Shooting Range Guide - How to Get The Best Scores - Resident Evil 4 Guide - IGN (2024)

Resident Evil 4 Remake features a revamped Shooting Range that is extremely different from the one present in the classic version of the game. It features all new challenges and rewards to test your skills across almost every weapon type, and expands new courses as the story progresses. This page contains tips and guides to get the highest rank and scores possible in each course.

This Guide is provided courtesy of Jada Griffin, IGN's Community Lead

How to Get the Best Scores


Watch the video above to see a summary of how to get the best scores at the shooting range in Resident Evil 4, and watch the video below to see the tips in action. Or, jump to a detailed written section:


  • What Is the Shooting Range?
  • How to Earn Tokens and Charms
  • Important Shooting Range Tips
  • Course Guides

First available during Chapter 3, the Shooting Range is run by the Merchant in Resident Evil 4 Remake, and allows you to test Leon’s shooting skills across 12 courses split across five shooting ranges in The Village, the Castle, and The Island.

It is a completely optional mode within the story, and can only be undertaken in specific areas where the Merchant has not only set up shop, but an ornate-looking elevator leading to the Shooting Range. They can be found in the following places:

  • The Merchant's Hideout - between the Quarry and the Lake in The Village region, accessible in Chapter 3 and 4.
  • The Grand Hall - In a small room to the right of the Grand Hall in The Castle region, next to a tram room back to the Audience Chamber, accessible in Chapter 9, 10, and 12.
  • The Mines - In a small entry area below the castle, only accessible at the start of Chapter 11.
  • The Facility - Just past the Holding Cell area before you reach the Storage Depot in The Island region, only accessible in Chapter 14.
  • Specimen Storage - The final Shooting Range, you can find it just before the Sanctuary Approach in Chapter 15, after passing through the Bulwark and the Specimen Storage area.

Each time you find a new Shooting Range, more courses will be added for a total of 12, and any that unlock can be attempted again upon reaching the next Shooting Range:

LocationsMerchant's HideoutGrand HallMinesFacilitySpecimen Storage
Courses1-A, 1-B, 1-C2-A, 2-B, 2-C3-A, 3-B, 3-C4-A, 4-B, 4-CAll Previous Courses
Weapons AvailableSG-09 R Handgun, SR M1903 RifleTMP Submachine Gun, W-870 ShotgunPunisher Handgun, Red9 HandgunBolt Thrower, All Previous WeaponsAll Previous Weapons


The main goal of the Shooting range is to earn scores high enough to be awarded two types of tokens: Silver Tokens and Gold Tokens. Any combination of the two can be inserted three at a time into a dispenser at the back to get a random Charm.

  • See the Full List of Attache Case Charms Here!

Charms provide a random passive bonus when equipped to your Attache Case at the Typewriter -- though only three can be equipped at one time. The different token combinations that award different payouts are:

  • 3 Gold Tokens
  • 2 Gold Tokens, 1 Silver Token
  • 1 Gold Token, 2 Silver Tokens
  • 3 Silver Tokens

The order you place the tokens in has no bearing on the payout, only the combination.

Please note that while it is implied that putting in more Gold Tokens gives you a higher chance at rare Charms, the potential payouts you can obtain are pre-determined per playthrough. This means if you put in 3 Gold Tokens and get a specific "Common" Charm, reloading an earlier save and trying to put in 3 Gold Tokens again will always pay out the same reward, regardless of other combinations you try first, or which Shooting Range you try it at.

This also means you can essentially map out your potential payouts by saving all of your tokens until you have many potential combinations, save your game, and note the order of the Charms you receive in each category. Then, when you have noted all potential rewards, load your game and pull the combinations you feel gives the best rewards for that playthrough.

The first 11 courses will reward Leon with seven tokens each, with the final 12th course offering 10. To earn all the tokens, you will need to hit all of the skull targets, reach the three listed score targets, and then earn enough points above the designated score targets to earn stars which each reward you with an additional token.

To earn the final star in most courses, you will need a near-perfect performance, while the final course will require a perfect performance to earn all 6 stars. Each course is based on specific weapons and will come with specific upgrade levels based on the course, so no need to spend your pesetas on improving a weapon just for one of the courses.


Here are some general tips for achieving a high score in each of the courses.

  • Skull targets can be hidden by barrels, so try shooting them if you are missing one. Other times they may appear on the backside of targets that can spin, so look carefully before firing.
  • Learn which groups of targets appear based on time or killing previous groups. This will reduce the time needed to finish the course and increase your time bonus.
  • You only have time to reload twice, once when prompted by the merchant and once at the start of the bonus round. Make sure you are ready for the latter as the window is much smaller. If using multiple weapons, be sure both are reloaded so you don't miss out later.
  • For less accurate weapons like TMP or pistol at long ranges, keep your aim steady on one point without moving and wait for the cross-hair to shrink to increase your accuracy.
  • Make use of the entire shooting range some of the best angles for certain groups of targets are not in the center.
  • For courses that let you use multiple weapons, it's best to get a sense for when to use each weapon type: swap to your rifle when targets appear at range or in a line you can pierce with a single shot, or swap to the shotgun when clustered targets appear.

