz Kalandjai Csodaországban. Fordi-totta Juhász Andor. John Tenniels Kepéivel. Budapest: Béta Irodalmi Részvénytársaság Ki-adása [1929].137 p. Front., illus. 18 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.White illustrated boards, printed in color. Blackish blue smooth cloth spine.Adverts., verso of p. 137 and [6] p. at back.

116. Évike Tündérországban. Irta: Lewis Carroll. Forditotta: Kosztolányi Dezsö. Rajzolta: Fáy Dezsö. Budapest: Gergely R. Kiadása [1935].117 p. Illus. 24.5 cm.Light orange yellow boards, with a drawing of the Dormouse printed in grayish blue at lower right corner of front cover. Grayish blue imita-tion sand cloth spine.


117. Eactrad Eiblís i dtír na niongantas. Pádraig ó Cadla do cuir gaedealg ar an sgeul so. Baile áta Cliat: Maunsel agus Roberts, teo, 1922.

viii, 147 p. Illus. 19 cm.“ ‘Sé bunús an leabair seo ac ‘Alice in Wonder-land,’ a sgríob an fear arb’ ainm cleite dó ‘Lewis Carroll.’ ”—verso of t.p.The illustrations are by K. Verschoyle and an artist who signs with the monogram UMH.Very deep red crisscross-embossed boards.


118. Le Avventure d’Alice nel Paese delle Meravi-glie. Per Lewis Carroll. Tradotte dall’Inglese da T. Pietrocòla-Rossetti. Con 42 Vignette di Giovanni Tenniel. Londra: Macmillan and Co., 1871.[9], 189, [1], p. Front., illus. 19 cm.First state of the first Italian edition. See Hand-book, p. 68–69.Deep reddish orange smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g.Dark green endpapers.

119. ———. Per Lewis Carroll. Tradotte dall’In-glese da T. Pietrocòla-Rossetti. Con 42 Vi-gnette di Giovanni Tenniel. Londra: Macmil-lan and Co., 1872.[9], 189, [1] p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark reddish orange smooth cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. A.e.g. Black endpapers.Inscribed on pastedown front endpaper: Perry Sanderson.

120. Copy 2.Deep red smooth cloth, blocked in gold as above, except for the border, which is blocked in blind. T.e.g. White endpapers.

121. ———. Per Lewis Carroll. Tradotte dall’In-glese da T. Pietrocòla-Rossetti. Con 42 Vi-gnette di Giovanni Tenniel. Torino: Ermanno Loescher, 1872.[9], 189, [1] p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Vivid orange sand cloth, blocked in gold as the 1866 English edition. Imprint at foot of spine in caps. A.e.g.Inscribed on halftitle: John Barwick 8/10/14.

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C. L. Dodgson 295122. Copy 2.

Vivid orange morocco cloth, blocked as above, but with a smaller ornament on spine. Imprint at foot of spine in caps and small caps. A.e.g. Inscribed on halftitle: Alice Hargreaves Dormy House May 11th 1932.

123. Nel Paese delle Meraviglie. Di Lewis Carroll. Illustrato da Arturo Rackham. Fatto Italiano da Emma C. Cagli. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d’Arti Grafiche [1908].[10], 157, [1] p. Colored front., colored plates, illus. 21 cm.Illustrated t.p.Frontispiece and plates have tissue guards with printed captions.“Ia. Edizione Italiana.”Blackish blue smooth cloth, with a cut of the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle dancing the Lobster Quadrille blocked in gold on front cover and a cut of the Cheshire Cat blocked in gold on spine. Top edges stained dark grayish blue. Illustrated endpapers, dark grayish blue on white.


124. Eiri zen’ yaku otemba Arisu no yume. Ryuisu Karoru. Masumoto [Shigeo], yaku. [Tokyo]: Seiundo [1929].2, 2, 261 p. Colored plates. 19 cm.T.p. printed in black with decoration in red.The plates are unsigned.Sixth edition.Strong red horizontal rib cloth, with a colored illustration mounted on front cover. Top edges stained deep purplish red. Colored illustrated endpapers.Adverts., [1] p. at back.In a colored illustrated cardboard slip-in case.

125. … Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Arisu ). By Lewis Carroll. Iwasaki Mimpei, yakuchu. Tokyo: Kenkyusha [1931].viii, 264 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates. 16.5 cm.

At head of title: Kenkyusha Eibun yakuchu sosho.With Tenniel’s illustrations.English and Japanese.Second edition.Light grayish yellowish brown flexible smooth cloth, with an illustration printed in black on front cover and an ornament printed in black on back cover.

126. … Fushigi no kuni no Arisu. Nagasawa Sai- suke, yakuchu. . . . Tokyo: Gaikokugo Kenky-usha [1932].1 prel. leaf, 3 p., 1 leaf, 277 p. Front. 18.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and red. At head of title: Ruisu Karoru.“Eibun yakuchu sosho. Dai 12 hen.”Flytitle and caption title: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.The frontispiece is unsigned.English and JapaneseDark blue smooth cloth.


127. Isang han nara ui Erisu. Kerol chium. Han Nag-won olmgim. . . . [Soul: Kyemongsa, 1963.][4], 210, [1] p. Illus. 18.5 cm.“Segye sonyon sonyo munhak chon jip. 12.” In colophon: Yongguk p’yon. 8.T.p. divided into yellow and white panels with an illustration in black.This volume also includes two short stories each by Oscar Wilde and Katherine Mansfield, also translated by Nag-won Han.“Isang han nara ui Erisu,” with Tenniel’s illus-trations, p. 1–145. “Waildu tanp’yon jip. Haeng-bok han wangja. Kojipchaengi yonggam,” p. [147]–175. “Mensupildu tanp’yonjip. Inhyong ui chip. Tu nammae,” p. [177]–206.Notes on the authors, p. 207–210.Illustrated boards, red, yellow, black, and white on pale yellow green. Illustrated endpapers, strong yellowish green and white.Adverts., [1] p. at back.

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C. L. Dodgson296Latin

128. … Alicia in Terra Mirabili. Latine redditus ab eius fautore vetere gratoque Clive Harcourt Carruthers. New York: St Martin’s Press Inc., 1964.[5], 116 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.At head of title: Ludovici Carroll. Liber notissi-mus primum abhinc annis centum editus.Moderate red smooth cloth, with a cut of the White Rabbit blocked in gold on front cover, spine blocked in gold. Illustrated endpapers, dark red on white.


129. Else i Eventyrland. Efter Lewis Carroll ved Margrethe Horn. Med Originaltegninger af John Tenniel. Kristiania: Olaf Norlis Forlag, 1903.163 p. Front., illus. 16.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Pale yellow green boards, with a colored illustration of the Mad Tea-Party on front cover, advert. on back cover. Very dark yellow-ish green diagonal fine rib cloth spine, blocked in gold. Pastedown endpapers only.


130. … Alice no Paiz das Maravilhas por Lewis Carroll. Traducção e adaptação de Monteiro Lobato. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacio-nal, 1931.123 p. Mounted colored plates, illus. 22 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Bibliotheca Ped-agogica Brasileira. Série 1. Literatura Infantil. Vol. ii .The illustrations are by A. L. Bewley.Moderate bluish green boards, printed in white and red, with a colored illustration mounted on front cover. Adverts. on back cover. Paste- down endpapers only.


131. … Ania v Stranie Chudes. Per. s. angl. V. Sirina s risunkami S. Zalshupina. Berlin: Izda-tel’stvo Gamaiun, 1923.

114 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 22.5 cm.At head of title: L. Karrol’.Unreformed (pre-Revolutionary) alphabet.V. Sirin was the pseudonym of Vladimir Nabo-kov.White glazed illustrated boards, printed in color. Dark blue smooth cloth spine. Top edges stained dark blue.

132. … Ania v Stranie Chudes. Anya v Stranye Chudes. Translated from the English by “V. Sirin” (Vladimir Nabokov) with drawings by S. Zalshupin. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. [c1976].[4], 114 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.“This Dover edition, first published in 1976, is an unabridged republication of the work origi-nally published by Izdatel’stvo Gamayun, Ber-lin, in 1923.”“The introductory poem, ‘All in the golden afternoon,’ was omitted, but otherwise the text is complete.”White paperback, front cover illustrated in co- lor. Adverts. on inside front and inside and out-side back covers. Bound in dark gray buckram.“A Catalogue of Selected Dover Books,” [5] p. at back.

133. … Ania v Stranie Chudes. Perevod s angl. V. Nabokova s Risunkami Dzhona Tenniela. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1982.114 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21.5 cm.At head of title: L. Karrol’.“First published by ‘Gamaiun,’ Berlin, 1923.”White illustrated paperback, printed in red. Advert. on outside back cover.

134. … Ania v Strane Chudes. Perevod V. Nabo-kova. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1992.315, [3] p. Illus. 20.5 cm.“Predislovie i kommentarii N. M. Demurovoi,” p. 7–[28] and [283]–[316].

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C. L. Dodgson 297“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” in En-glish, illustrated by John Tenniel, p. [29]–[154]; in Russian, illustrated by Lewis Car-roll, p. [155]–[282].Bright pink and yellow glazed illustrated boards. Bright pink, bright yellow, and white endpapers.Adverts., [2] p. at back.

135. … Alisa v Strane Chudes. Reprint izdaniia zhurnala “Zolotoe Detstvo” 1913 g. Perevod M. P. Chekhova. Illiustratsii G. Fernissa. . . . Oform. E. S. Gorokhovskogo. Moskva: RAM, 1994.1 leaf, 63, [1] p. Illus. 10 cm.Title from colophon. At head of title: L. Ker-roll.Caption title: Alisa v Volshebnoi Stranie.The illustrations are by Harry Furniss.A facsimile reprint of the story as it appeared in Angliiskiia Skazki, a supplemental volume of the 1913 journal Zolotoe Detstvo published in St. Petersburg. No. 24 of 25 numbered copies.Brown, yellow, and olive marbled boards. Black sand cloth spine and corners.


136. … Alisa u Carobnoj Zemlji. Prepricao Stan-islav Vinaver. Beograd: Vreme [1923].[4], 172 p. Colored plates, illus. 19 cm.At head of title: Luis Karol.The illustrations are signed E. J. C.Grayish red boards, with a colored illustra-tion mounted on front cover. Adverts. on back cover. Edges stained dark grayish red.

Spanish (Castilian )

137. Alicia en el País de las Maravillas por Lewis Carroll. [Madrid: Editorial Rivadeneyra], [1922?][14] p. Colored illus. 35 cm.T.p. decorated in green and red, and with a mounted full-color illustration. The first and last leaves are of double width and folded into two.

Abridged.The illustrations are unsigned.White flexible boards, with an overall fruit and leaf pattern in black, blue, and yellow. Paste-down endpapers only. Adverts. on paper dec-orated as the covers, mounted on pastedown front endpaper. Adverts., one-third p. at back.

138. … ———. Traducción de Juan Gutierrez Gili. Ilustraciones de Lola Anglada. Barcelona: Editorial Mentora [1927].140, [1] p. Illus. 20.5 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Light blue smooth cloth, with a silhouette of Alice blocked in black on front cover.Adverts. for Editorial Juventud, Barcelona, [1] p. at back.

139. Copy 2.25 cm.Illustrated t.p., printed in black and yellow.Illustrated borders in yellow.Light blue smooth cloth, with decoration blocked in black and with a colored illustra-tion of Alice holding the pig mounted on front cover. Front flyleaf with an illustration of Alice in yellow.Adverts. as above.

140. Copy 3.25 cm.Vivid yellow cloth as Copy 2, but without the smooth hard finish.

141. Copy 4.25 cm.Strong red cloth of a coarser weave than Cop-ies 2 and 3. Otherwise as Copy 2.

142. … ———. Traducción de María Romero. Quinta Edición. [Santiago de Chile]: Zig-Zag [1955].[3]–181, [1] p. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.On verso of halftitle: Biblioteca Juvenil. Serie Amarilla.

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C. L. Dodgson298With Tenniel’s illustrations.White and brilliant yellow illustrated boards, printed in color. Pastedown endpapers only.

Spanish (Catalan )

143. … Alicia en Terra de Meravelles. Traduccío de Josep Carner. Il.lustraciones de Lola An-glada. Barcelona: Edicions Mentora [1930, c1927].135, [1] p. Illus. 25 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Segona edició, desembre 1930.”Illustrated borders in yellowish green.Illustrated white boards, printed in color. Ad-verts. on back cover. Deep red smooth cloth spine. Front flyleaf with an illustration of Alice in yellowish green.


144. Elisi Katika nchi ya Ajabu. Lewis Carroll. Imetafsiriwa na E. V. St. Lo. Conan-Davies. <Alice in Wonderland: Swahili.> London: The Sheldon Press, 1954.ix, [1], 11–111, [1] p. Front., illus. 18 cm.“First published, 1940.”The unsigned illustrations are based on those by Tenniel.Dark red fine bead cloth.


145. Alice’s Äfventyr i Sagolandet. Af Lewis Car-roll. Öfversättning från Engelskan af Emily Nonnen. Stockholm: Oscar L. Lamms Förlag [1870].[8], 184 p. Illus. 19 cm.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Brilliant yellow boards, with an illustration of the Mad Tea-Party on front cover. Light yel-lowish brown spine.Inscribed on free front endpaper: Carl von Mecklenburg.

146. … Alices Äventyr i Underlandet. Illustrerad av John Tenniel. I fri försvenskning efter orig-inalets hundrasjuttonde tusen av Nino Rune-

berg. Helsingfors: Holger Schildts Förlagsak-tiebolag [1921].141 p. Illus. 19 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carrol. “Carroll” is cor-rectly spelled on outside front wrapper.Yellowish white parchment paper wrappers, with an illustration of the trial scene on out-side front wrapper. Advert. on outside back wrapper.


147. Plae lae riabriang chark ruang Alice in Won-derland. Khong Lewis Karol. Nunoi pachon pai.In Darun Sarn [Youth’s Weekly], Vols. 4–5, Nos. 203–214, Sept. 21, 1959 – Feb. 8, 1960. [Bang-kok]: Borisat Garnpim Satree Sarn Chamgat.No. 203, p. 26–27, 32–34; No. 204, p. 26–27, 32–33; No. 205, p. 28–29, 38–39; No. 206, p. 26–27, 35–37; No. 207, p. 26–27, 37–39; No. 208, p. 26–27, 37–40; No. 209, p. 28–30, 40–42; No. 210, p. 28–29, 43–46; No. 211, p. 28–29, 37–40; No. 212, p. 28–29, 42–44; No. 213, p. 28–29, 37–39; No. 214, p. 28–29, 44–47. Illus. 26 cm.Published biweekly beginning with No. 206, Oct. 19, 1959.The illustrations consist of two by John Ten-niel, which are each repeated three times, and four other uncredited illustrations.Strong greenish blue wrappers, with a differ-ent black and white photograph on outside front wrapper of each issue.


148. … Alis’ in Sergüzestleri Aacyip [i.e. Acayip] Seyler Memleketinde. Lewis Carroll’dan. Ter-cüme eden: Ahmet Cevat. . . . Nasiri: Muhit Mec- muasi; [Istanbul: Sanayiinefise Matbaasi], 1932.120 p. Illus. 20.5 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Büyük Eserler Kütüphanesi.Illustrations by Tenniel and an unidentified artist.

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C. L. Dodgson 299Light orange yellow glazed illustrated wrap-pers, printed in color. Advert. on outside back wrapper.

149. … Alice Harikalar Ülkesinde (Alice in Won-derland ). Kismet Burian tarafindan dilimize cevrilmistir. Ankara: Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1946.3 prel. leaves, ii, 139 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.On halftitle: Dunya Edebiyatindan Tercu- meler. Ingiliz Klasikleri: 51.Includes Tenniel’s illustrations.Pages 41–48 repeated.Very light brown stiff wrappers.

150. … Alis Harikalar Ülkesinde. Yazan: Lewis Carroll. Ceviren: Azize Erten. Ücüncü Basi-lis. Ankara Caddesi, Istanbul: Varlik Yayinevi [1961].119 p. Illus. 16.5 cm.At head of title: Büyük Cocuk Kitaplari: 10.The illustrations are by Güngöz Kabakcioglu.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

151. Alice’s Wonderland Birthday Book compiled by E Stanley Leathes from Alice in Wonder-land and Through the Looking Glass By per-mission of the Author. Illustrated by JPM. London: Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, 1884.[circa 270 p.]. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Borders, headings, and initial letters in red.The author’s name does not appear in the book. Quotations or passages from “Wonderland” and “Looking-Glass” for every day in the year, with, on the facing page, blank spaces for sig-natures or sentiments.Strong reddish brown smooth cloth, with an il-lustration on the front cover of a girl in a chair reading surrounded by Wonderland charac-

ters, blocked in black, spine blocked in black. Endpapers patterned with publisher’s device, light grayish yellowish brown on white. Free back endpaper has been replaced by a different, floral-patterned paper, light yellowish brown on pale orange yellow, pieced from two sheets.

152. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking-Glass. By Lewis Carroll. With Ninety-two Illustrations by John Ten-niel. New Edition in One Volume. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1885.2 vols. in 1. Illus. 18.5 cm.Each volume also has separate t.p. On t.p. of Through the Looking-Glass: Fiftieth Thousand. London & New York: Macmillan and Co., 1885.Light yellow wrappers, with an illustration of Wonderland characters on outside back wrap-per. Advert. on inside back wrapper. “Books for the Young,” 8 p., “Golden Treasury Series,” [9]–12 p., and other adverts., [10] p., at back.

153. Copy 2.19.5 cm.Very dark green diagonal fine rib cloth, with a double rule border and decoration at each corner blocked in blind on both covers, a cir-cular cut of the Cheshire Cat blocked in gold on front cover, and a circular cut of the White Queen blocked in blind on back cover, spine blocked in gold.Adverts. as above.Stamped on front flyleaf: Walter Lowrie.Pasted on verso of free front endpaper and continued on front flyleaf is an undated clip-ping from The Critic which prints a letter from Lewis Carroll to the Lowrie children, dated Aug. 18, 1884.

154. Copy 3.19.5 cm.Strong reddish brown diagonal fine rib cloth, with a triple rule border blocked in blind on both covers, a circular cut of the Cheshire Cat

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C. L. Dodgson300blocked in gold on front cover, and a circular cut of the White Queen blocked in blind on back cover, spine blocked in gold.The first 12 p. of adverts. as above, except for two items on p. 12; an additional [12] p. of ad-verts. vary somewhat from Copies 1 and 2.

155. … Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. By Lewis Carroll. With Ninety-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887.2 vols. in 1. Illus. 18.5 cm.Each volume also has separate t.p. At head of People’s Edition.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with an illustration of Alice and the pack of cards blocked in black and red on front cover, and an illustration of Alice with Humpty Dumpty blocked in black and red on back cover. Free front endpaper lacking.Adverts., [2] p. at back.Pasted in over halftitle is a folded sheet con-taining nine pen-and-ink drawings by Carroll, inscribed: Miss Edith [Harrison] from Lewis Carroll. Laid in is a note, signed Hilda W. Har-rison, Nov. 1, 1928, giving the history of the drawings.Book label of R. M. Harrison.

156. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Harry Rountree. London & Glasgow: Collins’ Clear-Type Press [1932].318 p. Colored front., illus. 15.5 cm.Engraved t.p.Dark green flexible boards, embossed with a fine bead pattern, and with a silky finish, front cover and spine blocked in gold.Inscribed on free front endpaper: APH 1932. Laid in is an undated letter from Caryl Har-greaves to Mr. Parrish, explaining that his mother (Alice Pleasance Hargreaves) is bound by a promise not to sign the book, and may at best initial it.

157. Copy 2.Very dark green flexible simulated leather, spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained dark green.

158. The Annotated Alice. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by John Tenniel. With an Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. [c1960].352 p. Illus. 28 cm.“Introduction,” p. 7–16.Grayish yellow smooth cloth, printed in gray. Top edges stained blue. Star-patterned endpa-pers, with an oval vignette of Alice on paste-down front and back endpapers, white on olive gray.

159. … Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. With illustrations by John Tenniel. Ed-ited with an Introduction by Roger Lancelyn Green. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1971.xxxiii, 277, [1] p. Front., illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll. On halftitle: Oxford English Novels.“Introduction,” p. [ix]–xxv.Strong greenish yellow smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold and with a red label.

160. … Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. With an Introduction by Morton N. Cohen. Toronto, New York, London, Sydney: Bantam Books [1981].xxix, [1], 223 p. Illus. 17.5 cm.At head of title: A Bantam Classic.“Introduction,” p. vii–xxii.“Text Illustrations by John Tenniel[.] Cover art from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Windermere edition. Illustrated by Milo Winter. Copyright 1916, 1944 by Rand Mc- Nally.”

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C. L. Dodgson 301Gold paperback, front cover illustrated in color.Adverts., [3] p. at back.

161. … Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. [Chicago, Illinois]: Wellington Publishing [1989].165, [1] p., 1 leaf. Illus. 33.5 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Lewis Carroll.The illustrations are by Markéta Prachati-cká.“Illustrations first published by Albatros, Pra-gue, 1983.”—p. [4].Black smooth cloth, with a design in white on front cover.

162. More Annotated Alice. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. By Lewis Carroll. Il-lustrations by Peter Newell. With Notes by Martin Gardner. New York: Random House [c1990].xxxiii, 363 p. Illus. 27.5 cm.Decorative borders by Mikhail Ivenitsky, on t.p. and elsewhere, are printed in red, as are the marginal notes by Martin Gardner.“Preface,” [by Martin Gardner], p. ix–xiii. “Al-ice’s Adventures in Wonderland from an Art-ist’s Stand-point,” by Peter Newell, p. xvii–xix. “Peter Newell (1862–1924),” by Michael Patrick Hearn, p. xxi–xxxiii.Reddish orange smooth cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold.

163. Alice in Wonderland: A Dream Play for Chil-dren. In Two Acts. Founded upon Mr. Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” with the express sanction of the Author. By H. Savile Clarke. Music by Walter Slaughter. Performed at the Opera Comique Theatre under the Man-agement of Mr. Arthur Eliot. London and Bun-gay: Printed by Richard Clay and Sons, Lim-ited [1889].20 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.

Contains only the verses from the play, most of which are the originals by Carroll.The illustrations are by John Tenniel.Light bluish gray wrappers.

164. Copy 2.One sentence on t.p. and outside front wrapper lengthened and reset: Performed at the Opera Comique Theatre under the Management of Mr. Arthur Eliot by arrangement with Mr. Edgar Bruce.

165. Songs from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. Words by Lewis Carroll. Music by Lucy E. Broadwood. Illustrations by Charles Folkard. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd. [1921].48 p. Mounted colored front., mounted colored plates, illus. 28.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Printed in brown throughout.Words and music.Dark blue buckram, with a colored illustra-tion (by Charles Folkard) printed on paper and mounted on front cover. Illustrated endpapers, light yellowish brown on white.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and

Through the Looking-GlassTranslations


166. … Ai-li-ssu meng yu hsien ching. [Kao-hsi-ung: Ta chung shu chü, 1962.]3, 1, 283 p. Illus. 19 cm.Cover title.On spine: Shao nien ts’ung shu kuo yü chu yin. 23.Chinese with national phonetic script. Trans-lated by Wang Tsu-p’ei.The illustrations are unsigned.Illustrated paperback in full color. Adverts. on back cover and on folded-in flaps at side.Adverts., p. [284], and insert in pink, white, and red, 2 leaves, at back.

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C. L. Dodgson302French167. … Alice au Pays des Merveilles. Suivi de

“L’Autre Coté du Miroir.” Traduction de M.-M. Fayet. Dessins en noir et en couleurs de Jean Hée. . . . Paris: Les Ouevres Représentati-ves, 1930.273, [3] p. Plates in black, white, and yellow; illus. 18.5 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of t.p.: “Le magasin des Demoiselles” [and] Lewis Carroll. Boards: front cover strong orange yellow, with an illustration in red, yellow, and blue on a white square; back cover white. Strong red smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

168. … Alice au pays des merveilles et Ce qu’Alice trouva de l’autre côté du miroir. [Paris]: Jean-Jacques Pauvert [1961].[8], 457 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Traduction nouvelle de Jacques Papy.“Au Lecteur,” by Jacques Papy, [2] p. preced-ing halftitle.With Tenniel’s illustrations.White smooth cloth, with illustrations of the Hatter and Alice with Humpty Dumpty blocked in blue on front cover, and an illustra-tion of the White Rabbit blocked in blue on back cover.

169. … ———. [Paris]: Régine Deforges [1977].[8], 457 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Traduction nouvelle de Jacques Papy.“Au Lecteur,” by Jacques Papy, [2] p. preced-ing halftitle.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Illustrated paperback, deep blue and yellow on light greenish blue.

German170. … Alice im Wunderland. Alice hinter den

Spiegeln. Zwei Romane. Übersetzt und heraus- gegeben von Christian Enzensberger. [Frank- furt am Main]: Insel-Verlag [1966].

265, [7] p. Illus. 19.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Nachwort,” by Christian Enzensberger, p. [253]–265.“6. bis 10. Tausend 1966.”With the author’s 37 illustrations from Alice’s Adventures Under Ground. Hinter den Spiegeln is unillustrated.Light gray boards, covered with white cheese-cloth, red label on spine. Top edges stained light gray.

Greek171. … Hoi Peripeteies tes Alikes se mia Paramy-

thenia Chora. Metaphrase-Diaskeve Kaisaros Emmanouel. . . . Athenai: Ekdotikos Oikos “At-lantis” A. E. [c1956 by Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., New York].[7], 280, [2] p. Colored plates, illus. 23 cm.“Klassike Bibliotheke Neon.” [13.]On front cover: He Alike ste Chora ton Thau-maton.“Ti eide he Alike Anamesa apo to Magiko Kath-rephte,” p. [131]–280.With Tenniel’s illustrations. A few have been redrawn for the colored plates and have suf-fered in the process.Full color illustrated boards.

Italian172. … Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle

Meraviglie e Dietro lo Specchio. Prefazione di André Maurois. Illustrazioni di John Tenniel. [Milano]: Sugar [1967].297 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Series halftitle: Olimpo Nero. 12.“Prefazione,” p. 7–13.Traduzione di Alfonso Galasso e Tommaso Ke-meni.Black boards embossed to simulate buckram.

173. … Alice. Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie & Attraverso lo Specchio e Quello che Alice vi Trovò con tutte le illustrazioni originali di John Tenniel. Introduzione e note di Mar-

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C. L. Dodgson 303tin Gardner tradotte e aggiornate da Masolino d’Amico. [Milano]: Longanesi & C. [c1971].352, [8] p. Illus. 27.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Illustrated t.p.Series halftitle: “L’Elefante.” Volume 5.“Introduzione,” p. 11–20.Translation of The Annotated Alice.Grayish greenish yellow boards embossed and coated to simulate buckram, red label on spine.

174. … Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meravi-glie. Attraverso lo Specchio. Traduzione e note di Masolino d’Amico. Introduzione di Pietro Ci-tati. Illustrazioni di John Tenniel. [Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore [1980].282, [6] p. Illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Oscar narrativa,” No. 358.“La Vespa con la Parrucca,” p. 254–[257].“Dietro lo specchio,” di Pietro Citati, p. 7–[13].“1 edizione Oscar Mondadori dicembre 1978.”White paperback, front cover in color with Ten-niel’s illustration of the Mad Tea-Party. Text on inside front and outside back covers.“Gli Oscar,” p. [284–287].


175. … Alisa v Strane Chudes. Alisa v Zazerkale. Kaliningrad: Izd-Poligraf. Predpriiatie “Ian-tarnyi Skaz,” 1994.224 p. Colored front., colored illus. 22 cm.At head of title: Liuis Kerroll.T.p. printed in red, blue, and black. Chapter headings and decorative elements in orange and blue.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.“Seriia ‘V strane chudes.’ ”Translated by Nina Mikhailovna Demurova.Illustrated by L. Mistratov.Black glazed decorated boards, printed in color. Illustrated marbled endpapers, printed in color.

Alice’s Adventures inWonderland,

Through the Looking-Glass ,The Hunting of the Snark

176. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Through the Looking-Glass. The Hunting of the Snark. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrations by John Tenniel. Introduction by Alexander Woollcott. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1925.xxi, [3], 25–351 p. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.“Introduction,” p. x–xv.Patterned boards, dark reddish orange on white. Black smooth cloth spine. Paper label on spine, printed in black and red. T.e.g.

177. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. Both with the Illustrations of John Tenniel. & The Hunting of the Snark. All by Lewis Carroll. A Nonesuch Cygnet. Lon-don: The Nonesuch Press [1963].292 p. Illus. 23.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Brilliant greenish yellow smooth cloth, with on the front cover a picture of swans and a pal-ace (repeated from t.p.) blocked in gold on an orange rectangular background. Spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained red. Illustrated end-papers, white on medium gray.

178. … Alice in Wonderland. Authoritative Texts of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, The Hunting of the Snark. Back-grounds. Essays in Criticism. Edited by Don-ald J. Gray. . . . New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. [c1971].xi, 434 p. Illus. 22 cm.At head of title: A Norton Critical Edition. Lewis Carroll.“Introduction,” by Donald J. Gray, p. vii–xi. “Texts,” p. [1]–230. “Backgrounds,” p. [231]– 318. “Essays in Criticism,” p. [319]–430.The illustrations are by John Tenniel; The Hunting of the Snark is unillustrated.

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C. L. Dodgson304“First edition.”Dark red smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.

179. … Alice in Wonderland. Second Edition. Au-thoritative Texts of Alice’s Adventures in Wonder-land, Through the Looking-Glass, The Hunting of the Snark. Backgrounds. Essays in Criticism. Edited by Donald J. Gray. . . . New York, Lon-don: W. W. Norton & Company [c1992].viii, 408 p. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: A Norton Critical Edition. Lewis Carroll.“Preface,” by Donald Gray, p. vii–viii. “Texts,” p. [1]–234. “Backgrounds,” p. [235]–318. “Es-says in Criticism,” p. [319]–404.Includes “The Wasp in a Wig” and other items by the author.The illustrations are by John Tenniel; The Hunting of the Snark is unillustrated.White illustrated paperback, printed in pink, red, and black.

180. Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Other Favorites. . . . with 92 illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. New York: Pocket Books, Inc. [c1951].[9], 308 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 16 cm.“2nd printing.”Moderate yellow green paperback, with an illustration of the Mad Tea-Party in color on front cover. Edges stained red.

181. Alice’s Adventures under Ground. Being a Facsimile of the Original Ms. Book afterwards Developed into “Alice’s Adventures in Wonder-land.” By Lewis Carroll. With Thirty-seven Illustrations by the Author. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886.viii p., 4 leaves, 95, [1] p. Illus. 19 cm.Deep red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der blocked in gold on both covers and a circu-lar cut of the Mock Turtle blocked in gold on back cover. A.e.g. White endpapers.Adverts., [3] p. at back.

182. Copy 2.Black endpapers.Adverts. as above.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Presented to Edith Martin (as a memento of her having taken part in the Dream-Play “Alice in Won-derland” written by H. Savile-Clarke, and first produced Christmas, 1886,) by Lewis Carroll.Accompanying this copy and the inscribed 1886 edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was a note in purple ink: … The Alice Under Ground was inscribed by mistake: so both are sent. L. C. (The note is now in the Parrish Col-lection manuscript file.)

183. Copy 3.White parchment paper boards, grained and with a soft leathery finish, blocked as above. A.e.g. White endpapers.Adverts. as above.Inscribed on halftitle: Presented to Lilian Moxon, as a small memento of her visit to Ox-ford, by the Author. July 1, 1895.

184. ———. [Camden, N.J.: Privately printed by Jaffe in Vienna for Eldridge R. Johnson, 1936.][2], 90 p., 1 loose leaf. Illus. 19 cm.T.p. and its verso in color.Facsimile of the autograph manuscript.Dark green leather, gilt. A.e.g. In a bluish green cardboard slip-in case.

185. ———. [New York: Panda Prints Inc.], [1953.][4], 90 p. Illus. 19 cm.Colored decorated t.p. and dedication page. Text printed in brown with a few red high-lights.Added decorated t.p., printed in olive: After Lewis Carroll’s original manuscript Which Later Became Alice in Wonderland. [There follows a brief history of the story and manu-script, then publisher’s imprint, etc.]Reproduction of the manuscript in the British Library.

nos. 178–185

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C. L. Dodgson 305Illustrated boards, full color on light grayish brown.In an illustrated cardboard slip-in case, printed in color.

186. Copy 2.Without the added t.p., which gives the au-thor’s name, the imprint, etc.Laid in at end is the leaf in which the last words of the text, “happy summer days,” are repeated, followed by “The end.” In Copy 1, the photograph of Alice Liddell at the bottom of p. 90 is reproduced as part of the printed page; in this copy, an actual glossy, brown-toned print of the photograph is pasted onto the printed page.Blackish green morocco. A.e.g.

187. ———. A facsimile of the original Lewis Carroll manuscript. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, Inc. [c1964].[9], 90 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 24 cm.“the [sic ] Alice Manuscript,” by Luther H. Evans, [2] p. following title leaf.Light blue buckram, with a vine decoration cop-ied from the cover of the manuscript blocked in dark green on front cover. Top edges stained very pale green. White endpapers, with short blue fibers scattered throughout.

188. Copy 2.T.p. imprint varies slightly: Xerox University Microfilms, Inc.Printed in brown (Copy 1 is printed in black). The photograph of Alice Liddell at end is bet-ter reproduced than in Copy 1, in which it is printed very poorly.Cloth, blocking, and endpapers as above. Top edges stained brilliant green. In a light blue buckram slip-in case.

189. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Facsimile of the author’s manuscript book with additional ma-terial from the facsimile edition of 1886. With a New Introduction by Martin Gardner. New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company [1966].

xi p., 3 leaves, 90 p., 1 leaf, [2] p., p. [v]–viii, 1 leaf, p. [93]–95, 3 leaves. Colored front., illus., facsims. 24 cm.“Introduction,” p. [v]–xi.“Copyright © 1965 by Dover Publications, Inc.”“First hard cover publication by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966.”Moderate yellowish green buckram, front cover blocked in black.

190. ——— by Lewis Carroll. [Guildford]: Genesis Publications Limited in association with Australia & New Zealand Book Co. Pty. Ltd., 1979.xix, [1] p., 1 leaf, [2], 90 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 20.5 cm.Facsimile of the manuscript in the British Li-brary, with the photograph of Alice on an in-sert between p. 90 and the final leaf.“Foreword,” by Philip Dodgson Jaques, p. vii. “Introduction,” by Morton N. Cohen, p. ix–xix.Copy number 86 of an edition limited to five hundred copies.Dark green leatherette, gilt. A.e.g. In a dark green smooth cloth slip-in case, blocked in gold, with a white label, printed in brown.

191. Alice’s Adventures Under Ground by Lewis Carroll. [London]: Pavilion, Michael Joseph [1985].20, [92] p., 1 leaf. Illus., facsims. (some col-ored). 20.5 cm.Printed in brown.“Foreword,” by Mary Jean St Clair, p. 7–10. “Introduction,” by Russell Ash, p. 11–19. “A Se-lective Alice Bibliography,” p. 20. “The Facsim-ile,” following p. 20.“Published in association with the British Li-brary.”“Printed and bound in Italy by Arnoldo Monda-dori.”White glazed boards, printed in color. Dark green smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

nos. 185–191

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C. L. Dodgson306192. Alice’s Adventures Underground. Lewis Car-

roll. Ann Arbor, London: University Micro-films, Inc. [n.d.].[2], 90, [1] p. Illus. 21 cm.Cover title.Photocopy of the manuscript in the British Li-brary.Dark purplish blue wrappers. Paper label on outside front wrapper.

193. The Alphabet-Cipher. [1868?]Card printed with a diagram of the cipher on one side, directions for its use on the other. 18 by 12.5 cm.Unsigned.

194. American Telegrams.—(Summary.) [1865.]2 p. 22.5 cm.Leaflet, printed on recto of leaves only. Un-signed. Dated Feb. 17, 1865.Unbound.Formerly in the collection of Sir Leicester Harmsworth.

195. An Analysis of the Responsions-Lists from Michaelmas 1873 to Michaelmas 1881. [Oxford, 1882.]Page [1], title; p. [2–3], text; p. [4], blank. 27 cm.Signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., Feb. 9, 1882.Unbound.

196. Arithmetical Croquet For Two Players. By Lewis Carroll. [First Separate Printing March, 1965, at the Adams & Lowell Press, in the Har-vard College Yard. . . . printed through the gen-erosity of Dr. Alfred C. Berol, from a manu-script in his possession.][4] p. 17.5 cm.French fold.Text dated at end Ap. 22, 1889.Moderate red wrappers.

197. Le bambine di Carroll: Foto e lettere di Lewis Carroll a Mary, Alice, Irene, Agnese … a cura di Guido Almansi. Parma: Franco Maria Ricci, 1974.

189 p., 1 leaf. Mounted portraits. 35.5 cm.Series halftitle: 15 I segni dell’uomo.“Introduzione,” by Guido Almansi, p. 17–22.Printed on pale blue paper.Seven of the photographs are reproduced from the originals in the Parrish Collection.No. 21 of 3000 copies, signed by the publisher.Black vertical fine rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold, with a photograph mounted on front cover. Cloverleaf-patterned endpapers, black on pale blue text paper.

198. Beatrice.In College Rhymes, x, Michaelmas Term, 1862. Oxford: T. and G. Shrimpton; Cambridge: Mac-millan and Co.Pages 46–49. 18.5 cm.Signed C. L. D.Yellowish white decorated wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.

199. The Blank Cheque, a Fable. By the Author of “The New Belfry” and “The Vision of the Three T’s.”. . . . Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1874.14, [1] p. 17 cm.Dark reddish orange wrappers.

200. Brief Method of Dividing a Given Number by 9 or 11.Two numbered galley slips, unsigned, printed on one side, 47 by 15 cm. Printed in 1897 (see Handbook, p. 200–201).Dodgson’s correspondence number, 98281, in upper right corner of first slip.

201. … Briefe an kleine Mädchen. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Klaus Reichert. [Frankfurt am Main]: Insel Verlag [1966].109, [3] p. 18 plates including front. (in dupli-cate in this copy), illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.The plates are photocopies of photographs by Carroll, 11 from the originals in the Parrish Collection.

nos. 192–201

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C. L. Dodgson 307Dark greenish yellow boards, with a floral pattern in orange. Paper label on front cover and on spine. On label on front cover: Insel-Bücherei Nr. 845.

202. Bruno’s Revenge.In Aunt Judy’s Magazine, No. 20, Dec. 1867. London: Bell and Daldy.Pages 65–78. Plate, music. 20 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.The illustration is by F. Gilbert.Pale green illustrated wrappers.

203. Copy 2.In Aunt Judy’s May-Day Volume. For Young People, edited by Mrs. Alfred Gatty, 1868, con-taining the monthly numbers of Aunt Judy’s Magazine from November 1867 through April 1868.On covers and spine: Aunt Judy’s Magazine.Dark red sand cloth, elaborately blocked, cov-ers in blind, spine in gold. Bevelled boards. Sprinkled edges, orange.

204. Copy 3.19.5 cm.The leaves of “Bruno’s Revenge,” along with the title leaf, Contents, and List of Illustra-tions, extracted from Aunt Judy’s May-Day Volume, 1868.Pale orange yellow plain wrappers. Sprinkled edges.

205. Castle-Croquêt. For Four players. [Oxford], 1866.4 p. 18 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously.Dated Aug. 1866. “Vincent, Printer” at foot of p. 4.Unbound.Laid in case is a leaflet, 19.5 cm., p. [1] and [4] blank, p. 2. and 3 with running title “Cas-tle-Croquet” and text beginning and ending in the middle of a sentence; evidently part of a proof for another edition. Dated in manuscript Mar 13/75. See Handbook, p. 37–38.

206. A Charade. [Oxford], 1878.[3] p. Illus. 22 cm.Caption title.Six five-line stanzas with two drawings.Written with a cyclostyle. Dated Ap. 8. 1878., signed Lewis Carroll.Unbound.

207. A Charade. Dedicated, without permission, to Miss Marion Terry. [Edinburgh: Printed by Pillans and Wilson], [1932.][4] p. 20.5 cm.Facsimile of a poem (entirely different from that of the preceding entry) in purple ink, signed Lewis Carroll, dated Jan. 23. 1879. 50 copies printed as a Christmas greeting from Hugh Sharp. The poem on p. [2–3], Sharp’s greeting, and some notes on the poem on p. [1] and [4].Pale orange yellow stiff wrappers, printed in gold, tied with a yellow silk ribbon.Inscribed on p. [1]: For Mr Parrish.

208. Children in Theatres. To the Editor of the St. James’s Gazette. [1887.]Single sheet, printed on one side in double col-umns (not on both sides as stated in the Hand-book, p. 152). 28 by 30 cm.Offprint of a letter which appeared in the St. James’s Gazette for 19 July 1887. Signed Lewis Carroll, dated July 16.

209. A Christmas Carroll, 1930. [Edinburgh: Printed by Pillans and Wilson], [1930.][4] p. 20.5 cm.Cover title.“Facsimile of a poem inscribed on the fly-leaf of a copy of ‘The Hunting of the Snark,’ given by the Author to Miss Marion Terry, 16th August, 1876. The initial letters of each line form an acrostic upon her name.” The untitled poem, in purple ink, begins: “Maiden, though thy heart may quail. . . .”50 copies printed as a Christmas greeting from Hugh Sharp.

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C. L. Dodgson308Dark red decorated wrappers, printed in gold, tied with a red silk cord.Inscribed on p. [2]: For Mr Parrish.

210. Christmas Greetings. <From a Fairy to a Child.> [1884.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 13 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.4 copies. Inscribed in purple ink in the author’s hand at top of one copy: for Lucy. Inscribed in purple ink at top of another copy: Muriel W. Harrison from Lewis Carroll. A memento of Xmas, 1889.

211. Circular Billiards, for Two Players. Invented, in 1889, by Lewis Carroll. [1890.]Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.For description of issues, see Handbook, p. 166– 167.Second issue. Rough thick paper. Dodgson’s correspondence number, 69614, in purple ink in upper right corner.

212. Copy 2.Third issue. Rough thick paper.

213. Copy 3.Identical to third issue, except that in line 2 of the second paragraph on p. [2], “the 11 pos-sible modes of scoring” has been changed to “the 12 possible modes of scoring.” The table below, however, still has only 11 lines. Smooth thin paper.

c ircular letters

Under this heading are listed only untitled circulars, for which titles have been supplied. Circular letters which have titles are listed alphabetically among the other entries of the catalogue.

214. [Circular to mathematical teachers.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 24 cm.Circular requesting attention to the ‘accompany-ing tables,’ and the proposal for a student’s mathematical cycle, covering the whole of Pure Mathematics. Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, June 1862, signed Charles L. Dodgson.

On verso is an undated handwritten reply by G. Richardson, St. John’s College, Cambridge.

215. [Circular to ladies requesting recommendations for plays to be included in an edition of Shakespeare for girls.][4] p. 18 cm.Printed in italics. Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1882, unsigned. Begins: “May I ask for your kind co-operation. . . .” With space for signature at end, and a postscript concerning a position for a lady drawing teacher.

216. Copy 2.Completed in purple ink in Dodgson’s hand. Dated: Ap. 5. Begins: “Dear Mrs. Blakemore, I trust when next you write, you may be able to give me a better account of Mr. Blakemore than was in Edith’s last.” Signed: “with love to Edith Sincerely yours, C L Dodgson.”The letter and a corresponding envelope, ad-dressed in purple ink in Dodgson’s hand, are mounted in a bound volume entitled on spine: Lewis Carroll to Edith Blakemore. Moderate red buckram. 38.5 cm.

217. [Circular to lady readers concerning an ex-purgated edition of Shakespeare’s plays suitable for girls.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Begins: “The Editor kindly allows me. . . .” Un-dated [1882], signed Lewis Carroll. A version of the preceding item.Offprint of a note in The Monthly Packet, June 1882, p. 602. See Handbook, p. 117–118.On verso is a mathematical problem in purple ink in the author’s hand.

218. Copy 2.On verso is another mathematical problem in purple ink in the author’s hand, dated May 29/85.

219. [Circular to the Dramatic Profession.][3] p. 18 cm.Dated Ch. Ch. Oxford, 1882, signed Charles L. Dodgson. Begins: “There is but little I can add. . . .”

nos. 209–219

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C. L. Dodgson 309“A letter to friends and to members of the Dramatic Profession, enclosing and recom-mending a Prospectus of a scheme of Play-acting. . . .the enclosed Prospectus has not been seen.”—Handbook, p. 115–116.

