The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, THURSDAY, JULY 9, -1953 SPORTS Derucki Hits Timely As Cubs Snap Streak Drives in Three Tallies; Springfield Beats Buffalo, 4-2, On Agawam Booster Night By HAROLD HEINZ The Springfield Cubs broke their 14-game losing streak, one short of the modern International League recordande at Buffalo the Bisons same out time of first place by winning, 4-2, on Agawam Booster Night, at Pynchon Park last night before 919 fans. Walt Derucki was the man behind the gun as the Sheehanmen ended their losing ways. He drove in three of his team's runs, two to break a scoreless tie in the sixth and another in the eighth, each time with two strikes and no balls as the count. Springfield connected for 10 safeties on three Buffalo hurlers. compared six racked up by the visitors.

Precha Winner Big John Pyecha wAS the winning pitcher, squaring his account for the season with four victories and AS many setbacks. He was lifted in the eighth when things got rough as he held a-3-0 lead. Pyccha walked the first man and then Buddy Hicks singled. Don Elston relieved him at this point but before the frame was over the Bisons scored their only tallies. The game was 1hree-quarters of an hour late in starting because of an early rain stormy and wound up in a ninth-inning downpour.

The good citizens of Agawam made a big success of their "'night' under poor weather conditions as usual pre-game ceremonies and a Little League exhibition were offered the fans. Only one man reached third on Precha until he was called out in the eighth. As the game progressed he became a bit wild. up five walks. but he fanned four.

Springfield saved all its fireworks until the late frames, getting its first two tallies in the sixth, A winning run in the seventh and an insurance marker in the eighth. unlohn erstwhile Weiss opened league-leaders the firing who for dropped to second place when the Montreal Royals split doubleheader with the Syracuse Chiefs. He was sent. to the showers in the ing found for safeties. Bill seventh for a pinch after heVoiselle, formerly with the Cubs and Don Coppage finished.

Ron Northey of the Cubs had only one official time at the plate and doubled off the rightfield wall on that. occasion. He scored two runs. Derucki, Sparky Adams, and Nels Burbrink had two hits on the Springfield side. Derucki Singles Two hits, a base on balls, sacrifice and an infield out helped Springfield to its first two runs in the sixth.

Hollis opened with a poke into left and was sacrificed to second by Daugherty. Northey was purposely walked and the runners moved up on Freese's infield out. Derucki slapped one into left for two tallies. The Cubs added another run in the seventh. Burbrink doubled to center.

Adams sent him on A single to right, went to on the and raced to third when Crawford's heave to the plate w'as wide. Adams was left stranded. Buffalo pulled within one run of the Cubs with A two-run eighth. Chapman strolled, moved to third on Hicks' single to right. Chapman dented the plate while Crawford WAS thrown out by Elston, who came in to relieve Pyecha at this point.

Wallaesa doubled off the rightfield fence to bring in Hicks. Springtield produced another tally in the eighth on four hits, leaving the bases loaded. Northey doubled off the rightfield fence, WAS shipped to third on Freese's single to right and came in on Derucki's blow into center. Hooks attempted to sacrifice but was out, hit by' his own batted ball. Burbrink singled to fill the sacks and the next two batsmen flied out to Crawford.

Yankees Bruised In Bus Accident New York. July 8 -The New York Yankees reported only bruises AS an aftermath of last night's bus accident when the bus carrying the cluh to the railroad station from the Philadelphia ball. park crashed into a low-hanging elevated structure. Gene Woodling. Charley Silvera, Coach Jim Turner, Trainer Gus Mauch and Manager Casey Stengel were bruised everybody on the bus was shaken up.

As far as the Yankee front office knew, there were no serious overnight developments. Factory Prices Save You Money SAVE to SUMMER CASUALS SOLD FROM 10.95 NOW ONLY 95 RECRAWFORD OUTLETS FACTORY som MASS Factory Prices Save You Money Highlights of Agawam Booster Night as Cubs Triumph The snapping of their 14-game night at Pynchon as the ing of the Agawam American don (Available) Jones. Depicted Chriscola of the Chriscola Bears Jones. Right, Mrs. DERUCKI DELIVERS WALT DERUCKI, Cubs (Belts Two Run Single) CHIEFS IN SPLIT WITH MONTREAL Syracuse Cops Nightcap, 4-3, After LaSorda Wins For Royals, 6-0 Syracuse.