Below you will find tips, tricks, and strategies for completing each course with the highest score possible. This includes a breakdown of each section of the challenge, where Skull Targets are located, and when to switch weapons on courses with multiple weapons.

Jump to a Section
Course 1-ACourse 1-BCourse 1-C
Course 2-ACourse 2-BCourse 2-C
Course 3-ACourse 3-BCourse 3-C
Course 4-ACourse 4-BCourse 4-C

Course 1 - A

Weapon Used - SG-09 R Handgun
3,000 PointsSilver Token x1
5,000 PointsSilver Token x1
7,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates

Course 1-A is the first course and is relatively simple and is broken up into three sections the opening section concludes at the designated reload time (the merchant will announce it for you). The next section will be the remaining targets leading up to a target holding dynamite that will lead into the third and final section, the bonus round.

Section 1

Section 1 has 8 targets, including 2 Skull targets that each offer a bonus of 300 points. The first skull will appear when the 3rd and 4th targets appear and be placed on the chest of the leftmost target.


The second skull shows up when targets 6-8 appear and will be on the face of the rightmost target.

Section 2

After the designated reload period, the targets will appear in the backline one by one from the left, followed by the right, with the third skull target appearing on the head of the first target moving from the right.

Be careful not to get too trigger-happy, as sailor targets will appear and will deduct 500 points if you hit one of them.

After taking down all the targets from the right and you see targets appearing from the left, start your next reload and let the targets move along the track until you see a pirate holding dynamite appear in the center of the course. Shoot the dynamite to take out all the targets on the screen and start Bonus Time.

Bonus Time Section

The Bonus Time round will consist of 10 chests and 3 flying moving targets, there are 3 skull targets to hit one will be on a chest in the farthest track to the right, one will be on a chest directly behind another chest on the far left, and the final skull will appear on the flying target that moves from right to left at the very end of Bonus Time.

To maximize your score in bonus time, steady your aim on the skull to the back right first, then hit as many of the regular chests as you can, starting from right to left, you should have enough time for 4-5 shots before the first flying targets moves from right to left, after hitting that clear two more chests from the center and be ready for another flying target to fly from right to left.

After hitting that, focus on the double chest on the far left, carefully hit the first chest, then steady your aim and hit the skull target on the one behind it, after shooting that, the final flying target with a skull will rapidly move from right to left so steady your aim about 3 quarters of the way through the track and hope that you are accurate enough to hit the skull and not just the target itself, you will know if you hit it by a 6/6 appearing on screen as well as the set of two +300’s appearing.

If you hit all the targets and the skulls and finish with at least 40 seconds on the clock, you should achieve roughly 10,000 points, enough to earn a 3 Star S-rank on the course rewarding you with 5 silver and 2 Gold tokens. You can also miss up to two chests in the Bonus Time and still achieve this, but you will need to finish with more than 50 seconds for a higher bonus.

Weapon Used - SR M1903 Rifle
3,000 PointsSilver Token x1
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
5,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates


Similar to course 1 - A, course 1 - B is relatively simple but has tasks you with hitting all the targets with the the SR M1903 rifle. Again this course can be separated into three relatively simple sections. This course will test your ability to hit targets out in the open, targets hiding in barrels, and hit multiple targets with one shot.

Section 1

The first section consists of 8 targets the first two will be directly center meaning you first shot should hit both of them if you are aiming from the center of the room.

The next two targets will appear on the left track and will have one target moving up and down out of a barrel (you can destroy the barrel by shooting it but isn’t necessary for this target), shoot the front target in the head, but be careful not to hit the target behind it in the same shot because there is a skull target on the chest of the second target.

Next you will have four targets appear three of them will have skulls in either their chest, head, or stomach, the fourth target will be another pirate in a barrel save this one for last. Hit all four and begin your reload when prompted by the merchant.

Section 2

Section two will have 6 sailors (3 on each side) that will obscure your targets before they reach an opening in the center. The first two will towards the opposite side from their starting position wait for them to line up in the center to take them both down in one shot.

The next two targets will do the same thing, however the target from the left is a pirate captain and these targets will occasionally rotate as they move, again wait until they line up in the center to take them down simultaneously.

Next you will get a single target with a skull token on his chest, this will be followed by a sailor obscuring roughly 50% of a pirate captain, aim for the right half of the captain while aiming down the scope to avoid hitting the sailor and incurring a penalty.

Your last two targets will attempt to trick you, the first will move from the right very slowly to trick you into shooting it, do not shoot until the actual final target moves pops up and moves rapidly from the left to align with the slower target, hitting both of these will start Bonus Time so begin your reload immediately.

Bonus Time Section

Bonus Time will begin with 6 chests, four in the backrow and two in front of them crossing to the side opposite of where they began, take out these two first by waiting for them to overlap in the center.


Afterwards you can either aim for a new chest that appears from the right with a skull and attempt to hit it and the one behind it but this may be tricky to line up the two skulls, we preferred to hit the flying target that appears first and is slowly moving from right to left then target the moving skull chest as it reaches the left side if you aim it right you can also hit the chest in the far back.

Next, target the skull chest in the far back right being careful to hit the skull itself and not just the chest, afterwards a final moving skull chest will appear from the left depending on where you catch it you can try to line it up with either of the two chests left in the back row. Then use what time you have left to attempt to clean up the remaining 1 to 2 chests.