220. [Circular to friends in behalf of an Oxford Graduate [T. J. Dymes ] in distress.] [1883.]4 p. 21 cm.Headed Ch. Ch., Oxford. Begins: “Dear [blank] Having a strong prejudice against ‘begging-letters’. . . .” Signed, “Yours [blank] Charles L. Dodgson.”Completed in purple ink in Dodgson’s hand: dated “Dec. 21/83,” addressed to Dear “Dolly,” signed Yours “affectionately.” Additional in- scription at bottom of p. 4: I send a “Greeting” for Jessie Lewis & a “Dreaming” Circular for Mrs. [or Mr.?] Draper.

221. [Circular to friends about governess sit-uations.]Single sheet, printed on both sides. 18.5 cm.Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, May [blank], 1886, unsigned. Begins: “Kindly excuse this being in print. . . .” Dodgson seeks a governess for his brother’s children, and situations for two young women whose qualifications he de-scribes. With space for signature at end.Book label of Sidney Williams.

222. [Circular seeking a summer job for a cousin.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 19.5 cm.Cyclostyled. Dated Ch. Ch. Oxford May 26, 1888. Begins: “Dear [blank] A cousin of mine. . . .” Signed Charles L. Dodgson.Completed in Dodgson’s hand: addressed to Mrs. Blakemore, and at foot: P. S. Love to Edith.Mounted in a bound volume entitled on spine: Lewis Carroll to Edith Blakemore. Moderate red buckram. 38.5 cm.

223. [Circular seeking a Clergyman to assist C. S. Collingwood.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 18 cm.

Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, Dec. [blank] 1888. Un-signed. Begins: “Dear [blank] My brother-in-law, the Rev. C. S. Collingwood. . . .”Completed in purple ink in Dodgson’s hand: dated Dec. “13,” addressed to Dear “Mrs. Blakemore,” signed “sincerely yours, C. L. Dodgson,” and with a postscript, “Love to Edith.”Mounted in a bound volume entitled on spine: Lewis Carroll to Edith Blakemore. Moderate red buckram. 38.5 cm.

224. [Circular requesting addresses of Stationers who might sell the Stamp-Case and ‘8 or 9 Wise Words’.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 17 cm.Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford. 1890. Unsigned. Be-gins: “Would you kindly furnish me. . . .” With space for signature at end.On verso are two mathematical diagrams drawn in ink by the author.

225. Copy 2.Leaflet, printed on first page only. 18 cm.The letter is completed in purple ink in Dodg-son’s hand: dated July 31, 1890, addressed to Miss [E. Gertrude] Thomson, signed C. L. Dodgson, and with some other changes and additions. And on last page: P. S. We have now gone on for several years, I think, with the hope, renewed each Spring & abandoned each Autumn, that the serious poems would be illustrated during the Summer. If this year passes away like its predecessors, you will not, I hope, feel hurt if I put the thing into other hands? Life is so short. [This refers to the illustrations for Three Sunsets and Other Poems.]

226. [Circular to hospitals.]Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22.5 cm.Headed Messrs. Macmillan and Co., London, 1890, addressed To the Resident Manager of the [blank], and signed Lewis Carroll. Be-gins: “Dear Sir, It is my wish to present cop- ies. . . .”

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C. L. Dodgson310227. Copy 2.

23.5 cm.Presumably a later issue, with the word “Sick” inserted before “Children” in each of the first three Questions on the verso of the leaf. See Handbook, p. 169.

228. [Circular disavowing any connection with a pseudonym or with any book not published under the name Dodgson.] [1890.]Leaflet, printed on first page only. 18 cm.Begins: “Mr. C. L. Dodgson is so frequently addressed by strangers. . . .” A variant of the “Stranger Circular”; see Handbook, p. 168–169.

229. [Circular asking for the return of poorly printed copies of the Sixtieth Thousand of Through the Looking-Glass.]Single sheet, printed on both sides. 23.5 cm.Headed Messrs. Macmillan and Co., London, 1894. Begins: “Dear Sir, or Madam, For over 25 years. . . .” Signed Lewis Carroll. Addressed below signature, “To the Resident Manager of the [blank]”.Carroll proposes to give unsold copies to Me-chanics’ Institutes, etc., and requests that an-swers be filled in to the six questions about the institution’s needs printed on the verso. A ver-sion of Advertisem*nt. (No. 4).

230. The Collected Verse of Lewis Carroll. With an Introduction by John Francis McDermott. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. [c1929].xxxviii, 228 p. 21.5 cm.“Introduction,” p. xiii–xxxviii.“First Edition.”Very light greenish blue boards. Moderate blue horizontal fine rib cloth spine and cor-ners. Gold label on front cover and on spine.Inscribed on free front endpaper: To Morris L. Parrish from his affectionate cousin Polly Horsey Christmas 1929.

231. The Collected Verse of Lewis Carroll (The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ). With Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, Arthur B. Frost, Henry

Holiday, Harry Furniss, and the Author. Lon-don: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1932.xiv, 445, [1] p. Front., illus. 20 cm.“Preface,” unsigned, p. vii–viii.Dark blue smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. Bevelled boards. T.e.g.

232. ———. With Illustrations by Sir John Ten-niel, Arthur B. Frost, Henry Holiday, Harry Furniss, and the Author. New York: The Mac-millan Company, 1933.xiv, 445, [1] p. Front., illus. 20 cm.“Preface,” unsigned, p. vii–viii.Light blue smooth cloth, front cover blocked as English edition.

233. The Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Car-roll. Edited by Edward Guiliano. Alice’s Ad-ventures in Wonderland. Through the Look-ing-Glass and What Alice Found There. The Hunting of the Snark. Rhyme? and Reason? A Tangled Tale. Alice’s Adventures Under Ground. Sylvie and Bruno. Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. Three Sunsets and Other Poems. Illustrated by John Tenniel, Lewis Carroll, Ar-thur B. Frost, Henry Holiday, Harry Furniss, and E. Gertrude Thomson. New York: Avenel Books [c1982].xxii, 868 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.“This 1982 edition is published by Avenel Books, distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc.”“Introduction,” by Edward Guiliano, p. xi–xix. Deep purplish red fabrikoid.

234. The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll. Illus-trated by John Tenniel. Introduction by Alex-ander Woollcott. New York: The Modern Li-brary [1936].xi, [3], 1293 p. Illus. 21 cm.On halftitle: The Modern Library of the World’s Best Books.“Introduction,” p. 1–9.“First Modern Library Edition, 1936.”Blackish blue smooth cloth, front cover and spine blocked in silver. Top edges stained black- ish blue.

nos. 227–234

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C. L. Dodgson 311235. … Condensation of Determinants, Being a

New and Brief Method for Computing Their Ar-ithmetical Values. By the Rev. C. L. Dodgson. . . . [London], 1866.Pages [150]–155. 21.5 cm.At head of title: <From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 84, 1866.>Grayish reddish orange plain wrappers.

236. Croquêt Castles. For Five Players. [n.p.], 1863.3 p. 19 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously.Dated on p. 3 Ch. Ch., Oxford, May 4, 1863.Unbound.

237. Curiosa Mathematica. Part I. A New Theory of Parallels. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Lon-don: Macmillan and Co., 1888.xxiii, 63 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Moderate yellowish brown smooth cloth, with a hexagon inscribed in a circle blocked in black on front cover, publisher’s monogram blocked in black on back cover. Advert., 1 leaf at back.

238. Copy 2.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: R. E. B[aynes]. from C. L. D. Aug./88. And further down on the page, in another hand: Reviewed by R. Tucker in ‘Nature’, 39 (1888) 124, 175.

239. [Curiosa Mathematica. Part I. A New Theory of Parallels.] Single sheet, printed on one side. 26.5 cm.Contains a diagram and a paragraph which orig-inally appeared in Curiosa Mathematica, Lon-don, 1888, Appendix iv, p. 62–63. The excerpt begins: “One effort of mine was so temptingly near success. . . .”Stamped on sheet: From the University Press Proof 25 Jul. 90 Oxford.With Dodgson’s correspondence number, 71454, in purple ink in upper right-hand cor-ner.

240. Curiosa Mathematica. Part I. A New Theory of Parallels. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Second Edition. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1889.xxvii, 64 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Deep yellowish brown smooth cloth, blocked as first edition.Advert., 2 leaves at back.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Henrietta H. Dodgson, from her affectionate brother the Author. May 23. 1889.

241. ———. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Third Edition. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1890.xxxi, 75 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Moderate yellowish brown smooth cloth, with a tetragon inscribed in a circle blocked in black on front cover, publisher’s monogram blocked in black on back cover. Advert., verso of p. 75.Inscription in purple ink in the author’s hand on pastedown front endpaper: received Oct. 8. 1890. And in black ink: 13/3/95 corrected for 4th. ed.Title page adjusted for the 4th Edition, and corrections in the author’s hand throughout.Stamped on t.p.: Received at the University Press, Oxford, 13 Mar. 95.See No. 977, Parker Catalogue (October 1898), p. [3].

242. Curiosa Mathematica. Part II. Pillow-Prob-lems Thought Out During Sleepless Nights. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.xiv p., 1 leaf, 109 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Light yellowish brown flexible smooth cloth, front cover blocked in black.Advert., [1] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: R. G. Faussett, with an old pupils Sincere regards, from the Author. July 8, 1893.

243. Curiosa Mathematica. Part II. Pillow-Prob-lems Thought Out During Wakeful Hours. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Second Edition. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.

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C. L. Dodgson312xvii p., 1 leaf, 109 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Deep yellowish brown flexible smooth cloth, front cover blocked in black.Advert., [1] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: R. G. Faussett, with the sincere regards of his old pupil the Author. Oct. 3, 1893.

244. … Curiosissima Curatoria. By “Rude Dona- tus”. . . . Oxford: Printed by G. Sheppard, 1892.[7], 47 p. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Printed for Private Circula-tion.“Preface,” signed C. L. Dodgson, Ex-Curator, p. [5–6].Erratum slip inserted at p. [1].Yellowish gray wrappers.

245. The Deserted Parks. [Oxford], 1867.4 p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Dated May, 1867. Dodgson’s anonymous par-ody in verse of Goldsmith’s Deserted Village.Unbound, but removed from a binding.With three marginal notes, probably in Fal-coner Madan’s hand, explaining allusions in the poem.

246. The Diaries of Lewis Carroll. Now first ed-ited and supplemented by Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . London: Cassell & Company Ltd, 1953.2 vols. (xxvi, 262 p., 1 leaf; [7], 263–604 p., 1 leaf ). Front. in Vol. i, plates. 22 cm.Black smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.

247. ———. Now first edited and supplemented by Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . New York: Ox-ford University Press, 1954.2 vols. (xxvi, 262 p., 1 leaf; [7], 263–604 p., 1 leaf ). Front. in Vol. i, plates. 22 cm.Black smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.

248. Lewis Carroll’s Diaries. The Private Jour-nals of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Car-roll ). The first complete version of the nine surviving volumes with notes and annotations

by Edward Wakeling. With an Introduction by Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . [Luton, Beds]: The Lewis Carroll Society: Publications Unit, 1993–99.Vols. 1–5. 21.5 cm.In process of publication; to be completed in nine volumes.Vol. 5, p. 255–369: The Russian Journal, the manuscript of which is in the Parrish Collec-tion.Dark blue fabrikoid.Inscribed on free front endpaper of Vol. 1: Pre-sented to Princeton University Library, with sincere regards and thanks, Edward Wakeling June 1994. On free front endpaper of Vol. 3: For Princeton University Library from the ed-itor, Edward Wakeling August 1996.

249. A Discussion of the Various Methods of Pro-cedure in Conducting Elections. Oxford: E. B. Gardner, E. Pickard Hall, and J. H. Stacy, Printers to the University, 1873.15, [1] p. Diagrams. 17 cm.Preface signed C. L. D.No wrappers; stitched. The author’s copy, with his monogram, CLD, in black ink on t.p., and notes and changes in purple ink in his hand.With: The Method of Nomination. [1873.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 17.5 cm.Printed separately when Dodgson found that he had omitted this method in his Discussion of the Various Methods. . . . (see Handbook, p. 75). The leaf forms the final section of Chapter i of the pamphlet.

250. A Disputed Point in Logic. [1894.]Leaflet, printed on inner two pages only, with the second printed page numbered “2”. 22 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated May 1, 1894.Unbound.

251. Divisibility by Seven. [1885?]Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Begins: “< >—Mr. Askew, in 1274, May 30,

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C. L. Dodgson 313asks for a proof. . . .” Signed C. L. Dodgson, Ch. Ch., Oxford.Inscribed at top of page: F. Madan. Notes at foot of page in Madan’s hand on the source (or lack thereof ) of this text: Not Mathemati-cal Questions (nor Educational Times), I think. Not? English Mechanic.

252. … Doublets. [1879.]Single long slip, printed on one side. 31.5 by 12.5 cm.At head of title: <From “Vanity Fair,” April 19, 1879.>Signed Lewis Carroll.

253. Doublets Already Set. [1879.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 20 cm.Unsigned. Dated May 3, 1879.

254. Doublets: A Word-Puzzle. By Lewis Car-roll. . . . London: Macmillan and Co, 1879.39 p. 15.5 cm.Dark red flexible smooth cloth, publisher’s de-vice blocked in blind on front cover. Seal of C. W. Chase, Circulating Library, Ben-nett’s Hill, Birmingham, stamped on t.p. and p. 8 and 9.

255. Copy 2.Inscribed by Carroll on t.p.: J. W. F. Lowthorpe from the Author.

256. ———. By Lewis Carroll. [Oxford? 1879.] 8 p. 18 cm.Caption title.Dated 1879 at head of p. 4, 5, 6, and 8.No wrappers; glued.

257. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . Second Edi-tion. London: Macmillan and Co., 1880.73 p. 18.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, publisher’s device blocked in blind on front cover.The author’s copy, with his monogram, CLD., and “received Feb. 20. 1880” on halftitle; also numerous corrections throughout and several notes on free back endpaper, all in purple ink in the author’s hand.

258. New Method of Scoring. [1880.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 19 cm.A letter to Vanity Fair, beginning “Dear Van-ity,—The commencement of the second year of the Doublets competition seems to afford a good opportunity for introducing a change into the system of marking.” Signed Lewis Carroll.

259. Doublets: A Word-Puzzle. By Lewis Car-roll. . . . Third Edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1880.85 p. 18.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, publisher’s device blocked in blind on front cover. Inscription in purple ink on halftitle: The party at “The Chestnuts” from the Author. June. 1880.Several “chains” written in pencil on verso of p. 85 and on back flyleaf.

260. Dreamland. Words by Lewis Carroll. Music by C. E. Hutchinson. [Oxford, 1882.]Page [1], blank; p. [2], introductory para-graphs by Carroll and Hutchinson; p. [3], words and music, with title as above; p. [4], blank. 22 cm.Unbound.

261. The Dynamics of a Parti-cle, With an Excur-sus on the New Method of Evaluation, As Applied to p. Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vin-cent, 1865.iv p., 1 leaf, [7]–28 p. 22 cm.Published anonymously.Light green wrappers.Inscription in upper left corner of outside front wrapper: C Dodgson. In upper right corner: From the Author.

262. ———. Third Edition. Oxford: Printed and Published by J. Vincent, 1865.iv p., 1 leaf, [7]–28 p. 22 cm.Published anonymously.On outside front wrapper, at head of title: Hardy v. Gladstone. In Re Jowett.Light green wrappers.

nos. 251–262

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C. L. Dodgson314263. The Dynamics of a Parti-cle. . . . First Printed

in 1865. Oxford: James Parker and Co., p., 1 leaf, [9]–24 p. 17 cm.On outside front wrapper: Notes by an Oxford Chiel.Published anonymously. Dark reddish orange wrappers. Adverts. on outside back wrapper. Unstitched.

264. The Earliest Work of Lewis Carroll. A selec-tion from his contributions, now published for the first time, to “The Rectory Magazine,” which he edited, illustrated, and almost en-tirely wrote, at the age of fifteen.In The Strand Magazine, Vol. 83, No. 498, June 1932. London: George Newnes, Ltd.Pages 574–581. Illus. 24.5 cm.Title and initial word printed in orange.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

265. An Easter Greeting to Every Child Who Loves “Alice.” [Oxford], 1876.Page [1], title; p. [2–3], text; p. [4], blank. 13.2 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll. Dated Easter, 1876.Handbook, p. 92–95, No. 1. With part of the wa-termark (half of the “n” and the “e” in “Fine”, and “good” in the next line) running from top to bottom.

266. Copy 2.With part of the watermark (“E” and “To”) running from bottom to top.Inserted in The Hunting of the Snark, London, 1876, Copy 6. See No. 330.

267. Copy 3.Handbook identifies this copy as an example of its No. 5, but the paragraphs on p. [2–3] are not in fact closed up. Depth of text on p. [3] approximately 1 mm. less, otherwise as Copy 1, including the position on the sheet of the par-tial watermark.Inscribed in purple ink on p. [1]: for Olive from the writer Nov. 17/82.

268. Copy 4.13.5 cm.Handbook, No. 2. No watermark.

269. Copy 5.12.5 cm.Dated Easter, 1880. Handbook, No. 3. With the entire watermark (“E Towgood Fine”), running horizontally.

270. Copy 6.13.6 cm.Undated.Handbook, No. 8, but smaller: 5 � by 3� inches, whereas Handbook specifies 6¼ by 4¼ inches. No watermark (Handbook says printed on Towgood paper, but does not specify pres-ence of the watermark).

271. Copy 7.Same as Copy 5, except 5� by 3⅝ inches.Inscribed in purple ink in the author’s hand on p. [1]: for Lucy.

272. Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writ-ing. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1890.33 p. 10 cm.Self-wrappers (i.e. no wrappers, stitched, but with the outer sheet—p. [1–2] and [43–44]— glued over the stitching like wrappers).“Works by Lewis Carroll. Published by Mac-millan and Co., London,” p. [35]–40.For distinguishing features of each edition, see Handbook, p. 170–173.Copy 1Proof copy. With six typographical corrections in pencil, on p. [5], 13, 15, 18, 19, and 24.

273. Copy 2.First edition (incorporating the corrections made on the proof ). Inscribed in purple ink on p. [3]: E[lizabeth] L[ucy] Dodgson, with the Author’s love. June 12. 1890.

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C. L. Dodgson 315274. Copy 3.

First edition.Faded inscription (in pencil?) on t.p.: FMD. from JFD.

275. Copy 4.First edition.9.5 cm.Stamped on t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.In a case with The Wonderland Postage-Stamp Case, second edition. Note on a plain envelope laid in case: … purchased by myself soon after publication. F. Madan.

276. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Second Edition. Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1890.34 p. 10 cm.Advert. for the Stamp-Case on p. [4]. Adverts. with heading as above but with slightly differ-ent content, p. [35]–41.Inscribed in purple ink on p. [3]: Louisa F. Dodgson, from the Author. Oct. 1. 1890.

277. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Third Edition. Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1891.34 p. 10.5 cm.Lacks last, blank, leaf (p. [43–44]).In advert. on p. [4] “fifteen” has been reduced to “fourteen.” Other adverts. as in second edi-tion.

278. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Fourth Edition. Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1891.34 p. 10 cm.Advert. on p. [4] as in third edition. Minor variations in other adverts.

279. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Fifth Edition. Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1897.34 p. 10 cm.No advert. on p. [4], which is blank. Adverts., p. [35]–41, with heading as before, but with some different items.

280. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Ember-lin and Son, 1890 [1907?].35 p. 10.5 cm.Verso of t.p. is blank.

Macmillan adverts. for “Works by Lewis Car-roll,” p. 36–38. Chatto & Windus advert. for Feeding the Mind, p. 39. The pamphlet has alto-gether only [40] pages.

281. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Ember-lin and Son [n.d.].35 p. 10 cm.Verso of t.p. is blank.Adverts. on p. 36 identical to those on p. 36 of preceding edition, but this copy has only [38] pages altogether, with p. [37–38] blank.

282. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Ember-lin and Son [n.d.].35 p. 10.5 cm.On verso of t.p.: First Published 1890.Macmillan adverts. for “Works by Lewis Car-roll,” p. 36–38. Chatto & Windus advert. for Feeding the Mind, p. 39. This copy has alto-gether [40] pages.

283. Copies 2 and 3.10 cm.

284. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Ember-lin and Son [n.d.].35 p. 10.5 cm.On verso of t.p.: First Published 1890.Macmillan adverts. for “Works by Lewis Car-roll,” p. 36–38. This copy has only 38 pages altogether.White wrappers, with framed text on outside front as on t.p.

285. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Ember-lin and Son; London: Simpkin Marshall & Co., Ltd, 1908.35 p. 10.5 cm.On verso of t.p.: First Published 1890.Macmillan adverts. for “Works by Lewis Car-roll,” p. 36–38. Chatto & Windus advert. for Feeding the Mind, p. 39. This edition has alto-gether [40] pages.

Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing is accompanied by The Wonderland Postage-Stamp Case, described below. For detailed description

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C. L. Dodgson316and distinguishing features of each edition, see Handbook, p. 170–173.

286. The Wonderland Postage-Stamp Case. [Ox-ford: Emberlin and Son, 1890.]First edition.Inscribed in purple ink inside inner case: L. F. D. from C. L. D. Mar. 1890.

287. Copy 2.Inscribed in purple ink inside inner case: E[liza-beth]. L[ucy]. D[odgson]. from C[harles]. L[utwidge]. D[odgson]. Ap. 17, 1890.

288. Copy 3.Inscribed on lining of outer case: F M D. with Aunt Loui’s love.

289. ———. [Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1890.]Second edition.With dark purplish pink envelope, second edi-tion. Two changes in purple ink in the author’s hand on envelope.

290. Copy 2.Filled with the appropriate stamps. With dark purplish pink envelope, first edition.Stamped on envelope and on inside of inner case: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.In a case with Eight or Nine Wise Words, first edition. Note on a plain envelope laid in case: … purchased by myself soon after publication. F. Madan.

291. ———. [Oxford: Emberlin and Son, 1890.]Third edition.Five copies, four with light brown envelopes, third edition.

292. The Elections to the Hebdomadal Council. A Letter to the Rev. C. W. Sandford, M. A., Has Been Addressed (on This Subject ) by Goldwin Smith, And may Possibly Reach a Second Edition. Ox-ford: Joseph Vincent, 1866.11 p. 18.5 cm.Dodgson’s anonymous parody in verse of Smith’s pamphlet by the same title; the t.p. of

the parody printed so as to suggest a second edition of the original. See No. 985.No wrappers; stitched.Stamped on t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.

293. An Elementary Treatise on Determinants with Their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equa-tions and Algebraical Geometry. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1867.viii, 143 p. 24.5 cm.Blackish red sand cloth. Sprinkled edges, or-ange.Inscribed by Dodgson on t.p.: G. O. Balleine, Esq. from the Author.

294. “Endowment of the Greek Professorship.” [Oxford]: Nov. 22, 1861.Broadside. 27 by 22 cm.Unsigned.With two handwritten notes by Falconer Ma- dan at foot of page, dated 30 Mar. 1886 and Oct. 5, 1923, concerning authorship of the piece.

295. “Eternal Punishment.”The six galley proofs, unsigned, of an essay in-tended for inclusion in a book never published. Cut into twelve leaves and bound. 21.5 cm.Very deep red morocco, by Riviere & Son. T.e.g. Deep reddish brown Stormont marbled endpapers.Stamp of Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, 28 Oct. 1897, above title, and inscription above this: B. H., from C. L. D. Nov. 9/97.See Handbook, p. 193–194.Eternal Punishment

296. … A Great Religious Difficulty. A Paper by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (“Lewis Carroll”). Reprinted from “The Lewis Carroll Picture Book” by Permission of the Publisher, T. Fisher Unwin … London. [n.p., n.d.]16 p. 18.5 cm.At head of title: For Private Circulation.A reprint of “Eternal Punishment”; the origi-nal title appears as caption title here.

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C. L. Dodgson 317Light greenish gray wrappers.Signature in pencil on outside front wrapper: L[ouisa]. F[letcher]. Dodgson.

297. Euclid and His Modern Rivals. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1879.xxxi, 299 p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Dark red sand cloth.

298. Supplement to “Euclid and His Modern Ri-vals” Containing a Notice of Henrici’s Geometry Together with Selections from the Reviews. Lon-don: Macmillan and Co., 1885.[301]–356 p. 18.5 cm.“Preface,” p. [303], signed C. L. Dodgson.Paginated continuously with Euclid and His Modern Rivals.Light grayish olive wrappers.

299. Euclid and His Modern Rivals. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Second Edition. London: Mac-millan and Co., 1885.xxxi, 275, [1] p. Front., diagrams. 18.5 cm.Lacks erratum slip.Strong red sand cloth.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: E. F. S[amp-son]. from C. L. D. Nov. 24/85.

300. Examination Statute. [Oxford, 1864.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 25.5 cm.Unsigned.Thirteen rhyming couplets on prominent mem-bers of the University, with the names filled in by hand and the handwritten date Feb. 2. 1864.

301. … Examples in Arithmetic. Collected by Charles L. Dodgson. . . . [Oxford: E. Pickard Hall and J. H. Stacy, Printers to the Univer-sity], 1874.iv, [5]–31 p. 17 cm.At head of title: <Unpublished>.No wrappers; stitched.The author’s copy, with his monogram, CLD, on t.p., and with answers to the examples in purple ink in his hand.

302. Facts, Figures, and Fancies, Relating to The Election to the Hebdomadal Council, The Offer of the Clarendon Trustees, and The Proposal to Con-vert the Parks into Cricket-Grounds. First printed in 1866–1868. Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1874.29 p. 17 cm.On outside front wrapper: Notes by an Oxford Chiel.Published anonymously.Dark reddish orange wrappers. Advert. on out-side back wrapper.

303. Copy 2.The author’s copy, with his monogram, CLD, on outside front wrapper, and corrections in purple ink on outside front and outside back wrappers and on p. [21].

304. … Fame’s Penny-Trumpet. [1876].3 p. 23.5 cm.Caption title. At head of title: <Not Pub-lished.>Thirteen 4-line stanzas.Signed An Unendowed Researcher, dated July, 1876.Unbound.

305. A Fascinating Mental Recreation for the Young. Symbolic Logic. By Lewis Carroll. Part i. Elementary.4 p. 17 cm.An advance notice for Symbolic Logic in the form of a letter, addressed to “Dear Madam, or Sir” and signed Lewis Carroll.“Works by Lewis Carroll,” p. 5–7.Dated November, 1895. With a P. S.: The book is nearly all in type, and will, I hope, be ready for delivery by Christmas. “By Christmas” lined out and corrected in the author’s hand to “in January.” Page [8] blank.No wrappers; stitched.

306. Copies 2 and 3.Dated January, 1896. The P.S. altered to: “… ready for delivery before the end of January.”

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C. L. Dodgson318On p. [8]: N. B. Books to be Given Away [to charitable institutions].

307. Copy 4.18 cm.Dated May, 1896. Additional paragraphs on p. 3 and 4 and the postscript omitted. Page [7] is unnumbered, and p. [8] blank as in Copy 1.Unstitched.

308. Feeding the Mind. By Lewis Carroll. With a Prefatory Note by William H. Draper. Lon-don: Chatto & Windus, 1907.xiii, [1], 15–30, [1] p. 18 cm.T.p. printed in black and red.Prefatory “Note,” signed W. H. D., p. v–xiii, in-cludes extracts from Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing.Light gray wrappers, lettered and decorated in black and pink. Dark red crisscross cloth spine.

309. Copy 2.Moderate red smooth cloth spine.

310. Copy 3.19.5 cm.Light gray boards, lettered and decorated as above. White smooth cloth spine.

311. Copy 4.19 cm.Blackish red flexible fine morocco, with differ-ent lettering and an ornament blocked in gold on front cover. T.e.g.

312. For the Train: Five Poems and a Tale. By Lewis Carroll. Being Contributions to “The Train,” 1856–1857, with the original illustra-tions by C. H. Bennett and W. McConnell; to-gether with some Carrollean Episodes con-cerning Trains. Arranged, with a Preface, by Hugh J. Schonfield. . . . London: Denis Archer [1932].xix p., 1 leaf, 76 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 19 cm.“Preface,” p. xiii–xix.Very deep red smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold.

313. Copy 2.23 cm.“This edition is limited to one hundred signed copies of which this is No. [in manuscript:] 13 Hugh J. Schonfield.”Light yellowish brown buckram, front cover blocked in gold. Fore and bottom edges un-trimmed.

314. The Formulae of Plane Trigonometry, Printed with Symbols (Instead of Words ) to Express the “Goniometrical Ratios.” By Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. . . . Oxford: Printed by James Wright, Printer to the University; Sold by J. H. and J. Parker, 1861.19 p. 22 cm.Cancel pasted over items 18 and 19 on p. 19.No wrappers; stitched.Also, a single leaf with printed text as above, headed in italics: Just Published, 4to., Price 1 s.,[.] 23 cm.

315. Further Nonsense Verse and Prose. By Lewis Carroll. (Edited by Langford Reed). Illustrated by H. M. Bateman. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd [1926].127 p. Front., plates, illus. 25.5 cm. Illustrated t.p.“Foreword,” by Langford Reed, p. 9–29.Erratum slip inserted at p. 13.Strong orange smooth cloth, with a cartoon blocked in red on front cover. White endpa-pers with a cartoon printed in black on paste- downs.

316. ———. By Lewis Carroll. (Edited by Lang-ford Reed). Illustrated by H. M. Bateman. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1926.v, [1], 117, [1] p., 1 leaf. Illus. 26.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.“Foreword,” by Langford Reed, p. 1–[7].Square-patterned boards, orange, purple, and black on white. Deep violet diagonal fine rib cloth spine. Illustrated paper label, printed in purple, on front cover.

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C. L. Dodgson 319317. The Game of Logic. By Lewis Carroll. . . . Lon-

don and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886.[12], 96 p. Front., diagrams. 22.5 cm.The folded sheets, unopened, with one blank leaf at front tipped onto the halftitle.

318. Copy 2.19 cm.Deep red smooth cloth.Adverts., [3] p. at back.Laid in is an envelope containing a card with two diagrams, and ten counters (5 gray, 3 pink, 2 smaller and dark red). The title page of the book is entirely reprinted on the envelope and on one side of the card.Bookplate of Montgomery Evans.

319. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887.[12], 96 p. Front., diagrams. 19 cm.Deep red smooth cloth.Adverts., [3] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: D. M. Birkett: April, 1887. Tipped in on free front endpaper is a presenta-tion leaf, engraved: From the Author. Inscribed at head of leaf in pencil: D M Birkett 1887.Laid in is an envelope containing a card with two diagrams, and nine counters (5 gray, 4 pink). The title page of this edition is reprinted, with additional price information, on the enve-lope and on one side of the card.

The Game of Logic. Russian

320. … Logicheskaia Igra. Perevod c angliiskogo IU. A. Daniluva. Moskva: “Nauka,” 1991.189, [3] p. Illus., diagrams. 21 cm.At head of title: L. Kerroll.“Bibliotechka Kvant. Vypusk 73.”Red used for ornament on t.p., pagination, in some of the illustrations, and elsewhere.Illustrated by IU. A. Vashchenko.White paperback, printed in color.

321. A Guide to the Mathematical Student in Reading, Reviewing, and Working Examples. By Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. . . . Part i. Pure

Mathematics. Oxford: John Henry and James Parker, 1864.[4], 27 p. 22 cm.No wrappers; stitched.

322. The Guildford Gazette Extraordinary. . . . No. 9999. Dec. 29, 1869. [Oxford.]15 p. 28.5 cm.Caption title from p. [2].“Opening of the New Theatre. (From our special correspondent, Mr. Lewis Carroll.),” p. [2]–3. The rest of the “Gazette” consists largely of texts from the performance, with connecting paragraphs by Dodgson.Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Trollope attended the performance.No wrappers; stitched.Stamped on p. [1]: University Press Oxford. Written in ink in the center of the circular stamp: 4 j/1797[.] Written in pencil below stamp: Mr Dodgson’s[.]

323. Hiawatha’s Photographing. By Lewis Car-roll.In The Train, Vol. 4, July – Dec. 1857. London: Groombridge and Sons.Pages 332–335. 21 cm.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

324. The Humorous Verses of Lewis Carroll. With Illustrations by John Tenniel. Edited and with an introduction by J. E. Morpurgo. [Lon-don]: Crown Classics, The Grey Walls Press [1950].92 p. Illus. 19 cm.“Introduction,” p. 7–17.Light gray illustrated boards, printed in black and red.

325. The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony, in Eight Fits. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Nine Illus-trations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmil-lan and Co., 1876.xi p., 1 leaf, 83, [1] p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.Light grayish yellowish brown smooth cloth, with full-size illustrations by Henry Holiday

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C. L. Dodgson320blocked in black on front and back covers. A.e.g. Advert., [2] p. at back.

326. Copy 2.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked as above, but in gold. A.e.g.Advert. as above.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Edward Gough a token of kind regard from the Au-thor. Mar. 31. 1876.

327. Copy 3.Same as Copy 2.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Sophia Christian Taylor from the Author. June 23. 1876.

328. Copy 4.Very dark greenish blue smooth cloth; other-wise as Copies 2 and 3.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Kathleen O’Reilly from the Author Mar. 29. 1876.

329. Copy 5.Same as Copy 4.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Mrs. Percy Keane from the Author as a memento of Oct. 24. 1885.

330. Copy 6.Same as Copies 4 and 5.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: H. Giraud, Esq. M.D. with kind regards from the Author. Ap. 3. 1876.Tipped in on back of frontispiece: An Easter Greeting to Every Child Who Loves “Alice.” [Ox-ford], 1876. Handbook, No. 1. See No. 266.

331. Copy 7.Vellum; otherwise as Copies 2–6.Inscribed in black ink on halftitle: Presented to Henry Holiday, most patient of Artists, by Charles L. Dodgson, most exacting, but not most ungrateful of Authors. Mar. 29. 1876. In-scription below this in Holiday’s hand: Henry Holiday June 12. 1923 With cordial greetngs [sic ] to the Snarks & Boojums of the Snark Society.

332. Copy 8.White parchment paper, textured and with a soft leathery finish; otherwise as Copies 2–7.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Margaret Evelyn Hardy from the Author. Ap. 24. 1876.

333. Copy 9.Title page reset, with “Eighteenth Thousand” added. Printer’s imprint on verso of title leaf and colophon has an additional line of ad-dress.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der and a circular cut of the Bellman on front cover, a triple rule border and a circular cut of the Beaver on back cover, all blocked in gold, spine blocked in gold. A.e.g.Advert. as in Copies 1–8, except that Alice has gone from its forty-ninth thousand to its fifty-second thousand, the Looking-Glass from its thirty-eighth thousand to its fortieth thou-sand.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Marga-ret Henrietta Dymes, from the Author. Sep. 17/78.

334. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Nine Il-lustrations by Henry Holiday. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co., 1876.xi p., 1 leaf, 83 p. Front., illus. 13.5 cm.Light grayish yellowish brown boards, illus-trated in black on front and back covers as the original English edition.

335. Copy 2.T.p. dated 1877.

336. The Hunting of the Snark: Being a Poem in Eight Fits Written by Lewis Carroll & Deco-rated by Cobbledick for the Peter Pauper Press. [Mount Vernon, New York: Walpole Printing Office], [1939?]75 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 20.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and red. An illustration in gray and one other color at top of t.p. and each page of text; colophon printed in orange.One of 1450 copies.

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C. L. Dodgson 321Yellowish gray boards, with small cuts of the characters from the poem in dark gray distrib-uted evenly over covers and spine. Paper label on spine, printed in red and black.

337. The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Mervyn Peake. [London: Published by Lighthouse Books Ltd. and distributed by Chatto & Win-dus], 1948.ix, [1], 11–44, [4] p. Illus. 18.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.On verso of halftitle: A Zodiac Book. [4.]Strong yellow illustrated boards.

338. The Annotated Snark. The full text of Lewis Carroll’s great nonsense epic The Hunting of the Snark and the original illustrations by Henry Holiday. With an Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962.111 p. Illus. 25.5 cm.“Introduction,” p. 11–25.“First Printing.”Grayish brown boards, with a cut of the Bell-man’s hand with bell blocked in copper at lower right of front cover. Light grayish yel-lowish brown smooth cloth spine, blocked in brown. Top edges stained grayish red. The il-lustrations from the covers of the original Eng-lish edition reproduced on endpapers, black on white.

339. The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Car-roll illustrated by Byron Sewell with respect-ful apologies to H. Holiday. London: Catalpa Press, 1974.[77] p. Illus. 31 cm.Illustrated t.p., with an inset flap in the center. “Introduction,” by Martin Gardner, p. [7–8].Much of the book consists of three folding plates.A transparent red plastic barrier sheet is laid in before the illustration of the Snark.A 10-piece metamorphosis in 30 sections in-serted in a pocket inside back cover.

“This edition is limited to two hundred and fifty copies of which this is number [in manu-script:] 12. Byron Sewell.”Black buckram.

340. The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony, in Eight Fits. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Harold Jones. [Andoversford, Gloucestershire]: The Whittington Press [c1975].vi p., 2 leaves, 43, [5] p. Front., illus. 29.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and gold.No. 124 of 750 copies, signed by the illustra-tor.Black buckram, front cover and spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained red, then gilded; fore and bottom edges deckled. Yellow and gray modern Stormont marbled endpapers.

341. Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark. Il-lustrated by Henry Holiday. . . . The Annotated Snark by Martin Gardner. The Designs for the Snark by Charles Mitchell. The Listing of the Snark by Selwyn H. Goodacre. Edited by James Tanis and John Dooley. Los Altos, Cali-fornia: William Kaufmann, Inc. in Cooperation with Bryn Mawr College Library [c1981].vii p., 1 leaf, 129 p., 1 leaf. 44 numbered plates, illus. 28.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and blue. Decorations printed in blue.Halftitle: A Centennial Edition.“A Prefatory Note,” by James Tanis, p. vii. “In-troduction,” by Martin Gardner, p. 3–11. “The Annotated Snark,” p. [13]–79. “The Designs for the Snark,” p. [81]–115. “The Listing of the Snark,” p. [119]–129.“Plates 14–20 have been reproduced with the permission of the Curator of the Morris L. Par-rish Collection of Victorian Novelists, Prince-ton University Library.”“Designed by Roderick Stinehour. . . . and printed letterpress by The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont. . . . Collector’s Edition printed … in an edition of 1995 copies.”Vivid red smooth cloth. Black label on spine.

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C. L. Dodgson322342. Copy 2.

“Designed by Roderick Stinehour. . . . and printed letterpress by The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont. . . . Subscriber’s Edition printed … in an edition of 395 signed copies of which this is copy number [in manuscript:] 62.” Signed by Martin Gardner, Selwyn H. Goodacre, Charles Mitchell, and Roderick Stinehour.Linen covers. Dark red morocco spine.With a portfolio containing the 44 plates on loose sheets.Gray cardboard and dark red smooth cloth slip-in case, printed in red.

343. Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark, An Agony, in Eight Fits. Carroll Studies Num-ber 7. Illustrated by Barry Moser. With an in-troduction by James R. Kincaid. [Berkeley, Los Angeles]: Published by the University of California Press for The Lewis Carroll Society of North America [1983].42, [2] p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 34 cm.T.p. printed in black and light purple. Head-ings printed in light purple.[Introduction], p. 9.“The calligraphy on the title page is the work of Betse Curtis. . . . This specially numbered se-ries is limited to 350 copies. . . . This is copy [in manuscript:] 13 [printed:] Hereby signed by the illustrator. [in manuscript:] B M[.]”Light greenish blue wrappers, front wrapper embossed in blind, over stiff white wrappers.

344. The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll illustrated by Frank Hinder. [Flemington, VIC, Australia]: Carroll Foundation [c1989].64 p. Illus. 25 cm.Illustrated t.p.“Why a Snark?” by John Paull, p. 7–10. “Snark/ Boojum,” by Frank Hinder, p. 13–16.Page 64 is an advert. for OnTheBall Computer Resource Centres.“First Edition: 1989. Launched at the First International Lewis Carroll Conference, Christ

Church, Oxford University, 27–30th July.”— p. 2.Black smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold.

345. The Hunting Of The Snark, an agony, in eight fits. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated By Jonathan Dixon. New York: Lewis Carroll Society of North America, 1992.[4] p., 1 blank leaf, [7], 82, [5] p. Front., illus. 28.5 cm.“Title Calligraphy by Mr. Glen Epstein.”Regular Edition (limited to 475 copies).First Edition.Black smooth cloth, front cover “stamped in sil-ver foil.”

346. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrated By Jonathan Dixon. New York: Lewis Carroll So-ciety of North America, 1992.[4] p., 1 blank leaf, [7], 82, [5] p., 1 blank leaf, 1 leaf. Front., illus. 28.5 cm.“Title Calligraphy by Mr. Glen Epstein.”Deluxe Edition (number 41 of 50 copies signed by the artist, with a pen-and-ink sketch by him of “Library & Deanery garden, Christ Church, Oxford,” dated “Mar 14.92 Christ Church,” on final leaf ).First Edition.Black smooth cloth, front cover “stamped in gold foil.”

347. … The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits. With Nine Illustrations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1993.2 vols. Plates, illus. 26.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.T.p. printed in black and red.“Introduction,” by Selwyn Goodacre, p. vii–xiv.“The edition consists of 430 numbered cop-ies, of which the first 130 copies are accompa-nied by a portfolio containing separate prints of the nine wood-engravings. Numbers 1 to 55 are bound in full leather and are presented in a slip-case with the prints. Numbers 56 to

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C. L. Dodgson 323130 are quarter-bound in cloth over paper-cov-ered boards, and are presented in a slip-case with the prints. Numbers 131 to 430 are quar-ter-bound in cloth over paper-covered boards, with a slip-case.”—Colophon. The Parrish copy is numbered 56.Moderate gray boards. White paper label inset on front cover. Bright red buckram spine. In a similarly bound slip-in case.

The Hunting of the SnarkTranslations


348. La Chasse au Snark: une Agonie en Huit Cri-ses par Lewis Carroll. . . . Traduit pour la pre-mière fois en français par Aragon. Chapelle-Réanville, Eure: The Hours Press, 1929.[6], 29 p., 1 leaf. 30.5 cm.Preface printed in red.No. 71 of 350 copies. Signed in manuscript: Louis Aragon.Moderate red boards.

349. … La Chasse au Snark. Texte français de Jacques Roubaud mise en image(s) de Annie-Claude Martin. [Paris et Genève]: Garance [c1981].[63] p. Illus. 32 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.T.p. printed in black and red. Illustrations in black with red captions.Consists of 32 loose leaves.Bright red glazed paper portfolio, with a re-duced version of one of the illustrations repro-duced on front cover.


350. … Okhota na Snarka: Khimera o Vosni Glavakh. Moskva: Izdatelstvo “Krug,” 1993.48 p. Illus. 20 cm.At head of title: Liuis Kerroll.Translated by I. Lipkin.Illustrated by L. Zalesskii.Dark blue wrappers.

351. The Hunting of the Snark and Other Poems and Verses by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Peter Newell. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1903.xiii, 248 p. Colored front., plates. 22.5 cm.Ornamental borders in moderate olive by Rob-ert Murray Wright.Yellowish white parchment paper boards, with a cut of the Bellman embossed in gold at lower left of front cover. T.e.g.

352. The Illustrated Lewis Carroll. Edited and with an Introduction by Roy Gasson. London: Jupiter Books (London), Ltd., 1978.xxxiii, [3], 333, [1] p. Plates, illus. 26 cm.“Introduction,” p. xiii–xxxiii.Strong red boards embossed to simulate buck-ram.

353. In Memoriam. [1898.]Page [1], title as above, with a cross and a sim-ple border, all in silver. Page [2], an excerpt, “From ‘An Easter Greeting,’ by Lewis Car-roll.” Page [3], photograph of “Charles Lut-widge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), Fell asleep Jan. 14, 1898.” Page [4], blank. 12.5 cm.Leaflet on stiff heavy paper.2 copies.

354. … Jabberwocky and Other Frabjous Non-sense. Pictures by Simms Taback. A Harlin Quist Book. [New York]: Published by Harlin Quist, Inc.; Distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc., 1967, c1964.[48] p. Illus. 28.5 cm.Illustrated t.p. At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Illustrated in reddish purple and black.Strong reddish purple illustrated boards, printed in dark reddish purple. Dark purplish red smooth cloth spine.


355. A Game for Two Players. 1879.Single sheet, printed on one side. 17 cm.Unsigned. Dated Jan. 16, 1879.Photostat of the only printed page of a 4-page leaflet in the Berol Collection, New York

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C. L. Dodgson324University Library. The original is described in the Handbook, p. 105.In the author’s hand, above the printed title: Lanrick. “The muster-place be Lanrick mead.” Rule 1 is also changed in the author’s hand.

