The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

2 ur 1: 3 4. THE DAILY PROGRESS. CHARLOTTESVILLE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 26, 1952 PAGE NINE Sports in fessional Despite contract the lows with of the Billy New York Burkholder, Giants, signed to pro-; are beginning to apply the pressure to the rout of the Valley League' the Harrisonburg Turks the moves into tts final third. Catt the Turks winging vietery they fell victim refused to dead" the Turks all The league which earlier' found Elkton, right in the" midst and the Tarka, Charlottesville's inability handle the Turks on the the leaders, has developed Into a tworteam affair between the Chiefs road has prevented them from raining the top rung on the ladder except for a few briet hours several weeks ago when the Tribe found itself looking down on the rest of the pack. apparent retara, of veteran Walter otherwise darupted pitching staff which rely upon Barney and Tex Tyler Its help.

Tyler, who thrives on work, has been turning in some One performances, but Manager Bud Winn bas reason to be disturbed over the tact that Ted Mullmann has failed to the distance of while' Rod Brown has been sidelined with back, Smith on the mound Monday night came Heveral weeks Smith appeared uniform we asked him I he planned to the streng-armed right-hander simply said that playing badminten to avoid getting tee. rotund around the middle. Actually he had been doing some throwing. Two years ago it Smith who carried lion's share of the pltahing burden in Charlotterville's drive to the pennant. Perhaps his fast will give the Chieta the necessary Impetus to overhaul Harrisonburg in the remainins weeks of the season.

complete collapse this remove the Chiefs that they Amish against Harrisontwo clubs wit opening round of the playreach the Then Winn can muster ad his forces for both here the locals may with the championship. Winn has had to face the problem of rounding up nine play. era for road trip all summer, but he has never been forced to the same desperate measures as Waynesboro. On their last trip here, the Generals had their hat bey late service in left held. Wins has had to call manager Gilly Sullivan for some out deld duty, but thus far hasn't te rely the bat boy.

t- Progress Os Wednesday afternoon In this column we used Bobby Hall of the Optimist Club 'as example of determination among Little League ball players. We said that Hall, who dropped fly ball in right deld, recovered quickly enough to whip throw to third base and nab the unsuspecting runner. Thursday night in the openet of the playoffs, the Charlottesville Al-Stars, trailing 7-4, had the -bases loaded with twe out in the when Jim Balley lofted a fly ball out near the right field feat line. This time no throw was necessary. Hall raced over and grabbed the bal to end the came and preserve the victory for Story overheard at recent Littie Langue game: slightly chubby youngster seated on the Police Boys Club bench turned to one of his fellow.

who. watching his take infield drill. "How come we're said the chubby one. they're better than the little fellow replied. The Faistamhas youngster wasn't quite convinced and kept chatter about his teammates du the annoyed manager fought to maintain his 4 Finally to a later inning of the game the third ground ball roll through his legs.

Chubby turned to his: buddy and said, "see, I told you they weren't any better than us. We should playing." The disgruntled turned 1 him and said, ru have to aak you take your uniform off and Crabby turned manager with look utter anasem*nt his face and blurted out, "I can't, I haven't sot any other clothes Believe It or not there was once race horse in Australia named Neurasthenipponskelesterizo. With discase like that he shouldn't have been walking let alone running. Imagine the plight of the poor two dollar player. Before he could tell the teller what horse he was betting on the race would be over.

Finns Favor Russian Cagers To Beat United States Quintet By win Grimaley HELSINKI, VP- Madison Square Garden faithful probably wouldn't telleve it but you can get finmarks for dollars on Helsinki streets today that Russia will beat the United States In the Olympic ketball tournament. bet 2,000 finmarks ($6.00) on the Russkies," a Finnish auto mechanic said outside the tennis pal- ace. "It is a good bet?" It was at the tennis palace yesterday that 16 olympic cage contenders showed their biceps in first round games. The tournament continues today. There's no need kidding--the Russians were impressive.