If you hit all the skulls and all the chests and finished with around 13+ seconds you should have over 8,000 points enough for the 3 Star S-Rank on course 1- B. You can still achieve the 8,000 point goal if you miss one of the regular chests but manage to finish the course with 23+ seconds left for your time bonus.

Weapon Used - SG-09 R Handgun, SR M1903 Rifle
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
8,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates

Course 1 - C will test the combined skills with the SR M1903 Rifle and the SG-09 R handgun and will test your ability to hit specific locations on targets without hitting the sailors obscuring them. Here's the breakdown for each of the three sections of the course.

Section 1

Start the first section with your handgun and shoot the barrel twice to reveal a skull target on the pirate's chest, next take out the two moving targets in the back row, being careful to avoid the sailors obscuring your view. Next will be three stationary targets, but there will be two sailors in front of them moving back and forth.

Time your shots and swap to your rifle for the next set of targets. You will have two targets one will be a rotating pirate captain with a skull target on his abdomen that has a majority of his body covered by two sailors, make sure to time your shot for when the skull is visible, afterward aim towards the left to hit the stomach of a target that has a majority of its target blocked by a sailor.

The final five targets will appear, with 3 of them being rotating captains and 2 regular targets behind the center and leftmost line. However, beware, there is a sailor behind the captain on the right, so either move to the left to have a better angle on the leftmost captain or swap to your pistol to prevent unintentionally hitting the sailor. Afterward begin your reloads on both weapons when the merchant prompts you.

Section 2

Similar to 1 - B, Section two will have 6 sailors (3 on each side) that will obscure your targets before they reach an opening in the center. The first two will towards the opposite side from their starting position wait for them to line up in the center to take them both down in one shot make sure to aim for the head as the one coming from the left has a skull target covering his face.


Your next target will approach from the right and is a barrel pirate aim for the head to save time and ammo. The next two targets will approach from both sides, wait for them to line up, and shoot when the barrel pirate peaks out they should line up just right of the center track.

For the final five targets swap to your pistol as the six sailors are still behind the four newly appeared rotating captains. You will also have a regular pirate moving rapidly from side to side take this one down first then concentrate on the second captain from the left as it has a skull token covering its head, time your shot to hit the skull target then do the same to hit the remaining captains without hitting the sailors behind them (you can make this a bit easier by aiming for the bottom of the target, this way if you miss you might get lucky and hit the ground instead of the sailors). After clearing the last target in this wave Bonus Time will start so be ready to reload both your weapons.

Bonus Time

Bonus Time will have 6 chests moving left to right rapidly, with one of them having a skull target on it. The remaining targets will be 6 flying targets, with four of them moving from side to side as well. Start with your pistol and attempt to clear out as many chests as possible but don’t spend too much time on them, as Bonus Time will end before your timer expires.

After clearing the chests, swap to your rifle for the flying targets. Watch their movement and concentrate your aim on the target that is just left of center if you time it right, you can hit 2 or 3 of them at once, with one of them being a skull target, afterward aim for the other skull target moving on its own if you happened to miss it on the first shot, follow that up with the stationary target just right of center you can also land a double or triple hit here if timed right. Finally, hit the last flying target, and if you get the chance, go for any chests you might still have on the course.

If you manage to hit all the targets and skulls, you should have 11,000 points, enough to achieve the 3-Star S-rank on the course. This course has a bit of leeway, we finished with over 30 seconds on the clock, which gave us a 300-point bonus, enough to still walk away with maximum rewards, so it's okay if you either miss the skull on the chest in Bonus Time or don’t hit targets of equal value during Bonus Time.

If you missed a skull token but hit the 11,000 point total for the 3-star rating in this course, that okay, simply replay the course and focus on just hitting the skulls to earn the final gold token for the course.

Weapon Used - TMP Submachine Gun
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
8,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates with 20 seconds or more remaining

Course 2-A will test your accuracy with one of the least accurate weapons in the game the TMP, earning top marks in this course will come down to your ability to steady your aim while dealing with recoil and taking shots at the best angles for each target. Remember to use light taps for short burst fires for single or small groups of target, saving the larger spreads when lots of targets appear while constantly adjusting for recoil.

Section 1

As the round timer counts down, aim towards the left side of the course as four pirates will pop up simultaneously, mow them down, and immediately aim to the opposite side to take down 4 pirate dogs, after taking them down 2 more targets will appear directly behind them with the front target being a pirate in a barrel. Aim for the head to save time but if not 2-3 shots to the barrel should clear it revealing the full target.


Afterward, aim center for two more targets, again with the first target periodically hiding in a barrel. Don’t go for a headshot here, as there is a skull token hidden on the chest of the target in the barrel, fire a controlled burst to take down the barrel, then steady your aim to ensure you hit the skull target.

Afterward, take out the two targets behind it and prepare for two quick-moving pirate dogs to move to the right from the center, followed by a sailor. If you fire quickly enough, you can remove the dogs before the sailor appears to prevent a stray bullet from hitting the sailor.

After the sailor will come three more dog targets, you can take a step to the left to get a better angle on them or shoot them after the sailor moves past the line of fire. A similar combination will happen again but on the opposite (left) side of the course, so use the same strategy and begin your reload.