356. Lanrick. A Game for Two Players. [1880.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.The rules of the game, numbered 1 through 6.Epigraph below title: ‘The muster-place be Lanric mead.’ With a “k” inserted in purple ink to read “Lanrickmead”. Dated “Dec. 1880” in purple ink in the author’s hand in upper right-hand corner.

357. … ———.In The Monthly Packet, [edited by Charlotte M. Yonge, Dec. 1880. London: Walter Smith.]Pages 613–614. 22 cm.Appended to “A Tangled Tale. Answers to Knot iii,” p. 610–613. Signed Lewis Carroll.Extracted with the leaves of A Tangled Tale and bound. See No. 546.Dark blue diagonal straight-grain morocco cloth. Darker blue morocco spine and corners. Sprinkled edges, red.

358. … ———. Second Edition.In The Monthly Packet, edited by Charlotte M. Yonge, Third Series, No. 8, Aug. 1881. London: Walter Smith.Pages 198–199. 22 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.Very light greenish blue illustrated wrappers.

359. Copy 2.The leaves extracted and bound in chronolog-ical order with the leaves of A Tangled Tale, also extracted from The Monthly Packet. See No. 546.Dark blue diagonal straight-grain morocco cloth. Darker blue morocco spine and corners. Sprinkled edges, red.

360. … ———. Third Edition.In The Monthly Packet, edited by Charlotte M.

Yonge, Third Series, No. 11, Nov. 1881. Lon-don: Walter Smith.Page 512. 22 cm.Unsigned, but appears on the verso of the last leaf of an installment of A Tangled Tale, which is signed Lewis Carroll.Very light greenish blue illustrated wrappers.

361. Copy 2.Extracted with the leaves of A Tangled Tale and bound. See No. 546.Dark blue diagonal straight-grain morocco cloth. Darker blue morocco spine and corners. Sprinkled edges, red.

362. Lawn Tennis Tournaments. The True Method of Assigning Prizes with a Proof of the Fallacy of the Present Method. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1883.[2], 9 p. 19 cm.No wrappers; stitched.Advert., verso of p. 9.

363. A Lesson in Latin.In The Jabberwock, Vol. [1], No. 5, June 1888. Boston: Fourth Class, ’91, of the Girls’ Latin School.Page 2. 30 cm.A poem, signed Lewis Carroll.The issue is incorrectly numbered Vol. 2, No. 5.“A Friend Worth Having” includes the text of a typewritten letter from Lewis Carroll to “Dear Young Friends,” enclosing the poem, dated May 17, 1888, p. [1]–2.In a volume containing Vols. 1–4 (1888–91) of the school paper.Black horizontal cord cloth.

364. Copy 2.Clipped one half of p. [1] and 2 containing above two contributions by Lewis Carroll.

365. [Letter from Mabel.] [Oxford, 1880.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 18 cm.Cyclostyled. Dated Edinborough, February 14. Begins: “My dear Emily. . . .”

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C. L. Dodgson 325Mabel and Emily were two dolls belong to Bea-trice Hatch.

366. A Letter from Mr. Carroll.In The Jabberwock, Vol. 1, No. 2, March 1888. Boston: Fourth Class, ’91, of the Girls’ Latin School.Page [1]. 30 cm.A letter, written in the third person and dated February 6, 1888, “giving to the Editresses of the proposed magazine permission to use the title they wish for.”In a volume containing Vols. 1–4 (1888–91) of the school paper.Black horizontal cord cloth.The letter was reprinted in The Jabberwock, Vol. 7, No. 3, Nov. 1893, p. 5, an unbound copy of which is in the Parrish Collection.

367. The Letters of Lewis Carroll. Edited by Mor-ton N. Cohen with the assistance of Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . New York: Oxford Univer-sity Press, 1979.2 vols. (xxxviii, 614; viii, [615]–1245 p.). Fronts., plates, illus. 24 cm.“Preface,” by Morton N. Cohen, Vol. i, p. xv– xxiii.More than 25 of the illustrations are from the original photographs by Dodgson in the Par-rish Collection.Dark purplish blue smooth cloth. Patterned endpapers, orange on purple.

368. … Lettres Adressées à Alice et à Quelques Au-tres, suivi de Alice à la Scène et de Fantasmagorie. Texte français par Henri Parisot. Collection “L’Age d’Or.” [Paris]: Flammarion [c1976].187, [3] p. 20 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Avant-Propos,” signed H. P., p. [5]–8.Paperback, black, printed and decorated in or-ange, yellow, and white.

369. Lewis Carroll and the House of Macmillan. Edited by Morton N. Cohen and Anita Gan-dolfo. . . . Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge Univer-sity Press [1987].

ix, 384 p. Front. 23.5 cm.On series halftitle: Cambridge Studies in Pub-lishing and Printing History.“Introduction,” signed M. N. C. [and] A.G., p. 1–30.Dark red smooth cloth, black label printed on spine.

370. Lewis Carroll and the Kitchins. Containing Twenty-five Letters Not Previously Pub-lished and Nineteen of His Photographs. Ed-ited with an Introduction and Notes by Mor-ton N. Cohen. . . . New York: Argosy Bookstore, 1980.xvi, 48 p. Front., illus. 28.5 cm.Copy No. 66 of a limited edition of 793 cop- ies.“Introduction,” p. v–xvi.Decorated boards (“covered in Laura Ashley wallpaper”), pink on white. Very light brown smooth cloth spine. Paper label on spine.

371. ———. Containing Twenty-five Letters Not Previously Published and Nineteen of His Photographs. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Morton N. Cohen. . . . Carroll Studies No. 4. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America [c1980].xvi, 48 p. Front., illus. 28 cm.“This edition is printed for the members of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America.”Light brown wrappers.

372. Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. [San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1930.] 4 leaves (the 4th blank). Portrait. 16 cm.Title from first leaf.The portrait (on 2nd leaf ) is a reproduction of a photograph of Carroll.The text (on 3rd leaf ) is a quotation from Lewis Carroll entitled “He made others Happy.”One of 35 copies privately printed for Flodden Heron for presentation in 1930 to members of the Roxburghe Club.Without wrappers.

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C. L. Dodgson326373. The Lewis Carroll Birthday Book. Selected

by Christine Terhune Herrick. New York: A. Wessels & Company [c1905].[256] p. Front., illus. 15 cm.The volume is unpaginated.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Grayish red ornamental borders on all pages.Quotations from Lewis Carroll for every day in the year on the left-hand pages, dated blank spaces for annotations on the facing pages, with three days per page.Silhouette of “Lewis Carroll, Aged 8” on half- title. The frontispiece and two illustrations are by John Tenniel.White smooth cloth, with Wonderland charac-ters and other decoration blocked in green, brown, and pink on front cover and on spine. No imprint at foot of spine.Manuscript annotations in 37 of the blank spaces.Bookplate of Clara Popper.

374. Copy 2.Slightly taller and wider.Pale yellow smooth cloth, blocked as above, but in two shades of green and a darker pink. At foot of spine: Wessels[.] A bookplate is printed on pastedown front endpaper.

375. … The Lewis Carroll Book. Illustrated by John Tenniel and Henry Holiday. Edited by Richard Herrick. New York: Lincoln Mac Veagh, The Dial Press; Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1931.xix, 439 p. Illus. 21 cm.“Introduction,” signed R. H., p. vii–xvii.Moderate blue buckram.Inscribed on flyleaf: to Morris L. Parrish in ap-preciation of his appreciation of Lewis Carroll Richard Herrick March 7, 1932.

376. “The Lewis Carroll Circular.” Number One. May 1973. Being an occasional publication of hitherto scarce, unpublished or “lost” Carrolli-ana. . . . Edited by Travor Winkfield, from 14 Wesley Road, Leeds 12, England. . . .

50 unnumbered leaves. Plates. 28 cm.Mimeographed.Number 14 of a Limited Edition of sixty num-bered and signed (by the editor) copies.White wrappers, with Tenniel’s illustration of Alice swimming with the Mouse in the pool of tears on outside front wrapper. Stapled.

377. ———. Being an occasional publication of hitherto scarce, unpublished or “lost” items of Carrolliana. Number Two. November 1974. . . . [Sixty numbered and signed copies of this Cir-cular have been printed at The Print Center, 194 State Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, a non-profit facility funded by a grant from the Co-ordinating Council of Literary Magazines and the New York State Council on the Arts.][2], 74 p., 1 leaf. Illus., facsims. 27 cm.Reproduced from typewritten copy.“Edited by Travor Winkfield, from 14 Wesley Road, Leeds 12, England.”“Corrigenda and Addenda to ‘The Lewis Car-roll Circular’ Number One,” p. 64.Number 2 of 5 copies hors commerce, signed by the editor.White wrappers, with Dodgson’s illustrations for “Mister Fox” on outside front and outside back wrappers. Stapled.

378. Lewis Carroll on a Sign of the Times. [Lon-don: Printed for C. N. Scott], [n.d.]Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.Signed C. N. S.An introductory paragraph by Scott, followed by quoted sections from a letter by Carroll. The letter originally appeared in the Pall Mall Ga-zette for 12 Feb. 1875, under the heading “Vivi-section as a Sign of the Times.” Scott here re-prints two major sections of the letter, from “Is the anatomist …” to “ ‘Qui vult decipi de-cipiatur’,” and from “Selfishness is the keynote …” to “at least a hell for animals.”Book label of Sidney Williams.

379. The Lewis Carroll Picture Book. A Selection from the Unpublished Writings and Drawings of

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C. L. Dodgson 327Lewis Carroll, Together with Reprints from Scarce and Unacknowledged Work. Edited by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. . . . Illustrated. . . . Lon-don: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899.xv, 375, [1] p. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.“Preface,” p. ix–x.Dark red smooth cloth, with an illustration of a griffin and a hare blocked in gold on front cover, spine blocked in gold. Bevelled boards. T.e.g.

380. Diversions and Digressions of Lewis Car-roll ( formerly titled: The Lewis Carroll Picture Book ). A Selection from the Unpublished Writ-ings and Drawings of Lewis Carroll, Together with Reprints from Scarce and Unacknowledged Work. Edited by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. With a New Selection of Lewis Carroll’s Pho-tographs. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. [c1961].xiv p., 1 leaf, 375 p., 34 p. of plates. Front., illus. 20.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso. “The selection of illustrations which appeared in the original edition has been slightly re-vised and greatly augmented by the addition of forty-two photographs from the Morris L. Parrish Collection of the Princeton University Library. . . .”—p. [iv].White and moderate yellowish green paper-back, printed in black and red. Adverts. on in-side front and inside and outside back covers.Adverts., [4] p., and “Catalog of Dover Books,” [15] p., at back.

381. Lewis Carroll Writes to Some Young Friends.In Gentry, No. 20, Fall 1956. New York: Re-porter Publications, Inc.Pages [86–87]. Illus. 30.5 cm.Four letters, and two photographs of the Hughes sisters by Lewis Carroll.White illustrated paperback, printed in color.

382. Lewis Carroll’s Games and Puzzles. Newly Compiled and Edited by Edward Wakeling. Foreword by The Earl of Stockton. New York:

Dover Publications, Inc., in association with the Lewis Carroll Birthplace Trust, Dares-bury, Cheshire, England [c1992].xiii p., 1 leaf, 80 p. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.“Foreword,” p. v.“Introduction,” by Edward Wakeling, p. xiii.The illustrations are by John Tenniel, Henry Holiday, and Harry Furniss.Paperback, with an illustration by Tenniel printed in color on front cover.Inscribed on back of frontispiece: For The Princeton University Library with the editor’s good wishes, Edward Wakeling August 1996.

383. Lewis Carrolls Wunderhorn. Auswahl der Texte von Max Ernst und Werner Spies. Orig-inal-Lithographien von Max Ernst. [Stutt-gart]: manus presse, 1970.78 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored illus. 33.5 cm.“Max Ernst hat für diese Ausgabe ‘Bruder und Schwester’ aus dem Englischen übertra-gen. ‘Aberwitz und Fünf-Uhr-Tee’ aus ‘Alice im Wunderland’ übersetzte Christian Enzens-berger, den Brief von Charles L. Dodgson an Henrietta und Edwin Dodgson (aus ‘Briefe an kleine Mädchen’) Klaus Reichert.”“Dieses Werk wurde in einer limitierten Au-flage von eintausend Exemplaren auf Papier Arches gedrukt.”Strong greenish blue linen cloth, with a draw-ing blocked in yellow on front cover.

384. Logic and Tea. The letters of Charles L. Dodg-son (Lewis Carroll ) to Mrs. Emily Rowell & her daughters Ethel & Hettie. Notes by Jan Susina & F. Brewer. Illustrations by John Tenniel. [Bloomington, Indiana]: Fredric Brewer, 1984.2 prel. leaves, 32 p. Illus., facsims. 21.5 cm.Publisher’s device on t.p., illustrations, and or-naments printed in reddish brown.“The C. L. Dodgson letters are in the ‘Lewis Carroll’ collection held by Dr. Lall G. Mont- gomery.”

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C. L. Dodgson328“Number 104 of one hundred forty copies.”Reddish brown smooth cloth. Illustrated endpa-pers, reddish brown on white.

385. Logical Nomenclature. Desiderata. [1895.]Leaflet, printed on the two inner pages. 22 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated June, 1895.Inscribed by Dodgson on p. [1]: H. W. Blunt, Esq. Kindly return it, marked. C. L. D.

386. Copy 2.Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Dated June, 1895.A later form. The introduction is the same; the rest has been entirely rewritten. See Handbook, p. 191–192.With one correction in the author’s hand, his correspondence numbers 90133 and 90104 at head of sheet, and inscription: H. W. Blunt, Esq. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly mark this paper for me. Sincerely yours, C. L. Dodgson.

387. Logical Nonsense: The Works of Lewis Car-roll. Now, for the First Time, Complete. Ed-ited by Philip C Blackburn and Lionel White. With an Introduction, Biography, Notes and a Bibliography. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [c1934].xiii, 568 p. 25 cm.“Introduction,” signed P. C. B., p. xi–xiii.“Biography,” by Lionel White, p. 549–559.“Bibliography,” signed R. C. B., p. 561–564.“This edition is printed on Strathmore Perma-nent rag paper and is limited to one hundred and twenty-five copies signed by the editors, of which this copy is Number [in manuscript:] 35 Lionel White Philip C. Blackburn.”Dark red morocco, with an overall diamond pattern blocked in gold on covers and spine.

388. Copy 2.24 cm.“First Trade Edition.”

Without the certificate of issue, which is on a separate leaf following the halftitle in Copy 1. Black smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold, spine blocked in red and gold. Top edges stained red.Bookplate of Arthur Poillon.

389. A Logical Paradox. By Lewis Carroll. [1894.]Single long narrow sheet, printed on one side. 72 by 17 cm.Galley proof for Mind. Stamped above title: Please return, as quickly as possible, to G. F. Stout. St. John’s College. Cambridge. Writ-ten above stamped instruction: Revise proof as soon as possible to C. L. Dodgson. Esq. Christ Church College Oxford. Written at head of sheet: Williams.With extensive corrections in the author’s hand.The manuscript of this piece is in the Parrish Collection.

390. ———. <Off-printed from Mind: a Quar-terly Review of Psychology and Philosophy. Vol. iii . N. S., No. 11.> By Lewis Carroll. [1894.]Page [1], title as above; p. [2–4], numbered [436]–438, the text. 21 cm.From the July 1894 issue of Mind. See Hand-book, p. 189.Unbound.

391. A Logical Puzzle. [1894.]4 p. 22 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated September, 1894.Unbound.

392. … logique sans peine. Illustrations de max ernst. Traduction et Présentation de Jean Gat-tegno et Ernest Coumet. [Paris]: Hermann [1966].[2], 288, [3] p. Illus. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.On verso of halftitle: Collection l’Esprit et la Main.

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C. L. Dodgson 329Translations of selections from Symbolic Logic and other works.“Lewis Carroll, logicien,” par Ernest Coumet, p. 255–288.Strong greenish yellow decorated wrappers, folded over stiff plain white wrappers.

393. Copy 2.19 cm.Dark grayish red buckram. Sprinkled edges, blue. A modern variety of yellowish brown Spanish marbled endpapers.

394. … Looking-Glass Letters. Selected and in-troduced by Thomas Hinde. [London]: Col-lins & Brown [1991].160 p. Colored front., illus. (some colored). 19.5 by 25.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Introduction,” p. 6–9.“Printed and bound in Hong Kong.”Black smooth cloth.

395. Love among the Roses. [n.p., ca. 1910–20.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 20.5 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll, dated January 3rd, 1878. First separate printing of a poem first printed in the Lewis Carroll Picture Book, 1899, p. 204. See Handbook, p. 208, and Selwyn H. Good-acre, “An Enquiry into the Nature of a Certain Lewis Carroll Pamphlet,” in The Book Collector, Vol. 27, No. 3, Autumn 1978, p. 325–342.

396. The Magic of Lewis Carroll edited by John Fisher. [New York]: Bramhall House [c1973].288 p. Illus., diagrams, facsims. 23.5 cm.Illustrated (by Tenniel) t.p.“Introduction,” p. 7–18.“This edition is published by Bramhall House a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., distrib-uted by Crown Publishers, Inc. by arrangement with Simon and Schuster. . . . Line illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, Henry Holiday, Arthur B. Frost, Harry Furniss and Lewis Carroll; dia-grams by Laura Potter.”—p. [4].

Dark yellowish green coated paper textured in imitation of porous leather.

397. The Mathematical Pamphlets of Charles Lut-widge Dodgson and Related Pieces. Compiled, with Introductory Essays, Notes, and Anno-tations, by Francine F. Abeles. Charlottesville and London: Published by the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, New York, and dis-tributed by the University Press of Virginia, 1994.xvi, [2], 420 p. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.Halftitle, “The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll,” with frontispiece on verso.Series halftitle, p. [v]: The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll[.] Series Editors Stan Marx & Edward Guiliano[.] Volume 2. . . .“Introduction to the Mathematical Pam-phlets,” p. 1–24.Light bluish gray smooth cloth covers, with a black label, blocked in gold, on front cover. Black smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

398. Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll. . . . New York: Dover Publications, Inc. [1958].2 vols. Illus., diagrams. 20.5 cm.Imprint of Vol. 1 varies: Dover Publications, Inc., New York and Berkeley Enterprises.Vol. 1 is erroneously labeled “vol. two” on spine.Each vol. also has individual title: Vol. 1, Sym-bolic Logic and The Game of Logic ; Vol. 2, Pil-low Problems and A Tangled Tale. Decorated paperback: Vol. 1, deep yellow and dark greenish yellow; Vol. 2, vivid yellow green and brownish orange.Adverts., [6] p., and “Catalogue of Dover Sci-ence Books,” 15 p., at back of Vol. 1. “Dover Books on Science,” [16] p. at back of Vol. 2.

399. … Meeting of Common Room. Thursday, March the 11th, 1886, at 1:30 p.m. . . . Agenda.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 34 cm.At head of title: For Members of Common Room only.Signed C. L. Dodgson, Curator.

nos. 392–399

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C. L. Dodgson330With an addition in Dodgson’s hand to agenda item 8, “Miscellanea,” on p. [2]: (1) [“]That Mr. M. E. Sadler be invited to become an Hon-orary Member of C.R.” The Curator.

400. Memoria Technica. [Oxford, 1888.][3] p. 19.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned.Typewritten, cyclostyled leaflet. Dated June, 1888.Unbound.

401. … A Method of Taking Votes on More Than Two Issues. . . . [Oxford], March, 1876.20 p. 19 cm.At head of title: <Not Yet Published>.Issued anonymously.On t.p.: <As I hope to investigate this subject further, and to publish a more complete pam-phlet on the subject, I shall feel greatly obliged if you will enter in this copy any remarks that occur to you, and return it to me any time before [in purple ink in the author’s hand:] June 1876>. [For this purpose the pamphlet is interleaved with ten blank leaves of thinner paper.]No wrappers; stitched.Inscribed in purple ink in the author’s hand on t.p.: Rev. H. L. Thompson.

402. Mischmasch. [Oxford], 1882.4 p. 18 cm.Caption title: Mischmasch. A Word-Game for Two Players or Two Sets of Players.Unsigned. Dated November, 1882.Unbound.

403. … My Fairy. By Lewis Carroll.In Pearson’s Magazine, June 1932. London: C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd.Pages 596–597. Illus. 24.5 cm.At head of title: A hitherto unpublished poem by Lewis Carroll.The illustrations are by A. K. Macdonald.The leaves extracted and included in a collec-tion assembled by Falconer Madan and bound

in one volume, entitled on spine: Some Pieces By or Copied for Lewis Carroll. 1845–93.Moderate brown fine morocco cloth. Original colored illustrated wrappers bound in; also the leaf listing contents of the issue.

404. The New Belfry of Christ Church, Oxford. A Monograph by D. C. L. [pseud.]. . . . Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1872.23, [1] p. 17 cm.“Price Sixpence” on outside front wrapper. Colophon: Oxford: By T. Combe, M. A., E. B. Gardner, and E. Pickard Hall, Printers to the University.Dark reddish orange wrappers.

405. Copy 2.Inscribed on halftitle: Henrietta H. Dodgson with the Author’s love. June 1872.Book label of H.R.S. Jr. In a case with book-plate of Harry Bache Smith.

406. Copy 3.Without “Price Sixpence.” Colophon has J. H. Stacy added to the list of printers.

407. Copy 4.“Price Sixpence” on outside front wrapper; J. H. Stacy included in colophon; “Second Thou- sand” added to outside front wrapper.Stamped on verso of t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Ox-ford.

408. The New Examination Statute. [Oxford], 1864.2 p. 26 cm.A letter to the Vice-Chancellor, signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Christ Church, March 2, 1864, giving Dodgson’s reasons for resigning the office of Public Examiner in Mathemat-ics. Printed on both sides of a pale blue sheet. “Vincent, Printer” at foot of p. 2.

409. The New Method of Evaluation, As Applied to p. [Oxford], 1865.4 p. 31.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated March, 1865.

nos. 399–409

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C. L. Dodgson 331Inscribed at head of p. [1]: H. L. Thompson.Unbound.

410. The New Method of Evaluation as Applied to p. . . . First Printed in 1865. Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1874.16 p. 17 cm.On outside front wrapper: Notes by an Oxford Chiel.Published anonymously.Dark reddish orange wrappers. Advert. on out-side back wrapper.

411. … Note on Question 7695 ; by C. L. Dodg-son, M.A. [1885.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 14 cm.At head of title: Math. 2 May[.]Discusses the solution of a mathematical prob-lem. Part of a galley slip. “A proof, or offprint, from the Educational Times, 1 May 1885.”— Handbook, p. 134.Note at top of sheet in the hand of Falconer Madan: Matheml [sic] Questions vol. xliii, p. 86 (May 1885). [Contributions to the Educational Times “were often reprinted in Mathematical Questions and Solutions from ‘The Educational Times’.”—Handbook, p. 106.]

412. Notes by an Oxford Chiel. . . . Oxford: James Parker and Co. [1874].[121] p. in various pagings. 17 cm.Cover title.Published anonymously. Probably an early proof copy. No general title page, but title pages for each of the five ar-ticles. No halftitles. This copy contains: The New Method of Evaluation. 1874.—The Dynam-ics of a Parti-cle. 1874.—Facts, Figures and Fan-cies. 1874.—The New Belfry. Second Thousand. 1872.—The Vision of the Three T’s. Second Edi-tion. 1873.Very dark yellowish green smooth cloth, with lettering on front cover and a single rule bor-der on both covers blocked in gold. A.e.g.Stamped on verso of first t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.

On verso of free front endpaper a description of this copy is written in the hand of Falconer Madan.

413. Copy 2.[144] p. in various pagings. 16.5 cm.Cover title.Probably a late proof copy. No general title page, but title pages for each of the six articles. Halftitles for all but The New Belfry. Contents identical to those of Copy 1, with the addition of The Blank Cheque, 1874.Very dark yellowish green flexible smooth cloth. Lettering on front cover smaller than on Copy 1, gold border thinner and has a gold dot at each corner. Binding cut flush with edges. A.e.g.The author’s copy, with his monogram, CLD, in purple ink on pastedown front endpaper.See No. 975, Parker Catalogue, p. 5.

414. Copy 3.[148] p. in various pagings. 17 cm.With general title page, dated 1865–1874, and table of Contents, and title pages and halftitles for each of the six articles. Contents as in Copy 2, with the exception of the publication date 1873 for The New Belfry; the statement “Sec-ond Thousand” remains as on the 1872 title page.Binding and gilt edges identical with Copy 1, except for a gold dot at each corner of the gold borders.Inscription on pastedown front endpaper: O Gyflwyniad D. Thomas Periglor Garsington ger Rhydychain i’r Parchedig S. W. Wayte B. D. Llywydd parchus Coleg Y Drindod yna m[?]if-athropa Rhydychain. 19ed Ionawr 1876. [Presented by D. Thomas incumbent at Garsington near Oxford to the Reverend S. W. Wayte B. D. respected President of Trin-ity College in Oxford University. 19th January 1876.] Laid in is a note of presentation in English from D. Thomas to the President, 20 Jan 1876.

nos. 409–414

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C. L. Dodgson332415. Notes on the First Two Books of Euclid. De-

signed for Candidates for Responsions. Oxford and London: John Henry and James Parker, 1860.8 p. 22.5 cm.Published anonymously.No wrappers; stitched.Stamped on t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.With a copy of the one-leaf prospectus.

416. Novelty and Romancement. A Broken Spell. By Lewis Carroll.In The Train, Vol. 2, No. 10, Oct. 1856. London: S. O. Beeton.Pages 249–254. Illus. 22 cm.The illustration is by William M’Connell.Very pale green wrappers.

417. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

418. Novelty and Romancement. A Story by Lewis Carroll. . . . With an Introduction by Ran-dolph Edgar. Boston: B. J. Brimmer Company, 1925.55 p. 19.5 cm.“Introduction,” p. [9]–16.Deep reddish orange boards. Black smooth cloth spine.

419. The Nursery “Alice.” Containing Twenty Coloured Enlargements from Tenniel’s Illustra-tions to “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” With Text Adapted to Nursery Readers by Lewis Carroll. The Cover Designed and Co-loured by E. Gertrude Thomson. London: Macmillan and Co., 1889.[9], 56, [5] p. Colored front., colored illus. 26 cm.Printed in brown. Light yellowish brown glazed boards, with a colored illustration of Alice dreaming under a tree on front cover and a colored vignette of

the March Hare on back cover. Light grayish yellowish brown smooth cloth spine. Orange yellow endpapers.Adverts., [2] p. at back.With the author’s monogram, CLD, inscribed in purple ink on pastedown front endpaper.See No. 955, Brooks Catalogue, Lot 716.

420. Copy 2.Third issue. Published 1891 (t.p. still dated 1889). See Handbook, p. 161. At head of title: People’s Edition. Price Two Shillings.Boards and endpapers as Copy 1, but pale yel-low spine.Adverts. as above.

421. Copy 3.Fourth issue. Published 1897 (t.p. still dated 1889). See Handbook, p. 162. “Price Three Shil-lings” above imprint on t.p. has been cancelled by means of a small ornamental bar printed over it. “Price One Shilling” printed above this has been erased on this copy.Boards and spine as Copy 1, except that the boards are not glazed. White endpapers.Adverts. as above.

422. ———. Containing Twenty Coloured En-largements from Tenniel’s Illustrations to “Al-ice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” With Text Adapted to Nursery Readers by Lewis Carroll. The Cover Designed and Coloured by E. Ger-trude Thomson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1890.[9], 56, [5] p. Colored front., colored illus. 26 cm.Printed in brown.On t.p. above imprint: Price Four Shillings.White glazed boards, illustrated in color as the preceding edition. White smooth cloth spine. White endpapers.Adverts., [3] p. at back, including a Specimen Page from Alice’s Adventures under Ground. In-serted between the first two pages of adverts. is an Addendum slip advertising Sylvie and Bruno, dated March, 1890.

nos. 415–422

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C. L. Dodgson 333Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Edith A. Dodgson, with the Author’s love. Ap 22. 1890.

423. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With a New In-troduction by Martin Gardner. New York, To-ronto, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company [1966].xi, [12], 56, [11] p. Colored illus. 24 cm.Colored illustrated t.p. Text printed in brown.“This edition, first published in 1966, is a repub-lication of the work as published by Macmillan and Company in 1890, to which has been added a new Introduction especially prepared for this edition by Martin Gardner.”— p. [iv].“Introduction,” p. v–xi.Bright yellowish green smooth cloth, with a cut of Alice and the ugly duch*ess blocked in black on front cover.

424. … Objections, submitted to the Governing Body of Christ Church, Oxford, against certain proposed alterations in the Great Quadrangle. [Oxford], 1873.3, [1] p. 26.5 cm.Caption title.At head of title: <Printed for Private Circula-tion.>Signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch. May 16, 1873.Unbound.

425. Observations on (1 ) Mr. Sampson’s new pro-posal (to be brought before Common Room on June 18, 1886 ) that, in consideration of the occupancy of No. I. 2, Great Quadrangle (the Common Room Drawing-room) by Common Room, rent-free, the Governing Body be no longer required to pay rent for its use of the Common Room and of the New Common Room; (2 ) certain recent proceedings of the Wine-Committee. [Oxford: Baxter, Printer, 1886.]10 p. 18 cm.Caption title.Signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., June 10, 1886. “Baxter, Printer, Oxford” at foot of p. 10. No wrappers; stitched.

426. The Offer of the Clarendon Trustees. [Ox-ford], 1868.2 p. 22.5 cm.Single sheet, printed on both sides. Signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch. Feb. 6, 1868. “Vincent, Printer” at foot of p. 2.Dodgson’s parody of a letter with the same title by Professor R. B. Clifton.

427. [O ]h pudgy podgy pup!Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Untitled sixteen-line poem, signed Lewis Car-roll. This satirical poem was Dodgson’s origi-nal response to a request to contribute a poem for The Garland of Rachel, and was set up in type (with a space left at the beginning for a decorative initial “O”) but never issued. Dodg-son later relented and sent a second poem, also untitled, beginning, “What hand may wreathe thy natal crown …,” which was included in the Garland.The sheet is pasted on a stub and bound in very dark green sand cloth, lettered in gold on spine, “Dodgson and Rachel Daniel. 1880.” Also on stubs and bound in are proofs of p. 204–206 from Williams and Madan’s A Hand-book of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (1931), in which are printed Dodgson’s letter to Dr. Daniel containing the first poem, and the second, published, poem.Finally, on a stub and bound in, is the signed autograph letter with poem from C L Dodgson to Daniel, dated Nov. 23/80, written in purple ink on mourning paper.

428. The Oxford Pamphlets, Leaflets, and Circulars of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Compiled, with Notes and Annotations, by Edward Wakeling. Charlottesville: Published for the Lewis Car-roll Society of North America by the Univer-sity Press of Virginia, 1993.xix, [3], 382, [1] p. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.Halftitle, “The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll,” with frontispiece on verso.Series halftitle, p. [v]: The Pamphlets of Lewis

nos. 422–428

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C. L. Dodgson334Carroll[.] Series Editors Edward Guiliano & Stan Marx[.] Volume i . . . .“Introduction to the Oxford Pamphlets,” by Edward Wakeling, p. xv–xvii.Light bluish gray smooth cloth covers, with a black label, blocked in gold, on front cover. Black smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

Papers on Logic

429. First Paper on Logic.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22.5 cm.Unsigned. Dated June, 1886.

430. Fourth Paper on Logic.[3] p. 22 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated June, 1886.

431. Fifth Paper on Logic.[4] p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated May, 1887.

432. Sixth Paper on Logic.[4] p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated June, 1887.

433. Eighth Paper on Logic.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.Unsigned. Dated Nov., 1892.

434. Ninth Paper on Logic.[4] p. 22 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated Nov., 1892.

435. Eighth and Ninth Papers on Logic. Notes.[4] p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned. Dated Nov. 1892.

436. Eighth Paper on Logic.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 21.5 cm.On heavy paper. Unsigned. Dated Dec. 1892.The fifth, sixth, and seventh sets of premisses have been rewritten.All the Papers on Logic are unbound.

437. The Path of Roses. By Lewis Carroll.In The Train, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 1856. London: Groombridge and Sons.Pages 286–288. Illus. 22 cm.The illustration is by C. H. Bennett.Very pale green wrappers.

438. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

439. Phantasmagoria and Other Poems. By Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan and Co., 1869.viii, 202 p. 17.5 cm.First issue, with p. [87] in table of Contents misnumbered 78. See Handbook, p. 52.Vivid purplish blue smooth cloth, with a dou-ble rule border and the Crab nebula in the con-stellation Taurus on front cover, a double rule border and Donati’s comet on back cover, all blocked in gold, spine blocked in gold. A.e.g.Inscribed on halftitle: Emma E. Vine, from the Author with kind regards. Jan. 1869.Laid in is a slip advertising Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

440. Copy 2.Inscribed on halftitle: W. Wilcox and Mrs. Wil-cox, with the Author’s affectionate regards. Jan. 1869.No advertisem*nt slip laid in.

441. Copy 3.Second issue, with “Author of ‘Alice’s Adven-tures in Wonderland.’ ” added on t.p. Page 87 correctly given in Contents, but p. [94] of text misnumbered 49. See Handbook, p. 52–53.No advertisem*nt slip laid in.

442. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Illustra-tions by Arthur B. Frost. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1911.viii, 166 p. Illus. 16 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-

nos. 428–442

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C. L. Dodgson 335der blocked in blind on both covers, and a cir-cular cut of the Phantom from the title poem blocked in gold on front cover.Adverts., [2] p. at back.

443. Photographs. [n.p., 1860.]3 p. 24 cm.Caption title.Watermarked 1859.Issued anonymously.A list of photographs taken by Dodgson. A few of the portraits listed are dated, the dates rang-ing from 1857 to 1860.Unbound.

444. Poems of Lewis Carroll. Selected by Myra Cohn Livingston. With illustrations by John Tenniel, Harry Furniss, Henry Holiday, Ar-thur B. Frost, and Lewis Carroll from the orig-inal editions. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company [c1973].[4] p., 2 leaves, 149, [1] p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21 cm.Illustrated t.p.On leaf following t.p.: The Crowell Poets.“Introduction,” p. 1–10.Strong yellow buckram, printed in green.

445. Poeta Fit, non Nascitur. poëmes de Lewis Carroll traduits par Henri Parisot. Paris: Deuxième Cahier de Vulturne, 1941.[16] p. 16.5 cm.No. 4 of 30 copies.Very pale green wrappers, printed in green.

446. A Postal Problem. June, 1891. [1891.][4] p., printed on inner two pages only. 22.5 cm. Caption title.Unsigned.With Dodgson’s correspondence number, 74469, on upper right corner of p. [1].

447. A Postal Problem. June, 1891. <Supplement.> [1891.]Single sheet, printed on one side. 22.5 cm.Unsigned.With Dodgson’s correspondence number, 74529, on upper right corner.

448. The Principles of Parliamentary Repre-sentation. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1884.4 prel. leaves (in duplicate), 47 p. 19.5 cm.Halftitle. At head of title: With the Author’s Compliments.Proof copy, with two sets of preliminary pages. The first set is corrected for the private edi-tion, with “Price one shilling” on t.p. marked out. The second set is corrected for the pub-lished edition, with “With the Author’s Com-pliments” on halftitle marked out. These and other corrections on the preliminary pages in black ink in the author’s hand. Corrections in purple ink in the author’s hand throughout the text, and “Press. 1500 copies” written at top of p. [1].No wrappers; fastened with one cotter pin.

449. Copy 2.4 prel. leaves, 47 p. 19.5 cm.Private edition, with “With the Author’s Com-pliments” on halftitle, and without “Price one shilling” on t.p. All of the corrections made on Copy 1 have been incorporated in this print-ing.No wrappers; stitched.

450. ———. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Second Edition. London: Harrison and Sons, 1885.viii, 47 p. 19.5 cm.Halftitle. At head of title: With the Author’s Compliments.No wrappers; stitching removed.

451. The Principles of Parliamentary Represen- tation. Supplement. Oxford: Printed by E. Bax- ter [1885].7 p. 20.5 cm.Signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, Feb., 1885.No wrappers; unstitched.

452. The Principles of Parliamentary Repre-sentation. Postscript to Supplement. [Oxford: Baxter, Printer, 1885.]4 p. 20.5 cm.

nos. 442–452

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C. L. Dodgson336Caption title.Signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, Feb. 1885. “Baxter, Printer, Oxford” at foot of p. 4.Unbound.

453. The Proctorial Cycle to be Voted on in Con-gregation on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1885. [Oxford, 1885.][3] p. 24.5 cm.Caption title.Signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch. No-vember 6, 1885.Removed from a binding.

454. The Professorship of Comparative Philology. [1876.]Three sheets with the same title but different texts, signed Charles L. Dodgson, and dated Ch. Ch., Feb. 4, 12, and 14, 1876. The first two printed on one side only, the last on both sides.Feb. 4. 26 cm. The title is followed by a copy of the proposed decree of February 15; the letter begins: “There are one or two points. . . .”Feb. 12. 25.8 cm. The title is followed by a line; the letter begins: “There seems to be good rea-son. . . .”Feb. 14. 24.4 cm. The title is followed by the motto, “ ‘Be just before you are generous.’ ”, and a line; the letter begins: “Since the issue. . . .”Unbound.

455. Prologue.In College Rhymes, x, Michaelmas Term, 1862. Oxford: T. and G. Shrimpton; Cambridge: Mac-millan and Co.Page [ii]. 18.5 cm.Unsigned.Yellowish white decorated wrappers.

456. The Proposed Procuratorial Cycle, <to be sub-mitted to Congregation on Oct. 27, 1885.> [Ox-ford: Baxter, Printer, 1885.][4] p. 25.5 cm.Caption title.“The Proposed Procuratorial Cycle,” p. [1–2].

“Postscript, <addressed to Mathematicians only.>,” p. [3–4]. Each section separately signed and dated, Charles L. Dodgson, Ch. Ch. October 24, 1885. “Baxter, Printer, Oxford” at foot of p. [4].Unbound.

457. Questions in Logic. [1887.]4 p. Diagrams. 34.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned.Unbound.

458. Copy 2.Another issue. [1887?]6 p. Diagrams. 34.5 cm.Three single sheets. Layout varies from Copy 1. Content same, except for “N. B.” added on p. [1]: The marks, assigned to this paper, are as follows: … Thus the maximum attainable is 101.Unsigned.Unbound.

459. The Rectory Magazine. Edited by Lewis Car-roll. Austin & London: University of Texas Press [c1975].[26], 110, [7] p. Illus. 21 cm.Photoreprint edition of the original manu-script in the Harry Ransom Humanities Re-search Center, University of Texas at Austin.On t.p. of manuscript: Edited and printed by C L D. Fifth edition, carefully revised, & im-proved. 1850.The magazine was also largely written by Dodgson.Dark yellowish brown smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold.

The Rectory Magazine. French

460. … Le Magazine du Presbytère. Traduit et présenté par Jeanne Bouniort. Suivi de “Lewis Carroll, précurseur de l’”, par Fran-çois Le Lionnais. Propos recueillis par Fran-çois Rivière. [Paris]: Éditions Henri Veyrier [1978].

nos. 452–460

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C. L. Dodgson 337161 p., 2 leaves. Illus. 22 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.On verso of title leaf: Collection “Domaines.”“Préface,” signed J.B., p. [5]–16.White paperback, printed in black and blue, with a colored illustration on front cover.

461. The Rectory Umbrella and Mischmasch by Lewis Carroll. With a Foreword by Florence Milner. . . . London, Toronto, Melbourne & Sydney: Cassell & Company, Ltd. [1932].xiii, 193 p. Illus. 21.5 cm.“Foreword,” p. v–xii.Deep blue smooth cloth, with a maze blocked in green on front cover. Top edges stained blue.Pasted in on free front endpaper is a card with, in manuscript, “Compliment of,” and engraved, “Mrs. Luther S. Livingston.”

462. Rediscovered Lewis Carroll Puzzles. Newly Compiled and Edited by Edward Wakeling. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. [c1995].xiii, 79 p. Illus. 21.5 cm.“Introduction,” by Edward Wakeling, p. xiii.The illustrations are by John Tenniel, Henry Holiday, Harry Furniss, and others.Paperback, with an illustration by Tenniel printed in color on front cover.Inscribed on front flyleaf: For The Prince-ton University Library with the editor’s good wishes, Edward Wakeling August 1996.

463. Remarks on Mr. Sampson’s Proposal (to be brought before Common Room on May 28, 1886 ) that Common Room shall pay rent for the rooms now used by it as Drawing-room, &c. [Oxford, 1886.]4 p. 19 cm.Caption title.Signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., May 27, 1886.Unbound.

464. Resident Women-Students. [Oxford: Shep-pard, Printer, 1896.][3] p. 21 cm.Caption title.

Signed Charles L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., Mar. 7th, 1896. “Sheppard, Printer, Oxford” at foot of p. [3].See Handbook, p. 198–199. Page [2] is not in fact mispaged 3. Dodgson presents “four propositions,” numbered, each number being centered on the line above the paragraph giv-ing that proposition. Proposition number 3 be-gins at the top of p. [2], and this is the number the Handbook mistakenly calls a page number.The word “Consequently” is centered on p. [1] and again on p. [2].Unbound.

465. Copy 2.“Consequently” is aligned with the beginning of the paragraphs.Unbound.

466. The Responsions of Hilary Term, 1877. [Ox-ford], 1877.Single sheet, printed on one side. 26.5 cm.Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., April [blank], 1877.Stamped in upper left corner: Clarendon Press 18 Apr 77 Oxford.Inscribed at top of page in purple ink in the author’s hand: Please return this with sugges-tions CLD.

467. Responsions, Hilary Term, 1877. [Oxford], 1877.Single sheet, printed on one side. 24 cm.Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, signed C. L. Dodgson, dated Ch. Ch., April 18, 1877.A slightly revised version of the preceding item.

468. The Rev. C. L. Dodgson’s will, dated Nov. 4, 1871. Extracted from the Principal Registry of the Probate Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice.Single sheet, printed on one side. 14.5 cm.This sheet appears to be a proof of page 221 in Williams and Madan’s A Handbook of the Litera-ture of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson, 1931.Included in a collection assembled by Falconer

nos. 460–468

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C. L. Dodgson338Madan and bound in one volume, entitled on spine: Some Pieces By or Copied for Lewis Carroll. 1845–93. Moderate brown fine mo-rocco cloth.

469. Rhyme? and Reason? By Lewis Carroll. With Sixty-five Illustrations by Arthur B. Frost and Nine by Henry Holiday. . . . London: Macmil-lan and Co., 1883.xii, 214 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.Moderate yellow green smooth cloth, with a triple rule border on both covers, a circular cut of the Phantom from “Phantasmagoria” on front cover, and a circular cut of the Bell-man from the Snark on back cover, all blocked in gold, spine blocked in gold. Edges stained vivid yellow.Advert., [2] p. at back.

470. Copy 2.Imprint at foot of spine in a slightly smaller font.Advert. as above.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Henrietta H. Dodgson with best love from the Author. Aug./84.Bookplate of Harry Glemby.

471. Copy 3.Vellum, blocked as above. Imprint at foot of spine as on Copy 2. A.e.g.Advert. as above.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Clara Me-nella Hitchco*ck with the Author’s love Feb. 15/84.

472. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Sixty-five Illustrations by Arthur B. Frost and Nine by Henry Holiday. . . . New York: Macmillan and Co., 1884.xii, 214 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Deep reddish orange diagonal fine rib cloth, with an illustration of the Phantom and other decoration blocked in black and gold on front cover and an illustration of Ye Carpette Knyghte and other decoration blocked in black

and gold on spine. A.e.g. Floral-patterned end-papers, grayish olive on light olive gray.Adverts., 12, [12] p. at back.

473. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Sixty-five Illustrations by Arthur Frost and Nine by Henry Holiday. . . . New York: International Book Company [n.d.].224 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Deep red diagonal fine rib cloth, with illustra-tions of cowboys and Indians blocked in black on front cover, Indian paraphernalia and other decoration blocked in black on spine. On front cover: Adventure Series.Inscription on free front endpaper dated Sept. 1895.

474. Rules for Court Circular. (A New Game of Cards for Two or More Players.) [n.p.], 1860.[3] p. 18 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously. Dated at end January, 1860.Unbound.

475. Rules for Court Circular; <A New Game of Cards for Two Players.> [n.p.], 1862.[2] p., 1 blank leaf. 14.5 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously. Dated at end April, 1862.Unbound.