N. July 8 Syracuse Chiefs held on for a 4 3 victory over Montreal after Royals had won the twilight of an International League double. header, 6 to 0. behind the four-hit hurling of Tommy LaSorda. First Series Since '51 The split gave the Chiefs a four games to three series victory.

their first over Montreal since 1951. The Royals piled up five runs the first inning of the opener starter Duke Markell and Kent Krieger and added another in second on Dick Whitman's second home run. Art Hartley had a 4 to 0 lead and had yielded only two hits until the Royals rocked him for four blows, including a triple and two doubles for three runs in the seventh. He retired the next seven batters. The Chiefs collected 10 hits, nine off starter Earl Mossor.

Summaries: (First Game) Hoak. MONTREAL (L) Whitman, Amaros. Nelson. 10 Thompson, 3 Williams, Rojek. 3 Fernandez.

3 Totals 3 0 2 0 3 SYRACUSE Ah Zientara. 3 Rodriguez, Blatnik. ri Schult. water. 1f ct Kinaman.

Douglas, Markell, Krieger 2. Totals 25 0 4. 9 MONTREAT, 510 000 0-6 2. Thompson, Williams. Roiek.

LaSorda: HR Whitman: DP-Brideweser Douglas, Rodriguez to Zientara to Douglas: Left Montreal 4. Syracuse 4: BR- Kripser 80-Krieger 3. LaSorda 3: HO- Markell 1-3. Krieger 7 in 6 Winner, Sorda loser. Markell (1-9).

U- ZAN, Holmes. (Sprond Game) SYRACUSE ah L. hi Verdi. A Brideweser, Rodriguez. 3 Klatnik, ri Schult.

1f Gillenwater. ct 3 Hartley, 2 Total 33 1 10 27 12 MONTREAL AL ah Hoak, 3 Whitman. A ct Nelson, Thompson. Williams, Roiek, Fernandez, Mossor. A Wood Coleman, Totals 32 3 6 A 24 SYRACUSE 002 020 00-4 MONTREAL 000 6 000 300--3 2, Gillenwater.

Amaros, Thompson. Rojek: 38-Rodriguez, Whitman; Amo- Brideweser, Rodriguez, Verdi; S- Schult: DP- Douglas to. Brideweser: 1.OR -Montreal 2, Syracuse 30; BRColeman 1: -Hartley 6, Mossor 6, Coleman mAn 1 1: in HO-Mossor W-Hartle 0 in 7 (6-7); innings. 1-Mossor U--Holmes and Regan; A-- -Struck pout for. Mossor in 7th, SLADE VS.

HAYES of New York will box Herbie Ilayes of New Rochelle, N. Tuesday, July 21, in a 10-round light-heavyweight match at Ridgewood Grove Arena. Jimmy Herring of Brooklyn was matched with Mack Stanford of Englewood. N. J.

for a 10-round middleweight bout at the same larena, July 28. Yanks Whip Red Sox On Unearned Runs, 44: 4-2 New York Gets Two Tallies On Infield Lapses as Jim McDonald Hurls Neat Six-Hitter SPRINGFIELD (IL) ah Hollis. Adams, Nortney, Daugherty, 2 ci 5 1 Freese. Derucki. 3 Honka, Burbrink, lyecha.

Totals 10 BUFFALO ab Chapman, 2 Hicks, Crawford, Wallaesa, Carswell, If Tuttle. Ryan. Weiss, A -Vernia h- Restaino tr niselle. Coppage. 838 Totals 32 3 6 24 6 SPRINGFIELD 000 042 BUFFALO 0000 0202 RBI- Derucki 3.

Adame. Crawford. Wallaesa: Burbrink, Northey: 8- Daugherty: DP- Honks to Hollie: left- Ruffalo 9. Springfield 9: BR. Precha Elaton 7, Weiss 4.