Section 2

After the reload section, six targets (3 on each side) will appear from both sides and head towards the center before moving towards you, wait for them to all come center and fire directly through the center in a controlled burst to hit the skull target on the chest of the first one and not hit the two sailors that will follow the initial six targets. Wait for the sailors to part ways and then clean up the next six targets heading your way in the exact same pattern.

Immediately after clearing them, six dogs will appear, with the first one having a skull target on its lower half, steady your aim and use a controlled burst again to take them all down without hitting the upcoming sailor targets.

As the sailors move closer, another pack of dogs will make their way to the center, similar to the previous group, however this time, the third dog will have the skull token on its lower half. Aim a controlled burst a bit lower to adjust for the upwards recoil of the TMP and hope that it doesn’t hit another part of the target. After taking down this wave of dogs begin your reload and get ready for the Bonus Time section.

Bonus Time Section

Aim towards the back right of the course and mow down the first three chests that appear, then rinse and repeat for the next wave coming up the center track.

The next wave will have a skull on the first chest and move towards you on the left track on the course, steady your aim (we like to aim near the little green lights near the left wall.) Another set of chests will come from the right, and then an even faster group of chests will spawn on the left with another skull target on the front chest, you may not be able to steady quick enough for this one due to its speed, but it should move close enough to make it a bit easier to hit the skull.

The final wave of targets will consist of two chests moving quickly toward you, followed by a flying target with a skull and two more chests. Due to their speed, you can hit the chests whenever you want, but we recommend letting the flying target get a bit closer so you can guarantee the hit on the skull target.

If you hit all the targets, including the skulls, you should have around 10.9K points, as long as you finish with at least 10 seconds on the clock, that will be enough to put you over the 11K points needed for the 3-star S-rank. We finished with just under 30 seconds on our run, so you could theoretically be okay if you happen to miss 1 of the chests in the bonus round or 2 of them if you manage to finish with more than 30 seconds.


Weapon Used - Riot Gun Shotgun
3,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
9,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates with 30 or more seconds remaining

Course 2 -B will test your ability to hit groups of targets in various formations with a shotgun while avoiding hitting any penalties. It’s one of the shorter and simpler courses but does require you to find angles away from the center to get the best groupings of targets.

Section 1

Right at the start, you will have multiple series of 3 targets appearing, starting in the center, then two sets to your left, with the third group having a skull target on the chest of the center target, followed by two more groups with the fifth set being a group of three targets swinging from the ceiling again with a skull in the center of the middle target.

The first section will conclude with another set of three targets swinging from the roof on the left side and another three pirates below them after taking down the previous set.

Section 2

The second section will incorporate sailors, so as soon as you finish your reload, sprint to the far right side of the course to have the best angle on the next sets of targets. As soon as the reload period ends, three more targets will pop up on the right side of the course and begin moving to the left along with sailors to attempt to block them.

If you’re on the right side of the course, you should be able to take them down quickly enough without worrying about the sailors. This will be followed by two sets of three swinging targets and two moving sailors, time your shots to the openings between the two sailors to hit the two groups of targets.

The last two groups will spawn immediately afterward, one set in the center and the other on the right, with the target on the furthest to the right having a skull target on its chest. There will be multiple sailors moving back and forth, aim for the center group first.

You should be able to hit three or four of the targets. Afterward, finish off the remaining targets making sure to focus your aim on the skull target to begin Bonus Time.


Bonus Time

Bonus Time will consist of three groups of three chests, two groups of flying targets, and a final grouping combining the previous two types. Head back to the center of the room for the best angle. The chests will spawn in the center, off-center to the right, and finally off-center to the left.

Following the chests, flying targets will appear on the left and the right almost simultaneously. Take down both sets, then focus your aim on the center of the room. A chest will spawn along with two flying targets moving toward the center from opposite sides. Time your shot to clean up all three at once, with the center of your aim being on the upper portion of the chest.

Finishing with all targets should have earned you around 11,900 points meaning you only need about 10 seconds left on the clock to reach the 12k points for the 3-Star S-rank. We finished the course with over 40 seconds on the clock, meaning you have roughly 300-400 points of wiggle room if you finish the course fast enough but happen to miss some targets during Bonus Time.

Weapon Used - TMP Submachine Gun and Riot Gun Shotgun
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
9,000 PointsSilver Token x1
12,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,500 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates with 30 or more seconds remaining

Course 2-C will test your ability to swap between the TMP for individual or rapidly appearing targets and the Riot Gun for groups of targets. The trickiest part of this course reside in steadying the TMP to hit the various skull targets and finishing the course fast enough to trigger Bonus Time.

Section 1

The first part of the course starts out easy enough, utilize your TMP to takedown the 5 sets of 3 targets, each moving towards you on different tracks. The first in each line will be a barrel pirate, so aim for the head to save time and ammunition on all the targets except for the fourth set.

The fourth set on the far left track hides a skull target on the chest of the pirate hiding behind the barrel, so use a controlled burst to destroy the barrel, then steady your aim to accurately hit the skull target.

After taking out the fifth set of targets, swap to your riot gun to for the last three sets of targets before the designated reload time. Take out the first two sets of three targets that pop up quickly, then wait for the third set to appear after a group of sailors shows up. Take your time on this shot, as the middle target has a skull on its chest.