476. The Russian Journal and Other Selections from the Works of Lewis Carroll. Edited and with an Introduction by John Francis McDermott. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. [c1935].252 p. Illus. 21 cm.“Introduction,” p. 13–38.“Journal of a Tour in Russia in 1867,” p. [71]– 121.“First edition.”Dark red smooth cloth. Medium gray smooth cloth spine.Inscribed on free front endpaper: Morris L. Parrish, Esq. from John Francis McDermott 29 August 1935.

nos. 468–476

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C. L. Dodgson 339477. The Sailor’s Wife. By Lewis Carroll.

In The Train, Vol. 3, No. 16, April 1857. Lon-don: Groombridge and Sons.Pages 231–233. Illus. 22 cm.The illustration is by C. H. Bennett.Very pale green wrappers.

478. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue in the bound volume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

479. A Sea Dirge. By Lewis Carroll.In The Atlantic Almanac 1870. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., Office of the Atlantic Monthly, 1869.Pages 58–59. 28.5 cm.Grayish yellowish brown illustrated wrappers, printed in color.2 copies.In thackeray collection [wmt 163].

480. Second-hand Books. [1893.]Leaflet, printed on p. [1] and [3] only. 18 cm.Caption title.Dated Ch. Ch., Oxford, May 1, 1893.Circular to booksellers in which Dodgson re-fers to himself in the third person.Unbound.

481. The Selected Letters of Lewis Carroll. Edited by Morton N. Cohen with the assistance of Roger Lancelyn Green. New York: Pantheon Books [c1982].xvii, [2], 302 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates, illus. 21 cm. “Pantheon/Papermac Edition.”“Preface to the Pantheon/Papermac Edition,” by Morton N. Cohen, p. vii–xii.“First American Edition.”Light brown paperback, covers and spine illus-trated in color.

482. ———. Edited by Morton N. Cohen with the assistance of Roger Lancelyn Green. Sec-ond Edition. [Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hamp- shire and London]: Macmillan [1989].

xix, [2], 302 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates, illus. 22.5 cm.“Preface to the Second Edition,” by Morton N. Cohen, p. vii–viii.“Printed in the People’s Republic of China.”Black smooth cloth.

483. A Selection from the Letters of Lewis Car-roll (The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ) to His Child-Friends. Together with “Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing.” Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Evelyn M. Hatch. Facsimile Illustrations and 8 Collotype Plates. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1933.xvii, 268 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates, illus. 20 cm.“Introduction,” p. 1–13.Moderate blue smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. Top edges stained yellow.

484. Six Letters by Lewis Carroll. London: Printed for Private Distribution, 1924.iv, 12 p. 19.5 cm.Letters to Miss Maud Standen (later Mrs. Ff*cks), signed C. L. Dodgson.A fore-print of the article in The Bookman’s Journal, Vol. 9, No. 30, March 1924.“Of this first edition … 26 copies only (each numbered and signed by me) have been printed. . . . This is No. [in manuscript:] 7. Wil-fred Partington and is for Falconer Madan.”Dark grayish red plain wrappers.Inscription on t.p.: recd. Feb. 22. 1924. With some marginal annotations and markings in ink and pencil by Madan.

485. Size and Tears.In College Rhymes, Vol. 4, No. 12, Trinity Term 1863. Oxford: T. and G. Shrimpton; Cam-bridge: Macmillan and Co.Pages 113–115. 19 cm.Signed R. W. G. [pseud.]. Yellowish white decorated wrappers.

486. Copy 2.18 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.

nos. 477–486

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C. L. Dodgson340Dark purple vertical cord cloth, covers blocked in blind, spine blocked in gold.

487. The Snark Puzzle Book by Martin Gardner with original illustrations from “The Hunt-ing of the Snark” by Henry Holiday. Illustra-tions for “Jabberwocky” by John Tenniel. New York: Simon and Schuster [c1973].124 p. Illus. 24.5 cm.T.p. and text in black, but with red also used throughout.Includes the texts of The Hunting of the Snark (but without Carroll’s “Preface”) and “Jabber-wocky.”“Introduction,” by Martin Gardner, p. 6–9.Bright greenish yellow buckram, with a cut of a flying bird blocked in black on front cover.

488. Solitude. By Lewis Carroll.In The Train, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1856. Lon-don: Groombridge and Sons.Pages 154–155. Illus. 22 cm.The illustration is by William M’Connell.Very pale green wrappers.

489. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

490. ———. A Poem by Lewis Carroll. A Vari-orum Edition, with annotations by Selwyn H Goodacre. [n.p.]: Privately Printed [by Craig & Company, Sidcup, Kent], 1982.[12] p. Illus. 21 cm.“Introduction,” by Selwyn H. Goodacre, p. [2–3].Two illustrations: one by William M’Connell, the other by Gertrude Thomson.Copy No. 55 of an edition limited to 100 signed and numbered copies.Light gray wrappers; stapled.With a presentation inscription to the Parrish Collection from the editor, and with four manu-script corrections in his hand.

491. Some Popular Fallacies about Vivisection.In The Fortnightly Review, No. 102, New Series, June 1, 1875. London: Chapman and Hall.Pages [847]–854. 25.5 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.Pale orange yellow wrappers.

492. ———. by Lewis Carroll. Oxford: Printed for private circulation only, June, 1875.16 p. 19.5 cm.Unusual pagination, with the verso of the title leaf as p. [1], and the even numbers occurring on the recto of the leaves.Supposed proof copy, without the title leaf and its conjugate blank at end; has caption title on p. [2].No wrappers; stapled.Inscription in purple ink at top of p. [2]: Press 150 copies to be printed title page No Correc-tions.

493. Copy 2.With title leaf and conjugate blank at end.No wrappers; stitched.The pamphlet is almost certainly a forgery of the 1920s, the supposed instructions to the printer in purple ink being a forgery of Dodg-son’s handwriting. See Selwyn H. Goodacre, “An Enquiry into the Nature of a Certain Lewis Carroll Pamphlet,” in The Book Collec-tor, Vol. 27, No. 3, Autumn 1978, p. 325–342.

494. … Special Meeting of Common Room. Friday, May 17, 1889, at 1.30 p.m., <To receive the resig-nation of the present Curator.> [Oxford], 1889.Single sheet, printed on one side. 17 by 21.5 cm.In left corner at head of title: For Members of Common Room only.>Signed C. L. Dodgson, Curator, dated Ch. Ch., May 10, 1889.Laid in case is a letter from Herbert W. Blunt, who was at the meeting, to Mr. Parrish, 7 Dec. 1927.Also laid in is the last page of a printed let-ter signed C. L. Dodgson, Curator of Com-

nos. 486–494

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C. L. Dodgson 341mon Room. The three paragraphs on this page begin: “It was further resolved …,” “You will see, by the accompanying paper …,” and “I have the pleasure to invite you. . . .” With two manuscript corrections. On verso is a mathe- matical problem in purple ink in Dodgson’s hand.

495. The Stage and the Spirit of Reverence. By Lewis Carroll.In The Theatre, New Series, Vol. 11, No. 66, June 1888. London: Strand Publishing Com-pany.Pages [285]–294. Mounted front. 24 cm.Pale orange yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in reddish brown.

496. Stage Children.In The Theatre, New Series, Vol. 14, No. 81, Sept. 1889. London: Strand Publishing Com-pany.Pages [113]–117. 24 cm.A letter, originally addressed to the editor of the Sunday Times, signed Lewis Carroll.Pale orange yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in reddish brown.

497. Suggestions as to Election of Proctors. [Ox-ford], 1885.[4] p. 28.5 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously. Dated Nov. 21, 1885.Unbound.

498. Suggestions as to the Best Method of Tak-ing Votes, Where More Than Two Issues Are to be Voted on. Oxford: E. Pickard Hall and J. H. Stacy, Printers to the University, 1874.7 p. 17.5 cm.[Preface] signed C. L. D, dated Ch. Ch., June 13, 1874.“Placed” in last line of p. [5] marked out with Dodgson’s purple ink; according to the Hand-book, p. 80, perhaps every copy has this correc-tion.No wrappers; stitched.

499. Suggestions as to the Election of Proctors. By C. L. Dodgson. . . . Oxford: [Baxter, Printer], 1886.10 p. 24.5 cm.No wrappers; stitched. Also has stab holes.Stamped on t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.

500. A Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry, Systematically Arranged, with Formal Definitions, Postulates, and Axioms. By Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. . . . Part i. Containing Points, Right Lines, Rectilinear Figures, Pencils, and Circles. Oxford: Printed by James Wright, Printer to the University; sold by J. H. and J. Parker, 1860. xvi, 153, [1] p. 22.5 cm.No more published.Black horizontal cord cloth. Paper label on spine.Inscribed on t.p.: From the Author.

501. Sylvie and Bruno. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-six Illustrations by Harry Furniss. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1889.xxiii, 400 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der on both covers, a circular cut of Sylvie on front cover, a circular cut of Bruno on back cover, and a triangular ornament on spine, all blocked in gold. A.e.g.Adverts., [3] p. at back.Trial issue. Bound in 2 vols., Vol. ii beginning with Chapter xv, p. [207].

502. Copy 2.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Mary C. Collingwood with the Author’s love. Dec. 12, 1889.Laid in is a copy of the “Advertisem*nt” leaf, Christmas, 1893, concerning the poor print-ing of the pictures in the Sixtieth Thousand of Through the Looking-Glass. See No. 4.

503. Copy 3.Circular cuts on covers reversed, with Bruno on front cover and Sylvie on back cover, both portraits being upside-down.

nos. 494–503

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C. L. Dodgson342Inscribed on halftitle (not in the author’s hand): Lawrence C. Higgins Xmas 1889.

504. Copy 4.Edges stained vivid yellow.With a blue ribbon place-marker.Laid in is a letter from Sidney Williams to Mr. Parrish, June 4. 28, concerning this “unique” copy.

505. Copy 5.White parchment paper boards, textured and with a soft leathery finish, blocked as Copies 1, 2, and 4. A.e.g.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: Louisa F. Dodgson with best love from the Author. Feb. 1890.

506. Copy 6.20 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked as Copies 1, 2, 4, and 5. Untrimmed edges.Later state of p. [1–2] of the adverts., with The Nursery “Alice” listed as “First published in 1890” (instead of “In the press”). Second leaf (p. [3]) torn out.Bookplate of Sir Charles Philip Huntington, 3rd Baronet.

507. Copy 7.Moderate red smooth cloth, covers blocked as Copies 1, 2, and 4–6, with a leaf ornament blocked in gold on spine. A.e.g. Adverts. as in Copies 1–5.

508. Copy 8.Moderate red sand cloth, covers blocked as Copies 1, 2, and 4–7, with a different ornament on spine, all in blind. Also blocked in blind on front cover: Presented for the Use of Mechan-ics’ Institutes. Reading Rooms Etc. Sprinkled edges, reddish brown.Adverts. as in Copies 1–5 and 7, but in reverse order.

509. Copy 9.18.5 cm.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with an il-

lustration of Sylvie comforting Bruno blocked in red and black on front cover, publisher’s monogram blocked in black and red on back cover. Plain edges.No. adverts.Inscription on free front endpaper dated Xmas 1904.

510. Copy 10.19 cm.Dark blue smooth cloth, with two floral pat-terns blocked in black and gold on front cover and on spine, in blind on back cover; also with a floral design blocked in gold on spine. Plain edges.No adverts.

511. Copy 11.19 cm. Deep red diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copy 10. Plain edges.No adverts.

512. Copy 12.19 cm.Deep yellowish green diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copies 10 and 11. Plain edges.No adverts.

513. Copy 13.20.5 cm.Dark grayish olive boards. Dark yellow buck-ram spine. Lettered on spine: Sylvie & Bruno. Untrimmed edges.No adverts.Inscription on a slip mounted on a leaf inserted after dedication leaf: Yours affly C L Dodg-son[.]

514. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-six Illustrations by Harry Furniss. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1890.xxiv, 400 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.On verso of t.p.: Presswork by John Wilson and Son, University Press.

nos. 503–514

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C. L. Dodgson 343Dark blue diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copies 10–12 of the 1889 edition. Adverts., Macmillan & Co., 112 Fourth Ave-nue, New York, [3] p. at back.

515. Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. By Lewis Car-roll. With Forty-six Illustrations by Harry Furniss. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1893.xxxi, 423 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der on front and back covers, a circular cut of the Professor on front cover, a circular cut of the Chancellor on back cover, and a triangular ornament on spine, all blocked in gold. A.e.g.Advert., [6] p., including a specimen page of Alice’s Adventures under Ground, at back.

516. Copy 2.Inscribed on halftitle: Mary C. Collingwood, with the Author’s love. Dec. 27 1893.

517. Copy 3.White parchment paper boards, textured and with a soft leathery finish, blocked as above. A.e.g.Advert. as above.Laid in is a folded sheet with inscription in pencil: With best good wishes from L[ouisa]. F[letcher]. Dodgson. And in ink in a differ-ent hand on lower half of sheet: Meadow Bank Epsom Road Guildford.

518. Copy 4.Moderate red sand cloth, covers blocked as above, with a different ornament on spine, all in blind. Also blocked in blind on front cover: Presented for the Use of Mechanics’ Institutes. Reading Rooms Etc. Sprinkled edges, red.Advert. as above.Inserted between p. [xxiv] and [xxv] is a copy of “Advertisem*nt,” single sheet printed on one side, 18 cm., signed Lewis Carroll, dated Christmas, 1893. See No. 4.

519. Copy 5.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with an illustration of Sylvie, Bruno, and Mein Herr blocked in black and red on front cover, pub-lisher’s monogram blocked in black and red on back cover. Plain edges.Advert. as above.Inscription on free front endpaper dated Xmas 1904.

520. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-six Illustrations by Harry Furniss. New York and London: Macmillan and Co.,, 423 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Deep red diagonal fine rib cloth, with two flo-ral patterns blocked in black and gold on front cover and on spine, in blind on back cover; also with a floral design blocked in gold on spine. Imprint on spine: The Macmillan Com-pany[.]Adverts., Macmillan & Co., 66 Fifth Avenue, New York, 9 p. at back.

521. Copy 2.Dark yellowish green diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as above. Imprint on spine: Macmil-lan & Co.Adverts., as above.

Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and BrunoConcluded

522. The Story of Sylvie and Bruno. By Lewis Car-roll. With Illustrations by Harry Furniss. Lon-don: Macmillan and Co., Limited; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1904.xii, 329 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.“Preface,” unsigned, p. [ix].An abridgment of the two volumes of Sylvie and Bruno, entirely in the words of Lewis Car-roll except for a few words added to connect sections.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with an il-lustration of Sylvie comforting Bruno blocked in black and red on front cover, publisher’s monogram blocked in black and red on back cover.

nos. 514–522

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C. L. Dodgson344Adverts., p. 331–332.Inscription on free front endpaper: It occured [sic ] to my brother, the Rev. Edwin H. Dodg-son, (when he was living with us at “the Chest-nuts” after being invalided home after years of missionary work at Tristan & elsewhere), that those portions of my eldest brother Lewis Car-roll’s “Sylvie & Bruno,” which referred only to Sylvie & Bruno themselves, would make a very delightful book for children, and he spent much time & thought over the arrangement of this little volume. Louisa F. Dodgson—March 19, 1927.Inscribed in pencil on halftitle: L[ouisa]. Dodg-son. The Chestnuts—Guildford.

523. … The Story of Sylvie & Bruno (Abridged ). By Lewis Carroll. With Illustrations by Harry Furniss. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. [1913].80 p. Illus. 18 cm.Cover title.An abridgment of the 1904 abridgment, with an occasional word replaced by a simpler one.Dark bluish green decorated wrappers, printed in blue. On outside front wrapper: The Chil-dren’s Classics. Intermediate ii (Ages 9 to 11). No 40. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Inscribed at head of outside front wrapper: M. Dodgson. from W[ilfred]. L[ongley]. D[odgson]. Ap 24/14.

524. The Complete Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll. The Mercury House Edition. Illus-trated by Renée Flower. San Francisco: Mer-cury House, Incorporated [c1991].xvi, 394 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 24 cm.T.p. printed in brown and dark grayish green. Text printed in brown. Illustrations and deco-rations in dark grayish green.“Editor’s Note: Dodgson’s Dodges,” signed Tho- mas Christensen, p. ix–xvi.Very light brown smooth cloth covers, front cover embossed in blind. Light yellow green

smooth cloth spine. Edges stained dark green. Decorated endpapers, dark brown on brown-ish orange.

Excerpts from Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded

525. The Mad Gardener’s Song. Lewis Carroll. Il-lustrated by Sean Morrison. Indianapolis, Kan-sas City, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Com-pany, Inc. [c1967].[40] p. Chiefly illus. 23.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.“First Edition.”Boards embossed to simulate buckram, with an overall illustration in color on covers and on spine. Illustrated endpapers, black on white.

526. The Pig-Tale by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Leonard B. Lubin. Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Company [c1975].30, [2] p. Front., illus. 26 cm.Illustrated t.p.Printed in brown and black.“Third Printing.”“ ‘The Pig-Tale’ is taken from Sylvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll, first published in 1889.”—verso of t.p. The complete poem is actually taken from Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. “Some stanzas and selected drawings from this book appeared prior to its publication in the April 1975 issue of Cricket Magazine.”Strong brown smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. Stamped on back cover: Little Brown reinforced binding[.]

527. … The Gardener’s Song. Designed and Let-tered by Joseph Vogel. A Hawkhurst Manu-script. [Columbus, Ohio: Hawkhurst Manu-scripts, 1981.]20 unnumbered leaves. Illus. (some colored). 24.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Advertisem*nt,” leaves [16–18].Princeton copy has two manuscript leaves in colored ink, while rest of book is offset repro-

nos. 522–527

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C. L. Dodgson 345duction of drawings and calligraphic text with sporadic hand-coloring.“This is copy Number Eight in an edition lim-ited to ninety-nine copies.”Light greenish yellow wrappers, outside front wrapper lettered in black and in color.

528. … ——— illustrated by Brian Partridge. Clun [Shropshire]: The Redlake Press [1990].[31] p. Illus. 15 cm.At head of t.p.: Lewis Carroll.T.p. printed in black and red.“Set by hand in Perpetua and printed on an Arab treadle platen at The Redlake Press, the private press of Ursula Freeman. 250 copies printed, of which this is number [in manu-script:] 210.”White boards, with a flower and leaf pattern in black, title on front cover in red. Vivid red smooth cloth spine.

Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and BrunoConcluded. French

529. … Sylvie et Bruno, suivi de Sylvie et Bruno Suite et Fin. Préface de Jean Gattégno. Tra-duction de Fanny Deleuze. Paris: Éditions du Seuil [c1972].468, [9] p. Illus. 20.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Sylvie et Bruno ou l’Envers et l’Endroit,” par Jean Gattégno, p. [7]–[19].The illustrations are by Harry Furniss.White paperback, printed in purplish red and greenish blue, with a portrait of the author on front cover.

530. Symbolic Logic. Specimen-Syllogisms. Prem-isses.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.Unsigned. Dated. Feb., 1894.

531. Symbolic Logic. Specimen-Syllogisms. (2nd Ed.) Premisses.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.Unsigned. Dated. Feb., 1894.

532. Symbolic Logic. Specimen-Syllogisms. (2nd Ed.) Conclusions.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22 cm.Unsigned. Dated. Feb., 1894.

533. Symbolic Logic. Questions. I.Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Unsigned. Dated. Feb., 1894.

534. Symbolic Logic. Questions. II.Single sheet, printed on both sides. 22.5 cm.Unsigned. Dated. Feb., 1894.

535. Symbolic Logic. Part I. Elementary. By Lewis Carroll. . . . London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1896.xxxi, 188 p. Front., diagrams. 17 cm.Moderate reddish brown smooth cloth. Bind-ing cut flush with edges.Adverts., [4] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: Jessie Anderson, from the Author. Feb. 22, 1896.

536. Copy 2.Inscribed on halftitle: H. T. Gerrans, from the Author. Feb. 22, 1896.

537. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Second Edi-tion. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd.; New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896.xxxi, 192 p. Front., diagrams. 17 cm.Moderate reddish brown smooth cloth. Bind-ing cut flush with edges. Sprinkled edges, red-dish brown.Adverts., [4] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: Robert Collins, from the Author. June 13, 1896.

538. [Diagrams for Symbolic Logic.] [1887?]Seven diagrams, on seven sheets, each printed on one side, 17.5 by 21.5 cm. Prepared for use in Symbolic Logic. See Handbook, p. 151.Unsigned.One of the diagrams has on its verso Dodg-son’s correspondence number, 59382, in purple ink in upper left corner, while another has on its recto, also in purple ink, in upper right cor-ner, the number 59584.

nos. 527–538

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C. L. Dodgson346539. Quadriliteral Diagrams.

Single sheet, printed on one side. 12.5 by 16.5 cm. Unsigned.A worksheet for the problems in Symbolic Logic; printed with twenty identical diagrams. Issued 1896? perhaps earlier. See Handbook, p. 197.

540. Quinqueliteral Diagrams.Single sheet, printed on one side. 12.5 by 16.5 cm. Unsigned.A worksheet for the problems in Symbolic Logic; printed with six identical diagrams. Is-sued 1896? perhaps earlier. See Handbook, p. 197.

541. To Be Used with Symbolic Logic. Part I. El-ementary. By Lewis Carroll. . . . London: Mac-millan and Co., Ltd.; New York: The Macmil-lan Co., 1896.A card, 18 by 9 cm., with title and imprint as above and a note about the card and coun-ters on recto; on verso, two diagrams: Bi- literal and Triliteral. Accompanying the card are nine counters, four red and five gray, in a small plain envelope. The card and the coun-ters come in an envelope, on the front of which the information from the recto of the card is entirely reprinted.Accompanying this item is a stitched pam-phlet: Symbolic Logic. Part i. Elementary.[7] p. 17.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned.Biliteral Diagram, Tables i–iii, p. [1–2]. Trilit-eral Diagram, Tables iv–viii, p. [3–7].

542. … Symbolic Logic by Lewis Carroll. Part i, Elementary, 1896. Fifth Edition. Part ii, Ad-vanced, never previously published. Together with Letters from Lewis Carroll to eminent nineteenth-century Logicians and to his “logi-cal sister,” and eight versions of the Barber-Shop Paradox. Edited, with annotations and an introduction, by William Warren Bartley, III. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., Pub-

lishers, Distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc. [c1977].xxv, [3], 496, [2] p. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll’s Symbolic Logic.Vivid yellowish green smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold. Black endpapers.

543. Syzygies. A Word-Puzzle. By Lewis Carroll. <Reprinted from “The Lady” for July 23rd, 1891.>[4] p. 18 cm.Caption title.Unbound.

544. Syzygies and Lanrick. A Word-Puzzle and a Game for Two Players. By Lewis Carroll. . . . London: “The Lady” Office, 1893.6 p., 1 leaf, 26 p. 18 cm.Yellowish gray wrappers.Macmillan adverts., [4] p. at back.

545. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Second Edition. Printed for Private Circulation Feb. 1893 [by Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay].6 p., 1 leaf, 26 p. 18 cm.Light yellowish pink wrappers.Macmillan adverts., [4] p. at back.Inscribed on t.p.: J. A. Stewart Ch Ch[.]

546. A Tangled Tale.The following installments extracted from The Monthly Packet, [edited by Charlotte M. Yonge. London: Walter Smith.] Bound. 22 cm.“Romantic Problems, A tangled tale. Knot i.” [April 1880]. Pages 369–370.“Answers to ‘Romantic Problems. Knot i.’ ” [ June 1880]. Pages 618–621.“Romantic Problems; A tangled tale. Knot ii.” [ July 1880]. Pages 76–78.“Answers to ‘Romantic Problems. Knot ii.’ ” [Sept. 1880]. Pages 281–283.“A Tangled Tale. Knot iii.” [Oct. 1880]. Pages 388–390.“A Tangled Tale. Answers to Knot iii.” [Dec. 1880]. Pages 610–613.

nos. 539–546

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C. L. Dodgson 347(From this point on, the title “A Tangled Tale” remains consistent, and only the subtitle of each installment will be given here.)“Knot iv.” [Third Series, No. 1, Jan. 1881]. Pages 67–69.“Answers to Knot iv.” [Third Series, No. 3, March 1881]. Pages 302–304.“Knot v.” [Third Series, No. 4, April 1881]. Pages 394–397.“Answers to Knot v.” [Third Series, No. 6, June 1881]. Pages 608–611.“Knot vi.” [Third Series, No. 7, July 1881]. Pages 93–96.“Answers to Knot vi.” [Third Series, No. 9, Sept. 1881]. Pages 282–284.“Answers to Correspondents.” [Third Series, No. 11, Nov. 1881]. Pages 509–511.“Knot vii.” [Third Series, No. 16, April 1882]. Pages 378–380.“Answers to Knot vii.” [Third Series, No. 18, June 1882]. Pages 596–602.“Knot viii.” [Third Series, No. 25, Jan. 1883]. Pages 77–79.“Answers to Knot viii.” [Third Series, No. 28, April 1883]. Pages 384–387.“Knot ix.” [Third Series, No. 32, Aug. 1883]. Pages 179–180.“Answers to Knot ix.” [Third Series, No. 35, Nov. 1883]. Pages 490–491.“Knot x and Last.” [Third Series, No. 47, Nov. 1884]. Pages 474–478.“Answers to Knot x.” [Third Series, No. 51, March 1885]. Pages 295–297.Each installment is signed Lewis Carroll.Also included, in chronological order of appear-ance among the installments of A Tangled Tale, are the leaves of three “editions” of “Lanrick. A Game for Two Players,” extracted from The Monthly Packet, Dec. 1880, Aug. 1881, and Nov. 1881. See Nos. 357, 359, and 361.Dark blue diagonal straight-grain morocco cloth. Darker blue morocco spine and cor-ners. Sprinkled edges, red. Original illustrated wrappers, very light greenish blue, for the

April 1882, Nov. 1884, and March 1885 issues, bound in.Bound in following “Answers to Knot ix” is an als, W. R. Inge to Madan, dated Eton, Jan. 24. 1885; and an als in purple ink, C. L. Dodgson to Mr. Madan, dated Ch. Ch. Jan. 26/85. Both letters concern an alternative answer to Knot ix, proposed by Inge and Madan.

547. Copy 2.22 cm.“Answers to Knot vi,” “Answers to Correspon-dents,” “Knot x and Last,” and “Answers to Knot x” only. The four installments contained in the separate monthly issues, with the infor-mation supplied in brackets above actually ap-pearing on the cover of the issues.Very light greenish blue illustrated wrappers.

548. A Tangled Tale. Answers to Knot x.In The Monthly Packet, edited by Charlotte M. Yonge, Third Series, No. 53, May 1885. Lon-don: Walter Smith.Pages 495–497. 22 cm.Signed Lewis Carroll.Further answers, not a reprint of the March 1885 installment.Very light greenish blue illustrated wrappers.

549. ———.7 parts (33 p.). 18.5 cm.Knots i–vii reprinted from The Monthly Packet for April, July, and Oct. 1880, Jan., April, and July 1881, and April 1882. Each part with the exception of Knot vi bears at end of text the statement: Reprinted from The Monthly Packet for [month and year].Unsigned.No wrappers; parts with more than 4 pages are glued.

550. ———.2 parts (11 p.). 18.5 cm.Answers to Knots i and ii, reprinted from The Monthly Packet for June and Sept. 1880. The first part bears at end of text the statement:

nos. 546–550

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C. L. Dodgson348Reprinted from The Monthly Packet for July [i.e. June], 1880.Unsigned.No wrappers; glued.

551. ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Six Illustra-tions by Arthur B. Frost. . . . London: Macmil-lan and Co., 1885.Printer’s proof of eight preliminary pages only: halftitle, verso blank, title, printer’s im-print on verso, dedication, “Preface” on verso, and “Contents,” verso blank.Stamped on halftitle: Richard Clay & Sons 19 Nov. 85.

552. Copy 2.[9], 152 p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.The preliminary pages differ from the proof in that there is a Macmillan device on verso of halftitle, the printer’s imprint on verso of title leaf differs slightly, and the dedication and “Preface” are on separate leaves.Dark red smooth cloth, with a triple rule bor-der and a circular cut of the Dragon on front cover, a triple rule border and a circular cut of two knights on back cover, all blocked in gold, spine blocked in gold. At foot of spine: Mac-millan & Co. A.e.g.Advert., [2] p. at back.

553. Copy 3.As Copy 2, but with “Third Thousand” added on t.p. preceding imprint.At foot of spine: Macmillan[.]Stamped on halftitle: Walter Lowrie.

554. Copy 4.“Fourth Thousand.” T.p. dated 1886.At foot of spine: Macmillan & Co.Adverts., [4] p. at back.Inscribed on halftitle: Rose Sidgwick, from the Author. June 23, 1892.

555. The Telegraph-Cipher. [1868.]Card printed on both sides, with directions for use. 8 by 11.5 cm.Unsigned.

556. A Theorem in Logic.Single sheet, printed on one side. 22 cm.Issued in June (?) 1894. See Handbook, p. 189.Unsigned.With the author’s correspondence number, 87515, in upper right corner.

557. Three Sunsets and Other Poems. By Lewis Carroll. With Twelve Fairy-Fancies by E. Gertrude Thomson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., Limited; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1898.[9], 67, [1] p. Front., illus. 21 cm.Grayish green buckram, with a cut of a fairy blocked in gold on front cover and a cut of a sunset blocked in gold on back cover. A.e.g.Adverts., [1], 2 p. at back.

558. The Three Voices. By Lewis Carroll.In The Train, Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1856. London: S. O. Beeton.Pages 278–284. 22 cm.Very pale green wrappers.

559. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

560. … Three Years in a Curatorship. By One Whom It Has Tried. Oxford: Printed by E. Baxter, 1886.31 p. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Printed for Private Circula-tion. “Preface” signed C. L. Dodgson, Curator.No wrappers; stitched.Proof copy. Inscription in the author’s hand on t.p.: corrections at pp 16, 31 Press 50 copies.

561. Copy 2.18 cm.With the manuscript corrections on p. 31 of the proof incorporated into the printed text.

nos. 550–561

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C. L. Dodgson 349562. Through the Looking-glass, and What Alice

Found There. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Forty-two Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1870.Six variant title pages, with three duplicates, numbered in pencil bf705–bf713.bf707. With manuscript changes. Written in pencil above title: I dont like it A W.bf705. Incorporates changes made on bf707.bf708. Different typeface and punctuation, with title set in four lines instead of three, and with “Glass” capitalized. On the verso an un-finished penciled sketch of the title set within an oval frame.bf710 and bf711. Duplicates of bf708, but with no sketch on verso.bf709. As bf708 (recto), but with “Looking-Glass” typeset differently on a separate slip and pasted on.bf706. Title is “Through the Looking-Glass.” No subtitle.bf713. Duplicate of bf706.bf712. Title is “Looking-Glass House, and What Alice Saw There.” The subtitle is printed on a separate slip and pasted on. Printer’s im-print on verso. Numbered 4. in ink in upper right-hand corner of t.p.

563. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Mac-millan and Co., 1872.[11], 224, [3] p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Pages 95 and 98 numbered in Copies 1–3. All copies have the error “wade” for “wabe” on p. 21.Dark red coarse sand cloth, with a triple rule border and a circular cut of the Red Queen on front cover, a triple rule border and a circu-lar cut of the White Queen on back cover, all blocked in gold, spine blocked in gold. A.e.g. Dark olive green endpapers.

564. Copy 2.Dark red smooth cloth, blocked as above. A.e.g. Dark olive green endpapers.

565. Copy 3.Blackish blue endpapers; otherwise as Copy 2.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: R. W. S. Lutwidge from his affte. Nephew the Author. Christmas, 1871.

566. Copy 4.18 cm.Page 95 unnumbered, page 98 numbered.Dark red morocco, gilt, with the Frog on front cover, by Bayntun/Riviere, original covers bound in. A.e.g.Bookplate of Dr. & Mrs. Howard T. Behrman.

567. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York and London: Macmillan and Co., 1872.[11], 224, [3] p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.Dark red coarse sand cloth, with a triple rule border and a circular cut of the Red Queen blocked in gold on front cover, a triple rule border only blocked in blind on back cover, spine blocked in gold.

568. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Fifty Il-lustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: Lee, Shepard, and Dill-ingham, 1872.[12], 224 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.Macmillan’s device on page facing table of Con-tents and “wade” for “wabe” on p. 21.Dark green pebble cloth, with a triple rule bor-der and a circular cut of the Red Queen blocked in gold on front cover, a triple rule border blocked in blind and a circular cut of the White Queen blocked in gold on back cover, spine blocked in gold.2 copies.

569. ———. By Lewis Carroll. . . . With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. New York: R. Worthington [1890?].[11], 224 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, with cuts of Alice and a borogove blocked in gold and decoration blocked in black on front cover, spine blocked

nos. 562–569

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C. L. Dodgson350in gold and black. Bevelled boards. Leaf-pat-terned endpapers, white on moderate yellow-ish brown.

570. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. [By] Lewis Carroll. . . . With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1898.[3]–122, [2] p. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.Pale yellow green illustrated wrappers, printed in red. On outside front wrapper: Macmillan’s Sixpenny Series. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., p. [1–2] at front and [4] p. at back.

571. … ———. By Lewis Carroll. With Fifty Il-lustrations by John Tenniel. Sixty-fifth Thou-sand. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., Limited; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1899.[11], 211 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.At head of title: People’s Edition.Grayish yellow green smooth cloth, with a pic-ture of Humpty Dumpty and Alice blocked in black and red on front cover, publisher’s mono-gram blocked in black and red on back cover.Adverts., [3] p. at back.

572. ——— by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Pe-ter Newell. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1902.xvi p., 1 leaf, 211 p. Front., plates. 22.5 cm.Ornamental borders in moderate olive by Rob-ert Murray Wright.Yellowish white parchment paper boards, with a cut of Alice embossed in gold at lower left of front cover. T.e.g.; other edges untrimmed.

573. Copy 2.Dark red diagonal fine rib cloth, without the cut of Alice. T.e.g.; other edges untrimmed.

574. ———. Adapted for Very Little Folks from the Original. By Lewis Carroll. With Thirty-two Coloured Illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1903.

128 p. Colored front., colored illus. 12.5 cm.On halftitle: The Little Folks’ Edition.“In adapting the present edition from the orig-inal work by Mr. Lewis Carroll, only those portions of the text and the pictures suitable for very little folks have been used. Although the story reads continuously, it is, in reality, but one-sixth of the length of the complete edi-tion, and contains only a selection of the illus-trations.”—“Note,” p. [5].Dark red smooth cloth, with a cut of the White King (repeated from p. 23) blocked in white and black on front cover.

575. ———. By Lewis Carroll. Illustrations by Franklin Hughes. New York: Cheshire House, 1931.[7], 129 p., 1 leaf. Colored plates. 28.5 cm.T.p. printed and illustrated in green.No. 496 of 1200 copies.Yellowish white moiré cloth, with a cut of the Red Queen blocked in silver on both covers. Top edges silver.

576. Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there. Illustrated by Ralph Steadman. London: MacGibbon & Kee [1972].143, [1] p. Front., illus. 31.5 cm.“Textual Research by Dr Selwyn Goodacre.”Black smooth cloth. Checkerboard-patterned endpapers, black on dark gray.

577. Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. Illustrated with 95 wood engravings by Barry Moser with a pref-ace and notes by James R. Kincaid. Text edited by Selwyn Goodacre and printed by Harold McGrath at Pennyroyal Press West Hatfield, Massachusetts, 1982.xxv, 163, [6] p. Front., illus. 42.5 cm.T.p. printed in black, red, and blue. Headings printed in blue, side notes in red and blue.“Preface,” by James R. Kincaid, p. xi–xiv. “A Note on the Text,” by Selwyn Goodacre, p.

nos. 569–577

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C. L. Dodgson 351155–157. “A Note on the Prints,” by Barry Moser, p. 161–163.“The Pennyroyal Press Sesquicentennial Edi-tion of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There was printed in West Hat-field, Massachusetts, in an edition of three hundred and fifty copies. . . . The calligraphy on the title page is the work of G. G. Laurens. The binding is from the workshop of Gray Parrot, Easthampton, Massachusetts.” Copy No. 218.Half crimson morocco, spine gilt.With an additional suite of the illustrations, signed by the artist, in a cloth chemise.The book and chemise laid in a matching quar-ter crimson morocco tray case.

578. Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. Illustrated by Barry Moser. Preface and Notes by James R. Kincaid. Text edited by Selwyn H. Goodacre. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press [c1983].xxiii, 167, [6] p. Front., illus. 34.5 cm.T.p. printed in black, red, and blue. Headings printed in blue, side notes in red and blue.“Preface,” by James R. Kincaid, p. [ix]–xiv. “A Note on the Text,” by Selwyn Goodacre, p. [157]–161. “A Note on the Prints,” by Barry Moser, p. [163]–167.“The University of California Press Edition of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There fastidiously reproduces the original printing done by Harold McGrath at Pennyroyal Press, West Hatfield, Massachu-setts. . . . The calligraphy on the title page is the work of G. G. Laurens.”“First printing 1983.”Light greenish blue boards. Moderate blue buckram spine. Top edges stained blue. Green-ish blue illustrated endpapers.

579. Through the Looking-Glass And What Alice found there. By Lewis Carroll. With illustrations by Sir John Tenniel Coloured by Harry Thea- ker and Diz Wallis. [London and Basing-stoke]: Macmillan Children’s Books [1996].

[13], 240 p. Colored front., colored illus. 25 cm.Three stylized crowns printed in brownish red on t.p. and elsewhere throughout the vol- ume.Includes “The Wasp in a Wig,” p. 228–236.“Publisher’s Note on the New Full Colour-Edi-tion,” unnumbered page following title leaf.Dark blue buckram, spine blocked in gold.

Excerpts from Through the Looking-Glass

580. … Jabberwocky. Words by Lewis Carroll. Music by F. E. O. London 1872.Illustrated title; the verso of the leaf is num-bered 1. Pages 1–6, words and music; p. [7], blank. 32 cm.At head of title: To Miss Mary Humphery.Unbound; unstitched.Embossed in blind on t.p.: S. H. Cowell, Ana- static Printing Office, Ipswich.

581. The Songs from “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.” Written by Lewis Carroll. The Music Composed by Will-iam Boyd. . . . London: Weekes & Co.; Simpkin, Marshall & Co. [1872 or 1873?].12 p. 17 by 26 cm.Cover title, printed in gold.Words and music.“New Songs” and “New Pianoforte Music” on inside back wrapper. “New Songs for Chil-dren” and “Weekes & Co.” on outside back wrapper.

582. Copy 2.18 by 26.5 cm.Cover title, printed in gold and red.No permission statement on p. 1.Address of Weekes & Co. given as 16, Hanover Street. Wrappers with adverts. as above, ex-cept that the columns of adverts. appear in a different order: “Weekes & Co.” and “New Songs” on inside back wrapper, “New Piano-forte Music” and “New Songs for Children” on outside back wrapper.

nos. 577–582

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C. L. Dodgson352583. Jabberwocky. Mors Iabrochii. [Oxford,

1881.]Page [1], blank; p. [2–3], text; p. [4], blank. 22.5 cm.Leaflet, with the original English on verso of the first leaf, and on recto of the second leaf the Latin translation, signed A. A. V[ansittart]. Also notes on the translation at the foot of both pages.Unbound.

584. [Jabberwocky.]In The Jabberwock, Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 1888. Boston: Fourth Class, ’91, of the Girls’ Latin School.Page [1]. 30 cm.Printed below the heading “Our Name.”In a volume containing Vols. 1–4 (1888–91) of the school paper.Black horizontal cord cloth.The poem was reprinted in The Jabberwock, Vol. 7, No. 3, Nov. 1893, p. 5, an unbound copy of which is in the Parrish Collection.

585. The Walrus and the Carpenter. Poem from “Through the Looking-glass,” by Lewis Car-roll. . . . Set to Music for Four Solo Voices (S. A. T. B.) by Pedro de Zulueta. . . . London and New York: Boosey & Co., c1910.[3], 51 p. 28 cm.Words and music.Dark red wrappers. Adverts. on inside and out-side back wrapper.Advert., verso of p. 51.

586. … ———. A Choral Ballad or Short Cantata for Schools and Classes. Words by Lewis Carroll (From “Through the Looking Glass”. . . .) (With a Prologue and Epilogue by G. Ellerton) Music by Percy E. Fletcher. . . . London: Novello and Company, Limited; New York: The H. W. Gray Co., Sole Agents for the U. S. A., c1910.iv, 35, [1] p. 26 cm.At head of title: Novello’s School Music.Words and music.

Light bluish gray decorated wrappers. Ad-verts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.“Novello’s School Operettas & Cantatas,” 14 p., and other Novello’s adverts., p. 15–[16], at back.

587. 365 1

364 or, Chapter VI , Humpty Dumpty, from Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, by Lewis Carroll. An excuse to print and publish a small book with a photograph of Lewis Carroll, his text, one of the original illus-trations by Sir John Tenniel and a few draw-ings by Gordon House and Graham Ovenden. [London]: Ornament Press Ltd [1971].[20] p. Front., illus. 30 by 11 cm.Halftitle: Humpty Dumpty.No. 155 of 200 copies, signed by Gordon House and G S Ovenden.White decorated parchment paper wrappers.

588. The Jabberwocky as Explained to Alice. [East-hampton, Mass.]: The Chamberlain Press, 1975.[17] p. Illus. 17 cm.Printed in black and blue.“The first book printed at the Chamberlain Press in Easthampton, Mass. in 1975. . . . The illustrations are engraved in wood. The words are Lewis Carroll’s. Of seventy-five impres-sions, this is number [in manuscript:] 70 Sarah Chamberlain[.]”Blue and yellow marbled boards. Paper label on spine.

589. … Jabberwocky. Illustrations and Lettering by Joseph Vogel. A Hawkhurst Manuscript. [Columbus, Ohio: Hawkhurst Manuscripts, 1981.]26 unnumbered leaves. Illus. (some colored). 26 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Advertisem*nt,” leaves [23]–[24].Princeton copy has two manuscript leaves in

nos. 583–589

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C. L. Dodgson 353colored ink, while the rest of book is offset reproduction of drawings and calligraphic text with sporadic hand-coloring.“This is copy Number Seven in an edition lim-ited to ninety-nine copies.”Light yellowish green wrappers, outside front wrapper lettered in black and in color.

590. ——— by Lewis Carroll. . . . Transposed into Shaw Alphabet by Stan Marx. Princeton, New Jersey: Lewis Carroll Society of North America 20th Anniversary Meeting, 12 No-vember 1994.Single sheet, printed on both sides ([6] p.). 2 illus. 28 by 43 cm. Folded as a triptych to 28 by 21.5 cm.“Jabberwocky” in English and in Shaw alpha-bet, p. [3].“Stan Marx 1919 1994,” p. [1] and [5].“What is the Shaw Alphabet?”, p. [6].“In 1963 … Stan Marx … transposed the poem ‘Jabberwocky,’ from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, into the Shaw Alphabet and published a pamphlet of this transposition in an edition of fifty signed and numbered cop-ies. . . . This new edition honors the memory of Stan and the twentieth anniversary of the soci-ety he founded and loved.”—p. [5].“Descriptive text & design of this edition by Charlie Lovett. Limited to Seventy-Four Cop-ies.”Printed in brown on light brown stiff paper.

Through the Looking-GlassTranslations


591. … Za Zrcadlem a co tam Alenka Nasla. Ilus-troval Sir John Tenniel. Praha: Nakladatelství Fr. Borovy, 1931.152, [1] p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.On front cover: Alencina dobrodruzství za zrca-dlem.

“A do cestiny prelozil Jaroslav Císar.”Moderate red buckram, front cover blocked in blue and white. Top edges stained orange.


592. … Alice im Speigelland. Deutsch von He-lene Scheu-Riesz. Ausstattung von Uriel Birn-baum. Wien, Leipzig, New York: Sesam-Ver-lag, 1923.121, [3] p. Colored front., colored plates. 22 cm. At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Grayish blue imitation sand cloth, front cover blocked in gold.


593. … ’Alizah be-erets ha-mar’ah va-asher mats’ah sham. Tirgem, Aharon Amir. Tel-Aviv: Mahbarot le-sifrut, 5711 [i.e. 1951].131 p. Illus. 24.5 cm.At head of title: Lu’is Kerol.Vocalized.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Silver boards embossed all over with dense rows of small squares, with two of Tenniel’s il-lustrations blocked in red, one on front and the other on back cover. Edges stained yellow.