Sharp, fast, seemingly tireless they wal. loped feeble Hungarian team, 74-46. The United States' heavily vored forces looked like drowsy, lethargic giant in beating Hungary, 66-48. Russia and the U. 8.

probably will not hit head-on until near the end of the competition next week. The tournament is an involved. round robin affair. "We think the Russians have the best team we're scen here," said Marciano Ends Training For Monday Bout Today GREENWOOD LAKE, N.Y., UP -Straining for the sound of the bell that will cut him Joose against Harry Matthews Monday night at Yankee Stadium, Rocky Marciano today winds up his training camp work. Nobody is tipping his band on the battle plan of the unbeaten Brockton, Mass, slugger with 36 kncckout victories in 41 Aghts.

But there is 1 strong suspicion that be will come out swinging from the first bell, shooting for an early crusher. The winner rets Jersey Joe Wal-1 cott for the world heavyweight championship in September. But the winner will be more attractive he la as early knockout winner. Chiefs Entertain Harrisonburg Turks Tonight At 8:15. IN A GAME with the Dodgers' at Ebbeta Field, all four umpires were besteged by Manager Luke Sewell and the Reds after It was decided that Joe Adco*ck's blow, right along the foul line and deep Into left Geld, was a ground double.

The ball hit the left field stands' railing and bounced In. The Cincinnati athletes protested, in vain, that the outdalder should have credited with run. Rejuvenated Indians Are Back In The Thick Of Pennant Race Rule Rhubarb bowed to the Tigers in Detroit, The Red Sox remained four games astern of the Bombers by dropping 13 squeaker to the St. Louls Browns The Philadelphia Athletics and Chicago White Box divided twi-might doubleheader, the White Sax the opener, 6-0, and the A's the second game, In the National League, the New York Giants defeated Cincinnati, in the major's only day game climbed to within game's of Brooklyn's pace-netting The 84 Louis Cardinals trounced the Dodgers, 4-4, while in other games, Pittsburgh shaded Boston, and Chicago belted Philadelphia, Early Wyan allowed the Senators caly six hits in besting Bob Porter. field.

Wynn blanked Washington after the first taning in hanging up bis 11th victory. Home runs by Jim Heran and Larry Doby leatured Cleveland's seven bit attack. Former Yankee Steven Bouchock homered in the ninth on Bob Ku save's first pitch to fracture tie and beat his old mates. Mickey Mantle clouted his 14th homer 10 the fourth off Tiger Art Houttema and that was all the scoring until the eighth when Johnny Groth tied it up with a twe out run-scoring single. The Browns nudged rookie Bob Brodowski for only three hits but they bunched two of them along with two walks the seventh inning to beat the Red Box.

Bobby Young's two-run triple featured the uprising. Home runs by Hoot Evers and Dick Gernert accounted for all of Boston's runs off Tommy Billy Pierce blanked the A's on seven hits in the first game and helped bis own cause by ting two singles and double to Chicago's 12-bit attack. Pierce fanned six and took over 'the league strikeout lead from the A's Bobby Shants, 101-90. The A's scored all five. of their runs in the game in the third insing.

Jim. Hearn was the whole show in the Giants triumph over cinnati. Hearn limited the Reds Lo four hits and won his own game with two-run homer in the fifth off Ken Raffenaberger. Tempers flew in the CardinalDodger game. In the first Inning Solly Hemus of the Cards and pitcher Johniy Van Cuyk of the Dodgers exchanged punches after Hemus aid bard into third base which was covered by Van Cuyk, Later, Van Cuyk twice hit Hemug with pitched balls.

Van Cuyk also was forced to bite the dust in the fourth when pitcher Joe Presko of the Cards threw pitch high and inside. The Dodgers claimed Van Cuyk was bit by the pitca but Umpire Frank Secory ruled the ball had struck his bat. The Dodgers protested violently and bench warmers Clem Labine, Ralph Branca and Roy nella were ejected. Van Cuyk fered contusion on his left index finger was forced to retire. The Cards snapped 4-4 tie 1n the seventh when relief pitcher Ed Yuhas doubled home the run.

The Red Birds sewed it up with three more in the ninth off loser Johnny Echmita Warren Hacker coasted to his eighth victory for Chicago. Hacker By Ralph 1 Press Sporte Writer 1 The Cleveland Indians, counted out pennant threat early this week, are back to Canines, once again. When the league-leading New York Yankees dumped the Indians 74 games off the pace by sweeping a doubleheader Tuesday, it looked like curtains for the Tribe. But' rigor-mortis failed. to in.