Section 2

After reloading both weapons equip your riot gun to take out the next trios of targets. The first three sets will appear on opposite sides, starting on the right and moving towards the other side of the course, target the middle target in each one to hit all three targets.


Immediately after the third set, a group of sailors will appear, take care not to shoot them in a rush. A final set of three will appear from the right, followed by two pirates and a sailor on the furthest track.

Use your Riot Gun to take down both groups taking care not to hit the sailor and swap to your TMP. The last group before Bonus Time will alternate two pirates and a sailor three more times after the initial two pirates you already hit.

Temporarily ignore the first target and focus on using controlled bursts hit the remaining five targets. After clearing those, the first target should be closer, giving you a better chance to hit the skull target on its chest.

After taking down the final target in this set, there will be another set of targets alternating between pirates and sailors. Take down the first 6 pirate targets taking care not to hit the sailors appearing between them. Keep track of the sailors because after the third sailor, a pirate with a skull target on its abdomen will appear.

Follow the previous strategy of temporarily ignoring the target with a skull until it gets closer to ensure you have a better chance of hitting it. Finishing off all the targets in this set will trigger Bonus Time, so start your reload for both weapons as soon as you finish the final target.

Bonus Time

2-C Bonus Time is pretty simple. Make sure you are in the middle of the room and start with your riot gun, there will be three rows of targets appearing starting from the right. Aim towards the center of each group of three to five chests to maximize your hits per shot.

When done right, you should be able to take them all down in as little as three shots. The next wave will appear on the center track, swap to your TMP and fire through the line until you finish them all and swap back to your riot gun.

The final wave will appear on the left side and will be a combination of chests and flying targets. Again aim for the center of every 3-5 targets to help minimize your shots. If done correctly, you can take them all down in three to four shots.

If you hit every target, you should finish with 16.2K points, meaning you will need to finish the course with at least 30 seconds left on the clock to reach the 16.5K point threshold for the 3-star S-rank. We finished with roughly 43 seconds on the course, so you could potentially still reach the target score while missing one chest in the bonus round or two if you manage to finish with more than 50 seconds on the clock.

Weapon Used - Red9 Handgun
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
8,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates in 10 shots or less


Course 3 - A and all the courses in the third shooting range will test your ability to take down all the targets in as few of shots as possible by hitting targets holding dynamite at the right time to maximize your targets hit with minimal shots taken.

Section 1

The first wave includes 5 targets. Simply target the pirate in the middle track holding the dynamite to take them all down.

The following wave will begin with targets popping up from the right and moving toward the left. Wait until there are four targets in total before hitting the dynamite in the hands of the first target.

The next wave will pop up immediately and has only one pirate holding dynamite and a skull target on its head, don’t shoot the dynamite as it will also destroy the four sailor targets as well, instead steady your aim and target the skull.

The final wave of the first section will have a sailor and three pirates, with the first pirate holding dynamite. Wait until the sailor folds down and hit the dynamite to take down all the pirates at once, and begin your reload.

Section 2

The second section will consist of multiple waves of pirates in barrels blocking your view of a moving pirate holding dynamite. The first wave will have one simply moving from right to left, the easiest shot is when the target reaches the center of the course, where there is an opening between the targets in barrels.

The following wave will have the same, but the barrels will be more spaced out, and the target holding dynamite will appear on the left and move towards the right, once again simply hit the dynamite to remove all the targets. Immediately afterward, there will be another wave of targets without any barrels, there will again be pirate holding dynamite moving rapidly through the track starting from the left on the furthest track.

Take your time and hit the dynamite, being careful not to miss too many shots and ruin your chances of reaching Bonus Time.

Bonus Time

As soon as you hit the dynamite, begin your reload and steady your aim towards the center of the course. A pirate holding dynamite will appear but hold your shot until there are five chests on the course. After clearing the previous wave, steady your aim again towards the center of the course, and a bunch of chests will begin moving from right to left.


After the first three or four, a pirate holding dynamite will appear on the furthest track, wait to hit the dynamite until there are six chests on the course, but keep in mind you only have roughly until the pirate is just off-center to the left to take them all down at once.

The final wave will appear and consist of four flying targets and a pirate with dynamite in the furthest row, steady your aim and focus on hitting the dynamite to clear them all out with one shot.

Hitting every target should leave you with around 10.6K points, meaning you will need to finish with at least 40 seconds on the clock to reach the 11K points needed for the 3-star S-rank on course 3-A.

Weapon Used - Punisher Handgun
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
8,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates in 10 shots or less

Course 3 -B will require moving around the arena to line up as many targets as possible to reduce your total number of shots or avoid hitting any sailors.

Section 1

The first group will appear dead center simply aim from the center to take down all three in one shot and follow that up by moving to the far right and repeating it to knock out the next three.

Afterward, head back center and steady your aim at the chest of the new target with a skull target. Wait for the three targets to align and hit them all. If you’re not fast enough, you may need to wait for the targets to continue their route before they align again.

The next group of targets will have four pirates in an X shape. Simply move to the right to align the front right and back left target, being sure to hit the skull target on the shoulder of the target nearest to you. Afterward, simply move to the left and align the targets to hit the remaining two with a single bullet and begin your reload when prompted.