Elsion SO--Pyecha HO- Weiss 4 in 6 innings, 'oiselle 4 in 1 (none nut in 8th), Coppage 2. in 1. Pyecha in (none out in 1 tIn. Eiston 2 in Pyecha 04-4); Faleraki: Weiss U- Flaherty, Serafin, A A--Struck b--Singled out for Weiss in 7th. for Coppage in 9th.

At Long Last Cub Chatter The citizens of Agawam put on a display of community spirit last night at Pynchon Park which was heart warming to the well being of Cubs. organization. Despite A violent rainstorm hundreds of fans in that township turned out for a Cubs Booster Night to make Agawam the first to sponsor such an event on a town wide basis in Western Mass. From the introductory remarks by chairman Les Oberheim on the pregame ceremonies went off without a hitch once the storm had subsided. The American Logion Post 183 was on hand resplendent in Legion uniform to lead the cession to the flagpole hehind the color guard.

After the flag was raised Agawam's own Mrs. Ralph Houseman sang the Star Spangled Banner accompanied by the Some of the credit. for the band can go to rector Earl Chandler. John Curran is drum major. Jack Sheehan and the Cubs came in for some very special gifts from the Agawam delegation.

The Cubs prexy received a key to the township also a traveling bag from the Agawam merchants. Each Cubs player was enrolled as guest man's Club. Sheehan appreciamember of the Agawam Sportsof the kindness of the Agawam delegation and made it plain in so many words. Despite the rain the Little Leaguers representing four teams got in an inning of play each in two games. These 8-12 year old youngsters put on quite a capable display of ability albeit the fact that the wet grass proved A handicap to some of the infielders.

The results found the Chamber Jets blanking the Chriscola Bears, and Hampden and Chriscola Bears winding in a scoreless tie. The fans got quite a kick out of watching these Little League pitchers warming up with some of the Cubs players. Hal Meek had two of the kid hurlers in tow and they were really firing the ball to him. The Agawam committee reported 3 sale of 575 tickets prior to last night's game which is a great showing for that township. Total attendance 919 fans which of course was held down by the weather and the uncertainty of the game being played.

Groundskeeped Paddy Gloster rates 7 pat on the back for his terrific job in getting the field back into play. ing shape. Sheldon Jones wastes no time in making his debut for Cubs. Jones reported to manager Sheehan yesterday and told his hoss 1hat he was in shape and feeling good. So once again Jones lives up to his nickname of "Available" Jones.

He will pitch for the Cubs in their series opener with the Toronto Maple Leafs tonight at Pynchon Park. Game time is 8.15. Springfield fans will see three. new Toronto players in action here for the first time. They are outfielders Bob Addis and Bob Boyd and infielder Clem, Kosh.

orek. Boyd, a Negro, noted for his flashing speed. He won the Pacific Coast batting title last SPASON A mark of .320 and was second in stolen bases with 33. Jack Wallaesa was A victim of second half of a double play in the second inning through his own negligence. Big Jack led off the frame for Buffalo by drawing a valk.

Frank Carswell then chased Gene Hooks back but Wallacsa had by that time made a big turn around second. On his way back to first he failed to touch second. The alert. Red Ilollis took the throw in and tagged the base for the DP. Gilbert Barker has accepted a challenge by the Hamilton Standard nine of Hartford and the teams will meet in a preliminary game to the Cubs-Maple Leafs tilt tomorrow night.

The game. is slated to start at 6. The Nutmeg team is current defender of the Connecticut semipro title. OUTBOARD EVENT SET Glastonbury, July 8-Con-Slade gressman Horace Scaly Brown from Connecticut's Second Congressional District is scheduled to fire the opening gun of the First Annual Connecticut Valley Outboard Championships to be held Sunday. July 12, on the Connecticut River off Glastonbury's Tryon Street Reach.

Starting time is set for 1. p.m. losing streak by the Springfield Cubs proved to be a happy affair for an Agawam Cubs beat the Buffalo Bisons, 4-2. The pregame ceremonies included Little League Legion Post 185 band. Also on hand in a Cubs' uniform for the first time was newly above are some of the highlights.