The Indians bounced back, knocking the Yanks off twice. Last night they whipped: Washington, 4-2, and took over third place from the Senators games behlad New York and only rame back of: second place Boston. The Yanks, meanwhile, suffered their third Kraight loss UMPIRE By Beans Roarden Years In National Langue Question: What major league club holds the record for shutouts In 'Answer: The White Sox set the record in 1906 with 30. It equaled by the Cube in 1907 and '00. The Yankees, by comparison, established a club record last year with 24.

Q. How many pennants have the Beans Dodgers WOR since 1901? A. Five, have finished in the first division on 16 other occasions. Q. In the American League, who has finished la last place the most times, Browns or Athletics! A.

The race lan't even close. Philadelphia has wound up in the cellar 17 times, the Browns nine, But the A's are way ahead in the number of pennants, nine to one. What outfield combination racked up the best batting average In big- league history? A. In 1894, Philadelphia's Billy Hamilton, Ed Delahanty and Sam Thompson had a combined batting average of .400. Weekly Sports Calendar SATURDAT Baseball -Harrisonburg at Chieta, 0:15 Little League -Gimbert 4 Wood Va.

Lions, Police Boys Club vs. Elks, 4 P. M. Little League Farm- Wildcats Panthers, Venable Fleld, 10 M. Valley League Standings Pet.

GB Harrisonburg 27 11 .711 Charlottesville 23 12 .657 Elkton A 17 .472 Staunton 13 23 361 13 Wayneshoro 11 36 297 Lad Night's Results Charlottesville 5 Staunton 2 Harriscoburg Waynesboro 0 (Forfeit) Tonight's Schedule Harrisonburg at Charlottesville, 8:15 Waynesboro at Staunton Nunday's Schedule Harrisonburg at Elkton restricted Philadelphia to six hits, The Cubs pounced on Curt Simnans for seven runs in three insinga to lock it up. Johnny Merson singled bome Ralph Kiner in the fourth inning with the Pirates winning run Boston, Murry Dickson blanked the Braves on five hits after the first laning to bast Warren Spahn to Mullmann Or Tyler Expected To Take Mound Triples By Huff And, Durham Give Locals 5-2 Win Over Braves Manager Bud Winn is expected send elther Ted Mullmana Ter Tyler to the mound tonight when the Tribe socks to get back Valley League pennant race against the front-running Harrisonburg Turks who wan forfeit from Waynesboro last night for their win in the last 13 rames. Waynes bore, lagging in the cellar some 15 1-2 off the pace Was unable to muster nine players for the game slated for Harrisonburg Meanwhile the Chiefs, behind the two hit pitching of Barney Cooke, turned back Staunton, at the Fairgrounds, The big Virginia bander recorded his, seventh. win of the season as he bested veteran Earl Rexrode who was only alcked for five. safetica.

Ted Davenport was the only player on either team to collect two hits. An eighth inning uprising put the game in the bag for Charlottesville. The Tribe came runs to amp a 3-2 With two out, Winn drew base on balls and completed the circuit on Bob Huff's triple. Joe Hicks walked and stole second. Both Hicks and Huff came across OR lusty three bagger by Happy Durham.

Charlottesville nicked Rexrode for two runs in the first frame. Davenport led off with single, moved to second on a passed ball and took third. 'on an infield out. Huff and Hieks walked to load the bases. Davenport scored on hem's force out and Huff tallied 00 a single to center by Wayue Greene, walk, fielder's choice and single by Billy Hanger produced single tally for the Braves in their half of the first.

In the third Earl Logan's triple following a walk to Ritchie burne accounted for the loser's final run. Following tonight's game the Tribe will be until Tuesday night when they journey to Waynesboro. The box CH'VILM STAUNTON D'port, D'toso, Winn 10 Logan, ct Hanger, 10 Newlen, 1b Simmons, Greene, Vest, 11 Wood, 1f Kurtz, Joues, Fourne, 1b Cook, Rexrode, Totals Totals Charlottesville Staunton Errors: Jones: Huff; Runs batted in: Durham Greene; Hanger; Rexrode: Huff. Three base hits: Rexrode: Huff; Durham. Stolen Hicks.