Section 2

The next group will have targets appearing from the left and right, they will move toward the center and then move up the track toward you. Wait for all four targets to be aligned and take them down in one to two shots taking care to hit the skull target on the chest of the first target.


After taking out that group, hurry to the right side of the room as four more targets will have spawned on the left side of the room and are moving towards the rightmost track. Wait for them all to line up in the far right track and take them down in a single shot before hurrying back to the center of the room to do the same on the next group of targets.

These targets will alternate with sailors, but after the third pirate spawns and reaches the center, they should all align to take them all down in one shot. Just take care to hit the skull target on the chest of the frontmost target to trigger Bonus Time as long as you’ve used less than 10 shots and hit all the targets.

Bonus Time

Bonus time will spawn a large number of chests, with some of them moving back and forth through the course. Aim your shots to hit two or three chests at once, taking care to hit the skull targets on two of the chests moving back and forth across the room.

Start from the left side of the course and work your way across the room to the right. You should be able to line up the two moving chests with skulls into groups of two or three targets to take down at once.

After clearing out all the chests or after a certain amount of time has passed, two flying targets should appear from opposite sides on the furthest track, with the one on the left having a skull target as well. Either wait for them to align or take them down separately, making sure to hit the final skull target of the course.

Hitting every target should leave you with 10.5K points meaning you will need to finish with over 50 seconds on the clock to reach the 11K points needed to achieve the 3-star S-rank on course 3-C. We finished with roughly 54 seconds, meaning that unless you finish with more than 60 seconds on the clock, you will need to hit every target, including skulls, to reach the maximum rank.

Weapon Used - Punisher Handgun
5,000 PointsSilver Token x1
7,000 PointsSilver Token x1
9,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates in 10 shots or less

Course 3 - C will combine the challenges of courses 3 - A and 3 - B, meaning you will need to maneuver to line up your shots while also targeting dynamite targets at the appropriate time.

Section 1

The first wave will spawn 4 targets ( 2 on each side) that will move toward the center of the course, wait for them to line up, and aim for the head to hit them all along with the skull on the first target.


The next wave will spawn with four more targets, target the pirate on the left holding dynamite to remove them all at once. Following that will be another 4 targets, one being a sailor and another being a pirate with a skull covering its face that’s holding dynamite.

Ignore the dynamite and wait for them to all align in the center to take down the three pirates in one shot, and begin your reload when prompted.

Section 2

The second phase will have nine targets (3 in each track) moving towards you, with the first target in the center being one holding dynamite, again target the dynamite to remove all nine targets instantly but make sure to wait for all nine to have spawned.

The next wave will also consist of nine targets, with one holding dynamite but will also have two sailors moving rapidly towards you in the center and right track. Wait for the sailors to finish their path and fold down, then take down the remaining seven targets by hitting the dynamite target on the left track.

Afterward, rush to the right side of the course and take down the three targets moving towards you by aiming at the head of the frontmost target to avoid hitting the dynamite, which will destroy the two sailors that spawned on the opposite side of the room.

Next, move to a position just off center and attempt to line up the targets in the center track as best as possible (you can also move the center to line them all up for one shot after the sailor target folds down, but it also is a bit slower than the method mentioned above).

Finally, move to the leftmost part of the room and line up the remaining targets and take them out to trigger Bonus Time.

Bonus Time

Make sure to reload as soon as Bonus Time triggers. Chests will begin appearing in pairs moving towards you on the three tracks starting in the center, followed by the right, and ending on the left.

After taking down the chests on the left, a flying target with a skull will appear on the right and move toward the left. Steady your aim to ensure your shot hits the skull target, and then continue removing the newly spawned chests in the center and right track.

Afterward, the leftmost track will have two chests rapidly moving toward you, with the frontmost one having a skull target on it. However, instead of frantically aiming for this, there should be a pirate holding dynamite in the back row, aim for the dynamite to destroy all the remaining targets and finish the course.


Hitting every target should grant 11.7K points meaning you will need to finish with more than 30 seconds left on the clock to reach the 12K points necessary for the 3-star S-rank on the course. We finished with around 41 seconds left on the course, meaning you can miss one chest during the bonus round if you manage to finish it with over 40 seconds left as well.

Weapon Used - Punisher Handgun, Riot Gun Shotgun
3,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsSilver Token x1
9,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,500 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates in 20 shots or less

Course 4 - A will test your ability to hit multiple targets in a line using the Punisher while conserving ammo on your Riot gun as it only gives you seven rounds which are best used in Bonus Time.

Section 1

The first wave will spawn with 3 targets separated by two sailors. Each of the main targets will also have a skull target placed over a different body part. The center target will have one on its shoulder, the left target will have one on its elbow, and the right target will have one covering its face.

After clearing the final target, three more targets will appear. Sidestep to the left to give you the earliest angle at lining them all up. Just make sure to hit the skull target on the frontmost target.

Next, four more targets will appear, two in each of the center rows, and they will move quickly back and forth from left to right. Time your shots from positions off center to the left and the right to make it relatively easier to hit and take down two targets at a time.

Afterward, make your way to the left side of the course to get a good angle on three newly spawned targets on the left side of the course, then hurry to the right side to do the same for the next set of targets and trigger the reload period.