Left picture, Dan Dudley, Chamber Jets' third in first inning action of Little League action. Center, Manager Jack Sheehan chats Ralph Houseman of Agawam, who gang the Star Spangled Banner prior to the Browns End Streak By Beating Indians, 6-3 Stop Home Losses at 20 Straight With Five-Run Outburst in Sixth; Cleveland Drops to Third St. Louis. July 8 UP -The St. Louis Browns won their first game at home since June 2 tonight as they uncorked five runs in the sixth inning and went on to defeat the Cleveland Indians, 6-3.

The loss dropped the Indians 612 games behind the league-leading New York Yankees and the. Brownies stopped a major league record of 20 straight home losses with the win. The Brownies kayoed starter Art Houtteman with the sixth inning uprising. Six straight singles and A walk with the bases loaded by reliefer Bill Wight netted the Brownies five runs in that frame. Cleveland had taken the lead in the fourth on a single by Luke Easter.

a walk, a double play on which Easter moved to third and an outfield fly. The Indians added two more in the seventh on three singles and a fielder's choice. Dale Mitchell rapped a single in the fifth to stretch his hitting streak to 18 straight games. Clint Courtney smacked his second home run of the year in the seventh for the Browns final run. Lou Kretlow, getting help from Marlin Stuart in the seventh, was credited with the victory, his first decision of the year.

Houtteman was the loser. his' ninth defeat against four victories. IST. TOMS (41,) Ah Groth, Young. 2 Sievers, Kokos.

rt Lenhardt, Courtney, Dyck. 3 4-Wertz Rerry. 3 Hunter. Kretlow. Stuart, 13 27 CLEVELAND Friend.

Mitchell. 10 a b-McCosky Maieski, 2 Rosen. Easter. 1 c-Hegan Doby, ct Westlake. Strickland, Ginsberg, Houtteman, Wight, a- Hoskins, 2 Totals 38 3 12 16 ST.

600 005 10x- CLEVELAND 000 100 Hunter 3, Kretlow: Groth. Kokos. Rowen 2. Courtney: Ginsberg. HR 8-Kokos: DP-Friend to Easter.

Strickland to Friend to Easter. Hunter to Sievers, Dyck to Young to Sievers: 1.0 -Cleveland 11. St. 11: Kretlow Wight Hoskins Stuart 1: SOKretlow 2. Houtteman 2.

Wight 1. Stuart 2. Honking 3: HO 11 in 5 1-3 Innings. Wight 0 in 2-3, Kretlow 10 in 8 1-3. Stuart 2 in 2 Hoskins in 5-3.

Wight 0-0. Kretlow 3-3. Stuart 0-0, Hoskins 1-1: W- Kretlow 11-0): 1-Houtteman Stevens, Duffy. Summers: 3265. -Singled for Wight in 7th.

h--Singled for Friend in 7th. c--Ran for Faster in 9th. d--Singled for Dyck in 6th. Hacker Hurls Victory For Cubs Over Braves Milwaukee, July 8 (UP) ren Hacker won a duel of "hard luck" pitchers with Jim Wilson tonight as the Chicago Cubs swept past the Milwaukee Braves. 7 to 3.

Hacker gave up 10 hits but held Milwaukee scoreless after giving up three runs in the opening inning. Wilson was relieved by Lew Burdette in the seventh after Wilson had given up four runs on eight hits. Burdette came into the game the seventh inning with runners on second and third and one out. but he got the side out without giving up a run. The next inning.

however. Burdette gave up four singles and com mitted an error as the Cubs pushed across the three decisive tallies. Catcher Del Crandall. who was named to the National League allstar team. suffered severe cut on his right rand and was taken out of the game in the seventh inning.

It was not known immediately how seriously he was injured. Milwaukee jumped off to a threerun lead in the first inning when Billy Bruton singled, Eddie Mathews walked and Johnny Logan and Andy Pafko hit two-baggers. (NI) Raumholtz. cf ct Fondy, Kiner, If 3 Sauer, ri 2 Jackson, Serena, a McCullough, Hacker, Totals 10 7 13 10 0 MILWAUKEE A Bruton, cf Logan, Crandall, 3 St. Claire, Pafko, Pendleton, it A -CInwe Thorpe.

Adco*ck, Dittmer, 2 2 Wilson, Burdette. b-Hanehrink Totals 37 3 10 27 0 CHICAGO 100 021 030-7 MILWAUKEE 300 000 000--3 RBI -Kiner 2. McCullough, Serena. Fond; Pafko. Crandall.