594. … Aliciae per Speculum Transitus (Quaeque ibi Invenit ). Latine Reddita Clive Harcourt Carruthers. Londini, Novi Eboraci et Alibi: Macmillan Preloque S. Martini, 1966.[7], 135 p. Illus. 21 cm.At head of title: Ludovici Carroll Fabella Lep-ida in qua aliud Aliciae Somnium Narravit.With Tenniel’s illustrations.Deep reddish orange boards embossed to simu-late buckram, with a cut of Tweedledum and Tweedledee blocked in black on front cover. Spine blocked in gold; at foot: Macmillan[.] Illustrated endpapers, black on white.

595. Copy 2.American issue.At foot of spine: St. Martin’s Press[.]

nos. 589–595

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C. L. Dodgson354596. To All Child-Readers of “Alice’s Adventures in

Wonderland.” [Oxford], 1871.3 p.Signed Lewis Carroll, dated Christmas, 1871.Three copies, cut to varying sizes: 11.9 cm., 10.9 cm., and 10.4 cm.Unbound.

597. To M. A. B. [Edinburgh: Printed by Pillans and Wilson], [1931.]Page [1], blank; p. [2], greeting and note on text; p. [3], the poem, with title as above; p. [4], certificate of issue and printer’s imprint. 20.5 cm.“Facsimile of a poem inscribed by the Author on the fly-leaf of a copy of ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,’ 1866. The signature upon the front cover is that of the original Alice. ‘M. A. B.’ was Miss Marion Terry, to whom the book was presented.”50 copies printed as a Christmas greeting from Hugh Sharp.Dark blue wrappers, with the front cover illustration of the 1866 English edition of Alice, and the facsimile signature of Alice Pleasance Hargreaves, in gold, on outside front wrapper; tied with a black silk cord.Inscribed above printed greeting on p. [2]: For M. L. Parrish.

598. To My Child-friend. [1888?]Single sheet, printed on one side. 22.5 cm.Unsigned.Inscription on verso in purple ink in the au-thor’s hand: Correspondence References Wil-cox, W. M. 61961.

599. Tour in 1867. By C. L. Dodgson. . . . From the Original Manuscript in the Collection of M. L. Parrish. . . . Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1928.[2], 65 p. 19.5 cm.One of 66 copies.Dark red flexible morocco-grained leather. T.e.g.

Inscription on free front endpaper: From the Publisher to himself M. L. Parrish Oct 12th 1928.

600. Copy 2.Inscription in pencil on free front endpaper: Gift of Mr. Parrish, Dec.–1928. PL.Bookplate of Paul Lemperly.

601. … Twelve Months in a Curatorship. By One Who Has Tried It. [Oxford: Baxter, Printer], 1884.53, [3] p. 17 cm.At head of title: Printed for Private Circula-tion.Issued anonymously.No wrappers; stitched.The author’s own copy, with his monogram, CLD, in purple ink on t.p.

602. Copy 2.Issued with Supplement to “Twelve Months in a Curatorship,” [Oxford], Feb. 1884 (final ver-sion).

603. … Supplement to “Twelve Months in a Cura-torship.” [Oxford: Baxter, Printer], Feb. 1884.Pages [57]–63. 18.5 cm.At head of title: Printed for Private Circula-tion.Issued anonymously.The pagination continues that of Twelve Months in a Curatorship.First version; see Handbook, p. 128.No wrappers; unstitched.

604. Postscript [to Supplement to “Twelve Months in a Curatorship” ]. [1884.]Single sheet, printed on both sides, verso num-bered 2. 18.5 cm.Issued anonymously.Stamped twice on p. [1]: B. N. C. F. Madan Ox-ford.

605. … Supplement to “Twelve Months in a Cura-torship.” [Oxford: Baxter, Printer], Feb. 1884.Pages [57]–63. 17.5 cm.

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C. L. Dodgson 355At head of title: Printed for Private Circula-tion.Issued anonymously.Final version. Omits four paragraphs con-tained in the first version, beginning “The hard work …” and ending “… at their plea-sure,” but includes the Postscript. See Hand-book, p. 128–129.Issued with Twelve Months in a Curatorship, [Oxford], 1884, Copy 2.No wrappers; stitched.

606. Two Letters to Marion from Lewis Carroll. Now in the Possession of The Bookshop of Douglas Cleverdon 18 Charlotte Street Bris-tol. [London: Printed at the Fanfare Press], 1932.[8] p. 18.5 cm.The letters are signed C. L. Dodgson and Charles L. Dodgson respectively.“Of this first edition 300 copies only have been printed: Nos. 1–200 for distribution, chiefly to those who may be called The Friends of the Book-shop; Nos. 201–300 for sale at 4/- each. This is No. [in manuscript:] 152 [printed:] for [in manuscript:] M. L. Parrish.”Yellowish white fine thin paper with deckle edges folded over plain wrappers.Laid in is a copy of “The Bookseller’s Note,” on a single leaf, offering the two letters and a presentation copy of Alice in Wonderland (60th thousand, 1879) for sale at £31.10.0.

607. The Universe in a Handkerchief. Lewis Car-roll’s Mathematical Recreations, Games, Puzzles, and Word Plays. Martin Gardner. [New York]: Copernicus, An Imprint of Springer-Verlag [c1996].x, 158 p. Front., illus., facsims. 24 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece (Lewis Carroll, a drawing by Harry Furniss) on verso.“The following materials are provided by the Morris L. Parrish Collection, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Prince-ton University Libraries, and are used by per-

mission: Word Links (pp. 89–91), Word Links (pp. 92–96), Doublets, Doublets Already Set, Preface to Glossary, Abbreviations, Glossary, Solutions of Doublets, Rules for Court Circu-lar, Croquêt Castles, Lanrick (p. 138)[,] Mis-chmasch, Syzygies, Circular Billiards, and Me-moria Technica.”—p. [iv].Moderate bluish gray boards, with Furniss’s portrait of Carroll blocked in blind on front cover. Dark grayish blue buckram spine.

608. Upon the Lonely Moor.In The Train, Vol. 2, No. 10, Oct. 1856. London: S. O. Beeton.Pages 255–256. 22 cm.Published anonymously.Very pale green wrappers.

609. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

610. … Useful and Instructive Poetry with an in-troduction by Derek Hudson. London: Geof-frey Bles [1954].45 p. Front., plates. 19 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Introduction,” p. 7–13.Illustrated by the author.Yellowish white parchment paper boards, printed in blue and red, with a drawing by Lewis Carroll blocked in gold on front cover.Inscription on free front endpaper: I have much pleasure in adding this trifling tribute to Mor-ris Parrish. Alfred C. Berol.

611. … ——— with an introduction by Derek Hudson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954.45 p. Front., plates. 19.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Introduction,” p. 7–13.Illustrated by the author.

nos. 605–611

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C. L. Dodgson356“First Printing.”Yellowish white boards, printed in blue and red, with a drawing by Lewis Carroll blocked in gold on front cover.

612. The Vision of the Three T’ s. A Threnody by the Author of “The New Belfry”. . . . Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1873.37, [1] p. 17 cm.Illustrated t.p. Dark reddish orange illustrated wrappers.With “corrected CLD” on outside front wrap-per, changes throughout the text, and nine suggested corrections on a blank leaf at end. All notes in purple ink in the author’s hand.

613. Copy 2.Stamped on verso of t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Ox-ford.

614. ———. A Threnody by the Author of “The New Belfry”. . . . Second Edition. Oxford: James Parker and Co., 1873.37, [1] p. 17 cm.Illustrated t.p. Dark reddish orange illustrated wrappers.

615. A Visit to Tennyson. By Lewis Carroll.In The Strand Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 125, May 1901. London: George Newnes, Ltd.Pages [543]–544. Illus. 24.5 cm.At head of article: <The following interest-ing letter was written by Lewis Carroll to his cousin, and is now published for the first time.>The letter is dated Ch. Ch., May 11, 1859, ad-dressed to William [Edward Wilcox], and signed Charles L. Dodgson.Very light greenish blue illustrated wrappers, printed in blue. Lacks back wrapper.

616. Copy 2.The leaf extracted and included in a collection assembled by Falconer Madan and bound in one volume, entitled on spine: Some Pieces By or Copied for Lewis Carroll. 1845–93. Moder-ate brown fine morocco cloth. Original wrap-

pers and the leaf listing contents of the issue also bound in. See No. 781.

617. … The Wasp in a Wig. A “Suppressed” Epi-sode of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. With a Preface, Introduc-tion and Notes by Martin Gardner. Carroll Studies No. 2. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, 1977.xiv, 21 p., 4 leaves (3 folded), [2] p., 2 leaves. Facsims. 23 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Preface,” p. ix–xiv. “Introduction,” p. 1–11.Edited by Edward Guiliano.“First Edition.”Dark red rough textured wrappers.

618. … ———. A “Suppressed” Episode of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. With a Preface, Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, 1977.xiv, 21 p., 4 leaves (3 folded), [2] p., 2 leaves. Facsims. 23.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.T.p. printed in black and gray.“Preface,” p. ix–xiv. “Introduction,” p. 1–11.Edited by Edward Guiliano.“Limited Edition.” 2 copies, Nos. 161 and 162 of 750 copies.Dark red smooth cloth, covers and spine blocked in gold. Black and white modern whisk marbled endpapers.

619. … ———. A “Suppressed” Episode of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. With a Preface, Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner. New York: Clark-son N. Potter, Inc., Distributed by Crown Pub-lishers, Inc. [c1977].xiv p., 1 leaf, 21, [18] p. Facsims. 23.5 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.“Preface,” p. ix–xiv. “Introduction,” p. 1–11.Edited by Edward Guiliano.“First American Trade Edition.”

nos. 611–619

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C. L. Dodgson 357Deep orange brown boards, front cover blocked in blind.

620. … What the Tortoise Said to Achilles. By Lewis Carroll.2 p. 25.5 cm.Caption title.Leaflet, printed on the two inner pages. Proof for Mind. Printed at head of title: Please re-turn, as quickly as possible, to G. F. Stout, St John’s College, Cambridge.Stamped on p. 1: University Press 10 Nov 94 Cambridge.With two manuscript corrections.The manuscript of this piece is in the Parrish Collection.

621. ———. By Lewis Carroll.In Mind, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 14, April 1895. London; Edinburgh; Oxford: Williams and Norgate.Pages [278]–280. 23 cm.The above issue contained in bound Volume 4, which comprises the four quarterly issues, Nos. 13–16, Jan., April, July, and Oct. 1895.According to the Handbook, p. 188, this piece by Carroll was published in Mind, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 13, Dec. 1894, p. 278–280. The re-print of this article also credits a Dec. 1894 issue of Mind. There is no Dec. 1894 issue of Mind. The 1894 volume is New Series, Vol. 3; comprises Nos. 9–12, Jan., April, July, and Oct.; and does not contain “What the Tortoise Said to Achilles” at all.Dark grayish reddish brown diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked in blind. Sprinkled edges, red-dish orange.Stamped on halftitle: Alfred Cave.

622. ———. <Reprinted from Mind for Decem-ber, 1894.> [n.p., n.d.][4] p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Unsigned.See note in preceding entry. This article was not published in Mind until April 1895. Per-

haps the “reprint” was actually made from a proof. See entry above, which shows that a proof had been printed already in Nov. 1894.Unbound.

623. Word-Links. A Game for two Players, or a round Game. [Oxford], 1878.[4] p. 22.5 cm.Caption title.Leaflet written with a cyclostyle, dated Ap. 11. 1878., signed Lewis Carroll.With several corrections in the author’s hand to the chart on p. [4]; numbered at top of p. [1] as copy 6.Unbound.

624. Word-Links. A Game for two Players, or a Round Game. [Oxford, 1878.][4] p. 17.5 cm.Caption title.Issued anonymously.Unbound.

625. The Works of Lewis Carroll. Edited and in-troduced by Roger Lancelyn Green. With the illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Paul Hamlyn [published by Spring Books, 1965].1130 p. Illus. 21 cm.Halftitle with the left side of the double t.p. on verso.“Introduction,” p. [11]–18.Strong green smooth cloth. Top edges stained moderate yellowish green.

626. Ye Carpette Knyghte.In The Train, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1856. Lon-don: Groombridge and Sons.Page 191. 22 cm.Published anonymously.Very pale green wrappers.

627. Copy 2.21 cm.The above issue contained in the bound vol-ume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

nos. 619–627

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C. L. Dodgson358contributions

628. [“Acland’s Tunny.”]Single sheet, printed on one side. 24 by 21 cm.Signed F. Junius, Vice. Can., dated University Catacombs, Nov. 3, 1860.“A line-upon-line travesty of the Latin inscrip-tion upon a tunny presented to the new Mu-seum of the Anatomy School by Dr. (later Sir Henry Wentworth) Acland. . . . ‘the skit was rough-hewn by Lewis Carroll, handed round the Commons Room, retouched by [Osborne] Gordon and [J. E.] Bode and the rest.’ ”—Handbook, p. 17.In Dodgson’s “Photographic Scrap Book,” [A]. i, pasted on leaf numbered 10 facing his photograph, “Thunny. (side-view.) (206)[,]” in the Parrish Collection.

629. Book-Song: An Anthology of Poems of Books and Bookmen from Modern Authors. Edited by Gleeson White. . . . London: Elliot Stock, 1893.xviii, 185, [1] p. 19 cm.T.p. printed in black and red.Page [ii]: The Book-Lover’s Library. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A.“A Lesson in Latin,” by Lewis Carroll, p. 24.Light grayish yellowish brown boards. Strong yellowish brown buckram spine. Bevelled boards. Deckle edges.Bookplate of Hanson Hart Webster.

630. Copy 2.18 cm.Moderate olive green smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. Bevelled boards. Untrimmed edges. Floral-patterned endpapers, olive on white.

631. Boyd, William.Rhymes from Wonderland. Words by Lewis Car-roll and Others. Music by William Boyd. . . . London: Weekes & Co. [1913].31 p. 28 cm.Words and music.Yellowish white illustrated (by N. Gould) wrap-pers, printed in red and black. Adverts. on in-

side front and inside and outside back wrap-pers.Adverts., verso of p. 31.Book label of Sidney Williams.

632. Copy 2.Another issue. London: A. Weekes & Co. Ltd. [1926].30.5 cm.Yellowish white illustrated wrappers. Outside front wrapper as Copy 1 but printed entirely in red. Adverts. on inside back wrapper dif-fer. Adverts. on inside front and outside back wrappers similar to Copy 1, differing primarily in the form of the publisher’s name and in that the prices are higher.Adverts. as above.

633. [Circular to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors of Oxford University concerning Examinations.][3] p. 25 cm.Undated. Begins: “Mr. Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, We, the undersigned Tutors and Lecturers in the University, many of us previ-ously Examiners, respectfully beg to call your attention to the following facts with reference to the Examinations of this Term.” It is signed on p. [2] and [3] by 57 Tutors, Lecturers, and others, including (on p. [3]) C. L. Dodgson, M.A., Lecturer, Ch. Ch. Unbound.

634. College Rhymes, Contributed by Members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. . . . Lon-don: Griffin, Bohn, and Co.; Cambridge: Mac-millan and Co.; Oxford: W. Mansell, 1861–64.Vols. 2–5. Vol. 2, 19.5 cm.; Vol. 3, 18.5 cm.; Vols. 4–5, 18 cm.T.p. varies slightly from volume to volume. Im-print of Vols. 3–5 differs: Oxford: T. and G. Shrimpton; Cambridge: Macmillan and Co.For contributions by Dodgson, see Handbook, p. 14–17.Vertical cord cloth: Vol. 2, dark grayish pur-ple; Vols. 3–5, dark purple. Covers blocked in blind: Vol. 2 varies considerably from Vols. 3–5;

nos. 628–634

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C. L. Dodgson 359minor variations among Vols. 3–5; Vol. 2 also has a vase of flowers blocked in gold on front cover, in blind on back cover. Spines blocked in gold. Color of endpapers varies from volume to volume.“List of Books Published by T. and G. Shrimp-ton,” viii p. at back of Vol. 5.

635. Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson.The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson). . . . Illustrated. London: T. Fisher Un-win, 1898.xx, 448 p. Front., illus. 21 cm.Includes extensive excerpts from Carroll’s cor-respondence and writings, and reproductions of drawings and photographs by him.Moderate olive green buckram, with a fin-de-siècle illustrated panel blocked in gold at head of front cover, spine blocked in gold. Bevelled boards. T.e.g. White plain endpapers.“Books for Recreation and Study,” [12] p. at back.

636. Copy 2.Inscribed on free front endpaper: To Irene Vanbrugh Greeting and Regard from I. W. G. Christmas 1898.

637. Copy 3.Endpapers patterned with publisher’s device, grayish olive green on white.

638. ———. . . . Illustrated. New York: The Cen-tury Co., 1899.xx, 448 p. Front., illus. 21.5 cm.Very deep red vertical rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked as English edition. T.e.g.

639. [De Sausmarez, Fred. B.]Early Theatricals at Oxford. With Prologues by Lewis Carroll.In The Nineteenth Century and After, Vol. 111, No. 660, Feb. 1932. London: Constable & Co., Ltd.Pages 235–238. 25 cm.“Prologue (by C. L. Dodgson, spoken at Ox-ford, November 1 and 2, 1871),” p. 236–237,

written for an amateur performance of The Loan of a Lover and Whitebait at Greenwich at Clevedon House, residence of the Hatch family. “Prologue,” p. 238, written by Dodgson on 14 Feb. 1873 (see Handbook, p. 72–73) for Wilfred and Beatrice Hatch to speak at an amateur per-formance of Checkmate and Done on Both Sides.The leaves extracted and included in a collec-tion assembled by Falconer Madan and bound in one volume, entitled on spine: Some Pieces By or Copied for Lewis Carroll. 1845–93. Mod-erate brown fine morocco cloth. Original wrap- pers, light greenish blue, printed in blue, bound in; also the leaf listing contents of the issue.

640. [Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge], edi-tor.An Index to “In Memoriam”. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1862.[3], 40 p. 17 cm.Anonymously published index to Tennyson’s elegy. “Suggested and edited by the Rev. C. L. Dodgson; much of the actual work of compila-tion was done by his sisters.”—S. D. Collin-gwood, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, London, 1898, p. 431.No wrappers; stitched. “A List of Books,” Jan. 1862, 8 p. at back.

641. Copy 2.17.5 cm.Stitched, no wrappers, but with pale yellow endpapers tipped onto first and last pages.No adverts.

642. Copy 3.16.5 cm.Dark grayish purple flexible vertical rib cloth, with an ornamental border blocked in blind on both covers. Title on front cover in three lines.Adverts. as in Copy 1Inscribed in purple ink on pastedown front endpaper: A. W. Dubourg with sincere regards from C. L. Dodgson, one of the compilers Oct. 1873.

nos. 634–642

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C. L. Dodgson360643. Copy 4.

16.5 cm.Black sand cloth, with a plain double rule bor-der blocked in blind on both covers. Title on front cover in one line.No adverts.Bookplate of W. G. Lacy.

644. ———. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Proof of the t.p. in duplicate on 2 conjugate leaves. 17 cm.The edition was never published.

645. Edgar, Randolph.Lewis Carroll Memoranda.In The Bellman, Vol. 26, No. 655, Feb. 1, 1919. Minneapolis, Minnesota: The Bellman Com-pany.Pages 129–130. Illus. 31 cm.The article reprints Carroll’s poem “Upon the Lonely Moor,” originally published in The Train, Vol. 2, 1856; and, from The Train, Vol. 4, 1857, those stanzas of “Hiawatha’s Photo-graphing” which have generally been omitted in subsequent printings.Yellowish white illustrated (by W. P. S.) wrap-pers, printed in black and orange.

646. Euclides.… Euclid. Books I, II. Edited by Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Oxford: [E. Pickard Hall and J. H. Stacy, Printers to the University], 1875.[5], 102 p. Front., diagrams. 17 cm.At head of title: Not Yet Published.“For the Diagrams used in this book I am in-debted to the great kindness of Mr. Todhunter, who has most generously allowed me to make use of the series prepared for his own edition of Euclid.”— “Preface.”Dark reddish brown wrappers textured and fin-ished to simulate pebble cloth. Paper label on front cover. Endpapers.The author’s own copy with his monogram, CLD, and 11 on halftitle, and corrections on p. 84, 85, 86, 87, and 102, all in purple ink in his hand.

647. ———. Edited by Charles L. Dodgson. . . . London: Macmillan and Co., 1882.xi, 108 p. Front., diagrams. 17 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Running title: Euclid’s Elements.Very dark red flexible pebble cloth. Binding cut flush with edges. Paper label on front cover.

648. ———. Edited by Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Fourth Edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1885.xii, 108 p. Front., diagrams. 17 cm.Running title: Euclid’s Elements.Blackish red flexible pebble cloth. Binding cut flush with edges. Paper label on front cover.Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: R. B. Clif-ton from the Editor Mar./87.

649. Euclides.The Fifth Book of Euclid Treated Algebraically. By a College Tutor. Oxford and London: John Henry and James Parker, 1858.15 p. 21.5 cm.Not conclusively attributable to Dodgson. See Handbook, p. 12–13.No wrappers; stitched.

650. Euclides.The Fifth Book of Euclid Treated Algebraically, So Far As It Relates to Commensurable Magnitudes, with Notes. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Oxford and London: James Parker and Co., 1868.2 prel. leaves, 37 p. 22.5 cm.Dark grayish yellow wrappers.

651. Euclides.Euclid, Book V. Proved Algebraically so far as it Relates to Commensurable Magnitudes. To Which is Prefixed a Summary of All the Necessary Al-gebraical Operations, Arranged in Order of Diffi-culty. By Charles L. Dodgson. . . . Oxford: James Parker and Co., p., 1 leaf, 62 p. 23 cm.“Preface,” p. [v]–vi.Five signatures, unstitched, edges unopened.

nos. 643–651

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C. L. Dodgson 361652. Copy 2.

22 cm.Dark grayish green sand cloth. Sprinkled edges.

653. [Galpin, Stanley I.]“Alice in Dorsetland.”In The Dorset Year-Book for 1928. London: The Society of Dorset Men in London.Pages 45–49. Illus. 25 cm.Signed S. I. G.Three of the six letters from Dodgson to Maud Standen, which were printed in the March 1924 issue of The Bookman’s Journal, are here reprinted, p. 48–49.Light greenish blue wrappers, printed in dark blue, with an illustration, black on white, mounted on outside front wrapper.

654. The Garland of Rachel. By Divers Kindly Hands. Oxford: Printed at the Private Press of H. Daniel, 1881.v, [3], 9–67, [1] p. 23 cm.Handpainted initial letters in purple or red.“What hand may wreathe thy natal crown. . . ,” untitled poem by Lewis Carroll, p. 29–31. “Idem Latine Redditum,” translation of Car-roll’s poem by “Ricardus Harington Baronet-tus,” p. 33–35.Moderate olive green morocco, covers and spine tooled in gold, signed E. D. on inside back cover. T.e.g.; fore and bottom edges deck-led. Four blank leaves at front and at back.“Rachel Daniel’s own copy bound by her mother.” —Penciled note on pastedown front endpaper.Bookplate of Clarence S. Bement.

655. Golden Book of Tales: Holiday Readings in the Legendary Lore of All Nations. Edited by Wil-liam Swinton and George R. Cathcart. New York and Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, and Company, 1882.8, 339 p. Front., illus. 23 cm.“The artistic renderings which so richly embel-lish this volume are from the pencils of the most

eminent masters, including Gustave Doré, Cruikshanks, Tenniel, Fredericks, Church, Dielman, White, Hopkins, Thos. Moran, and Sol Eytinge.”—Preface, p. 6.“The Walrus and the Carpenter,” by Lewis Carroll, p. 230–237, with an illustration by Frederick S. Church and three by Tenniel.Vivid purplish blue diagonal fine rib cloth, with illustrations and decoration blocked in gold and black on covers and spine. Bevelled boards. T.e.g. Very pale blue moiré horizontal rib endpapers.Inscribed in pencil on free front endpaper: From Grandpa Ivison Nov. 15th 1881.In reade collection [cr 184].

656. Goodacre, Selwyn H.Feeding the Mind. A Celebration of Lewis Carroll’s Visit to Alfreton in 1884. . . . Carroll Studies No. 8. [Silver Spring, Maryland]: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America,, 29 p. Front., plates, facsim. 28.5 cm.“Feeding the Mind,” by Lewis Carroll, in fac-simile, p. 12–19; in print, with footnotes by S. H. Goodacre, p. 20–23. “Redistribution,” by Charles L. Dodgson, p. 24–26.Copy No. 9 of a limited edition of 350 copies, numbered and signed by the author.Very light brown wrappers.

657. [Great Britain. Post Office.]1890. Registration of Parcels.5 p. 33 cm.Caption title.Item No. 1 of 8 in the report is an “Extract from Letter of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (of Christ Church, Oxford) to the Postmaster-General,” dated December 30, 1889, p. 1.No wrappers; glued.

658. The Harp of a Thousand Strings; or, Laughter for a Lifetime. Konceived, Compiled, and Kom-ically Konkokted, by Spavery, Aided, Added, and Abetted by over 200 Kurious Kutz, from Original Designs Karefully Drawn out by

nos. 652–658

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C. L. Dodgson362Mc’Lenan, Hoppin, Darley, Hennessey, Bellew, Gunn, Howard, &c., to Say Nothing of Leech, Phiz, Doyle, Cruikshank, Meadows, Hine, and Others. The Whole Engraved by S. P. Avery. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [1858].v, [3], [9]–368 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.On verso of t.p.: R. Craighead, Stereotyper, and Electrotyper [and] E. O. Jenkins, Printer.“Novelty and Romancement. A Broken Spell,” [by C. L. Dodgson], p. 188–194. Reprinted from The Train (Oct. 1856), with a copy of the illustration by William M’Connell and two other unsigned illustrations.Grayish reddish brown bead cloth, covers elabo-rately blocked in blind, with a cut of a man bent under the weight of a harp blocked in gold in center of front cover and the publisher’s mono-gram on a shield blocked in blind in center of back cover, spine blocked in gold. Publisher’s imprint at foot of spine.“List of Publications,” 6 p., and other adverts., [10] p., at back.

659. Copy 2.Deep purplish blue vertical fine rib cloth, blocked as above.Adverts. as above.

660. Copy 3.No frontispiece.The names and designations of Craighead and Jenkins omitted from verso of t.p.Dark grayish green morocco cloth, covers less elaborately blocked in blind, same blocking in gold. Publisher’s monogram in gold at foot of spine.“Popular Books,” [4] p. at back.

661. Le Gallienne Productions.… Romeo and Juliet: Shakespeare. Alice in Won-derland: Carroll. [New York, N.Y.: Produced by Strand Press Inc.], [1933.][16] p. Illus., music. 29.5 cm.Cover title.Unpaginated.Photographs of members of the cast of Alice

in Wonderland and brief critical quotations, p. [6–9].“Music from The Le Gallienne Production Alice in Wonderland. Music by Richard Add-insell. Words by Lewis Carroll”: “Life, What Is It—But a Dream,” p. [12–14]; “Beautiful Soup,” p. [15– 16].Moderate blue wrappers.

662. Leigh, N. Egerton.N. E. Leigh’s Lewis Carroll Scrap Book.A scrapbook, with title as above lettered on spine, compiled by N. Egerton Leigh, bought by Falconer Madan on Dec. 5, 1929, and aug-mented by him. 24 cm.Contains photographs; correspondence; clip-pings, and manuscript transcripts of articles, anecdotes, and Alice parodies; political car-toons based on Alice; clippings of illustrations to Carroll’s works; etc. Also the following items containing writings and/or illustrations by Carroll himself. Information in brackets is supplied by Madan.“Some of Lewis Carroll’s Child-Friends. With Unpublished Letters by the Author of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ” by S. D. Collingwood, from The Century Magazine, Vol. 57, [1898], p. [231]–240. “Before ‘Alice’—The Boyhood of Lewis Carroll,” by Stuart Collingwood, from The Strand Magazine, Vol. 16, [1898], p. [616]–627. “Mors Iabrochii,” translation of “Jab-berwocky” by A. A. Vansittart, unidentified clipping. “Iambroks Iambikos,” translation of “Jabberwocky” by R. A. K[nox]., unidentified clipping. “An Unpublished Letter of Lewis Carroll,” by Dymphna Ellis, unidentified mag-azine clipping. “Bruno’s Revenge,” by Lewis Carroll, [from Aunt Judy’s Magazine], Vol. 4, No. 20, [Dec. 1867], p. 65–78.Moderate yellowish brown buckram.

663. Letters to Macmillan. Selected and Edited by Simon Nowell-Smith. . . . London, Melbourne, Toronto, New York: Macmillan, St Martin’s Press, 1967.384 p. Front., plates, illus., facsims. 22 cm.

nos. 658–663

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C. L. Dodgson 363“ ‘Lewis Carroll,’ Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,” p. [71]–77.Deep purplish red smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained deep purplish red. Illustrated endpapers, white on black.In stevenson collection. Catalogue, Part iii, No. 52.

664. Lewis Carroll Observed. A Collection of Un-published Photographs, Drawings, Poetry, and New Essays. Edited by Edward Guiliano for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc./Pub-lisher, Distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc. [c1976].viii, 216 p. Front., illus., facsims. 28.5 cm.“Preface,” signed E.G., p. vii–viii.The frontispiece is a reproduction of the photo-graph of Lewis Carroll at age twenty-four, from the original in the Parrish Collection.Includes:“Lewis Carroll as Photographer: A Series of Photographs of Young Girls,” by Edward Guil-iano, p. 45–59. The 13 photographs by Carroll reproduced are from the Parrish Collection.“Carroll’s ‘The Ligniad’; An Early Mock Epic in Facsimile,” with an Introduction by Roger Lancelyn Green, p. 81–[91].“Lewis Carroll as Artist: Fifteen Unpublished Sketches for the Sylvie and Bruno Books,” Intro-duction by Edward Guiliano, p. 145–[160].Bright orange red boards, front cover em-bossed in blind. Bright red smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

665. The Little Ones’ Book, Containing the Songs in “Alice in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking Glass,” Also a Selection of Nursery Rhymes to the Old Tunes. And other Easy Songs and Rounds. Compiled and Edited by Frederick Helmore. . . . London: Weekes & Co.; Chicago, U. S. A.: Clayton F. Summy Co. [1903?].[4], 48 p. 25 cm.At head of p. 1: Frederick Helmore’s Singing Method. No. 1.Words and music.

Dark grayish green decorated wrappers, printed in blue. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.

666. Madan, Falconer.Lewis Carroll. 16 Magazine Articles. 1898– 1901. A scrapbook purchased in 1934 by Falconer Madan, with title as above on a label on front cover. 25.5 cm.Contains three typewritten transcripts, a par-ody based on Alice, and articles about Lewis Carroll, including the following (i.a.) with ex-tensive quotations from Carroll’s correspon-dence and writings, and reproductions of his drawings and photographs. Dates in brackets are supplied by Madan.“ ‘Lewis Carroll.’ (Charles Lutwidge Dodg-son.),” by Beatrice Hatch, from The Strand Magazine, Vol. 15, [April 1898], p. [413]–423. “Before ‘Alice’—The Boyhood of Lewis Car-roll,” by Stuart Collingwood, from The Strand Magazine, Vol. 16, [Dec. 1898], p. [616]–627. “Some of Lewis Carroll’s Child-Friends. With Unpublished Letters by the Author of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ” by S. D. Collingwood, from The Century Magazine, Vol. 57, [Dec. 1898], p. [231]–240. “A Visit to Tennyson,” letter from Charles L. Dodgson to his cousin William [Edward Wilcox], from The Strand Magazine, [May 1901], p. [543]–544.Blackish blue flexible Stormont marbled boards. Very deep red pebble cloth spine. Paper label on front cover and on spine.

667. Madan, Falconer.Lewis Carroll. Magazine Articles. 1898–1932.A scrapbook compiled in 1932 by Falconer Madan, with title as above lettered on spine. 29 cm.Contains letters to Madan, newspaper clip-pings, and articles about Lewis Carroll, in-cluding (i.a.) the following with extensive quo-tations from Carroll’s correspondence and writings, and reproductions of his drawings and photographs. Information in brackets is

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C. L. Dodgson364supplied from wrappers and contents pages bound in, or by Madan.“ ‘Lewis Carroll.’ (Charles Lutwidge Dodg-son),” by Beatrice Hatch, from The Strand Magazine, Vol. 15, [April 1898], p. 413–423. “Before ‘Alice’—The Boyhood of Lewis Car-roll,” by Stuart Collingwood, from The Strand Magazine, Vol. 16, [Dec. 1898], p. [616]–627. “The Early Writings of Lewis Carroll,” by His Honour Judge Parry, [from The Cornhill Maga-zine, April 1924], p. 455–468. “Alice in Dorset-land,” [by Stanley I Galpin, from The Dorset Year-Book for 1928 ], p. 45–49. “New Lewis Carroll Letters: Written by the Author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to his Illustrator Harry Furniss,” edited by the artist’s daughter, Dor-othy Furniss, [from Pearson’s Magazine, Dec. 1930], p. 619–636. “Le Jaseroque,” transla-tion of “Jabberwocky” by Frank L. Warrin, Jr., from The New Yorker, Jan. 10, 1931, p. 52. “The Earliest Work of Lewis Carroll: A selection from his contributions, now published for the first time, to ‘The Rectory Magazine,’ which he edited, illustrated, and almost entirely wrote, at the age of fifteen,” [from The Strand Magazine], Vol. 83, [ June 1932], p. 574–581.Very dark red sand cloth.

668. Royal Cowper Theatre, Fulham. Sole Les-see and Manageress, Miss Isa Bowman. De-cember, 1891. . . .[4] p. Illus. 22 cm.A programme of four pieces performed by the Bowman family, “who were child-friends of Dodgson, who certainly corrected, if he did not write, at least the framework of the pro-gramme.”—Handbook, p. 177.

669. [Scudder, Horace Elisha.]The Game of Croquet; Its Appointment and Laws; with Descriptive Illustrations. By R. Fel-low [pseud.]. <New Edition, Enlarged and Corrected.> New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1868.v, [1], [7]–48 p. Front., illus., diagrams. 18.5 cm.

The frontispiece is by Augustus Hoppin.“Castle Croquet. For Four Players,” by Lewis Carroll, p. [43]–48.Moderate blue glazed illustrated wrappers. Ad-verts. on outside back wrapper.

670. The South Shields Amateur Magazine, Con-sisting of Original Articles, in Prose and Verse, by Amateurs in South Shields and the Neighbour-hood. . . . [South Shields]: Published in Aid of the Building Fund of the South Shields Me-chanics’ Institute,, 42 p. 22.5 cm.“A Photographer’s Day Out,” by Lewis Car-roll, p. [12]–16.Moderate greenish blue wrappers.

671. The Train: A First-Class Magazine. . . . Lon-don: Groombridge and Sons, 1856–58.5 vols. Illus. 21 cm.A monthly, Jan. 1856 – June 1858. Vol. 2 pub-lished by S. O. Beeton.Lewis Carroll’s contributions to the first four volumes are listed separately in this catalogue; there is no contribution by him in the fifth (and final) volume.Vivid purplish blue vertical cord cloth, blocked in blind.

672. Under the Quizzing Glass: A Lewis Carroll Miscellany containing original studies of his life and work together with some scarce Carrolliana now first reprinted and a poem never before pub-lished. London: Magpie Press, 1972.58 p. Front., illus. 21 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Edited by R. B. Shaberman and Denis Crutch.“A Fascinating Mental Recreation for the Young,” the prospectus for Symbolic Logic, p. 30–33, and “Who Killed co*ck Robin?,” p. 42–43, by Lewis Carroll.“Stories for Sunday Evenings,” a drawing by George Du Maurier illustrating an anecdote attributed to Lewis Carroll, p. 47.No. 201 of 400 numbered copies.Dark orange yellow wrappers.

nos. 667–672

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C. L. Dodgson 365673. Wilcox, E. G.

The Lost Plum-Cake. A Tale for Tiny Boys. By E. G. Wilcox (Mrs. Egerton Allen). . . . With Nine Illustrations by E. L. Shute. . . . London: Mac-millan and Co., Limited; New York: The Mac-millan Company, 1897.xi, [3], 101, [1] p. Front., illus. 15 cm.“Introduction,” by Lewis Carroll, p. [vii]–xi.Glazed boards embossed with a deep red cob- blestone pattern, decorated in gold. Binding cut flush with edges. White moiré vertical rib paste- down endpapers; free endpapers of text paper.Advert., [1] p. at back.

674. Williams, Sidney Herbert.Some Rare Carrolliana. With Notes by Sidney Herbert Williams. . . . London: Printed for Pri-vate Circulation Only, 1924.23 p. Front., illus. 26 cm.Includes reproductions of puzzles, verses, let-ters, and drawings by Dodgson for Harriet, Mary, and Ina Watson.“This edition is limited to 79 signed copies, 4 of which are on hand-made paper, numbered 1 to 4, and 75 on Abbey Mills antique paper, numbered 5 to 79.”“This is No. [in manuscript:] 2. Sidney Her-bert Williams & is for M. L. Parrish Esq. Phil-adelphia with best wishes. Xmas 1924.”Three loose signatures with bottom edges deck-led, unstitched and unopened.

675. Copy 2.26.5 cm.“This is No. [in manuscript:] 28. Sidney Her-bert Williams.”Light grayish yellowish brown boards. Bottom edges deckled.

676. A Wreath of Song for Children. Containing The Songs from [“]Alice in Wonderland,” The Songs from [“]Through the Looking-Glass,” and the “Songs for Children,” words by Kingsley, Procter, Macdonald, Dr. Nield [sic ], Herrick, &c., &c. London: Weekes & Co. [1872].

3 prel. leaves, 54 p. 17.5 by 26 cm.“In deference to a wish that has been expressed in many quarters, the Publishers have collected the entire series of Mr. [William] Boyd’s chil-dren’s songs into a single volume.”—“Pref-ace,” 3rd prel. leaf, dated London 1872.Words and music.By [Lewis Carroll]: p. 1–22. “The words of these songs are printed through the express permission of the Author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”—p. 1.Very dark green fine cord cloth, front cover blocked in gold and blind, back cover in blind. On front cover: A Wreath of Song for Children. W. Boyd[.] A.e.g. Pale yellow endpapers.“New Songs,” [1] p. at back.Bookplate of Thomas & Jania Erwin.

677. Copy 2.[1881.][2], 54 p. 17.5 by 26 cm.There is no dedication leaf, and the “Preface,” which is undated, appears on verso of t.p.Light brown sand cloth, covers differently blocked, all in blind. On front cover: A Wreath of Song[.] W. Boyd[.] Edges stained red. Flo-ral-patterned endpapers, light grayish olive on light yellow.No advert.

the author as photographer

678. Aspin, Roy.Lewis Carroll and his Camera. . . . [Clayhall, Il-ford, Essex: Published by Brent Publications in association with Robert Odcombe Associ-ates, c1989.][2] p., 2 leaves, 55, [1] p., 3 leaves. Front., plates. 30 cm.Printed in brown.Includes reproductions of some 30 photo-graphs by Carroll, including three from the Parrish Collection.Light grayish brown paperback, with an illus-trated front cover.

nos. 673–678

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C. L. Dodgson366679. Cullingham, Gordon G.

Alice in Wonderland. The Windsor Connection.In Windlesora, No. 15 [c1997]. Windsor: Wind-sor Local History Publications Group.Pages 15–19. Illus. 21 cm.Includes four photographs by Dodgson of mem-bers of the Ellison family, from originals in the Parrish Collection.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

680. Finlay, Nancy.Lewis Carroll’s St. George and the Dragon and Le Petit Nemrod by J. J. Tissot: A Problem in the Relationship between Painting and Photography in the 1870s. . . .In Princeton University Library Chronicle, Vol. 52, No. 3, Spring 1991.Pages 358–366. Illus. 23.5 cm.Includes a reproduction of Dodgson’s photo-graph of “St. George and the Dragon” from the original in the Parrish Collection.White decorated wrappers, printed in black and gray.

681. Gernsheim, Helmut.Lewis Carroll, Photographer. . . . With 64 Plates in Photogravure. London: Max Parrish & Co Limited, 1949.xi, 121 p. 64 plates. 22.5 cm.Includes excerpts from Carroll’s diary, p. 35– 80, and “Lewis Carroll’s Writings on Photogra-phy,” p. [105]–121, as well as the plates.Grayish reddish orange smooth cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold.

682. ———. . . . With 64 Plates in Photogra-vure. New York: Chanticleer Press Inc, 1949.xi, 121 p. 64 plates. 22.5 cm.Moderate reddish brown smooth cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold.

683. ———. . . . With 64 Plates in Photogravure. London: Max Parrish & Co Limited, 1950.xi, 126 p. 64 plates. 22.5 cm.“Second edition 1950.”“Addenda to Second Edition,” p. 122–126.

Light blue boards textured to simulate buck-ram.

684. Glubok, Shirley.The Art Of Photography. . . . Designed by Gerard Nook. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers [c1977].48 p. Illus. 25.5 by 26 cm.Illustrated t.p.Dodgson’s photograph of Alice P. Liddell seated and with a wreath on her head, from the original in the Parrish Collection, p. 10.Moderate brown boards. Very light brown linen spine. Illustrated endpapers.

685. Heron, Flodden W.Lewis Carroll, Amateur Photographer. The Story of Two Rare Photographs. . . .In Camera Craft, Vol. 45, No. 11, Nov. 1938. San Francisco, California: Camera Craft Publish-ing Company.Pages 507–511. Illus. 26 cm.White illustrated wrappers, printed in blue and black.Inscribed at head of p. 507: This copy for Amer-ica’s greatest Carrollian—M. L. Parrish—with the compliments of the author Flodden W. Heron.

686. L. Carroll: Photographer.In Newsweek, Vol. 35, No. 12, March 20, 1950. Dayton, Ohio: Weekly Publications, Inc.Pages 94–95. Illus. 28.5 cm.An unsigned review of Helmut Gernsheim’s Lewis Carroll, Photographer, with reproductions of 9 of Carroll’s photographs.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

687. Lewis Carroll. [Milano: Gruppo Editoriale Electa, c1982.][4] p. 12 unnumbered plates. 42 cm.Cover title.Editor: Daniela Palazzoli.Series: Portfolios Electa.Untitled introduction by Helmut Gernsheim, p. [1].

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C. L. Dodgson 367The plates are reproductions of photographs by Dodgson.Esemplare 288 of an edition limited to 1500 es-emplari.In a black stiff paper portfolio, with an illus-trated label, printed in red, on front cover. In-serted in a white glazed stiff paper wrapper, printed in red.

688. … Lewis Carroll. Text by Graham Oven-den. . . . [London]: Macdonald [1984].[14] p. 25 unnumbered plates. 30.5 cm.At head of title: Masters of Photography.The plates are reproductions of photographs by Dodgson.White paperback, printed in light pinkish brown and black, with a photograph by Dodg-son on front cover. On front cover: The prints in this book are suitable for framing.

689. Lewis Carroll. Introduction de Colin Ford. [Paris]: Nathan [c1998].[144] p. 59 numbered illus. 19 cm.Unpaginated.“Collection Photo Poche,” No. 75.[Introduction], “traduit de l’anglais par Cathe-rine Chaine,” p. [5–22].Two of the illustrations (Nos. 14 and 27) are re-productions of the original photographs in the Parrish Collection.Black paperback, with text in white and a re-peat of illustration No. 9 on front cover.

690. Lewis Carroll. [London]: The British Council [c1998].79 p. Front., illus. 24 cm.T.p. printed in brown; text printed in black and brown.Published in connection with a traveling exhibi-tion of Carroll’s photographs organized by The British Council.“Exhibition curated by Roger Taylor. Publica-tion edited by Charlotte Byrne.”“ ‘Nonsense is Rebellion’: The Childsplay of Lewis Carroll,” by Marina Warner, p. 7–25; “ ‘Some Other Occupation’: Lewis Carroll

and Photography,” by Roger Taylor, p. 27–38; “Lewis Carroll,” by Michael Bakewell, p. 39–45.The exhibition (of 77 photographs) included re-productions of 35 photographs by Carroll from originals in the Parrish Collection, 10 of which are reproduced in this volume.White boards, with passages in facsimile from the autograph manuscript of Alice’s Adventures under Ground printed in light brown on both covers; mounted on front cover, a reproduc-tion of a photograph of Carroll, on back cover, a reproduction of a photograph of Alice Liddell by Carroll, each within a gold frame. Dark blue buckram spine and corners. Grayish brown swirl marbled endpapers.

691. Lewis Carroll at Christ Church. [London]: National Portrait Gallery [c1974].32 p. Portraits. 23.5 cm.“Twenty-eight portraits by Lewis Carroll to-gether with ‘Hiawatha’s Photographing’ and an Introduction by Morton N. Cohen.” Edited by Colin Ford.“Lewis Carroll’s ‘Black Art,’ ” by Morton N. Cohen, p. 3–8.Black wrappers, printed in orange, with a photograph of Lewis Carroll on outside front wrapper.