Section 2

After reloading, steady your aim on the boat near the rightmost cannon opening on the painting in preparation for the first target that will appear with a skull on the shoulder of the target. After hitting that one, steady your aim towards the bottom of where targets usually are for a skull target that will appear on the bottom right of a pirate.

Afterward, immediately aim towards the center of the room and hit the two quick-moving targets as they cross one another in the very center. Then take a step to the right to give yourself a better angle at hitting the next three targets that will appear from the right side and move towards the left at varying speeds.


After taking down those three, aim towards the center and fire when the targets align in the middle of the room, then swap to your riot gun. The next three targets will spawn on opposite sides of the course and will become closely grouped when they all reach a point just off-center to the left, take them all down with one shot by aiming at the head of the pirate target in the center.

With those down, swap back to your Punisher and sprint to the left side of the room. A large group of pirate dog targets will spawn on the right and rapidly move to the left before moving up the track on the left side. Use the Punisher to take them all down in quick succession in two or three shots to trigger Bonus Time.

Bonus Time

As soon as Bonus Time triggers, reload your Punisher and immediately swap to your riot gun. There will be a large number of chests that will spawn and move back and forth across the room. Prioritize targeting the chests with skull targets on them, you will have enough time for two shots before a group of three flying targets will spawn and make their way up the track on the left side of the course, don’t miss these as they are worth 900 points.

Afterward, take another shot at the chests, then refocus on the right side, where another group of flying targets worth 1200 points will be moving rapidly towards the front of the course.

After finishing those targets, swap back to your punisher and hit as many of the remaining chests as you can while doing your best to hit the final skull target on a moving chest. If you time it right, you should be able to hit multiple targets with single shots.

Shortly afterward, one final wave of three flying targets will appear in the center track take the shot from the center of the room to take them down in one shot.

If you hit every target, you should finish with 13.3K points meaning you will need to finish with at least 20 seconds on the clock to reach the 13.5K points necessary to achieve the 3-star S-rank. We finished the course with over 47 seconds, meaning that you can still achieve the highest rating if you happen to miss one or two chests during the bonus round with enough time on the clock.

Weapon Used - Bolt Thrower
2,000 PointsSilver Token x1
4,000 PointsSilver Token x1
6,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,000 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates

Course 4 - B will test your ability use the bolt thrower and its attached mines efficiently and accurately. Many of the targets will either be far away or moving, meaning you will need to practice your ability to track targets and understand the trajectory of bolts over a variety of distances.

Things to keep in mind are that depending on which row the target is on, you will need to adjust your aim to hit specific spots on targets. You will need to hit most if not all, the targets to reach the target score, but you do have more time in the course compared to others during each wave due to the low fire rate of the bolt thrower.


Section 1

The course will begin with three targets appearing and quickly moving from right to left, simply hit all three targets in quick succession; afterward, three more targets will appear with two sailors crossing in front of them.

The middle target will have a skull covering its face aim towards the top half of the skull to ensure you hit it, afterward hit the other two targets taking care not to hit either of the sailors.

The next wave will have 5 targets. Aim for the centermost targets dynamite to take them all down instantly. The next wave will have three targets hiding in barrels. Aim your shots just above the highest point of the targets and time your shots to when they are just beginning their upwards movement.

Section 2

The next wave will have three pirate captains aim regular bolts at the two targets in the center and on the left, then attach a mine to hit the target on the right to ensure that you destroy the skull target attached to it. You can also attempt to use a regular bolt, but this is more challenging due to the distance and rotation of the target.

The next two targets will be pirates in barrels moving back and forth across the course, lead the targets while aiming for the head to save time. The final wave of targets will have 4 dogs and a standard pirate, with the final dog having a skull target over its midsection. Attach a mine to your bolt and aim for either the pirate or dog in the middle of the group. Taking out the five targets will trigger Bonus Time. Start your reload as soon as it does, and attach a mine to your bolt.

Bonus Time

Bonus Time will have a large number of chests moving left and right aim your first explosive bolt on the middle chest in the front row to hit all three chests, including the skulls on the outer two. Afterward, target the skull on a chest that’s on its own towards the left side, then attach another mine and hit the stationary chest in the back row to remove another three chests.

Afterward, aim for the upper half of the flying skull target on the right and hit that, then take out another of the chests if any still remain, and follow that up with aiming for the final flying skull target on the left side of the course. Y

ou will want to aim above the skull target so the vertical crosshair is just above the top of the skull and doesn’t overlap with it. Afterward, aim for any remaining chests left on the course as time permits.

Destroying every target should grant 8.9K points meaning as long as you finish with at least 10 seconds left on the course, you will reach the 9K points necessary for the 3-star S-rank. We finished with over 30 seconds left, meaning you can still achieve the max rating even if you miss up to two targets as long as you finish fast enough.


1,500 Points (up to three times)

Weapon Used - Blacktail Handgun, Stingray Rifle, Striker Shotgun, TMP Submachine Gun
10,000 PointsSilver Token x1
14,000 PointsSilver Token x1
18,000 PointsGold Token x1
+1,500 Points (up to three times)Silver Token x3
All SkullsGold Token x1
Bonus ConditionDestroy All Pirates

6-Star Shooting Range Perfect Run Gameplay

Watch the video below to see a perfect run of the toughest shooting range.