Double plays: Durhamport-Winn; len. Left on bases: Charlottesvitie Staunton 1. Bases on balls: Cook Rexrode 6. Cook Rexrode 4, Hits off: Cook for innings; Rexrode for runs in innings. Hit pitcher, by: Rexrode (Huff.

Winning pitcher: Cook. Losing pitcher: Rexrode. Umpires: Oliver. AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet. GB New York 37 Boston 40 Cleveland 52 Washington 50 Chicago 50 Philadelphia Louis 37 20 Detroit 00 34 Today's Probable Pitchers 3 New York at Detroit 2:30, Miller 2-3 vs Gray 8-10 Philadelphia at Chicago 1:30, Newsom '2-3 or Kucab 6-0 Stobba 7-5 Boston at 8t.

Louts 2:00, mott 6-4 Harrist 2-8 Bearden 3-2 Washington at 1:00, Moreno 6-5 vs Feller 7-9 Friday's Results Detroit 2, New York 1 Cleveland 4, Washington 3 St. Louis 3, Boston 2 Chicago 64, Philadelphia 0-5 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pet. GB Brooklyn 61 25 New York 31 .644 St. Louis .559 Chicago .516 Philadelphia 500 18 Boston 39 52 .129 Cincinnati 38 .404 27 Pittsburgh 26 70 .271 40 Today's Probable Pitchers St. Louis at Brooklyn 12:30, MIzell 4-5 vs Erskine 10-3 Cincinnati at New York 12:30, Wehmeier 4-7 or Nuxhall 0-3 Janses 10-5 Chicago at Philadelphia 12:30, Klippstein 4-7 vs.

Roberts Pittsburgh at Boston 1:00, Pollet 3-11 vs Jester 1-1 Friday's Results New York 3, Cincinnati 1 St. Louis Brooklyn Pittsburgh 3, Boston Chicago 4 Philadelphia 1 Mathias Adds To Decathlon Lead After 7 Events 1 24th Olympic Mark Falls As Russian A Woman, Wins Shot HELSINKI, -Bob. Mathias, the defending champion from Tulare, Calif, increased his load in the Olympie discua competition after seven events today while a sorted other athictes continued the business of methodically wrecking Olympic. recorda. who a world record la the American decathiar tryouta, dominated the two.

create run off this morning. After seven events; he had a total of 6,000 points heading the threeman American delegation the top of the sooring list. Milton Campbell, 14-year-old Plainfield, N.J, schoolboy, held second plare with points and Floyd mons of Los Angeles was third with 5,301, Ignace Helnrich of France, ond to Mathias in the 1045 Olym. plo decathlon London and the leading threat to Americas premacy here, dropped out of the competition. after alx eventa cause of a twisted.

ankle. Hipp of Germany, moved into the fourth spot with 8,044 points. The remaining three decathlon events will be runt off this NOOn, The 24th Olympie record of the regular track and field tion was broken right at the start of the qualifying 001 trials in the en's shot put, Kividja Tochenor: of Russia threw the shot 45 feet 6.45 Inches to shatter the Olympic mark of feet biches by France's Michelen Ostermeyer in 1948. The swimmers starting their part of the Olympio program, got right into the record-breaking act. Eva Novak of Hungary, world record holder in the women's 300- mcter breast stroke, smashed the Olymple record In her.

specialty when she won her trial beat two minutes, seconds. The' old mark was by N. Van Vijet of Holland. Miss Novel's world record is 2:44.8. Two American entries failed quality in the breast stroke when Gall Peters of Washingtar finished sixth in one beat and Judy Cornell of Portland, Ore, seventh In other.

Mathias, although trailing bis. own world record pace, was most the whole shot in the ton. He ran his heat hi 110 meter hurdles in 14.7 seconda, good for 813 points, and threw the discus 46.89 micters 158 feet 10.06 Inches for the 848 more. 'At the tryouts same he stage had American scored 4,200 points enroute to world. record total of 1,125 points.