692. Lewis Carroll photographe victorien. In-troduction de Helmut Gernsheim. [Paris]: Chêne-F. M. Ricci [c1979].92, [2] p. Front., portraits. 24 cm.Halftitle: Iconographia.“Introduction,” p. 7–12.“L’édition de ce livre a été dirigée par Laura Casalis et Sylvie Delassus.”“Traduit de l’anglais par Henri Parisot.”“L’éditeur remercie la University of Texas et la Princeton University Library de l’avoir au-torisé à reproduire les originaux des photos de Lewis Carroll.” Eight in the case of the latter.Black glazed wrappers, with a detail of the pho-tograph of Alice as “La petite mendiante” on outside front wrapper.

nos. 687–692

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C. L. Dodgson368693. Lewis Carroll’s Photographs of Nude Chil-

dren. With an introduction by Morton N. Co-hen. Philadelphia: The Philip H. & A. S. W. Rosenbach Foundation, 1978.31, [1] p. 4 colored illus. 26 cm.Brilliant orange yellow smooth cloth.

694. Mitry, Jean.… Schriftsteller als Photographen, 1860–1910. [Luzern und Frankfurt/M]: Bucher [c1975].95 p. Illus. 27.5 cm.Series halftitle: Bibliothek der Photographie. Band 7.“Aus dem Französischen von Gertrud Strub.”19 photographs by Lewis Carroll, all but one of which from the originals in the Parrish Collec-tion, p. 20–[30].Light gray plastic-coated boards, illustrated with black and white photographs.

695. National Museum of Photography, Film, and Television.Lewis Carroll, Photographer. [Bradford, West Yorkshire: National Museum of Photography, Film, and Television, c1987.]32 p. Illus. 21 cm.[Introduction], p. 3, and “Carroll through the Viewfinder,” p. 5–14, by Colin Ford.Includes reproductions of 19 photographs by Carroll and the text of “Hiawatha’s Photograph-ing.”White wrappers, with a photograph by Carroll of Violet Granville on outside front wrapper.

696. The Real Alice. A photograph by Lewis Car-roll. [n.p., n.d.]Leaflet with a single sheet pasted inside. 19.5 cm.Page [1], title as above, and with an oval cut out to reveal the facsimile of a photograph of Alice Liddell mounted on p. [3]. Page [2], a history of the photograph. Page [3], the mounted facsimile, with a further account of the photograph. Pages [4–6], blank.Light olive gray ribbed paper, printed in dark

olive. With matching envelope. The paper has watermark, “Fabriano (Italy).”Inscribed on p. [1]: From H.P.B. 1925.

697. Reflections in a Looking Glass. A Centennial Celebration of Lewis Carroll, Photographer. Mor-ton N. Cohen. Afterword by Roy Flukinger. Postscript by Mark Haworth-Booth. Photo-graphs from the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin. With selections from Alfred C. Berol Collection, Fales Library/Special Collections, New York University; Gilman Paper Company Collection, New York; The New York Public Library, Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Col-lection; The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York; Private Collections; The Rosenbach Mu-seum & Library, Philadelphia; The Royal Pho-tographic Society; Science & Society Picture Library, London/National Museum of Pho-tography, Film & Television, Bradford. [New York]: Aperture [c1998].143, [1] p. Illus. 29.5 cm.T.p. printed in red and black.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Includes, in addition to the reproductions of photographs by Lewis Carroll: “Lewis Car-roll, Pioneer Photographer,” by Morton N. Cohen, p. 7–25; “Hiawatha’s Photographing,” by Lewis Carroll, p. 26–27; “A Photographer’s Day Out,” by Lewis Carroll, p. 122–125; “The Photographic Moment of Lewis Carroll,” by Mark Haworth-Booth, p. 127–130; and “After Words,” by Roy Flukinger, p. 131–135.“First edition.”Light yellow buckram. Dark red smooth cloth spine.

698. Speaking of Pictures . . . Some fine photo-graphs by the author of “Alice in Wonderland” are rediscovered.In Life, Vol. 29, No. 19, Nov. 6, 1950. Chicago, Ill.: Time Inc.Pages 22–23. Illus. 25.5 cm.Includes reproductions of six photographs, one

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C. L. Dodgson 369from the Parrish Collection, the others from the Gernsheim Collection.“His Equipment Included Special Tents and Toys,” with a reproduction of a photograph of Lewis Carroll by Rejlander (from the Gern-sheim Collection), p. 24.White illustrated wrappers, printed in black and color.

699. Two Photographs by Lewis Carroll. Printed directly from the orginal [sic ] wet collodion glass negatives made by Lewis Carroll in Oc-tober 1879, of Miss Leila Campbell Taylor. A Special Limited Edition of 1,000 prints from each of two negatives made for The Sunday Times, January 1987, of which this pair of prints is No. [in pen-and-ink:] 324. [London: The Sunday Times, 1987.]3 loose leaves. 2 mounted photographs. 41 cm.The leaves, on thick paper, are printed in brown.In an unlettered light brown linen portfolio.

700. Wetzel, Michael.… “The latter undraped.” Die photogene Entblössung des Blicks bei Lewis Carroll. [München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag], [c1990.]Pages [157]–175. Illus. 23 cm.Caption title.“Sonderdruck Aus: Jochen Hörisch/Michael Wetzel (Hrsg.) Armaturen der Sinne: Liter-arische und technische Medien 1870 bis 1920.”White wrappers, printed in black and red.

701. White, Daniel N.Lewis Carroll, Photographer. . . .In Princeton Alumni Weekly, Vol. 74, No. 27, May 28, 1974. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.Pages 10–14. Illus. 28 cm.Includes reproductions of seven photographs from the Parrish Collection, one on the front cover.White illustrated wrappers, printed in black and orange.


702. [Abbott, Holker.]Alice in Wonderland. In Eleven Scenes. Ar-ranged for the Copley Society of Boston. . . . Boston: Press of Geo. H. Ellis Co., 1912.52 p. 19.5 cm.Cover title.Abbott’s name does not appear.Self-wrappers; stapled.

703. Alice in Wonderland. . . . [New York]: [Copy-right Sam’l Gabriel Sons & Company], [n.d.][12] p. Colored illus. 21.5 cm.Cover title, illustrated in color.An abbreviated version of the story.The illustrations are by Gordon Robinson.Printed on “Linenette.”Self-wrappers; stapled. At foot of final page: G To Keep Busy the Little Hands and Little Head. . . . No. 433 Printed in the U.S.A.

704. Alice in Wonderland. Panorama with Movable Pictures. [London, Paris, New York: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd., Publishers to Their Majes-ties the King & Queen], [1926.]4 colored cards with scenes from the story. 27 by 30.5 cm.On versos of cards: title; “How to make your pictures”; and (on 2 cards) descriptions of the pictures, signed G.C.F.With 15 numbered colored figures (lacking nos. 5 and 10) to be inserted in slots in the cards.The pictures and figures are by A. L. Bowley.Tuck No. 8594.

705. [Angeli, Natalina.]… Alice nel paese delle meraviglie. [Novara: Ed-izione italiana edipem, c1974.]93, [3] p. Colored front., colored illus. 26 cm.At head of title: Lewis Carroll.Illustrated t.p., printed in color.Series halftitle: Il Narratore speciale TV.“Alice nello specchio,” p. [63]–93.Abbreviated versions.“Traduzione di Natalina Angeli,” who was pre-sumably responsible for the adaptations.

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C. L. Dodgson370The illustrations are photographs in color. “Fo-tografie tratte dallo sceneggiato televisivo: Nel Mondo di Alice prodotto dalla RAI Radiotelevi-sione Italiana.”Glazed boards, printed in color, with illustra-tions on both covers. Colored photographic endpapers.

706. Armstrong, Samuel.Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. Illustrations by The Walt Disney Studio. Adapted by Sam-uel Armstrong from the Walt Disney motion picture. . . . Racine, Wis.: Whitman Publishing Co., c1951.[24] p. Colored illus. 21 cm.Colored illustrated t.p.“Cosy Corner Series.”Glazed illustrated boards, printed in color. Illustrated endpapers, white on yellow.

707. B., S. S.Alice in Wonderland. Adapted by S. S. B. This Adaptation is Copyright. London: Samuel French, Ltd.; New York: Samuel French, Inc. [n.d.].50 p. 18.5 cm.Dark purplish red decorated wrappers. At head of outside front wrapper: French’s Fairy and Home Plays No. 24. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., [2] p. at back.

708. B., S. S.Charade from “Alice in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking-Glass.” Adapted by S. S. B. London: Samuel French, Ltd.; New York: Sam-uel French [1898].37, [2] p. 18 cm.Light brown decorated wrappers. On out-side front wrapper: Fairy and Home Plays for Home Performance. No. 24. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.

709. Berlin, Irving.Alice in Wonderland. Charles Dillingham and Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. Present The Cen-tury Girl at the Century Theatre. Words and

Music by Irving Berlin. N.Y.: Irving Berlin Inc. [c1917].5 p. 33.5 cm.Cover title. The colored cover illustration is by Barbelle.Page [2], advert.No wrappers; unstitched.Advert., verso of p. 5.

710. Clarke, Henry Savile.Alice in Wonderland. A Dream Play for Children, in Two Acts. Founded upon Mr. Lewis Car-roll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” with the express sanction of the Author. By H. Savile Clarke. Music by Walter Slaughter. London: Published at “The Court Circular” Office, 1886. 55 p. Illus. 20 cm.With 8 of John Tenniel’s illustrations.Without the music.Light brown illustrated (Tenniel’s White Rab-bit) wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and in-side back wrappers.Library label of Sidney Williams.

711. ———. Founded upon Mr. Lewis Car-roll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” with the express sanction of the Author. By H. Sav-ile Clarke. Music by Walter Slaughter. Lon-don: Published at “The Court Circular” Office, 1888.56 p. Illus. 21 cm.With 8 of John Tenniel’s illustrations.Without the music.Light brown illustrated (Tenniel’s White Rab-bit) wrappers. Advert. for Ridge’s Food (a par-ody of “You are old, Father William”) on out-side back wrapper.Library label of Sidney Williams.

712. Clarke, Henry Savile.Alice in Wonderland. A Dream Play for Children. In Two Acts. Founded upon Mr. Lewis Car-roll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” and “Through the Looking-Glass,” with the

nos. 705–712

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C. L. Dodgson 371express sanction of the Author. By H. Savile Clarke. Music by Walter Slaughter. Performed at the Opera Comique Theatre under the Man-agement of Mr. Arthur Eliot. London and Bun-gay: Printed by Richard Clay and Sons, Lim-ited [1898].20 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.With 6 of John Tenniel’s illustrations.Without the music.Consists only of most of the songs in the play.Light gray wrappers.

713. Copy 2.On t.p.: Performed at the Opera Comique The-atre under the Management of Mr. Arthur Eliot by arrangement with Mr. Edgar Bruce.

714. Delafield, Emily Prime.Alice in Wonderland. A Play. Compiled from Lewis Carroll’s Stories Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. . . . Originally presented, for the benefit of The Society of Decorative Art, at The Waldorf, New York, March thirteenth, 1897, and now for the first time printed. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1898.ix, [2], 89 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates. 20 cm.“Printed by D. B. Updike The Merrymount Press Boston 1898.”The t.p., front., and three plates are printed in red and black.The illustrations are by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue.White illustrated (by Goodhue) parchment paper boards, printed in color. Top edges stained red; fore and bottom edges untrimmed. Orange endpapers decorated with images of characters in the play.

715. Freiligrath-Kroeker, Kthe.Alice and Other Fairy Plays for Children. . . . With Eight Original Plates and Four Picture-Initials, by Mary Sibree. With Original and Adapted Music. London: W. Swan Sonnen-schein and Allen, 1880.[5], 296 p. Front., plates, illus., music. 18.5 cm.

“Alice,” p. [1]–64, followed by 4 unnumbered pages of words and music.Dark yellowish green diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked in black and gold, back cover blocked in blind. Bevelled boards. A.e.g.

716. Freiligrath-Kroeker, Kthe.Alice in Wonderland, and Other Fairy Plays for Children. . . . New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [n.d.].143 p. Music. 17 cm.“Alice in Wonderland,” p. [7]–33. Words and music, p. [121]–124.Pale yellow glazed illustrated (by Mary Sibree) wrappers. “Good Books,” on outside back wrap-per.Adverts., [14] p. at back.

717. Freiligrath-Kroeker, Kthe.Alice thro’ the Looking-Glass and Other Fairy Plays for Children. . . . London: W. Swan Sonnen-schein and Co. [1882].viii, [9]–202 p. Front., plates, music. 18.5 cm.Title on front cover and on spine: Alice Through The Looking Glass.The illustrations are by Elto.“Alice through the Looking-Glass,” p. [9]–50. “… I beg to tender my sincerest thanks to Mr. Lewis Carroll, for his renewed kind per-mission to dramatise ‘Through the Looking-Glass.’ ”—“Preface,” p. vi.Dark greenish blue diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold and black, back cover blocked in blind. Publisher’s monogram at foot of spine. A.e.g. Floral-pat-terned endpapers, reddish brown on white.With a presentation inscription in German from the author to Dr. J. W. Appell, dated Christmas 1882, on back of the frontispiece.

718. Copy 2.Light yellowish green diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copy 1. A.e.g. Endpapers as in Copy 1.

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C. L. Dodgson372719. Copy 3.

Dark brown diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copy 1. A.e.g. Endpapers with a mesh pattern, reddish brown on white.

720. Copy 4.Light gray diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked as Copy 1, with a different design blocked in blind on back cover. At foot of spine: Sonnenschein[.] A.e.g. Endpapers with a pansy pattern, light greenish yellow on white.

721. ———. . . . New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1883.1 prel. leaf, viii, [9]–202 p. Front., plates, music. 19 cm.Title on front cover: Alice Through The Looking Glass and other Fairy Plays. Title on spine: Alice Thro’ The Looking Glass and other Fairy Tales.Illustrations as in English edition.“Alice through the Looking-Glass,” p. [9]–50.Dark reddish brown diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold and black. Endpapers with a trompe l’oeil design, olive on dark yellow.

722. Copy 2.Light gray diagonal fine rib cloth, blocked as Copy 1. Floral-patterned endpapers, olive on white.

723. ———. . . . Second Edition. London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co. Ld., 1896.[iii]–viii, [11]–50, 55–82, 87–128, 133–202 p. Front., plates, music. 19 cm.Title on front cover and on spine: Alice Through The Looking Glass.Illustrations as in [1882] edition.“Alice through the Looking-Glass,” p. [11]–50.Dark bluish green smooth cloth, blocked and lettered as Copy 4 of the [1882] edition. A.e.g. Endpapers with a curlicue pattern, light brown on yellow.

724. Hardwick, Mollie.Alice in Wonderland. [By] Lewis Carroll. Dra-matized by Mollie Hardwick. [London]: Davis-Poynter [1974].[5] p., 40 leaves. 22 cm.White paperback, illustrated covers, printed in black and red.“A Davis-Poynter Playscript devised for practi-cal use in the theatre in schools and by drama groups.”—front cover.

725. Harrison, Constance Cary.Alice in Wonderland. A Play for Children in Three Acts. Dramatized by Mrs. Burton Harri-son. With Tableaux, Songs, and Dances. Illus-trations by John Tenniel. New-York: The De Witt Publishing House [c1890].35 p. Illus. 19 cm.“Copyright, 1890, By R. H. Russell & Son.”Ten illustrations by John Tenniel.Light blue illustrated wrappers.

726. ———. Dramatized by Mrs. Burton Harri-son. With Tableaux, Songs, and Dances. Illustrations by John Tenniel. Chicago and New York: The Dramatic Publishing Com-pany [c1898].35 p. Illus. 18.5 cm.“Copyright 1898 By R. H. Russell & Son.”Printed from the plates of the 1890 edition.Vivid yellow illustrated wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrap-pers.Adverts., verso of p. 35, and [4] p. at back.

727. Hendrie, Bill Fyfe.… Alice in Wonderland. . . . freely adapted by Bill Fyfe Hendrie and James McCue. [Hound-mills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, and London]: Macmillan Education [c1979].[4], 35 p. 21.5 cm.At head of title: dramascripts.Deep purple illustrated wrappers.

728. Jackson, Elizabeth.Alice in Wonderland. A Play. Adapted from Lewis Carroll’s Book by Elizabeth Jackson

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C. L. Dodgson 373with music by June Woods. London: Heine-mann Educational Books [1973].[xii], 68 p. Illus., music. 18.5 cm.White illustrated stiff wrappers, printed in brown and orange.

729. Le Gallienne, Eva.… Alice in Wonderland. Adapted for the Stage by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. Foreword by Eva Le Gallienne. New York, London, Los Ange-les: Samuel French [c1932].[8], 137 p. Front., plates. 19 cm.At head of title: Plays Presented at The Civic Repertory Theatre, Inc. Eva Le Gallienne, Director.“Foreword,” [2] p. following t.p.Purplish blue buckram.

730. Copy 2.Light blue wrappers. Adverts. on inside front and inside back wrappers.

731. ———. A Play in Two Acts. Adapted for the Stage by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Won-derland and Through the Looking-Glass. (As presented by Rita Hassan and the American Repertory Theatre, April, 1947.) Foreword by Eva Le Gallienne. New York, Hollywood, Lon-don, Toronto: Samuel French [c1949].154 p. Plates. 18.5 cm.“Copyright, 1932, by the Civic Repertory The-atre, Inc. . . . Revised and rewritten 1948 by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus.”“Foreword,” p. [5–8].Vivid yellow wrappers.

732. Manhattan Project.Alice in Wonderland. The Forming of a Com-pany and the Making of a Play. [New York]: Merlin House, Distributed by E. P. Dutton, Inc. [c1973].[12], 165, [11] p. Illus. 23 by 28 cm.Printed in brown.“First Printing.”

“The play created, performed and written by the Manhattan Project.”“The book designed by Ruth Ansel. Text by Doon Arbus. Photographs by Richard Ave-don.”“The play … based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.” Text of the play, p. [124]–164.White embossed boards, printed in brown.

733. Martens, Anne Coulter.Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. A Play in Two Acts. . . . Chicago: The Dramatic Publish-ing Company [c1965].124 p. 18 cm.White wrappers.

734. Puckette, Clara Childs.Alice in Wonderland. A Dramatic Version. Ar-ranged by. . . . New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1932.47 p. 19 cm.Light brown wrappers.

735. Walt Disney Productions.… Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. . . . New York: Walt Disney Music Company [c1949–51].8 parts. 30.5 cm.Illustrated cover title, printed in gray, blue, and yellow. The second part (“ ’Twas Brillig”) consists of only pages 2 and 3, with [1] and [4] being blank.Words and music, except for the fifth part (“March of the Cards”), which consists of music only.Unbound.

736. West, Wallace.Alice in Wonderland. The story of the motion picture “Alice in Wonderland,” a Paramount picture based upon the story by Lewis Car-roll. Featuring Charlotte Henry as “Alice.” Adapted by Wallace West. Copyright 1933 By Paramount Productions, Inc. Copyright 1934 By Whitman Publishing Co. Used by permis-

nos. 728–736

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C. L. Dodgson374sion of Paramount Pictures, Inc. Racine, Wis-consin: Whitman Publishing Company.[4], 7–156, [1] p. Illus. 13.5 by 14 cm.“The Big Little Book.” No. 759.Illustrated boards, printed in color.

737. Wheeler, Edith.In Wonderland. A Children’s Fairy Operetta in Two Acts. Founded on Lewis Carroll’s Book “Alice in Wonderland.” Adapted and Written by Edith Wheeler. Music by Florian Pascal. . . . London: Joseph Williams, Limited; New York: G. Schirmer (Inc:) [c1908].[4], 97 p. 28 cm.Words and music.Pale greenish blue decorated wrappers. Ad-verts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., verso of p. 97, and [16] p. at back.Stamped at head of outside front wrapper: For Review.

738. Wheeler, Edith.In Wonderland. Fairy Operetta for Children, in 2 Acts. Founded on Lewis Carroll’s Book, “Alice in Wonderland.” Adapted by and Lyrics writ-ten by Edith Wheeler. Music by Florian Pas-cal. . . . London: Joseph Williams, Limited; New York: G. Schirmer (Inc:), c1908.46 p. 21.5 cmWithout the music.Grayish blue wrappers. Adverts. on inside and outside back wrapper.Advert., [1] p. at back.With some annotations and excisions in pen-cil.

739. Wicker, Ireene.“Alice in Wonderland.” A Music Play Adapted from Lewis Carroll’s Story and Dramatized with Lyrics by Ireene Wicker—Kellogg’s Singing Lady. Musical Score, Composition and Arrangements by Milton Rettenberg. [Battle Creek, Michigan: Kellogg Company], [n.d.]2 parts. Music. 27.5 cm.

Mimeographed. Part [1] printed on recto of leaves only.Part [1] is libretto; Part [2] is score.Part [1], bright orange wrappers; Part [2], light bluish green wrappers. Both stapled.

740. Wicker, Ireene.“Alice Through the Looking Glass.” A Music Play Adapted from Lewis Carroll’s Story and Dra-matized with Lyrics by Ireene Wicker— Kel-logg’s Singing Lady. Musical Score, Composi-tion and Arrangements by Milton Rettenberg. [Battle Creek, Michigan: Kellogg Company], [n.d.]2 parts in 4. Music. 27.5 cm.Mimeographed. Libretto printed on recto of leaves only.Part [1] consists of libretto and score; Part 2, libretto and score.Libretto, light bluish green wrappers; score, bright orange wrappers. Stapled.

741. Wonderland Stories. From Alice in Won-derland, The Wonder Book, Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Trav-els. Simplified by Elizabeth Lewis. 25 Illustra-tions in the Text. Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Company [c1914].153 p. Colored front., illus. 19.5 cm.“Into this little volume of Wonderland Stories have been gathered some of the gems of child literature. . . . The first six are taken from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’. . . .”—“Preface,” p. 5.“Down the Rabbit-Hole,” p. 9–13; “A Mad Tea-Party,” p. 13–23; “The Trial of the Knave of Hearts,” p. 23–32; “In the Garden,” p. 32–37; “Humpty Dumpty,” p. 38–46; “The Battle that Did not Come off,” p. 46–53.“Lewis Carroll,” p. 8.The frontispiece appears to be unsigned; the illustrations in the text are mostly by Philip Lyford.

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C. L. Dodgson 375Light yellowish brown buckram, with an illus-tration in red and brown on front cover.Adverts., [4] p. at back.Pages 133–134 are defective, with some loss of text.

b iography and criticism

742. Alice Comes to Our Wonderland.In The Literary Digest, Vol. 113, No. 8, May 21, 1932, Second Edition. New York: Funk & Wag-nalls Company.Pages 16–17. Illus. 30.5 cm.Unsigned.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

743. [Amor], Anne Clark.The Real Alice. . . . Lewis Carroll’s Dream Child. London: Michael Joseph [1981].271 p. Illus. 23.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Dark brown buckram. Genealogical chart of the Liddell family on front endpapers, of the Reeve family on back endpapers.

744. Amor, Anne Clark.Wonderland Come True to Alice in Lyndhurst. . . . [Luton, Beds: White Stone Publishing, 1995.][12] p. 21 cm.Illustrated cover title.Unpaginated.“Published … on behalf of The Lewis Carroll Society in the series Cabbages and Kings No. 1.” Pale gray illustrated wrappers.

745. Aspects of Alice. Lewis Carroll’s Dreamchild as seen through the Critics’ Looking-Glasses 1865–1971. Edited by Robert Phillips. Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel and Lewis Carroll. New York: The Vanguard Press Inc. [c1971].xxvii, 450 p. Front., plates, illus. 24 cm.“Foreword,” by Robert Phillips, p. [xix]–xxvii.The frontispiece and five of the plates are repro-ductions of photographs by Dodgson from the originals in the Parrish Collection. Yellowish blue buckram, front cover blocked

in black and gold. Top edges stained light blu-ish green.

746. Ayres, Harry Morgan.Carroll’s Alice. . . . New York: Columbia Univer-sity Press, 1936.x, 98 p. Front., plate, illus. 19.5 cm.Illustrated (by John Tenniel) t.p.Dark red smooth cloth, with a circular cut of Alice and a single rule border on front cover, both blocked in gold.

747. Bowman, Isa.The Story of Lewis Carroll. Told for Young Peo-ple by the Real Alice in Wonderland Miss Isa Bowman. With a Diary and Numerous Fac-simile Letters Written to Miss Isa Bowman and Others. Also Many Sketches and Photos by Lewis Carroll and Other Illustrations. Lon-don: J. M. Dent & Co., 1899.vii, 132 p. Front., plate, illus., facsims. 20 cm.T.p. printed in black and red.Dark blue diagonal fine rib cloth, front cover blocked in gold. T.e.g.; other edges un-trimmed.

748. ———. Told for Young People by the Real Alice in Wonderland Miss Isa Bowman. With a Diary and Numerous Facsimile Letters Written to Miss Isa Bowman and Others. Also Many Sketches and Photos by Lewis Carroll and Other Illustrations. New York: E. P. Dut-ton & Company, 1900.iii, 120 p. Front., plate, illus., facsims. 18 cm.Deep pink vertical rib cloth, front cover blocked in gold. T.e.g.

749. Brown, Abbie Farwell.“Lewis Carroll.”In The Jabberwock, Vol. 11, No. 6, March 1898. Boston: Girls’ Latin School.Page 2. 31 cm.A poem.The issue includes also a poem by an unidenti-fied member of the Class of 1900 entitled “A Legend of the Jabberwock,” p. 5.Light gray illustrated wrappers.

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C. L. Dodgson376750. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith.

The 100th Birthday of Nonsense. Celebrating Lewis Carroll, Who Gave Us “Alice,” Mr. Chesterton Discusses the Genius of That “Vic-torian Parson” Who Burst the Limits of Rea-son and Made a Holiday of the Mind. . . .In The New York Times Magazine, Jan. 24, 1932.Pages [1]–2, 22. Illus. 42 cm.The issue contains also: “Alice Lives. In Won-derland—and in Fact,” by Clair Price, p. 3, 23; and “Dodgson-Carroll: A Dual Character,” by P. W. Wilson, p. 22.Unbound.

751. Cohen, Morton N.Christmas With Lewis Carroll. . . .In The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 20, 1981.Pages 24–30, 32, 36. Illus. (some colored). 32 cm. Self-covers; stapled.

752. Cohen, Morton N.Lewis Carroll. A Biography. . . . New York: Al-fred A. Knopf, 1995.1 prel. leaf, xxiii, 577, [blank page], [4] p. Front., illus. 24 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.“First Edition.”Dark blue boards. Dark blue smooth cloth spine, with a label printed in red and gold. Pink endpapers, decorated with figures by John Tenniel.

753. Cohen, Morton N.Lewis Carroll and Alice 1832–1982. . . . [New York]: The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1982.133 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 25.5 cm.Halftitle: A Celebration of Lewis Carroll’s Hun-dred and Fiftieth Birthday.Moderate reddish brown wrappers, outside front and back wrappers decorated in white with “inscriptions in books in Carroll’s own li-brary and in books that Carroll gave to mem-bers of his family,” and with the title on outside front wrapper in white on a blue rectangle.

754. Court, Devereux.The Hunting of the Snark.In The Cornhill Magazine, No. 615, New Series, No. 177, March 1911. London: Smith, Elder, & Co.Pages 360–365. 22.5 cm.Bright orange illustrated wrappers.

755. D’Amico, Masolino.… Lewis Carroll Attraverso lo specchio. [Porde-none]: Edizioni Studio Tesi [1990].xxvi, 198, [10] p. Illus. 23.5 cm.Series halftitle: Iconografia 2.“La ricerca iconografica è a cura di Paola Pallot-tino.” “la edizione aprile 1990.”Includes reproductions of many photographs by Carroll, from secondary sources.Dark greenish blue smooth cloth.

756. De la Mare, Walter.The Eighteen-Eighties. Essays by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature. Edited by Wal-ter de la Mare. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1930.xxviii, 271 p. 22.5 cm.“Lewis Carroll,” By Walter de la Mare, p. [218]–255.Deep yellow green smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.Inscribed on p. [218]: Walter de la Mare for Morris L. Parrish with all good wishes. May 1931.

757. De la Mare, Walter.Lewis Carroll. . . . London: Faber & Faber Lim-ited [1932].67 p. 22.5 cm.Medium brown smooth cloth.

758. Docherty, John.The Literary Products of the Lewis Carroll-George MacDonald Friendship. . . . Lewiston [New York]/Queenston [Ontario]/Lampeter [Wales]: The Edwin Mellen Press [c1995].xii, 426 p. Illus. 23.5 cm.Dark reddish brown smooth cloth.

nos. 750–758

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C. L. Dodgson 377759. Field, Jonathan.

“Looking-Glass” Reflections. . . .In People’s National Theatre Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 12, Jan. 1936. London: People’s National Theatre.Pages 19–22. Plate. 25 cm.The plate is a photograph by J. W. Debenham of “Ursula Hanray as ‘Alice,’ ” signed in pen and ink “Ursula.”The issue contains also: “Extract from ‘Through the Looking Glass,’ ” by Lewis Car-roll, p. 9; “H. W. Nevinson’s Recollections of Carroll,” p. 22; “Extract from Ellen Terry’s Memoirs,” by Edith Craig and Christopher St. John, p. 23–26; “Discussion after First Satur-day Matinee of ‘Alice,’ ” p. 35.White wrappers, printed in grayish blue.

760. [Galpin, Stanley I.]“Alice in Dorsetland.”In The Dorset Year-Book, 1928. London: The Society of Dorset Men in London.Pages 45–49. Illus. 24.5 cm.Signed S. I. G. Stanley I. Galpin was Honorary Editor of the Year-Book.An article on Mrs. H. Maud Ff*cks (née Stan-den), reprinting three of the six letters writ-ten to her by C. L. Dodgson, “published for the first time, in the March 1924 issue of The Book-man’s Journal.”Light greenish blue wrappers, printed in dark blue, with an illustration, black on white, mounted on outside front wrapper.

761. Gattgno, Jean.Album Lewis Carroll. Iconographie Choisie et Commentée par Jean Gattégno. [Paris]: Gal-limard [c1990].365 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 17.5 cm.Series halftitle: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. [29.]Includes reproductions of 18 photographs by Dodgson from originals in the Parrish Collec-tion.Dark brown leather, spine blocked in gold and with a label in red. Top edges stained orange.

762. Gattgno, Jean.Lewis Carroll: Fragments of a Looking-Glass. . . . Translated by Rosemary Sheed. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company [c1976].viii, 327 p. Front. 23.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece on verso.Yellowish green buckram. Bright yellow buck-ram spine.

763. Goodacre, Selwyn H.The Illnesses of Lewis Carroll. . . . Reprinted from The Practitioner August 1972, Vol. 209, pages 230–239. [London, Hastings and Folkestone, printed by F. J. Parsons Limited, 1972.]12 p. Illus. 24 cm.No wrappers; stapled.Inscription at head of t.p.: No. 100 of 126 signed reprints.Inscribed on t.p.: for the Morris L. Parrish col-lection at Princeton University with my compli-ments Selwyn H Goodacre.

764. Gordon, Colin.Beyond The Looking Glass. Reflections of Alice and Her Family. . . . London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton [c1982].246, [9] p. Illus. (some colored). 25.5 cm.Illustrated t.p in color.Deep reddish brown buckram, spine blocked in gold.

765. Hargreaves, Alice Pleasance Lid-dell.Alice’s Recollections of Carrollian Days. As Told to Her Son, Caryl Hargreaves.In The Cornhill Magazine, No. 871, New Series, No. 433, July 1932. London: John Murray.Pages 1–12. Front. 23 cm.Bright orange illustrated wrappers.

766. Hudson, Derek.Lewis Carroll. . . . London: Constable [1954].xiii, 354 p. Front., plates, illus. 23 cm.Dark blue smooth cloth.

767. In Memoriam Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1832–1898. Obituaries of Lewis Carroll And Re-lated Pieces. Compiled and Edited by August

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C. L. Dodgson378A. Imholtz, Jr. & Charlie Lovett. New York: Lewis Carroll Society of North America, Janu-ary 14, 1998.xxii, 192 p. Front. 23.5 cm.The frontispiece is a portrait of Dodgson by Barry Moser.“Introduction: Charles Dodgson and the Year of his Death,” by Charlie Lovett, p. ix–xx.Black smooth cloth, with a large cross (“Thy Will Be Done”) blocked in silver on front cover.Inscribed on free front endpaper: For the Mor-ris L. Parrish Collection from August A. Im-holtz Jr Jan. 10, 1998[.]

768. The Jabberwock. Vol. 45, No. 8, May 1932. Boston: Published Monthly During the School Year by the Students of The Girls’ Latin School.28 p. 24.5 cm.“Dedicated to the One Hundredth Anniver-sary of Lewis Carroll’s Birth.”Includes: a portrait of “Charles L. Dodgson, by courtesy of Boston Transcript,” p. [4]; “Edito-rial” [on the anniversary], p. 5; “Alice at Girls’ Latin School,” by Dorothy D. Hamburger ’34, p. 6–8; “For Lewis Carroll,” a poem by Mar-garet E. Sangster, p. 9; “Alumnae Meeting of Wonderland’s ‘Rogues’ Gallery,’ ” unsigned, p. 11–12; “ ‘Alice in Wonderland’ By Lewis Car-roll,” a book review by Frances Mayo ’33, p. 15. Black illustrated wrappers, printed in gold.

769. Lehmann, John F.… Lewis Carroll and the Spirit of Nonsense. . . . [Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1974.]20 p. 21 cm.At head of title: University of Nottingham. Nottingham Byron Lecture 1972.“The forty-second Byron Foundation Lec-ture was delivered on Friday, 24th November, 1972.”Dark grayish green wrappers. List of Byron Memorial Lectures on inside back wrapper.

770. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut.Lewis Carroll 1832–1932 zum 100. Geburtstag. . . . Wien: Verlag Herbert Reichner, 1932.16 p. Illus. 21 cm.Cover title.“Gedruckt … als Beilage für das Philobib- lon. . . .”Pale brown wrappers. Very pale brown label on outside front wrapper.Inscribed at head of outside front wrapper: To Mr. Morris L. Parrish with the compliments of the publisher. H R.

771. Copy 2.Inscribed at head of inside front wrapper: Mr. Morris L. Parrish with kind regards from Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt.

772. Lennon, Florence Becker.Victoria through the Looking-Glass. The Life of Lewis Carroll. . . . New York: Simon and Schus-ter, 1945.xv, 387 p., 1 leaf. Plates, illus. 21 cm.T.p. printed in yellow and black.Dark greenish gray buckram, spine blocked in gold. Top edges stained dark brownish red. “Tiles from the De Morgan Potteries, formerly on Lewis Carroll’s fireplace at Oxford, are re-produced [bluish gray on white] on the end-leaves.”—p. viii.Signed by the author on front flyleaf and dated August 4, 1947.

773. Lennon, Florence Becker.Lewis Carroll. . . . with six full-page illustra-tions. London, Toronto, Melbourne, Sydney: Cassell & Co. Ltd. [1947].358 p. Plates, illus. 22 cm.Illustrated (by John Tenniel) t.p.The English edition of the above.Light blue buckram, spine blocked in gold.

774. Lewis Carroll: A Celebration. Essays on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Edited by Edward Guiliano. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc./

nos. 767–774

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C. L. Dodgson 379Publishers, Distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc. [c1982].viii, 216 p. Front., illus. 26 cm.Illustrated t.p.“Preface,” signed E. G., p. vii–viii.Bright pinkish red boards. Black smooth cloth spine, blocked in gold.

775. Lewis Carroll and Guildford. . . . [Guildford]: [Guildford Corporation, c1966.][4] p. Plates. 21.5 cm.Cover title.White wrappers, printed in red and black, with a photograph of Carroll on outside front wrap-per and a photograph of the “first page of a letter to Mary Manners,” Feb. 7/95, on inside back wrapper.

776. “Lewis Carroll.” Born 1832. Died January 14, 1898. In Punch, Vol. 114, No. 2951, Jan. 29, 1898. London: Punch Office.Page 39. 29 cm.An unsigned poem.White illustrated wrappers.

777. Lovett, Charlie.Lewis Carroll’s England. An Illustrated Guide for the Literary Tourist. . . . London: White Stone Publishing, The Lewis Carroll Society [c1998].[6] p., 2 leaves, 101 p. Front., illus. 25.5 cm.Halftitle with frontispiece (a photograph of Dodgson) on verso.The illustrations include reproductions of three photographs by Dodgson from originals in the Parrish Collection.“First edition.”Blue illustrated stiff wrappers, printed in color.Inscribed on halftitle: For Alexander Wain-wright, With the kindest regards of the au-thor, Charlie Lovett 7.24.98[.]

778. Macdonald, Greville.George Macdonald and His Wife. . . . With an In-troduction by G. K. Chesterton. Twenty-eight

Illustrations. New York: Lincoln Mac Veagh, The Dial Press Incorporated, 1924.[4], 575 p. Front., plates. 26 cm.“Introduction,” by G. K. Chesterton, p. 9–15.Book vii, Chapter iii, “Lewis Carroll,” p. 342– 346.Includes reproductions of two photographs by Lewis Carroll: “George Macdonald, 1862,” opp. p. 321; and “Mrs. George Macdonald, Four Children and Lewis Carroll, 1862,” opp. p. 345.Grayish blue buckram.

779. Macdonald, Greville.Reminiscences of a Specialist. . . . Illustrated. Lon-don: George Allen & Unwin Ltd [1932].422 p., 1 leaf. Front., plates. 22 cm.Includes references to Lewis Carroll, p. 15–16 and 307; and reproductions of “Pen Sketch of the Author, in Kilt, Aet. 6,” by Lewis Carroll, opp. p. 16, and of a photograph of “The Au-thor, Aet. 7,” by Lewis Carroll, opp. p. 32.Olive green smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. Top edges stained olive green.Advert., verso of final leaf.Laid in is a [2]-p. “Addendum, for p. 122”; in-serted are a tls from Greville Macdonald to M. L. Parrish, April 13th, 1935, enclosing the Addendum, and a clipped undated letter from Greville Macdonald to the tls headed “George Macdonald and Ruskin.”

780. Madan, Falconer.Aliciana —1865–1935.A scrapbook compiled by Falconer Madan with title as above in gold on spine. 29 cm.Contains letters to Madan from (i.a.) George P. Winship, Langford Reed, W. G. Hisco*ck, Thomas Erwin, Harry Morgan Ayres, and R. Leicester Harmsworth, clippings, and other items, relating to C. L. Dodgson and Mrs. Har-greaves, as well as a copy of a reprint of Ayres’ article on “Carroll’s Withdrawal of the 1865 Alice.” See No. 807.Dark yellowish blue buckram. Darker blue leather spine and corners.

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C. L. Dodgson380781. Madan, Falconer.

Some Pieces By or Copied for Lewis Carroll. 1845–93.A scrapbook compiled by Falconer Madan with title as above lettered on spine. 25.5 cm.Contains transcripts of letters by Dodgson, clippings, photocopies, and other items, and the following, all of which are entered sepa-rately in this catalogue: “A Visit to Tenny-son”; “My Fairy”; “The Rev. C. L. Dodgson’s will, dated Nov. 4, 1871”; Fred. B. de Saumarez, “Early Theatricals at Oxford.”Moderate brown fine morocco cloth.

782. Mr Dodgson. Nine Lewis Carroll Studies with a Companion-Guide to the Alice at Long-leat Exhibition. [n.p.]: The Lewis Carroll So-ciety, 1973.62 p. Front., plates, illus., folding chart. 24.5 cm. “Companion-Guide to the Exhibition Alice at Longleat, 2nd April–30th September 1973,” p. [49]–62.Contains reproductions of five photographs by Dodgson.“The line-illustrations are by Peter Archer.”Dark yellowish green wrappers, with a photo-graph of Dodgson on outside front wrapper.

783. Moses, Belle.Lewis Carroll in Wonderland and at Home. The Story of His Life. . . . New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1910.viii p., 1 leaf, 296 p. Front. 19.5 cm.Olive green vertical rib cloth, front cover blocked in blind.Adverts., [4] p. at back.

784. Proceedings of The Second International Lewis Carroll Conference. Edited by Charlie Lovett. Winston-Salem, North Carolina June 9–12, 1994. [n.p.]: Lewis Carroll Society of North America [c1994].191 p. Illus. 22.5 cm.Illustrated (by Jonathan Dixon) t.p.“This Deluxe Edition, Signed by the Contribu-

tors Is Strictly Limited to Fifty Copies.” The signatures are written on two leaves (headed by limitation notice as quoted) inserted be-tween the final leaf of the text of the book and the free back endpaper. The signatures of two of the contributors, Stephen Haedicke and Stan Marx, are not included. This copy is numbered 4/50.Purplish red smooth cloth, with a triple rule border and a circular cut of Alice blocked in gold on front cover.

785. Copy 2.Regular issue. Unsigned.

786. Pudney, John.… Lewis Carroll and his world. London: Thames and Hudson [c1976].127 p. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.Moderate gray buckram, front cover blocked in gold.

787. Reed, Langford.The Life of Lewis Carroll. . . . London: W. & G. Foyle, Ltd. [1932].142 p. Front., plates. 23 cm.“This, the First Edition Published May, 1932.”Bright reddish orange boards. Light gray smooth cloth spine.

788. Robson, Lancelot .“Give My Love to the Children”. . . .In The Reader’s Digest, Vol. 62, No. 369, Jan. 1953. Pleasantville, N.Y.: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.Pages 55–59. Illus. 19 cm.Silver decorated wrappers, printed in color.

789. Satty, Glenn.“An Alice Collage.” A Chivers Lecture Ex-cerpt. . . .In Lawrentian, Vol. 39, No. 4, March 1975. Law-renceville, N.J.: The Lawrenceville School.Pages 21–26. Illus. 29 cm.“Alice,” Reprinted from The Lawrence, Febru-

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C. L. Dodgson 381ary 7, 1975, by L. T. Hill ’76, an introduction to the excerpt, p. 20.Includes reproductions of two photographs from originals in the Parrish Collection. White wrappers, printed in black and shades of green.

790. Soaring with the Dodo. Essays on Lewis Car-roll’s Life and Art. Edited by Edward Guiliano and James R. Kincaid. Carroll Studies No. 6. [n.p.]: Published by The Lewis Carroll Soci-ety of North America and distributed by the University Press of Virginia [c1982].vi, 140 p. Front., illus. 23.5 cm.Title leaf (p. [iii]–iv) precedes halftitle with frontispiece (by Barry Moser) on verso (p. [i]–ii).Moderate gray smooth cloth.

791. Squire, John Collings.Speech at the Lewis Carroll Centenary Exhi-bition. . . . London: The Old Court House, John & Edward Bumpus, Ltd., Booksellers to His Majesty the King [1932].[8] p. Illus. 17.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Unpaginated.“This speech was delivered by J. C. Squire at the Opening of the Lewis Carroll Centenary Exhibition on 28th June, 1932.” In verse.“The illustration on the last page is a reproduc-tion (reduced in size) of the Invitation Card de-signed by Rex Whistler.”Dark red wrappers.

792. Steadman, Ralph.My After-Dinner Speech on the occasion of The Centenary Dinner at Christ Church, Oxford on the 14th January 1998, to celebrate the Life of Lewis Carroll. . . . Luton: White Stone Publishing, The Lewis Carroll Society, 1998.18 p. Illus. 17.5 cm.“Cabbages and Kings,” No. 2.“Introduction,” by Alan White, p. 3–4.The two-page illustration is by the author.Moderate purple wrappers.

793. Taylor, Alexander L.The White Knight. A Study of C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll ). . . . Edinburgh, London: Oliver & Boyd [1952].viii, 209 p. 22 cm.Dark red buckram.

794. Taylor, Maurice H.Lewis Carroll’s Ripon. [Ripon: Maurice H. Tay-lor, c1998.]16 p. Illus. (some colored). 21 cm.Cover title.“Kathleen Tidy photographed by Lewis Car-roll,” reproduced from the original photograph in the Parrish Collection, p. 3.White illustrated stiff wrappers, printed in color. Map of “Lewis Carroll’s Ripon” on in-side front wrapper; text on inside back wrap-per.

795. Van Doren, Dorothy.Mr. Dodgson and Lewis Carroll. . . .In The Nation, Vol. 133, No. 3465, Dec. 2, 1931. New York.Pages 607–609. 28.5 cm.Self-wrappers.