Course 4 - C is the toughest and final course of the shooting range, you will need to know when to swap weapons, where each of the targets will spawn, and the best angles to take down every target. You will also need to hit every single target and do it as quickly as possible to achieve the maximum 5-star rating on the course.

Take care during this section, as behind the targets are a row filled with sailors. Hitting a single one will prevent the highest rating on the course.

Section 1

Begin the course with the Blacktail handgun, quickly dispatch the two targets that appear, making sure to hit the skull target on the target that appears from the right. Follow up by hitting the two pirate captains that will appear immediately afterward, pre-aim to the right, and whip a short distance to the left to catch the other target.

After taking down the captains immediately swap to the stingray rifle and target the pirates in the small gaps behind the sailors being careful not to hit the sailors. Start on the left and work your way across the course while making sure to hit the leftmost target in the head for the skull target and the rightmost one in the abdomen.

Following that, swap to your Striker shotgun and slowly move to the left of the room as pirates begin appearing one at a time in a U-shape starting on the right side of the room. Aim to take down 3-6 targets with each shot, and always focus the center of your shots on barrels when possible.

You should be able to finish off all the targets in this wave with your shotgun, but if you happen to run out of ammunition in the clip, swap to your TMP to finish off the remaining targets.


You are in good shape time-wise if you finish this section with anywhere between 97 and 101 sections left on the clock. If you have less than that and are aiming for the perfect performance on the course, it's still possible, but it will be more difficult and require even better performance in the second half and during Bonus Time. During the reload period, prioritize your reloads in this order, start with either your Striker or TMP (whichever you finished the last wave with, followed by the other), reload the Stingray next, and end with your Blacktail as it will be the weapon you need first after the reload period.

Section 2

The row of sailors will return to penalize inaccurate shots, pre-aim toward the right side of the room to hit the target as soon it pops up, then aim towards the center to hit the next three in quick succession.

Following that, hit the target with a skull over its chest will pop up on the right. The next six targets should be fired at in a one-two rhythm in the center of the course to minimize the time and shots to hit them all. Focus your aim in the center and progressively move upwards for the first four targets and then slightly lower the aim for the final two in the set.

Afterward, swap back to the Stingray and aim between the sailors four and five to hit the next two pirates moving behind them. Immediately after taking down those two, move your sights between sailors three and four for the next three targets. Aim for the head on the first and the chest on the next two when they cross paths.

Finally, aim between sailors two and three for the final pirate moving rapidly from right to left, and then swap back to your Striker.

The next group will have 11 pirates in barrels. Begin by firing toward the left side of the course. Fire quickly but pay attention as the eighth target from the left has a skull behind its barrel.

When it’s revealed, you can attempt to use your shotgun on it, but due to the distance, it's much safer to swap to the Blacktail to hit the skull target and swap back to the striker to finish the remaining pirates in barrels. If you finish the wave with any rounds left in the striker, keep it out and fire as the following group of pirate dog targets reach a point just outside the outer crosshairs.

When done correctly, you should be able to hit one to two targets on each side. Continue doing so until you either remove all the targets from this wave or run out of ammo. If you run out of ammo, swap to either your TMP or Blacktail, depending on the placement and number of targets.

After finishing off that wave, swap back to your Stingray and aim for the back target on the rights head that has a skull target covering it. Afterward, either use the stingray to hit the remaining targets when they align or swap to your TMP for the remaining targets of this wave and the next that will appear on the left and move rapidly to the right.

The final wave will have pirates on the far right and far left. Swap to your blacktail, and hit the dynamite on the middle target on the right. If you’ve hit all targets, this will trigger Bonus Time, begin running to the far left side of the room and reload your blacktail and stingray.


Bonus Time

When Bonus Time begins, a series of chests will spawn from the right in the furthest track and move to the left until reaching the left track. Following that, they will move forward until reaching the next row and begin moving right.

The most efficient way to take down the chests is to aim down the sights on the stingray as soon as they start moving towards you. You should be able to hit three to four targets per shot, removing them all in roughly six shots. After finishing off all the chests, there will be two waves of three flying targets moving toward you in each of the tracks starting from the left, if you aimed carefully you can also hit the first flying target with the chests.

Aim toward the center, followed by the right side to hit the next two flying targets, taking care to hit the skull on the far right target. Then repeat the order making sure to hit the skull on the final flying target in the middle.

You may run out of ammo on the stingray after this shot. If this is the case, swap to your blacktail to take out the last flying target on the right.

If you hit every target in the course, you should have 26K points, meaning you will need to finish the course with a minimum of 50 seconds on the clock to reach the 26.5K points necessary to achieve the 5-star S-rank on the final course. There is no wiggle room on this course you will need to hit every target, including all the skulls, on the same attempt to get all the rewards.

Up Next: List of Attache Case Charms

PreviousThe Mercenaries Mode Unlockables and RewardsNextList of Attache Case Charms

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Shooting Range Guide - How to Get The Best Scores - Resident Evil 4 Guide - IGN (1)

Resident Evil 4 [2005]

Capcom Production Studio 4

ESRB: Mature
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Shooting Range Guide - How to Get The Best Scores - Resident Evil 4 Guide - IGN (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.