The start of the swimming competition also brought Japanese athletes buck Into the spotlight for the, first time in 10 years' Y. Hamagushi won the first trial heat of the men's 100-meter dash and Hiroshi Suzuki pushed America's Dick Cleveland of Ohio State Univeralty bard in another heat. In mild upeet, Sweden's Corus Larson beat Clark Scholes of igan State College In a 100 meters beat but he had to make the fast time of 51.5 seconds to do It; Ronald Gore of Chicago also won his heat. American Cagers 7 Top Czech Quintet HELSINKI, The United Stales won Its second straight game in the Olympic basketball competition crushing Czechoslovakia today, 72-47. The Americans were never tended in drubbing the runnerup in European championships.

Coach Warren Womble of the American team mixed his two maximum platoons freely and used his 12 players. For the second straight day the great Kansas scoring ace, Clyde Lovellette, was held to single 1 digit figure. Not scoring until the sccond half, the six font, nine inch college sooring champion the United States, made only six points, Leading scorer for the U.S. quintet was towering Bob Kurland, playing in his second Olympics, who tossed in 12 points. Farmington Netters To Play Army-Navy Sunday The Farmington Country tennis team will take the courts here tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock against the Army-Navy Country Club of Arlington.

Farmington tennis pro, Mike Dolin. said that men's matches will be played and three women's. Mina Mary Slaughter and Mias Margie Hench are expected to handle the singles while Mrs. John Wise and Mra. Charles Merriman will team up in the women's doubles.

Dolin said Hatch Echols would probably play the number one singles position for the men with Ray York in the number two slot. GET THE AD-KLADING HABIT Good Little Man BOBBY SHANTZ stope on the scales to show that no more than pounds are spread over his five-foot en-Inch frame. The little left-hander of the Athletics la and away the wianlagest pitcher in the major HELSINKI, UP Notes of American In Helsinki, Helsinki culture 'la going to hurry, The Americans introduced the jitterbug dance which Is bad. enough What's worse la that aome of the more derly Helsinki Romeos think the greatest thing since Nurmi and are trying to outdo our. Agile Ictea on the dance' noor.

Ladle 1030 light heavyweight boxing champion and former chaifman of the New York State Athletic i Commission, in town for the Olympics. Where do you think he went first! The boxing headquarters, natch. i1 Eddie talked things over with coaches Pete Mello of New York and Jim Owen of Louisiana and team manager Dr. Barry Barrodale of Houma, Eddie wanted to know about our team, The othe ere just piled him with questions about the coming Rocky MarcianoHarry Matthews scrap. Olympic Notes From A Yank In Helsinki By Murre Rose At London, Ip 1940, the Yugoslave wore red tops on track sulta.

Now that Tito la nO longer pals with the Kremlin, the Yugoslavs wear blue tops. A sneak thief got into the Olympic village and walked off with U.S. swim coach Matt Winn's $180 ere. Matt told the Finnish police. Two days later the cops walked over to Matt and handed him.

the camera. "Bests Sherlock: aid Matt as be thanked. the police. More than 300,000 post cards of the Olymple Stadium have been sold in town. The Flans set up St.

special postal sub-stations to accommodate the stamp collectors. Readers of: Russlan newspapers must figure all champion athletes are of Russian descent. One Soviet tabloid refers to Walt Davin, high jump champion, as "Walt John Terpak, weight ant coach, was called "John Terpekin." Sports Mirror By The Pros TODAY A YEAR AGO -Clyde Vollmer hit three home runs to lead the Bouton Red Sox to a 13-10 victory over the White FIVE YEARS AGO- Jack Kelly won the singles, championship At the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta. 1CN YEARS AGO -The New York Yankees whipped the Detroit Tigers, to increase their lead over Boston and Cleveland to 13 "TWENTY YEARS AGO- -Frank Wykoff's 9.4 seconds for 100 yards WAS 11p for approval to replace Tolan's standard of 9.5 seconda. Conley Spins A Two Hitter.

As Lumbermen City a News Solidifies Hold On First By Defeating DAS, 15.5 at News and the Chart lottesville. Lamber Company tinued to set the pace in the tire Softball League last night by turning back second division clubs: Downtown Athletie, More Lodge, respectively. The loss by Moose eliminated mathematical chances they had Anishing In either Arst or accond: place and left them a came and bait out it the frat division with: six tilts left on their schedule Downtown Athletio Store Afth place, la ball came out of the drat division City News Sort: playing bribe liantly behind an good pitching, appears to bare Arm grip en Brat place, But both. Charlottesville Lumber and Shoes center are la a position to overtake the leaders, at this point, la in a better position though la third place the Shoemen have lost ane the who only Are games remaining t4 has eight. City News seven.