796. Wakeling, Edward.The Logic of Lewis Carroll. A Study of Lewis Carroll’s contribution to Logic: his logical dis-coveries and his endeavours to teach the subject to children. . . . Based on an Address to The Lewis Carroll Society, London on Friday 15th April, 1977. [Luton: The Author], [c1978.]37, [3] p. Illus. 20.5 cm.The final page of the Index is printed on the in-side of the back wrapper.No. 94 of a limited edition of 300 signed cop-ies.Vivid yellow illustrated wrappers.

797. Weaver, Warren.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Its Origin and Its Author. . . . Reprinted from The Princeton University Library Chronicle Vol. 13, Number 1, Autumn 1951. [Princeton, 1951.]

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C. L. Dodgson38217 p. Illus. 24 cm.Cover title.Moderate olive wrappers.

798. Weaver, Warren.Lewis Carroll and a Geometrical Paradox. . . . Reprinted from the American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 45, No. 4, April 1938. [Washing-ton, D.C.][1] p., p. [234]–236. 25.5 cm.“ ‘A large box of mathematical manuscripts all carefully catalogued as to subject, was willed by Lewis Carroll to one of his friends and subse-quently sold to Mr. M. L. Parrish of Philadel-phia.’ One of these manuscripts is the inspira-tion for the present paper.”—p. 236.Light brown wrappers.Inscribed at head of outside front wrapper: For Mr Parrish, whose generosity made this little note possible—Warren Weaver.

799. [Weaver, Warren.]Lewis Carroll Correspondence Numbers. A Table of Correspondence Numbers and Dates: From which one can determine the approximate date of any undated item of Carrolliana which bears a Correspondence Number. Scarsdale, New York, February, 1940.16 p. 23.5 cm.The author’s name is printed at the foot of p. 16. “Privately printed, in an edition of 99 copies, of which this is [in manuscript:] #2 In deep grat-itude to Mr Parrish from Warren Weaver[.]”Pale gray wrappers.

800. Weaver, Warren.Lewis Carroll: Mathematician. . . .In Scientific American, Vol. 194, No. 4, April 1956. New York, N.Y.Pages 116–120, 122, 124, 126, 128. Illus., fac-sims. 29.5 cm.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

801. Weaver, Warren.The Mathematical Manuscripts of Lewis Car-roll. . . .In Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soci-

ety, Vol. 98, No. 5, Oct. 15, 1954. Philadelphia.Pages 377–381. 26.5 cm.“To be published also in the autumn issue of The Princeton University Library Chronicle, 1954, for which it had been prepared.”—p. 377.Light gray wrappers.

802. ———. . . . Reprinted from The Prince-ton University Library Chronicle Volume 16, Number 1, Autumn, 1954. [Princeton, 1954.]9 p. Illus. 24 cm.Cover title.Moderate olive wrappers.

b ibliography

803. The Adelphi Book Shop Ltd.Alice One Hundred. Being a Catalogue in Cele-bration of the 100th Birthday of Alice’s Adven-tures in Wonderland. Victoria, B.C.: The Adel-phi Book Shop Ltd., 1966.1 prel. leaf, 77 p. Front., illus. 23 cm.Illustrated t.p., printed in black, red, and yel-low.Compiled by R. D. Hilton Smith.“… an edition of 600 copies, of which 100 cop-ies are on fine paper, cloth bound.”Laid in: a printed slip noting that “the collec-tion here catalogued is now in the library of the University of British Columbia,” and in-cluding a list of numbers representing dupli-cate copies of items still available.Light yellowish brown illustrated wrappers, printed in black and red.

804. Alice.In The Monthly Letter of The Limited Editions Club, No. 40, Sept. 1932. New York: The Lim-ited Editions Club.Pages 1–3. 31.5 cm.An unsigned account of the printing of The Limited Editions Club’s edition of Alice’s Ad-ventures in Wonderland (1932).Unbound.

805. Ayres, Harry Morgan.Carroll’s Withdrawal of the 1865 Alice.

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C. L. Dodgson 383In The Huntington Library Bulletin, No. 6, Nov. 1934. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Uni-versity Press.Pages [153]–163. 24 cm.Moderate brown decorated wrappers.Tipped in: tls from Leslie E. Bliss to Mr. Par-rish, March 5, 1936, sending him a complimen-tary copy of the issue.

806. [Ayres, Harry Morgan.][no.] ———. . . . Reprinted for Private Circu-lation from The Huntington Library Bulletin No. 6, November, 1934. [Cambridge, Massa-chusetts: Harvard University Press.][153]–163 p. 24 cm.Cover title.White wrappers.Inscribed on outside front wrapper: To Fal-coner Madan from H M Ayres.Included in Madan’s “Aliciana” scrapbook. See No. 780.

807. Ayres, Harry Morgan.Lewis Carroll and the “Alice” Books. . . .In Columbia University Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 2, June 1932. New York.Pages [158]–177. 25.5 cm.Light blue wrappers.

808. ———. . . . New York, 1932.20 p. 25.5 cm.Cover title.“Reprinted from the Columbia University Quarterly, June, 1932, Vol. xxiv, No. 2.”Light blue wrappers. Bound in dark red buck-ram.

809. Copy 2.Light blue wrappers.

810. Bartley, William Warren, III.Lewis Carroll’s Lost Book on Logic. . . .In Scientific American, Vol. 227, No. 1, July 1972. New York: Scientific American, Inc.Pages 38–46. Illus. 29.5 cm.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.With an offprint of the article.

811. Bond, William H.The Publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonder-land.Offprint from Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 3, Autumn, 1956.Pages 306–324. Plates. 26 cm.Light gray wrappers.Inscribed on outside front wrapper: For the Parrish Collection W. H. Bond.

812. Brown, Sally.The Original Alice from Manuscript to Won-derland. . . . [London]: The British Library [1997].64 p. Colored front., illus. (some colored). 16.5 cm.T.p. printed in black and red.Very light yellow glazed illustrated (by Car-roll) boards, printed in black and red. Bright red buckram spine. Reproduced as the front endpaper is Carroll’s drawing of the croquet match, as the back endpaper his drawing of Alice with birds and animals in the pool of tears, printed in brown on very light brown.

813. Columbia University.Catalogue of an Exhibition at Columbia Uni-versity to Commemorate the One Hundredth An-niversary of the Birth of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) 1832–1898. New York: Co-lumbia University Press, 1932.[7], 153 p., 1 leaf. Front., plate. 21 cm.Mr. Parrish was the principal lender to the exhibition, which was held in the Avery Li-brary, Columbia University, in April 1932.Dark red wrappers.

814. Copy 2.22 cm.“Of this catalogue fifteen hundred copies have been printed, of which ninety-five numbered copies have been bound in cloth [in pen-and-ink:] 17.”Dark red smooth cloth, with a circular cut of Alice and a single rule border, both blocked in gold, on front cover. A.e.g.

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C. L. Dodgson384Tipped in: tl from the Lewis Carroll Cente-nary Committee to Mr. Parrish, March 1932, presenting this copy to him.With cards, invitations, tickets, announce-ments, and a program for the exhibition and the conferring of an honorary degree on Mrs. Hargreaves.

815. Florida State University. Library. John Mackay Shaw Poetry Collection. A Tribute to Lewis Carroll in his Sesqui-Cen-tennial Year. Being an inventory of an ex-hibit in the Florida State University Library and of the Lewis-Carroll holdings in the John Mackay Shaw Poetry Collection. . . . [Talla-hassee]: The Florida State University, Robert Manning Strozier Library, 1982.v, 24 leaves. 28 cm.Cover title.“Introduction,” by John Mackay Shaw, leaves ii–iii. “Preface,” by Frederick Korn, leaves iv–v. Very light brown illustrated wrappers.

816. Goodacre, Selwyn H.… An Enquiry into the Nature of a Certain Lewis Carroll Pamphlet. [London: The Collector Ltd, 1978.]Pages 325–342. Illus. 22.5 cm.Caption title.“A Reprint” from The Book Collector, Vol. 27, No. 3, Autumn, 1978.Pale brown wrappers.With a presentation inscription from the au-thor to the Parrish Collection at the head of p. 325, an additional inscription by him on the inside front wrapper, as well as a limitation no-tice in his hand: No. 10 of 100 signed offprints.

817. Goodacre, Selwyn H.The Listing of the Snark. . . .—a listing of edi-tions and issues of Lewis Carroll’s The Hunt-ing of the Snark from its inspiration on July 18, 1874 to July 18, 1974. [Woodville, Burton-on-Trent: The author, c1974.]9, [1] p. 21.5 cm.Cover title.

Mimeographed.“Issued in a limited edition of 80 signed copies of which this is No. [in manuscript:] 33 for the M. L. Parrish Collection Princeton University from Selwyn H Goodacre.” Light gray wrappers, embossed to simulate leather.

818. Guiliano, Edward.Lewis Carroll: An Annotated Bibliography for 1974. . . . Carroll Studies No. 1. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, 1975.[2], 16 p. 21 cm.Very light yellowish brown wrappers.

819. Guiliano, Edward.Lewis Carroll: An Annotated International Bibli-ography, 1960–77. . . . Charlottesville: Published for the Bibliographical Society of the Uni-versity of Virginia and the Lewis Carroll Soci-ety of North America by the University Press of Virginia [c1980].viii p., 1 leaf, 253 p. 23.5 cm.Medium reddish brown smooth cloth.

820. Harmsworth, Sir R. Leicester.… Catalogue of the Collection of the Writings of The Revd. C. L. Dodgson (“Lewis Carroll” ) Forming part of the renowned Library of the late Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth. . . . Which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. . . . On Wednesday, the 26th of March, 1947. . . . [London: Sotheby & Co., 1947.]21 p. Facsims. 24.5 cm.At head of title: Harmsworth Trust Library. The Tenth Portion.Page 21 is printed on the inside of the back wrapper.“While he [Sir Leicester Harmsworth] en-tered the field a little later than Mr. M. L. Par-rish, he soon became his most formidable rival, and many rarities which might have gone to America in the late ’twenties and early ’thir-ties, were preserved in this country to be of-fered now. . . .”—“Foreword,” p. [1].Acquired for the Parrish Collection at the sale

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C. L. Dodgson 385were three items: No. 2884, the “excessively rare” American Telegrams (the copy which had escaped Mr. Parrish); No. 2955, “the only known copy” of the circular disclaiming con-nection with “Lewis Carroll” (which is repro-duced on p. 16 of the catalogue); and No. 2971, the “extremely rare” circular regarding ob-taining appointments for Mr. T. J. Dymes and his family. The Parrish Collection acquired later, from another source, No. 2874, a copy of the Michaelmas Term 1862 number of College Rhymes, in a sumptuous red morocco case by Sangorski & Sutcliffe.Light brown decorated wrappers.

821. Hartley, Harold.Lewis Carroll and His Artists and Engravers. An Essay. . . . [London: The Old Court House, Messrs. J. & E. Bumpus, Ltd., 1932.]Pages [109]–116. Front. 19.5 cm.Caption title.An offprint “From the Lewis Carroll Cente-nary Exhibition Catalogue 1932.”Dark red wrappers.Inscribed on inside front wrapper: To Sidney Herbert Williams with best wishes from Har-old W Hartley 31. Aug. 32.

822. [Heath, Peter L.]Alisa Glazami Filosofa = The Philosopher’s Alice. Moskva: Izd. Martis, [1998].Broadside. Illus. 69 by 45 cm.Promotional poster, designed by Igor Boury, for Yuli Danilov’s Russian translation of Peter Heath’s The Philosopher’s Alice, which includes Nina Demurova’s translation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.The Parrish Collection copy is marked as 1 of 3.

823. The Illustrators of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass edited by Graham Ovenden with an introduction by John Davis. London: Academy Editions [1972].101 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., illus. (some col-ored). 29 cm.

“Introduction,” by John Davis, p. 7–14.Bright orange paperback, front cover printed in black and red, with an illustration on the front and on the back cover.At foot of front cover: Edited by Graham Ovenden with an Introduction by John Davies [sic ].

824. Jones, Jo Elwyn.The Alice Companion. A Guide to Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books. [By] Jo Elwyn Jones and J. Fran-cis Gladstone. Foreword by Roy Porter. New York: New York University Press [c1998].xii, 319 p. Front., illus. 24 cm.“Foreword,” p. ix–x.Black buckram, spine blocked in gold.

825. Lewis Carroll in the Popular Culture: A Con-tinuing List. Edited by Byron W. Sewell. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America [c1976].[50] loose pages. 28 cm.“This listing is issued on loose sheets to accom-modate insertion of additional sheets under the appropriate section headings as further infor-mation becomes available.”Bright red wrappers.With, both unbound, second issue (c1978), [26] p.; and third issue (c1979), [32] p.

826. Lindseth, Jon A.… An Exhibition from the Jon A. Lindseth Col-lection of C. L. Dodgson and Lewis Carroll. On View at The Grolier Club April 1 through May 29, 1998. New York: The Grolier Club, 1998.127 p. Front., illus. (some in color). 28 cm.At head of t.p.: facsimile of Dodgson’s subscrip-tion in his letter of March 9, 1885, to Mrs. Jemima Rix (item 1 in the catalogue); repeated below photograph on outside front wrapper.T.p. printed in black and purple.Pages [1–2], blank; p. [3], halftitle: An Exhibi-tion in Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Lewis Carroll; p. [4], front.“Of this catalogue 1400 copies have been

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C. L. Dodgson386printed of which 42 numbered copies are bound in cloth-covered boards.”Moderate gray decorated wrappers, printed in purple.“The cover photograph of Lewis Carroll was taken on March 28, 1863, by Oscar G. Re-jlander and is item 40 in the catalogue.”—p. [6].

827. Livingston, Flora V.The Harcourt Amory Collection of Lewis Carroll in the Harvard College Library. . . . Cambridge, Massachusetts: Privately Printed [at the Har-vard University Press], 1932.ix p., 2 leaves, 190 p. Front., plates, illus. 23.5 cm.“This edition is limited to sixty-five copies, of which fifty are for sale.”Pale multicolored spot antique marbled boards. Yellowish brown buckram spine.Inscribed in pencil on free front endpaper: Pre-sented to me by Mrs Livingston 2d. May 1932 M. L. Parrish.

828. Lovett, Charles C.Alice On Stage. A History of the Early Theatrical Productions of Alice in Wonderland. Together with A Checklist of Dramatic Adaptations of Charles Dodgson’s Works. . . . Westport, Lon-don: Meckler [c1990].[9], 239 p. Front. 26 cm.Vivid red smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold.Signed by the compiler on free front endpaper and dated by him Dec. 7, 1989.

829. Lovett, Charles C.Lewis Carroll’s Alice. An Annotated Checklist of The Lovett Collection. Charles C. Lovett [and] Stephanie B. Lovett. Westport, London: Meck-ler [c1990].xvii, 548 p. Colored plate, illus. 26 cm.Vivid red smooth cloth, front cover and spine blocked in gold.Signed by the compilers on t.p. and dated February 6, 1990.

830. Macalister, Jean.Some Editions of “Alice’s Adventures in Won-derland” by Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. . . . L.S. 202. May 1, 1930.2 prel. leaves, 15 numbered leaves. 28 cm.Typescript.A check list, attempting “nothing after 1929,” compiled by a student at the Columbia School of Library Service as part of a thesis.Light blue plain wrappers.

831. Madan, Falconer.Lewis Carroll Centenary Exhibition. London: 29 June – 31 July, 1932. Catalogue. By Falconer Madan. With Illustrations and Notes, and an Essay by Harold Hartley on Dodgson’s Il-lustrators. London: The Old Court House, Messrs. J. & E. Bumpus, Ltd., 1932.xv, 116 p. Front. 18.5 cm.“Lewis Carroll and His Artists and Engrav-ers,” An Essay by Harold Hartley, p. [109]–116.Light gray wrappers.Adverts., [6] p. at back. With Mr. Parrish’s invitation card to the Open-ing, 28 June 1932, designed by Rex Whistler.

832. Madan, Falconer.The Lewis Carroll Centenary in London 1932. Including a Catalogue of the Exhibition, with Notes; an Essay on Dodgson’s Illustrators by Harold Hartley; and additional literary pieces (chiefly unpublished). With six illustrations. Edited by Falconer Madan. London: The Old Court House, Messrs. J. & E. Bumpus, Ltd., 1932.xvi p., 2 leaves, 138, [2] p. Front., plates. 19.5 cm.“Lewis Carroll and His Artists and Engrav-ers,” An Essay by Harold Hartley, p. [109]–116.Mr. Parrish was a member of the American sec-tion of the Committee.“Limited Edition of four hundred numbered copies. This is No. [in pen-and-ink:] 130.”White smooth cloth.

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C. L. Dodgson 387833. Copy 2.

Unnumbered.Inserted between p. [108] and [109]: “Addi-tional Exhibits,” [8] p. (unnumbered page, [108a], 108b–108g). “Corrigenda,” one leaf, tipped in on p. [1].Inscribed on free front endpaper: M. L. Parrish from the Editor F. Madan August 3. 1932[.]

834. Copy 3.Bound in at back are “Additional Exhibits,” [8] p. (unnumbered page, [108a], 108b–108g), and “Corrigenda,” one leaf.“Limited Edition of four hundred numbered copies. This is No. [in pen-and-ink:] 400. one of six special copies & is for M. L. Parrish Esq with Sidney Williams kind regards Sept 26/33.Purplish red buckram. Dark red leather spine and corners. T.e.g.; other edges untrimmed.

835. Madan, Falconer.The Original MS. of Alice’s Adventures, 1862, sold in 1928.A scrapbook compiled in 1931–33 by Falconer Madan with handwritten title as above. 26.5 cm.Includes a copy of R. W. G. Vail’s Alice in Won-derland. The Manuscript and its Story (New York, 1928), the third state; tear sheets from the Sotheby catalogue of 2–4 April 1928; an au-tograph copy by H. Maud Ff*cks of her let-ter of March 28, 1928 to The Times; an als to Madan from Selwyn Image, 10 April 1928; and newspaper clippings.Yellowish green buckram.

836. Mespoulet, Marguerite.Creators of Wonderland. . . . New York: Arrow Editions [c1934].[5], 74 p. Colored front., illus. 28 cm.Illustrated t.p.“First Edition.” Numbered in pen-and-ink: 63.On Tenniel’s debt to J. J. Grandville.Vivid purplish red smooth cloth, front cover

blocked in gold. Bevelled boards. Decorated endpapers, pink and purple on very pale yel-low.

837. Parker, Fan.Lewis Carroll in Russia: Translations of Alice in Wonderland 1879–1989. . . . [New York: The Rus- sian House], [c1994.][7], 89 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 21.5 cm.The ten illustrations are by John Tenniel.White wrappers.

838. Parrish, Morris Longstreth.A List of the Writings of Lewis Carroll (Charles L. Dodgson ) In the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey. Collected by M. L. Parrish. Privately Printed: 1928.[2], viii, 148 p., 1 leaf. Front., illus. 25 cm.Compiled by Bertha Coolidge.“Sixty-six copies printed by William Edwin Rudge of which this is Number [in pen-and-ink:] 1.”Dark red leather, with a single gold rule bor-der on both covers. T.e.g.Printed Errata slip pasted to free front end-paper.

839. Copy 2.Unnumbered.Without Errata slip.

840. Parrish, Morris Longstreth.A Supplementary List of the Writings of Lewis Carroll (Charles L. Dodgson ) In the Library at Dormy House, Pine Valley, New Jersey. Collected by M. L. Parrish. Privately Printed: 1933.ix, 115, [1] p. Front., plates. 25 cm.Inserted at p. 19 is a printed slip for another copy of the first edition of Sylvie and Bruno, in red cloth.“I want to express my thanks to Mr. Philip C. Blackburn for his assistance in preparing this list. He has been untiring in his efforts. He is responsible for its format and for so well car-rying out my ideas of uniformity in the colla-tions.”—p. [iv].

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C. L. Dodgson388“Sixty-six copies printed by Edward Stern & Company, Inc. of which this is Number [in pen-and-ink:] 1[.]”Dark red leather, with a single gold rule bor-der on both covers. T.e.g.Pasted to free front endpaper is a printed slip from M. L. Parrish, dated Dec. 1, 1933, send-ing the Supplementary List to all who had re-ceived his 1928 Catalogue and an errata slip to be inserted in the latter.

841. Copy 2.Copy Number 28.With the printed slip at p. 19, but without the Dec. 1, 1933 slip.

842. Rushailo, A. M.… Liuis Kerroll. Alisa v Strane Chudes. V Za-serkale. Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking-Glass. Katalog Vystavki. Knigi i Grafika iz Sobraniia A. M. Rushailo. Moskva: 1990.122, [6] p. Front., illus. 20 cm.At head of title: Dobrovolnoe Obshchestvo Liu-bitelei Knigi RSFSR. Vserossiiskaia Assot-siatsiia Bibliofilov. Vystavochnyi Tsentr “U Knigoizdatelia I. D. Sytina.”Catalogue of an exhibition to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, held in Moscow in January 1991.Edition of 1,000 copies.Pale yellow wrappers, printed in brown.Laid in: invitation to the opening of the exhibi-tion and two illustrated (by Tenniel) [4]-p. keepsakes.

843. Schiller, Justin G.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. An 1865 print-ing re-described and newly identified as the Publisher’s “File Copy” with a revised and ex-panded Census of the Suppressed 1865 “Alice” compiled by Selwyn H. Goodacre to which is added, a short-title index identifying and lo-cating the original preliminary drawings by John Tenniel for Alice and Looking-Glass cata-

logued by Justin G. Schiller. [n.p.]: Privately Printed for The Jabberwock, 1990.109, [1] p., 1 leaf. Colored front., folding plate, illus. 26 cm.T.p. and halftitle printed in brown and red. Text printed in brown.Dark reddish brown boards, with an over-all leaf pattern in yellow. “The binding of this work simulates the original gilt leather that Riviere & Son designed and used in 1899 for L. S. Montagu when they integrated ten original Tenniel drawings obtained from the artist with the 1865 Macmillan ‘file copy’ of Alice. . . .”—p. [6].“An Apologetic” errata slip inserted at p. [1].

844. Shaw, John Mackay.The Parodies of Lewis Carroll and Their Orig-inals. Catalogue of an Exhibition with notes by John Mackay Shaw. [Tallahassee]: Florida State University Library, December, 1960.1 prel. leaf, 14 numbered leaves. 28 cm.Light grayish blue illustrated wrappers, printed in blue. Black gummed strip along spine covering staples.

845. Stafford, Jean.The Jabberwock Anatomized. . . .In The Griffin, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 1960. New York: The Readers’ Subscription, Inc.Pages 2–11. Illus. 21.5 cm.A review of The Annotated Alice.Light yellowish brown decorated wrappers, with a photograph of Dodgson reproduced in black and white on outside front wrapper.

846. Stoffel, Stephanie Lovett.The Art of Alice in Wonderland. . . . [New York]: Smithmark [1998].128 p. Colored illus. 26 cm.T.p. printed in black, blue, and brown.“All illustrations and related items contained in this book have been photographed from and are courtesy of the Lovett Collection of Lewis Carroll material, Winston-Salem, North Caro-lina.”—p. [4].

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C. L. Dodgson 389Black buckram. Illustrated endpapers, printed in blue and yellow.

847. A suppressed adventure of ‘Alice’ surfaces after 107 years. At the urging of his illustrator, Lewis Carroll omitted this whole ‘Wasp-in-a-Wig’ episode of Through the Looking-Glass. In Smithsonian, Vol. 8, No. 9, Dec. 1977. Wash-ington, D.C.: Smithsonian Associates.Pages 50–[57]. Illus. (some colored). 28 cm.Unsigned.Includes a reproduction of the galley proofs; versions of Alice’s encounter by Ralph Stead-man, Sir Hugh Casson, Patrick Procktor, and Peter Blake; and photographs (including one of Alice Liddell by Dodgson from the original in the Parrish Collection, p. [57]).White wrappers, printed in color, with on out-side front wrapper a second version by Stead-man of Alice’s encounter.

848. Taylor, Robert N.Lewis Carroll at Texas. The Warren Weaver Collection and Related Dodgson Materials at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Cen-ter. Compiled by Robert N. Taylor with the assistance of Roy Fluckinger, Photography, John O. Kirkpatrick, Manuscripts, Cinda Ann May, Books and Periodicals. [Austin, Texas]: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin [c1985].233 p., 1 leaf. Illus. 25.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Edited by Thomas Zigal and Dave Oliphant.Purple label pasted to halftitle: Carroll Stud-ies Number 8. Published by the University of Texas at Austin and one of three hundred cop-ies distributed by The Lewis Carroll Society of North America.Deep purple illustrated wrappers.

849. Tenniel, Sir John.Tenniel’s Alice. Drawings by Sir John Tenniel for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. [Cambridge, Mass.]: De-partment of Printing and Graphic Arts, Har-

vard College Library, in Association with the Metropolitan Museum of Art [c1978].75 p. Illus. 21.5 cm.Illustrated t.p.Drawings in the Harcourt Amory Collection, Harvard University.“Introduction,” by Eleanor M. Garvey and W. H. Bond, p. 5–10.Very pale yellow illustrated wrappers, outside front wrapper and spine printed in black and light orange red.

850. Vail, Robert William Glenroie.Alice in Wonderland. The Manuscript and its Story. . . . New York: The New York Public Li-brary, 1928.8 p. Front., plates. 17.5 cm.“The illustrations, by Lewis Carroll, are repro-duced from the original manuscript of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ through the courtesy of Mr. El-dridge R. Johnson.”Pale yellow wrappers, printed in red.Inscribed on inside front wrapper: Mr. M. L. Parrish in appreciation of your special interest in “Alice.” from R. W. G. Vail 12/7/28[.] On p. 7 “Morristown” has been corrected in ink to “Moorestown.” Signed by the author above the footnote on p. 8 and dated Dec. 7, 1928. In-scription at foot of p. 8: First (suppressed) issue of the first edition, of which there are but 40 copies with correction on p. 7. R. W. G. Vail[.]

851. Copy 2.“Moorestown” correctly printed on p. 7.Signed by the author above the footnote on p. 8.

852. Copy 3.On p. 7 “of Moorestown, New Jersey” has been replaced by “a New Jersey collector” (preceded by a comma).

853. Weaver, Warren.Alice in many tongues. The translations of Alice in Wonderland. . . . Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.viii p., 2 leaves, 147 p. Front., plates. 22.5 cm.

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C. L. Dodgson390“The Friends of the Princeton Library have kindly granted permission to reprint, in Chap-ters ii and iii, material which originally ap-peared in the Princeton University Library Chron-icle, Vol. xiii, No. 1 (Autumn, 1951).”—p. [vii]. Moderate gray smooth cloth.

854. Weaver, Warren.The First Edition of Alice’s Adventures in Won-derland: A Census. . . .In The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Vol. 65, First Quarter (Jan. – March), 1971. New York.Pages 1–40. 23.5 cm.Very pale yellow decorated wrappers, printed in blue and black.

855. Weaver, Warren.The India Alice. The story of a recently discov-ered copy of the genuine first edition, 1865, of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Pre-pared by Dr. Warren Weaver [and] Dr. Al-fred C. Berol. In Connection with a Dinner at the Grolier Club, New York on December 19, 1963. [New York]: [Privately printed, 1963.]15, [1] p. 23.5 cm.Printed in brown.“Printed by the Marchbanks Press.”“Privately printed in 66 copies December 1963.” Very light yellow wrappers, lettered in gold.With a presentation inscription to the Parrish Collection by Alfred C. Berol on p. [2].With a typewritten version of “the story,” writ-ten by Warren Weaver in the first person, on 11 numbered leaves.

856. Weaver, Warren.The Mathematical Manuscripts of Charles Lut-widge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll ) in the Morris L. Parrish Collection, Princeton University Library. A Description. . . . [n.p., n.d.]1 prel. leaf, 254 leaves. 28.5 cm.Typescript (carbon), with some manuscript changes and additions.See Warren Weaver, “The Mathematical Manu-scripts of Lewis Carroll,” The Princeton Univer-

sity Library Chronicle, Vol. xvi, No. 1, Autumn 1954, p. 1–9.Moderate yellowish blue buckram.

857. Weaver, Warren.The Parrish Collection of Carrolliana. . . . Re-printed from The Princeton University Li-brary Chronicle, Volume 17, Number 2, Win-ter, 1956. [Princeton, 1956.]7 p. 24 cm.Cover title.Moderate olive wrappers.

858. White, Elizabeth Wade.Lewis Carroll’s One Hundredth Birthday.In Junior League Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 4, Jan. 1932. New York: Association of the Junior League of America, Inc.Page 91. Illus. 30 cm.Includes a fairly long description of the Par-rish Lewis Carroll collection.White wrappers, printed in color.

859. Williams, Sidney Herbert.A Bibliography of the Writings of Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, M.A.). . . . London: At the Office of “The Bookman’s Journal,” 1924.xiii, 142 p. 25.5 cm.“It is with pleasure that I acknowledge the help I have received from … Mr. M. L. Parrish of Philadelphia. . . .”—Sidney Herbert Williams, p. x.“This Edition is limited to 700 numbered cop-ies, of which 650 are for sale. This is No. [in pen-and-ink:] 4.”Deep yellowish brown smooth cloth. Dark brown buckram spine. Top edges stained brown.Adverts., [4] p. at back. Inscribed on free front endpaper: To: —M. L. Parrish. With compliments and many thanks from Sidney Williams 1894 [sic ].

860. Copy 2.No. 154.

nos. 853–860

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C. L. Dodgson 391861. Williams, Sidney Herbert.

A Handbook of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll ). By Sidney Herbert Williams … and Falconer Madan. . . . With Sup- plements and Illustrations. . . . London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1931.xviii, [6], 336 p. Front., plates. 22.5 cm.“My thanks are also due to Mr. M. L. Par-rish of Philadelphia, the proud possessor of the largest collection of Dodgson’s works in the world, who has been in constant communica-tion with me, supplying me with photostats, and notes of many out-of-the-way pieces, also for his excellent catalogue, which I have found of the greatest service in checking the colla-tions, and points of the various pieces.”—Sid-ney Herbert Williams, p. viii.Dark blue smooth cloth.Inscribed on free front endpaper: To: M. L. Parrish with best wishes from Sidney Herbert Williams Dec. 28.31.With a copy of F. Madan’s Supplement (London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, February 1935), 24 p., unbound. Inscribed on verso of t.p.: To: —M. L. Parrish Esq with kind Regards from Sidney Williams March 1935.

862. Williams, Sidney Herbert.The Lewis Carroll Handbook. Being a New Ver-sion of A Handbook of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson by Sidney Herbert Williams … and Falconer Madan. . . . First published in 1931. Now Revised, Augmented and brought up to 1960 by Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . Lon-don: Oxford University Press, 1962.xv, [1], 307, [1] p. Front., plates. 22 cm.Bright red smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.

863. ———. Being a New Version of A Hand-book of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodg-son by Sidney Herbert Williams … and Fal-coner Madan. . . . First published in 1931. Now Revised, Augmented and brought up to 1970 by

Roger Lancelyn Green. . . . New York: Barnes & Noble Inc.; and Folkestone & London: Daw-sons of Pall Mall, 1970.xv, [1], 307 p. Front., plates. 22 cm.Bright red smooth cloth, spine blocked in gold.

864. ———. Being a New Version of A Hand-book of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodg-son by Sidney Herbert Williams and Falconer Madan. Revised and Augmented by Roger Lancelyn Green. Now Further Revised by Denis Crutch. . . . [Folkestone]: Dawson, Ar-chon Books [1979].xix, 340 p. Front., plates. 22.5 cm.Moderate yellowish brown buckram.

parodies , etc .

865. Adair, Gilbert.Alice through the Needle’s Eye. . . . With Twenty-two Illustrations by Jenny Thorne. [London and Basingstoke]: Macmillan [1984].v, 184, [2] p. Front., illus. 21 cm.Dark blue smooth cloth.

866. Alice And Look Who Else Through the Look-ing-Glass. December 10, 1988 through Jan-uary 7, 1989. Bernice Steinbaum Gallery. . . . [New York: Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Ltd., c1988.]63, [1] p. Illus. 28 cm.Illustrated t.p.“Alice’s Restaurant,” by John Perreault, p. [4]–[6].“Lewis Carroll and John Tenniel, 1988,” by Bernice Steinbaum, p. 7–9.Light greenish blue wrappers, printed in black and orange, with a rectangular cut-out section on front wrapper.

867. [Alice in Wonderland Reading Cards. Lon-don: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1928.]16 cards. Colored illus. 20.5 by 28 cm.

nos. 861–867

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C. L. Dodgson392Each card has on its recto a mounted colored picture by A. E. Jackson and a simplified de-scription of the scene; and on the verso an ex-ercise on the picture and description.The cards, which are hinged together, lack the lettered envelope in which they were pub-lished.

868. ‘Alice through the Lager Glass.’In The Ruhleben Camp Magazine, No. 6, June 1917. Berlin: J. S. Preuss, Printer by Appoint-ment to the Royal Court.Pages 12–22. 21.5 cm.Published anonymously. Illustrated self-wrappers.

869. Alternative Alices. Visions and Revisions of Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books. An Anthology. Ed-ited by Carolyn Sigler. [Lexington, Kentucky]: The University Press of Kentucky [c1997].xxiii, 391 p. Illus., music. 24 cm.“Introduction,” p. [xi]–xxiii.“Alternative Alices brings together some of the most lively and original of the almost two hun-dred literary imitations, revisions, and paro-dies of Lewis Carroll’s enduringly influential Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. Produced between 1869 and 1930, the works represented here do not pas-sively imitate Carroll, but trace the extraordi-narily coherent, creative, and often critical re-sponses to the Alice novels.”—“Introduction,” p. [xi].Dark purplish red smooth cloth.

870. Aristophanes at Oxford. O.W. By Y. T. O. . . . Oxford: J. Vincent; London: Simpkin, Mar-shall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. [1894].vi p., 1 leaf, 85 p. 19.5 cm.A skit on the aesthetic movement at Oxford, by L. S. Amery, F. W. Hirst, and H. A. A. Cruso. See Handbook, p. 301–302.The Dramatis Personae include Lewis Carroll, who appears on p. 56 and speaks thirteen lines of verse on p. 57, and Oscar Wilde.White stiff wrappers, printed in green.

871. Copy 2.19 cm.Brown calf, with the original wrappers bound in. Lettered in gold on front cover: O. W. T.e.g. Signed by the three joint authors on t.p.

872. Bangs, John Kendrick.Alice in Blunderland. An Iridescent Dream. . . . Illustrated by Albert Levering. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1907.viii, 124 p. Illus. 17.5 cm.Moderate brown buckram, with an illustration blocked in brown on front cover.

873. Copy 2.Light yellowish brown buckram, blocked as Copy 1 but in black.

874. Barsley, Michael.Alice in Wunderground and other Blits and Pieces. . . . Illustrated by the Author. London: John Murray, 1940.48 p. Front., illus. 22 cm.Strong pink illustrated wrappers.2 copies.

875. Barsley, Michael.Grabberwocky And other Fights of Fancy. . . . Il-lustrated by Osbert Lancaster. London: John Murray [1941].43 p. Illus. 22 cm.“Third Printing,” January 1941.Bright yellow illustrated wrappers.

876. Biblioctopus.Rare Books 1478–1977. Idyllwild, California: Melissa and Mark Hime [1984].Leaf, printed on both sides. 68 by 49 cm.Recto: A catalogue of 44 rare books and other items, including, as item 10, a copy of the New York 1866 edition of Alice’s Adventures in Won-derland.Verso: Reproduction of John Tenniel’s illustra-tion of Alice talking to the Cheshire Cat, with text beginning: “But I don’t want to go among mad people” and ending “or you wouldn’t have come here,” all printed in bluish gray.“600 copies printed April ’84.”

nos. 867–876

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C. L. Dodgson 393877. Boyd, William.

… The Jabberwock Quadrille. Founded on Airs from the “Songs from Alice in Wonderland,” “Through the Looking Glass,” &c. By William Boyd. . . . London: Weekes & Co. [1874].1 leaf, 9 p. 36.5 cm.Cover title. At head of title: To Dear Little Monica, Without Her Permission.Much of the t.p. is occupied by nine colored lithographs by R. C. after John Tenniel.Page [1] and the verso of p. 9 are blank.No wrappers; unstitched.

878. Carllew, Loris, pseud.Alice in Plunderland. . . . Illustrated by Linton Je-hne. . . . London: Eveleigh Nash, 1910.83 p. Illus. 24.5 cm.Bright orange illustrated wrappers.

879. Carreras Ltd.Alice in Wonderland. A Series of 48 Cards Is-sued by Carreras Ltd., Arcadia Works, Lon-don, N.W. 1 [1928–29].48 numbered colored cards, the faces of which are reduced versions of the faces of the picto-rial cards comprising The New and Diverting Game of “Alice in Wonderland” (q.v.), in a gray double slip-in heavy-paper box for Ten Carre-ras Virginia Cigarettes. 7.5 by 4.5 cm.

880. Clark, Paul Franklin.Alice in Virusland. . . . Madison, Wisconsin: Soci-ety of American Bacteriologists, University of Wisconsin, 1938.23 p. Illus. 26 cm.“Presidential address delivered before the Soci-ety of American Bacteriologists at its fortieth annual meeting, San Francisco, August 31, 1938.”— p. 5.The illustrations are by W. Allen.Light grayish blue boards, printed in red.

881. [Coffey, Edward Hope.]Alice in the Delighted States. By Edward Hope [pseud.]. With Illustrations by Rea Irvin. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial Press; Tor-onto: Longmans, Green & Company, 1928.

303 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Bright reddish orange smooth cloth, an adapta-tion of one of the illustrations (p. [27]) in black on front cover, spine blocked in black. Top edges stained orange; fore edges untrimmed.Inscribed on free front endpaper: For James B. Rankin in the hope that the appended signa-ture may in time become something more than a defacement. Edward Hope May 29, 1928.

882. Davies, Sir Henry Walford.… Humpty Dumpty. A Short Cantata for Chil-dren. Consisting of a Prelude, Four Short Set-tings of the Old Nursery Rhyme, and Part of the Famous Scene between Alice and Humpty Dumpty (From “Alice Through the Looking-Glass”) by Lewis Carroll. Adapted and set to Music by H. Walford Davies. . . . London: No-vello and Company, Limited; New York: The H. W. Gray Co., Sole Agents for the U.S.A., c1907.vii, [1], 48 p. 26 cm.At head of title: Novello’s School Music. Ed-ited by W. G. McNaught. Composed for the Morecambe Festival, 1907.Vocal score with piano accompaniment. “Dialogue of Humpty and Alice.”—“Prelude,” p. [v]–vii. No. 6, “The Dialogue of Humpty Dumpty and Alice,” p. 18–36. No. 7, “Humpty Dumpty’s Song,” p. 37–48.Light gray wrappers, with John Tenniel’s illus-tration of Alice shaking hands with Humpty Dumpty on outside front wrapper. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrap-pers. “Novello’s School Operettas & Cantatas,” 12 p. at back.Book label of Sidney Williams.

883. [Day Lewis, Cecil.]Malice in Wonderland. By Nicholas Blake [pseud.]. New York: Penguin Books, Inc. [1946].[7], 216 p. 18 cm.“First Penguin Books Edition May, 1946.”

nos. 877–883

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C. L. Dodgson394“Published by Harper & Brothers under the title of The Summer Camp Mystery.”“The villain, who calls himself the Mad Hat-ter, is a prankster who perpetrates a series of peculiarly diabolical practical jokes (mostly in the Alice in Wonderland frame of reference).”—“About This Book,” leaf preceding t.p.Paperback, illustrated covers printed in color. On front cover: Penguin Books. 592.

884. Evarts, Richard Conover.Alice’s Adventures in Cambridge. . . . Illustrated by E. L. Barron. Cambridge, Mass.: Published by The Harvard Lampoon [c1913].v, [1], 7–67 p. Illus. 17 cm.“These few chapters appeared first in the ‘Har-vard Lampoon’. . . .”—“Introduction,” p. iii.Moderate brown boards, with an illustration (repeated from p. 59) on front cover, printed in brown.

885. Evarts, Richard Conover.Alice’s Adventures in Cambridge Twenty-five Years Ago. . . . Illustrated by E. L. Barron.In The Baker’s Dozen, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 15, 1938. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Class of 1913. Pages 14–15. Illus. 31 cm.“Twenty-Five Years After,” by Nancy Evarts, illustrated by E. Lee Barron, p. 15–17, illus.White illustrated wrappers, printed in red and black.

886. [Field, Richard M.]Alice’s Adventures in Atomland in the Plas-tic Age. A Stark Fantasy by Daddy Dumps alias Humpty Dumpty, alias Deadeye Dick. In Memory of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson alias Lewis Carroll and Harry Morgan Ayres. . . . [South Duxbury, Massachusetts: Faulkner & Field, November, 1949.][14], 100 p., 1 leaf. 21 cm.“Author’s Edition, First Printing, No. [in pen-and-ink:] 344[.]” Signed by the author, whose name is printed on the outside front wrapper.Pale yellow illustrated embossed wrappers, printed in blue.

887. Fisher, John.Alice’s Cook Book, a culinary diversion. . . . with illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. [London]: Frederick Muller Limited [1975].119 p. Illus. 25 cm.Illustrated t.p.Deep orange brown buckram.

888. Forsyth, Cecil.Alice in Wonderland. . . . Boston, New York: Ol-iver Ditson Company, Inc.; Chicago: Lyon & Healy, Inc.; London: Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. [c1931].[4], 82 p. 31 cm.Score.Bright yellow wrappers. On outside front wrap-per: The Ditson Symphonic Series for Orches-tra. No. 2. Alice in Wonderland. Six Miniatures.

889. The game of Alice in Wonderland. New York: Selghow & Righter [n.d.].52 colored cards divided into three sets, Sets i and ii each consisting of 16 picture cards (based on Tenniel’s illustrations) and Set iii consist-ing of 20 numbered cards, with a double card containing “Rules for Playing,” printed in red, black, and green, in a red cardboard box hav-ing on the top an illustrated label in color with title and imprint as above. 16 by 12 cm.

890. Gamow, George.Mr Tompkins in Wonderland or Stories of c, G, and h. . . . Illustrated by John Hookham. New York: The Macmillan Company; Cambridge, England: At the University Press, 1940.x, 91 p. Illus. 21.5 cm.Light brown linen, printed in red and green.

891. Geake, Charles.John Bull’s Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland. By Charles Geake and F. Carruthers Gould. With Forty-six Illustrations by F. C. G. Lon-don: Methuen & Co., 1904.xi, 152 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, with an illustration (re-peated from p. 151) blocked in gold on front cover.

nos. 883–891

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C. L. Dodgson 395“A Catalogue of Books,” July 1903, 38 p. at back.

892. Geehl, Henry E.… Alice in Wonderland. Miniature Suite for Pi-anoforte. . . . London: Swan & Co., c1920.18 p. 31 cm.At head of title: Magnus Albums Vol. 64.Very pale greenish blue illustrated wrappers. The large illustration on outside front wrap-per is signed Mac. Adverts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.Adverts., 1 leaf at back.Price on t.p. has been overstamped: Swan 2/6 net & Co.

893. Guinness.The Guinness Alice. [St. James’s Gate, Dublin]: [Printed in Great Britain by John Wadding-ton Ltd London], [1933.]23, [1] p. Colored illus. 24.5 cm.Cover title.The illustrations are by John Gilroy.Second edition. “… parodies and imitations of verses and scenes from ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ ‘Alice through the Looking Glass,’ ‘The Hunting of the Snark’ and ‘Sylvie and Bruno’. . . .”—p. [1]. Written by Ronald Barton and Robert Bevan.Very pale yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in color.With an illustrated Guinness Menu card (“Tortoise Turned Turtle”), in color, “Printed in Great Britain by Sanders Phillips & Co., Ltd., London,” 24 by 14.5 cm.; and “A Guin-ness Carroll,” an illustrated broadside in color, “Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London,” 53 by 40.5 cm., which includes a parody by either Ronald Bar-ton or Robert Bevan of “You are old, Father William.” The broadside is a reduced version of a large poster; see No. 895.

894. Guinness.Jabberwocky Re-versed and other Guinness Ver-sions. [St. James’s Gate, Dublin]: [Printed in

Great Britain by John Waddington Limited, Leeds], [1935.][24] p. Colored illus. 24 cm.Cover title.Unpaginated.The illustrations are by John Gilroy.“… parodies and imitations of verses and scenes from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Alice through the Looking Glass’. . . .”—p. [1].Very pale yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

895. Guinness.7 posters, illustrated by John Gilroy, printed in color.

[1] A Guinness Carroll. (“Some of the words have got altered,” said Alice.). Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London [n.d.]. 76 by 51 cm.Includes a parody by either Ronald Barton or Robert Bevan of “You are old, Father Wil-liam.”

[2] A Head without a Guinness. (It could only happen in Wonderland.) Printed in Great Brit-ain by the Dangerfield Printing Company, Ltd., London [n.d.]. 64 by 46.5 cm.

[3] Off with its Head! cried the Queen. Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London [1930]. 78 by 53 cm.

[4] A Sane Lunch Party. (Many Guinness Times removed from Lewis Carroll.) Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London [1931]. 78 by 53 cm.

[5] ’Tis the voice of the Lobster. Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London [1933]. 76 by 51 cm.Includes a parody of Lewis Carroll’s parody of Isaac Watts.

[6] The Walrus and the Carpenter. (Without Apologies to Lewis Carroll.) Printed in Great Britain by the Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd., London [1929]. 78.5 by 53 cm.The parodic verses are by Ronald Barton.

nos. 891–895

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C. L. Dodgson396[7] Why Was the Hatter Mad? (Still more apol-ogies to Lewis Carroll.) Printed in Great Brit-ain by T. B. Lawrence Ltd., London [n.d.]. 77 by 51 cm.

896. Hartley, George T.A Few more Chapters of Alice Through the Look-ing Glass. . . . Bournemouth: Sydenham’s Li-brary, 1875. 2 prel. leaves, 74 p. 15.5 cm.Brilliant red glazed stiff wrappers. Purplish black vertical cord cloth spine.Inscribed on front flyleaf: With the Author’s compliments. Inscribed on outside front wrap-per: Will Littleton Teddesley.

897. Hassler, Isaac.Alice in Legal Land. . . . Read at the Lawyers’ Club Dinner and Smoker, Philadelphia, De-cember 1st, 1926. [Philadelphia? 1926?][15] p. 23 cm.Cover title.Unpaginated.Pale blue wrappers, printed in dark blue.

898. [Hilton, Arthur Clement.]The Vulture and the Husbandman. By Louise Caroline [pseud.].In The Light Green. A Superior and High-Class Periodical, No. i, 1872. Cambridge: W. Metcalfe and Sons.Pages [13]–14. 22.5 cm.A parody of “The Walrus and the Carpen- ter.”Moderate yellowish green wrappers.The Parrish Collection contains as well No. ii of the periodical, also published in 1872, which includes parodies of Alfred Tennyson, Edward Lear, and others.

899. Housman, Laurence.Alice in Ganderland. A One-Act Play. . . . Lon-don: The Woman’s Press, 1911.24 p. 18 cm.Grayish green wrappers. Adverts. on inside and outside back wrapper.

900. Irwin, Violet Mary.Alice in Wonderland. Inspired by Sir John Ten-niel’s original black and white Illustrations reproduced to color; to Color with Paints or Crayons with Story and Cutouts. Arranged by V. M. Irwin. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co. [c1930].[16] p. Illus. 39 cm.Illustrated cover title, printed in color.Consists of two sets of illustrations, one in color, the other in black and white.Self-wrappers.

901. La Prade, Ernest.Alice in Music Land. Adventures in the Land of Harmony. . . . Illustrated by Grace Huxtable. London: The Bodley Head [1952]. On printed label pasted over imprint: Boston, Massachu-setts: Robert Bentley, Inc., 1953.136 p. Illus. 19 cm.Illustrated t.p.“Bodley Head Books for Boys and Girls.”Vivid orange buckram, front cover and spine blocked in black.

902. La Prade, Ernest.Alice in Orchestra Land. . . . With a Foreword by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. . . . London: Cobden-Sanderson [1934].170 p. Illus. 19 cm.“Foreword,” p. [9]–10.“The Decorations are by Malcolm Easton.”Moderate orange buckram.

903. La Prade, Ernest.Alice in Orchestralia. . . . Foreword by Walter Damrosch. Illustrated by Carroll C. Snell. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1928. [15], 171 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.“Foreword,” leaf preceding “List of Illustra-tions.”Bright orange buckram, front cover blocked in dark orange.

nos. 895–903

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C. L. Dodgson 397904. Lee, Ernest Markham.

Alice in Wonderland. Twelve Easy Duets for Pi-anoforte. . . . Book 1 [of 2]. . . . London: Oxford University Press [c1923].1 prel. leaf, 13 p. Illus. 31 cm.Copyright by The Anglo French Music Co.Illustration on preliminary leaf by A. J. Took of Alice with the March Hare and the Hatter.Advert., verso of p. 13.Unbound.

905. ———. . . . Book 2. . . . London: The Anglo-French Music Co. [c1923].1 prel. leaf, 13 p. Illus. 31 cm.Illustration on preliminary leaf as above.Verso of p. 13 blank.Unbound.

906. L[egard]., J[ames]. D.The Welshman and the Chancellor. (With apol-ogies to Lewis Carroll.) [Exeter: Printed and Published by William Pollard & Co. Ltd.], [n.d.][4] p. 20.5 cm.Caption title. Pages [1] and [4] are blank. “These verses, with the exception of those marked with an asterisk, appeared in the July number of Home and Empire, 1930.”—p. [3].Unbound.

907. Lewis, Caroline, pseud.Clara in Blunderland. . . . With Forty Illustrations by S. R. London: William Heinemann, 1902.xvi, 150, [1] p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.By M. H. Temple, Harold Begbie, and J. Staf-ford Ransome, who was also the illustrator.“Third Impression, March 1902.”Yellowish green smooth cloth, with an illustra-tion of Clara (repeated from p. 10) in black and red on front cover, publisher’s monogram in black on back cover.

908. Lewis, Caroline, pseud.Lost in Blunderland. The Further Adventures of Clara. . . . With Fifty Illustrations by S. R. Lon-don: William Heinemann, 1903.

xv, [1], 145, [4], [1] p. Front., illus. 18.5 cm.By M. H. Temple, Harold Begbie, and J. Staf-ford Ransome, who was also the illustrator.Yellowish green smooth cloth, with an illustra-tion (repeated from p. 85) in black and red on front cover, publisher’s monogram in black on back cover.

909. [Lieck, Albert Henry.]Alice in Police Court Land with Some Legal Fic-tions and Other Diversions. By the Author of “Narrow Waters.” London, Edinburgh, Glas-gow: William Hodge & Company, Ltd., 1936.106 p. 18.5 cm.“The skits and sketches contained in this lit-tle book first appeared in the ‘Solicitors’ Jour-nal.’ ”— p. [6].Dark grayish blue flexible buckram.

910. Lippmann, Arthur L.A Mad Tea Party. (With Alice Public, March Hare Farley, Dormouse Congress and Hatter Roosevelt.)In Life, Vol. 103, No. 2614, May 1936. New York: Life Magazine, Inc.Page 7. Colored illus. 29.5 cm.In verse.The full-page caricature (p. [6]) is by Gregor Duncan.White illustrated wrappers, printed in color.

911. Llandudno Alice in Wonderland Celebrations. 6th & 7th September, 1933. Souvenir Pro-gramme (Copyright). . . . [Llandudno: Richard Davies (Printers) Ltd.], [1933.]48 p. Illus. 22.5 cm.Cover title.To celebrate the unveiling of the Lewis Car-roll Memorial by Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, O.M., M.P.“Alice in Wonderland,” Five Episodes, by R. Lloyd Jones, H. D. Roberts, and D. A. Morris, p. 9– 46.Light yellow wrappers, printed in red. Ad-verts. on inside front and inside and outside back wrappers.

nos. 904–911

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C. L. Dodgson398912. Lynes, Frank.

Scenes from Alice in Wonderland for the Pi-anoforte. . . . Op. 50. . . . Boston, Leipzig, New York: Arthur F. Schmidt, c1908.31 p. Illus. 30.5 cm.Illustrated t.p., printed in red, gray, and black.The illustrations are by Clara E. Atwood.Light greenish blue illustrated wrappers, printed in green and black. At head of outside front wrapper: Edition Schmidt No 133. Ad-verts. on outside back wrapper.“Schmidt’s Educational Series,” verso of p. 31.

913. McCord, David Thompson Watson.Alice in Botolphland. . . . Boston: Printed for the St. Botolph Club, 1932.15, [1] p. Illus. 23 cm.“Presented by Recitation and Tableaux at the St. Botolph Club, Twelfth Night, 1932.”Light greenish blue wrappers. Cast of charac-ters printed on inside back wrapper.With, on p. [16], an illustrated presentation inscription to Dale Warren from the author, iv.25.32.

914. Marriott, Charles Handel Rand.The Looking Glass Quadrille, Composed for the Pianoforte. . . . London: Robert co*cks & Co., Music Publishers to Her Majesty Queen Vic-toria, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, & H.I.M. The Emperor Napoleon III [1872].1 leaf, 11 p. 34 cm.Cover title.Much of the t.p. is occupied by nine colored lith-ographs by A[lfred] Concanen after J[ohn] T[enniel]. “The Vignettes on the Title are copied by kind permission of the Author of ‘Behind [sic ] the Looking Glass’. . . .”—p. 2.Page [1] is blank.Adverts., verso of p. 11.No wrappers; stitching removed.The upper right-hand corner of p. 11 is defec-tive, with loss of music. A blank sheet has been pasted on the verso of the page, completely covering the adverts.

915. Marriott, Charles Handel Rand.… The Wonderland Quadrilles, Composed for the Piano-Forte. . . . London: Robert co*cks & Co., Music Publishers to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, & H.I.M the Emperor Napoleon III [1872].1 leaf, 11 p. 36 cm.Cover title. At head of title: Dedicated to Alice. Much of the t.p. is occupied by five colored lithographs by Alfred Concanen after J[ohn] T[enniel]. “The Vignettes on the Title are copied (by kind permission of the Author) from his work ‘Alice’s adventures in Wonder-land’. . . .”—p. 2.Page [1] is blank.Adverts., verso of p. 11.No wrappers; unstitched.

916. Martindale, F. W.Alice in Holidayland. A Parody in Prose, Verse, and Picture. Perpetrated with Profound Apol-ogies to Lewis Carroll and Sir John Tenniel. Text by F. W. Martindale. Pictures by Frank H. Mason and Noel Poco*ck. [Leeds and Lon-don: Chorley & Pickersgill Ltd., The Electric Press], [1914.]47, [1] p. Colored plates. 18.5 by 21.5 cm.White illustrated stiff wrappers, printed in color.

917. Molloy, Hercules.Oedipus in Disneyland: Queen Victoria’s Re-incarnation as Superman. . . . Illustrations by Bill Brown, Albrecht Dürer, John Parker, John Tenniel. San Francisco: The Paranoid Press, Inc. [1972].xiv p., 1 leaf, 304 p. 30.5 cm.“First printing, March 1972.”White illustrated stiff wrappers, printed in black, yellow, and red.

918. Morrah, Dave.Alice in Wunderbarland and Further Tales and Poems Mein Grossfader Told. . . . With Drawings by the Author. New York, Toronto: Rinehart & Company, Inc. [c1957].

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C. L. Dodgson 39977 p. Illus. 19.5 cm.Moderate pink illustrated boards.

919. Munro, Hector Hugh.The Westminster Alice. By Hector H. Munro (“Saki”). . . . Illustrated by F. Carruthers Gould. London: Westminster Gazette, 1902.[3], 67, [1] p. Illus. 22 cm.Illustrated t.p.Orange red buckram, with illustration on t.p. repeated in black on front cover. Floral-pat-terned endpapers, light olive on darker olive.

920. ———, By Hector H. Munro (“Saki.”). . . . Illustrated by F. Carruthers Gould. Reprinted from the Westminster Gazette. . . . [London: The Westminster Gazette Office], [n.d.]44 p. Illus. 20 cm.Illustrated t.p.On outside front wrapper: Westminster Popu-lar No. 18.Pale blue wrappers, with illustration on t.p. re-peated on outside front wrapper. Adverts. on in- side front and inside and outside back wrappers. Adverts., [4] p. at back.

921. … The New and Diverting Game of “Alice in Wonderland” Consisting of Forty-eight Pic-torial Cards, Adapted, drawn in Fac-simile, and Elaborately rendered in Colours, from Sir John Tenniel’s Original Designs, by Miss E. Gertrude Thomson. London: Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd. [n.d.].48 colored cards, with a [4]-p. leaflet contain-ing the “Rules,” in a pink double slip-in card-board box, with text on one side as above, and a Leading card for set 15 pasted on the other side. 10 by 7 cm.

922. Copy 2.Lacks the leaflet.

923. [Northern Pacific Railroad Com-pany.]Alice’s Adventures in the New Wonderland. The Yellowstone National Park. Chicago: Poole Bros. Printers and Engravers [1884].

1 leaf. 63 by 47 cm. (folded to 21 by 9.5 cm.).Illustrated cover title, printed in color.A letter from Alice to her cousin Edith, dated Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, National Park, Wyoming Territory, U.S., Sept. 2d, 1884. “When Mr. Carroll wrote that funny book about one of my childish dreams, I little thought the time would ever come when I should sit down to describe scenes and incidents in my actual experience every bit as strange and bewilder-ing. . . .”Text arranged to form 15 unnumbered pages on one side of the leaf. On the reverse: “Map of the Yellowstone National Park. Compiled from different official explorations and our personal survey, 1882.”On back cover: Northern Pacific R.R. The Won-derland Route to the Pacific Coast. Chas. S. Fee Gen’l Pass. Agent St. Paul.

924. Copy 2.The date of Alice’s letter has been changed to Sept. 2d, 1885, and the text of the leaflet has been revised.Stamped on front cover: Overland Ticket Of-fice 618 Market St. San Francisco.

925. Otterbourg, Edwin M.Alice in Rankbustland. (With apologies to Lewis Carroll.). . . . With an Introduction by the Hon. Edwin L. Garvin. . . . Being in book form, the series of articles under the same title as origi-nally published in the New York Credit Men’s Association Bulletin. New York: W. W. Wil-liams [c1923].84 p. 15.5 cm.“Introduction,” p. 5–6.Black flexible fabrikoid with overlapping edges.

926. Princeton University. Triangle Club.… “Malice in Wonderland”. . . . Music and Lyrics by Fred M. Stewart ’54, G. Donald Murray ’54, Z. Taylor Vinson ’55, Charles H. Schultz II ’54, Wayne A. Lawson ’54. . . . New York: Broadcast Music Inc., c1953.19 p. 30.5 cm.

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C. L. Dodgson400Words and music.The 62nd annual production.White illustrated glazed wrappers, printed in orange and black.

927. Rae, John.New Adventures of “Alice.” Written and Pic-tured by John Rae. Chicago: P. F. Volland Com-pany [c1917].157 p., 1 leaf. Colored front., colored plates, il-lus. 24.5 cm.Title framed by an ornamental border.Grayish blue boards, with a colored picture of “Alice” pasted on the front cover within an oval gold frame. Moderate brown buckram spine. Light yellow endpapers with designs by the author printed in gold.

928. [Rayher, Edward.]Alice’s Flip Book. [Amherst, Mass.: Swamp Press, c1981.]33 unnumbered plates, printed in black and or-ange. 5.5 by 7.5 cm.Cover title.The disappearing Cheshire Cat.White wrappers, printed in black and orange. Stapled.

929. [Reed, Latham R.]Frankie in Wonderland. With apologies to Lewis Carroll, the originator and pre-historian of the New Deal. By A Tory. New York City: Dut-tons, Inc., Copyright 1934.24 p. 19.5 cm.Pale orange wrappers, embossed to simulate leather.

930. Copy 2.Imprint varies: New York City: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., Copyright 1934.Strong yellowish pink wrappers, embossed to simulate leather. Printed on outside back wrapper: Price Fifty Cents[.]

931. [Richards, Anna Matlack.]A New Alice in the Old Wonderland. With Sixty-Seven Illustrations by Anna M. Richards, Jr. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1895.

309 p. Front., illus. 19.5 cm.“Preface,” p. 5–6, signed A. M. R., Sr.Dark red diagonal fine rib cloth, with a circu-lar cut of Alice blocked in gold on front cover, a circular cut of the White Bishop blocked in blind on back cover, spine blocked in gold.

932. Scoville, Samuel, Jr.Alice in Blunderland. . . . [Princeton]: [Printed at the Princeton University Press, c1934.]11, [1] p. 16.5 cm.Cover title.“Dedicated to the N.R.A.”“This little skit was read originally at a Christ-mas luncheon of the Franklin Inn Club of Philadelphia. . . .”—p. [12].Unbound; stapled.

933. Stackpole, Joseph Lewis.Rosie in Squanderland or Billions for Votes. . . . New York: The Paisley Press, Inc., 1936.24 p. Illus. 28 cm.The single illustration (on p. [2]), a portion of which is repeated on t.p. and on outside front wrapper, is by A. B. Hewes.Vivid red illustrated wrappers.

934. Starrett, Vincent.The Escape of Alice. A Christmas Fantasy. . . . Pri-vately Printed at Cedar Rapids Iowa for the Friends of Luther Albertus and Elinore Tay-lor Brewer Christmas Nineteen Nineteen.28 p., 1 leaf. 23 cm.“Two hundred copies of this book were printed by the Torch Press Cedar Rapids Iowa in the month of December Nineteen Nineteen.”Reddish brown wrappers, printed in brown, tied with a yellow silk cord.With a manuscript correction in first sentence of final paragraph, p. 10.With a six-line poem in the hand of the author (“Eureka! I have found it!”), signed, below colo-phon.Presentation inscription from the author to Mrs. Tasker Bosworth, 28, January, 1920, on verso of halftitle. Also a second inscription on

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C. L. Dodgson 401verso of halftitle: Certified to M. L. Parrish, Esq—13 February, 1933 Vincent Starrett.Signed photograph of the author pasted below his name on t.p.

935. Strunsky, Simeon.Through the Outlooking Glass. Being the curious adventures of Theodore the Red Knight in his quest of the Third Cup, of his faithful compan-ion Alice, of the Old Lady who lived in a shoe behind a high tariff wall, and divers quaint and lively persons, all comprising a veritable Theo-dyssey of incidents, set down in simple third terms. . . . Reprinted from The Evening Post New York. [New York, 1912.]24 p. 23 cm.Bright yellow wrappers.

936. ———. Being the curious adventures of Theodore the Red Knight in his quest of the Third Cup, of his faithful companion Alice, of the Old Lady who lived in a shoe behind a high tariff wall, and divers quaint and lively per-sons, all comprising a veritable Theodyssey of incidents, set down in simple third terms. . . . Reprinted from The Evening Post New York. [New York, 1912.]40 p. 17 cm.On outside front wrapper: Fifth EditionLight brown wrappers.

937. Taylor, Deems.… Through the Looking Glass. Five pictures from Lewis Carroll. . . . Opus 12. . . . Full Score. Fischer Edition. New York, Birmingham, Eng-land: J. Fischer & Brother, c1923.137 p. 30.5 cm.At head of title: Suite for Orchestra.Pale brown wrappers.Adverts., verso of p. 137.

938. Tobias, Charles.Alice In Wonderland. Novelty Fox-Trot Song. By Charles Tobias, Jack Scholl and Murray Mencher. New York: Leo. Feist, Inc., c1933.5 p. 30.5 cm.Caption title.

Page [1], illustrated title, printed in color.Words and music.“Popular Edition.”Unbound.Advert., verso of p. 5.

939. Tripp, Wallace.Marguerite, Go Wash Your Feet. . . . [Boston]: Houghton Mifflin Company [1985].Broadside. 50.5 by 68 cm.A parody in color by Wallace Tripp of John Tenniel’s illustration of the Mad Tea-Party, an advertisem*nt for Tripp’s book, where it appears as an illustration on p. 12–13.“Today’s Guests. Miss Liddell Herself … Mr. B. Russell as the Mad Hatter. . . .”

940. Weatherly, Frederick E.“Little Alice,” (From “Wonderland”) Written by F. E. Weatherly. . . . Composed by Cleveland Wigan. London: Lamborn co*ck [n.d.].1 leaf, 5 p. 36 cm.Cover title. The large colored illustration on cover, a lithograph by M & N Hanhart, is signed by the monogram GR.Words and music. Verso of p. 5 is blank.No wrappers; unstitched.

941. White, E. B.… Alice Through the Cellophane. New York: The John Day Company [c1933].30 p. 19.5 cm.At head of title: E. B. White“Reprinted by permission of The New Yorker.”Light gray wrappers, printed in blue. At foot of outside front wrapper: No. 26. The John Day Pamphlets. 25c. Adverts. on flaps and on outside back wrapper.

942. Wildridge, Thomas Tindall.A Lewis Carroll Pageant. [1910.]6 halfpenny post cards. 8.5 by 13.5 cm.Reproductions of pen-and-ink drawings by Wildridge of Alice with characters from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, and Sylvie and Bruno.

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C. L. Dodgson402943. Wills, George.

Alice in Bibleland. . . . New York: Philosophical Library [c1953].[5], 54 p. 22 cm.Moderate blue smooth cloth, front cover blocked in black.

944. Wyatt, Horace Matthew.Alice in Motorland. . . . With Drawings by Char- les R. Sykes. The “Car Magazine” Series. No. 1. London: “The Car—Illustrated,” Ltd., 1904.80 p. Front., illus. 17 cm.Light yellowish brown buckram, with a cut of Alice and the Suburban Dog blocked in black on front cover.

945. ———. (Second Series.). . . . With Draw-ings by Charles R. Sykes. The “Motor Car Magazine” Series. No. 2. London: “The Car Il-lustrated,” Ltd., 1905.76 p. Front., illus. 17 cm.Light yellowish green buckram, blocked as No. 1.Adverts., [4] p. at back, with an order form tipped onto first page.

946. Wyatt, Horace Matthew.Malice in Kulturland. . . . With Illustrations by W. Tell. London: Published by The Car Illus-trated, 1915.1 leaf, 80 p. Illus. 21 cm.Unbound signatures.Adverts., [4] p. at back.Inscribed in pencil on recto of blank leaf preced-ing t.p.: Predates 1917 issue. Compliments of Randolph Edgar January 21, 1928.

947. Copy 2.21.5 cm.Dark brown boards, with on the front cover a large illustrated label (based on the illustration on p. [17]), printed in red and black. Advert. on pastedown back endpaper.Same adverts. at back.

948. ———. . . . With Illustrations by W. Tell. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. [1917].

84 p. Illus. 19 cm.Light brown boards, with an illustrated label on front cover as on English edition, and with a label on spine, printed in brown.

949. X., Monsieur.Alice in Blufferland. (With eternal apologies to Lewis Carrol [sic ].). . . . [Tientsin?]: Tientsin Press, Limited [1926?].1 prel. leaf, 29 p. 22.5 cm.Bright orange red buckram.


950. Agrippa, pseud.Literary Crossword. (‘Alice in Wonderland.’ ). . . .In The Cornhill Magazine, Nos. 809 and 810, New Series, Nos. 371 and 372, May and June 1927. London: John Murray.Pages 639–640, 768. 22.5 cm.“Solution of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Literary Crossword,” p. 768.Bright orange illustrated wrappers.

951. Alice in Wonderland at the Opera Comique. Souvenir of 100th Performance of Messrs. Hor-ace Sedger’s and Arthur Eliot’s Pantomime. . . . [London, 1899.][16] p. Illus. 24.5 cm.T.p. and text printed in purplish blue.Unpaginated.Some of the illustrations are signed “Jan. 99.”Pale blue illustrated (by Jan) wrappers, printed in purplish blue.

952. Alice in Wonderland Playing Cards. [Roch-ester, N.Y.: E. E. Fairchild], [n.d.]2 decks of cards, illustrated in color, each with a cancelled 10 cents U.S. Int. Rev. Playing Cards stamp.In a cardboard box, illustrated in color. 10 by 13 cm.

953. The “Alice in Wonderland” syndrome—rela-tion to migraine. Based on an article by J. Todd, Canad. Med. Assn. J., 73:701, November 1, 1955.

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C. L. Dodgson 403In What’s New, Special Christmas Edition, No. 197, 1956. North Chicago, Ill.: Abbott Laborato-ries.Pages 22–24. Colored illus. 32 cm.Gold decorated stiff wrappers, printed in red, with a circular cut-out section on front wrap-per.

954. The Art and Antique Agency, Ox-ford.… Catalogue of a Portion of the Unique Col-lection Formed by the Late “Lewis Carroll” (The Rev. C. Lutwidge Dodgson, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford ). . . . [Oxford: J. Oliver, Printer], [1898.]18 p. 21.5 cm.At head of p. [1]: No. 2. The Lewis Carroll Col-lection. 1898.No wrappers; staples removed.Some marginal markings.

955. Brooks, E. J., Auctioneer.Catalogue of the Furniture, Personal Effects and Library of the Late “Lewis Carroll” (Rev. C. L. Dodgson, M.A.), Author of “Alice in Wonderland.” Also … (part of the collection of the late Rev. L. Thomas, Vice-Principal of Jesus College, Oxford), Which will be Sold by Auction at the Holywell Music Room, Oxford, On Tuesday, May 10th, and following days. . . . [Oxford: Hall & Son, Printers], [1898.]63 p. 21 cm.“The property of the late ‘Lewis Carroll,’ ” Lots 1–963, p. [7]–50.Light brown wrappers, printed in black and red. Stapled.Stamped on outside front wrapper: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.

956. Christ Church, Oxford.Christ Church Gaudy. Wednesday, June 17, 1891, at Seven o’Clock. [Oxford, 1891.]Single sheet, printed on both sides ([6] p.). Folded as a triptych to 23.5 by 7 cm.Menu and seating plan, printed in blue and red.

Rev. C. L. Dodgson was seated at the end of a table with Sir Rich. Harington at his left.

957. ———. Wednesday, June 24, 1896, at Seven o’Clock. [Oxford, 1896.]Single sheet, printed on both sides ([6] p.). Folded as a triptych to 21.5 by 8 cm.Menu and seating plan, printed in blue and red.Rev. C. L. Dodgson was seated at the end of a table with the Warden of Radley at his left.

958. Dodgson, Charles.Letters to Skeffington Dodgson from His Father. Edited and with an Introduction by Anne Clark Amor. [n.p.]: The Lewis Carroll Soci-ety, 1990.32 p. Front., illus. 21 cm.[Introduction], p. 5–10.The Rev. Skeffington Hume Dodgson was one of Lewis Carroll’s brothers.Light greenish blue glazed stiff wrappers. Text on inside front and inside back wrappers.

959. Fraser-Simson, Harold.… “Alice in Wonderland”… George Baker with Pianoforte accomp. by Gerald Moore. Bari-tone in English with Piano. Speed 78. Cat. No. b 4326. (30-9970-9971). London: Keith Prowse & Co. Ltd. [1930].“Record manufactured by The Gramaphone Co., Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex, England.”“How Doth the Little Crocodile,” “Fury Said to a Mouse,” “ ’Tis the Voice of the Lobster,” and “They Told Me You Had Been to Her,” sung to the musical accompaniment of Harold Fraser-Simson.

960. Gogarth Abbey Hotel, Llandudno.… The Home of “Alice in Wonderland.” From The Liverpool Daily Post, October 2nd, 1901. [Llandudno: R. Davies, Printer], [n.d.]28 p. 10.5 by 14.5 cm.“ ‘Llandudno and the Conway,’ A river Sacred to Art,” From The Liverpool Daily Post, August 20th, 1903, p. [11]–17. “Llandudno,” by Dr.

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C. L. Dodgson404Andrew Wilson, From The Daily Dispatch, 5th June, 1905, p. [19]–28.Mottled gray wrappers.

961. The Golden Flower Chrysanthemum. Verses by Edith M. Thomas, Richard Henry Stod-dard, Alice Ward Bailey, Celia Thaxter, Kate Upson Clarke, Louis Carroll, Margaret De-land, Robert Browning & Oliver Wendell Hol-mes. Collected, arranged and embellished with original designs by F. Schuyler Mathews. Il-lustrated with reproductions of studies from nature in Water Color by James & Sidney Callowhill, Alois Lunzer and F. S. M. Boston: Lithographed and Printed by L. Prang & Co. Publishers, c1890.2 prel. leaves, 9 p., 22 leaves. Colored front., 15 colored plates., illus. 30 cm.T.p. printed in red and black. Text within orna-mental frames, printed in color.Included are three poems signed Louis Carroll: “The Princess Golden Flower. Chrysanthe-mum,” “Medusa. Grace,” and “The Light in the East.” “They bear no resemblance whatso-ever to the works of Charles Lutwidge Dodg-son.”—Handbook, p. 174.Elaborately decorated front cover, two thirds bright yellow smooth cloth, one third white smooth cloth, blocked in gold and reddish pur-ple; back cover and spine white smooth cloth, with a design blocked in reddish purple on back cover. A.e.g. Decorated endpapers, printed in gold and purple.

962. Hatch, Beatrice.Lewis Carroll Memorial Cot, &c. A scrapbook, with title as above and date, 1898, printed in gold on spine. 29.5 cm.Clippings, mainly from the St. James’s Gazette, 1898, concerning the successful campaign to raise an endowment for an “Alice in Wonder-land” Cot in the Hospital for Sick Children, London, mounted on [13] pages; a copy of the printed appeal; and four obituaries of Lewis Carroll.

Miss Hatch and Mrs. Herbert Fuller were the two Joint Hon. Secretaries of the General Committee.Dark blue buckram.The Parrish Collection has also a separate copy of the printed appeal.

963. Hatch, Evelyn M.Walker’s Century Scrap & Newscutting Book. . . . No. 3. . . . London: John Walker & Co. Ltd. [n.d.]. 28 cm.Clippings relating mainly to Miss Hatch’s A Selection from the Letters of Lewis Carroll … to His Child-Friends (1933), 1932–34, mounted on [63] pages.Moderate brown buckram, spine blocked in gold (“Cuttings”).

964. [ Jenkins, John Howe.]The Adventures of Apollo and Diana. A Satire. Oxford: T. Shrimpton and Son, 1874.15 p. 19.5 cm.Light gray wrappers.With a long note by Falconer Madan on t.p.: “This is the original form in which the satire known as ‘Cakeless’ was printed. . . . Shrimp-ton … never published the piece. One copy he gave to a brewer (a Mr. Steel?) in the City: and this copy is the only other out of the printer’s hands.”Stamped on t.p.: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford.

965. [ Jenkins, John Howe.]Cakeless. [Oxford: Mowbray, 1874.]15 p. 18 cm.“ ‘Cakeless’ and ‘The Adventures of Apollo and Diana. A Satire’ are two forms of a squib in verse relating to an incident at Christ Church. . . . Dodgson was in no way connected with the piece. . . . Cakeless contains, in fact, a rather bitter attack on Dodgson, as well as the Liddell family.”—Handbook, p. 301.Light brown wrappers.Extensively annotated in ink and pencil by Fal-coner Madan, who has also provided a key to the characters.

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C. L. Dodgson 405Stamped on p. [3]: B. N. C. F. Madan Oxford. Upper right-hand corner of front wrapper cut away.

966. [Lackowitz, Ida.]The Land of Idleness.In Aunt Judy’s Magazine for Young People, No. 584, Aug. 1, 1881. London: George Bell & Sons.Pages 604–613. 20 cm.Attributed to Lewis Carroll in the table of Con-tents printed on the outside front wrapper. “As a fact the writer was Fräulein Ida Lackow-itz and the tale was only forwarded to the edi-tor by Dodgson.”—Handbook, p. 114.Pale green illustrated wrappers.

967. [The Lewis Carroll Biscuit Tin.] [Dublin: Jacob and Co., 1892.] 13 by 12 by 8.5 cm.With 9 colored reproductions of Tenniel’s illus-trations for Through the Looking-Glass on the lid and 4 sides.The tins were made by Hudson of Carlisle.Louisa F. Dodgson has scratched her initials (L. F. D.) on the bottom of the tin.Laid in is a small card, inscribed: Presented to Mr. Morris L. Parrish by Lewis Carroll’s sister L. F. Dodgson April—1927[.]

968. Lewis Carroll’s Library. A facsimile edition of the catalogue of the auction sale follow-ing C. L. Dodgson’s death in 1898, with fac-similes of three subsequent booksellers’ cata-logues offering books from Dodgson’s library. Edited with an Introduction by Jeffrey Stern. Carroll Studies No. 5. [Silver Spring, Mary-land]: Published by The Lewis Carroll Society of North America and distributed by the Uni-versity Press of Virginia [c1981].xiv p., 1 leaf, 95 p. Front. 25 cm.“Introduction,” p. vii–xiv.Dark greenish blue smooth cloth.

969. Liddon, Henry Parry.The Russian Journal—II. A Record Kept by Henry Parry Liddon of a Tour Taken with C. L. Dodgson in the Summer of 1867. Edited with an introduc-

tion and notes by Morton N. Cohen. Carroll Studies No. 3. New York: The Lewis Carroll Society of North America, 1979.xxiii, [3], 52 p. Front., illus. 23 cm.“Introduction,” p. vii–xxi.“Privately printed for the members of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America.”Pale yellow wrappers.

970. Morris, Harvey F.Behind the Mirror. A successful birthday party film inspired by “Alice in Wonderland”. . . .In Bell & Howell Filmo Topics, Vol. 8, Nos. 10 and 11, Oct. and Nov. 1932. Chicago, Ill., New York, Hollywood, London: B & H Co., Ltd.Pages [1], 10–11. Illus. 28 cm.White wrappers, printed in brown.

971. On Catching Cold. [Oxford: Printed at the University Press, 1881.]4 p. 17.5 cm.Caption title. Three extracts from books by Dr. Thomas Inman (2) and Dr. James Copland, anony-mously reprinted by Dodgson, who “occasion-ally reprinted short pieces to distribute among his friends.”—Handbook, p. 114.Unbound.

972. Parker, James, and Co.A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books and Books Re-duced in Price, Consisting of Part i.—a. Works by the late Rev. C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Car-roll). Part i.—b. Purchases from the Library of the late Rev. C. L. Dodgson (many with his autograph). Part ii.—Recent Purchases. . . . Offered at the Affixed Nett Prices for Cash, by Messrs. James Parker and Co., 27 Broad-Street, Oxford. . . . [Oxford: James Parker & Co.], [1898.]32 p. 21.5 cm.Cover title.Part i.—a, p. [3]–5. Part i.—b, p. [6]–14.Unbound; stitched.Marginal markings and a few marginal annota-tions in Part i.—a, and a few marginal mark-

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C. L. Dodgson406ings in Part i.—b, presumably by Falconer Madan.

973. Copy 2.No markings and unannotated.

974. R., E.“Alice in Wonderland.”In The Theatre, New Series, Vol. 9, No. 49, Jan. 1887. London: Carson and Comerford.Pages 48–50. 24 cm.A review of H. Savile Clarke’s musical dream play.Pale orange yellow illustrated wrappers, printed in reddish brown.

975. Redman, Nell Barclay.The Message of the “Sprig of Green.” By: Mrs. C. M. Redman. Port Arthur, Texas [c1936].[7] p. 20.5 cm.Cover title.Unpaginated.Printed in green.“Second Edition.”“The ‘Sprig-of-Green[’] movement is a pro-posed plan for honoring together, the memory of the original ‘Alice’ and Lewis Carroll. . . .”—p. [3].Unbound; stapled.

976. St. Cyres, Stafford Harry North-cote, Viscount.… On Lewis Carroll’s Works. . . .In The Cornhill Magazine, Nos. 615 and 616, New Series, Nos. 177 and 178, March and April 1911. London: Smith, Elder, & Co.Pages 432 and 575. 22.5 cm.“With this number of the Magazine is given the third of a series of ‘Examination Papers’ on the works of famous authors, being Viscount St. Cyres’ questions on Lewis Carroll.”—p. 431.“We reprint Viscount St. Cyres’ paper on Lewis Carroll, with the correct answer to each question.”—p. 575.Bright orange illustrated wrappers.

977. St. Mary’s Hospital, London.Lewis Carroll Memorial Ward. . . . An Appeal to all lovers of “Alice” by Right Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald, Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Sir James Barrie, Mrs. Hargreaves (The Original “Alice” ), A. P. Herbert, E. V. Lucas, Sir Freder-ick MacMillan (the Publishers of Alice in Wonder-land), Walter de la Mare, A. A. Milne, Bishop of Oxford, P. Wilson Steer and J. C. Squire. . . . [1932.][4] p. Illus. 23 cm.Caption title.Unbound.With a copy of the illustrated Donation Form and a return envelope addressed to Anthony de Rothschild, Esq., Hon. Treasurer, Lewis Carroll Memorial Fund, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, W.2.

978. [Schaefer, David H.]Lewis Carroll’s Mouse’s Tale. The Saga of Its Journey around the World and through a Com-puter. [Silver Spring, Maryland: The Author, 1969.]30 unnumbered leaves. 28 cm.Photocopy of typewritten and computer-pro-duced text.White wrappers. Stapled.

979. Schaefer, David H.The Tale of the Mouse’s Tail. By David and Maxine Schaefer. Illustrated by Jonathan Dixon. [Silver Spring, MD: Mica Publishers, c1995.][69] p. Illus. 22.5 cm.Unpaginated.Subtitle, p. [3]: The Journey of Lewis Carroll’s Mouse’s Tail around the World and through Computers.“First Edition.”Bright blue glazed illustrated (by Jonathan Dixon) boards, printed in color.Inscribed on free front endpaper: To the Prince-ton University Library, Maxine & David Schaefer Aug 1996[.]

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C. L. Dodgson 407980. Smith, Goldwin.

The Elections to the Hebdomadal Council. A Letter to the Rev. C. W. Sandford, M.A., Senior Censor of Christ Church. . . . Oxford and London: James Parker and Co., 1866.20 p. 19 cm.Parodied by Dodgson under the same title.No wrappers; stitched.Inscribed at head of t.p.: J. Rijaud. With a few marginal annotations and markings in pencil.

981. Spencer.Alice in Wonderland characters in soap by Spencer. [n.p., n.d.]Three small bars of soap—the White Rabbit, the Hatter, and Alice—each with a quotation from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, in a pale grayish blue cardboard box, with a copy of Tenniel’s illustration of “The Mad Tea Party” in black on a white label on front of lid. 19 by 20 cm.

982. Tenniel, Sir John.Sir John Tenniel’s illustrations to Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass. Ninety-one prints from the original wood blocks engraved by the Broth-ers Dalziel from drawings by Sir John Tenniel & one print from an electrotype. London: Mac-millan Publishers, 1988.2 vols. Plates. 27 cm.T.p. printed in purple and gray.The prints are loosely inserted in slip mounts and are housed in two solander cases (42 in that for Wonderland and 50 in that for Looking- Glass ).“The edition is limited to 250 copies of which numbers 1 to 25 are ‘special’ sets. This is set number [in pen-and-ink:] 60.”Moderate gray buckram, with a brownish red leather spine. Black leather label on spine.With:De Freitas, Leo JohnA Study of Sir John Tenniel’s Wood-Engraved Illustrations to Alice’s Adventures in Won-

derland & Through the Looking-Glass. . . . Lon-don: Macmillan Publishers, 1988.59 p., 1 leaf. 3 mounted illus. 27 cm.T.p. printed in purple and gray, text in gray.Edition of 250 copies.Moderate gray buckram, with a black leather label inset in front cover.Both solander cases and the book in a moder-ate gray buckram slip-in case.

983. Wakeling, Edward.The Cipher Alice. based upon Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. adapted and coded by Edward Wakeling. illustrated by children from Edward Peake Middle School, Biggleswade. [Luton, Bedfordshire: The Lewis Carroll Society], 1990.59 p. Illus. 21 cm.Strong pink illustrated stiff wrappers.

984. Wakeling, Edward.Skeffington Hume Dodgson, Brother of Lewis Carroll, Vicar of Vowchurch, Herefordshire 1895–1910. A brief biographical account. . . . [Luton: Printed by L & T Press Ltd, c1992.]23, [1] p. Illus. 21 cm.The illustrations are by Brian Partridge.Pale yellow illustrated wrappers.Inscribed on t.p.: For The Princeton Univer-sity Library with all good wishes, Edward Wakeling August 1996.

985. [Wilson, John Cook.]A Disputed Point in Logic. [1894.]Leaflet, printed on inner two pages only, with the second printed page numbered 2. 22.5 cm.Caption title. Dated April, 1894.The unsigned text is in Professor Wilson’s own words; Dodgson was responsible for the printing of the leaflet. The Parrish Collection includes also Dodgson’s own version, which has the same title. See Handbook, p. 188–189.With two manuscript changes on p. [1].Unbound.

nos. 980–985

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C. L. Dodgson408from the libraries of members of

the dodgson family

986. De Morgan, Augustus.A Budget of Paradoxes. . . . (Reprinted, with the Author’s Additions, from the ‘Athenaeum.’). . . . London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872.vii, [1], 511, [1] p. 23 cm.Edited by Sophia De Morgan.Dark bluish purple sand cloth, covers blocked in blind, spine blocked in gold.“General List of Works,” March 1872, 24 p. at back.Stamped in purple at head of t.p.: Charles L. Dodgson.With page references in Dodgson’s hand, in pencil and ink, on pastedown back endpaper, and marginal notations by him in ink on p. 332, 334, 337, 392.Inscription in pencil on halftitle: William L.[?] Moss Bought in a lot which included one of Mr James Smith’s works—one of the paradoxes—at C. L. Dodgson’s sale—(for 42/–).Inscribed in ink, in a different hand, on a slip laid in: C. L. Dodgson’s copy, bought by me at the Oxford sale of his library.There are marginal annotations in pencil, in an-other hand, on. p. 35, 122, 125, 202, 268.See No. 955, Brooks Catalogue, Lot 308.

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge.His (and Lewis Carroll’s) own copies of his publications, and Dodgson family copies of his publications, in the Parrish Collection are not listed separately here.

987. Eliot, George.Scenes of Clerical Life. . . . Second Edition. . . . Ed-inburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1859.2 vols. 17.5 cm.Dark reddish brown vertical cord cloth, covers blocked in blind, spine blocked in gold.“Books Published,” 16 p. at back of Vol. ii .Stamped on t.p. of each vol.: Charles L. Dodg-

son. With his monogram, CLD, in purple ink on pastedown front endpaper of each vol.See No. 955, Brooks Catalogue, Lot 810.In eliot collection [ge 122].

988. [Keble, John.]Lyra Innocentium: Thoughts in Verse on Christian Children, Their Ways, and Their Privileges. . . . Fifth Edition. Oxford, and London: John Henry Parker, 1854.xv, 280, [6] p. 11 cm.Published anonymously.Black morocco, covers and spine blocked in blind. Bevelled boards. A.e.g. Multi-colored nonpareil marbled endpapers.Inscribed on verso of free front endpaper: Mary Charlotte Dodgson, a Birthday Gift from her affectionate brother Charles. 1856.Bookplate of Harry Glemby.

989. Menken, Adah Isaacs.Infelicia. . . . London; Paris; New York, 1868.viii, 141, [1] p. Front., illus. 14.5 cm.On verso of title leaf are four lines of verse within quotation marks, and no copyright statement.The illustrations are by Alfred Concanen.Dedicated to Charles Dickens, with a facsimile of his letter of acceptance, Twenty first Octo-ber 1867, on a separate leaf following dedica-tion leaf.From the library of Charles L. Dodgson, with the monogram CLD in his hand on pastedown front endpaper.Dark yellow green smooth cloth. Bevelled boards. A.e.g.In dickens collection [cd 590].

990. Mingaud, Monsieur.The Noble Game of Billiards Wherein are ex-hibited Extraordinary & surprising Strokes which have excited the admiration of most of the Sover-eigns of Europe. . . . London: Translated & Pub-lished by John Thurston, 1830.1 prel. leaf, 7 p., 1 unnumbered and 40 num-

nos. 986–990

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C. L. Dodgson 409Advert., verso of p. 119. “Law Books,” 24 p., between front cover and free front endpaper.From the library of Lewis Carroll’s father. In-scribed on front cover: C Dodgson Croft. In-scribed on pastedown front endpaper: Revd C. Dodgson Croft Darlington.

992. [Synge, William Webb Follett.]Bumblebee Bogo’s Budget. By a Retired Judge. With Eleven Illustrations by Alice Havers. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887.xii, 152 p. Front., illus. 19 cm.Dark red smooth cloth, front cover blocked in gold. A.e.g. Inscribed in purple ink on halftitle: C L Dodg-son[.]

bered plates (with some coloring). Folding front. 30.5 cm.Brown and red marbled boards. Brown leather spine and corners. Pasted in center of front cover, dark green paper label: Thurston’s Translation of Mingaud’s Billiards 1830.John Thurston advert. for billiard tables, en-graved leaf at back.Inscribed on pastedown front endpaper: C L Dodgson. Ch. Ch. January. 1862.

991. Pearce, Robert R.The Law relating to Convocations of the Clergy; with Forms of Proceeding in the provinces of Can-terbury and York, &c. &c. . . . London: S. Sweet, 1848.xii, 119 p. 19.5 cm.Moderate gray printed boards.

nos. 990–992

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