Marvin, Conley hurled two hitter. last night as the Lame berman downed Moose Ladge to 1. The only run off Conley came ins the and was. unearned. scored on.

Jake Jones double with two out after Montie Godwia was: safe on Frank Wood's error alt. The Lumberjacks scored ad rums in the Aret and second in. nings off losing pitcher: Charlie: Walker sad teed for three more: la the fourth on Paul Wale ton's single, triple by Stewart: Bruce, Ire Duan's single. and two Moose error Dunn' continued' his "tremendous hitting pace, collecting two hits in twe official trips to the plate, Ho has on base the last air times at bat and has Ave hits la Ave ate Acial trips. He has scared four in two games.

City News had he with Downtown Athletie Storer pounded out ten hits and took vantage of ave DAS errors to 15-5. Arnold Braeden struck the big blow of the mama bases loads ed home run in the third inning Losing pitcher was Bruce Fully Bishop' went the for City News, allowing abs 1 DAS': Grant Woodford mass Balding gem of the aight when be raced from third: base over near the Ant base foul line to deld bunt by Tommy Theodose and made backhanded toss to drat to nail the speedy by a Tigers Sport Best Record In Farm System's League U. S. head coach Warren Womble. "They moved the ball better than we did today but they won't tomorrow.

"Our boys will be up when the times comes and when the opposibastion gets tough." Dr. Forest (Phog) Allen, University of Kansas coach' who is assisting Womble, said- the Russians are finely trained, well versed fundamentals and very good on short passes. "I don't know how good they'll be when they get up againat team that knows how to deal with those passes," the doctor added. Clyde Lovellete, giant All-America center from Kansas who scores 30 points on his worst nighta, tallied only nine against Hungary and said: "We played lousy." Big Bob Kurland scored only four. Argentina and France looked like other topflight teams as they won easily.

Basketball is the stepchild of these 15th modern Olympica. Whereas all other events are being staged in modern settings and with perfect organization, the basketball tournament la being played in dank tennis hall on catch-ascatch-can basis. Little League Standings MONTICELLO LEAGUE Pet GR Optimists 11 10 3 .715 .786 Am. Legion Elks .500 Barnes 10 .286 7 Police Boys Club 1 .100 Yesterday's Results Optimists 18, Barnes 4 Today's Schedule Police Boys Club a Elks, 4 P.M. CHARLOTTESVILLE LEAGUE Pot.

GB Jaycees 13 929 Exchange 10 .115 Kikanis .417 Lions .273 84 Gimbert Wood 12 .077 Today's Schedule Gimbert Wood vs Lions, 2:30 PM The Activity In the Little Lairie farm aystem moves Into' Its final week next Tuesday when the Tigers met the Wildcats in the last the regular three inning played at Venable School Meld." The Tigers, who best the Panthers, 4-8, on Thursday have already: awed up first place with record. In: second place are. the Wildcats with 4-6. They dropped; a 14-2 decision to the Panthers last Tuesday. The latter has a 4-7 mark.

Charles Brock hurled the win for: the Panthers over the Wildcats. Rickey Garnett's triple the bases loaded in the first Inning got the Panthers off to a fast start. The trailing. 5-2, rallied for four runs to take close 4 win. Hits by Charles Estes, Thomas and Franklin Boyd sparked the assault.

Jimmy French received credit for the victory while Charlie Brock: was charged with the defeat. Softball Standings Charlottesville Lumber 5, Moose Lodge 1 City News 18, D.A.S. Gaines Monday Moose Lodge vs Plumbers D.A.8. vs Ch'ville Lumber Tear Standings Pet 18: Charlottesville Lumber 13 Shoecenter 10 Plumbers D. A.

8. Moose 316 GET THE AD READING HABIT Get Out 'In The Open For Health Relaxation! Choose all your farerite tackle our complete stocks. We have everything you need tee better today! CITY NEWS STORE "THE SPORTING GOODS SHOP 116 W. Main Street Dial A 14 0.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.