Palko 2: 2B-Fondy. Logan, Dittmer: 36 Baumholtz: HR Cullough, Serena left Chicago 9, Mi1dette waukee 1: RB--Hacker 1, Wilson 2 Bur20-Hacker 4, Wilson 4. Bur. dette 3 HO- Wilson 8 in 6 1-3. Burdette in 2 1-3: R6ER--Hacker 3-3.

Wilson 4-4. Burdette 3-2: W- Hacker 15-11); 1 Wilson -Donatelli. Conian, Warneke. Gorman: A 37,119. a--Flied out for Pendleton in 8th, b--Singled for Burdette in 8th.

GIANTS ROLL IN 11TH ON IRVIN'S SLAM, 10-7 Pittsburgh, July 8 (UP) -Monte Irvin 'hit a grand-slam home run in the 11th inning tonight and drove in three runs earlier in the game AS the New York Giants defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates, 10-7. Irvin's homer, his 13th of the year, came off loser Johnny Hetki, the third Pirate pitcher of the night. Larry Jensen, also working in relief role, helped win his ow'n game by singling to open the Giant's five 11th inning. Whitey Lockman followed with a single and both base runners advanced on Alvin Dark's sacrifice. An intentional pass to lank Thompson set the stage for Irvin's base-clearing clout.

The Giants landed an insurance run on an error two more singles. New York batted around in the first inning. Lockman and Dark greeted starter Bob Friend with successive, singles. when And the Thompson bases walked. Irvin sent all three base runners home with a sharp double to right.

Bobby Thompson sacrificed Irvin to third from where he scored on Don Mueller's The filth Giant tally came in the second inning when Friend balked as Dark attempted to steal home. Giant starter Jim Hearn held Pittsburgh 10 two hits until an error got him into trouble in the sixth inning when the Pirates scored three time to. make it a 5-3 game. Baseball Yesterday's Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Springfield 4, Buffalo 2 Baltimore 4, Toronto 0 Montreal 6, Syracuse 0 (1st) Syracuse 4, Montreal 3 (2d) Rochester 2, Ottawa 1 (1st) Rochester 5, Ottawa 4 (3d) 5 AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 4, Boston 2 (N) Chicago 11, Detroit AL Washington 7, Philadelphia (N) St. Louis 6, Cleveland 3 (N) NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 8.

Philadelphia 4 (N) Chicago 7. Milwaukee 3 (N). St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 3 (N) New York 10, Pittsburgh 1 (N, 11) Standings INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE PC GR Montreal 46 30 .605 Buffalo 44 29 .603 Rochester 44 33 Baltimore 43 36 Toronto 39 39 .500 8 Syracuse 36 44 .150 12 33 16 .118 Springfield 24 32 .316 22 AMERICAN I.fa*gUE PO GR New York 53 2.5 .679 Chicago 41 31 .603 6 Cleveland 46 31 .597 Boston 43 38 3 .331 Washington 41 39 .513 Philadelphia 33 47 .413 St. Louis 28 33 .316 Detroit 26 53 .329 NATIONAL LEAGUE PC GR Brooklyn 49 28 .636 Milwaukee 46 32 .590 St.

Louis 45 32 .584 4 Philadelphia 40 34 .541 New York 40 36 Cincinnati 34 44 $36 Chicago 28 47 .313 20 27 56 .323 25 Games Today INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Toronto at Springfield, 8.15 Buffalo at Baltimore Montreal at Ottawa Rochester at Syracuse AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston at New York Cleveland at St. Louis (N) Philadelphia at Washington Others not scheduled NATIONAL LEAGUE New York at Pittshurgh Brooklyn at Philadelphia (N) Others not Rooster Night crowd last games, and the marchacquired pitcher Shelbaseman tags out Jackie with his new pitcher, game. BAFFLES BOSOX JIM MCDONALD. Tanks (Fires Six-Hitter) MIZELL HURLS CARDS TO WIN Stops Reds With Two Hits As St. Louis Scores 7-3 Victory" Cincinnati.

July 8 Bend) Mizell held the Cincinnati Redlegs 10 two hits 10- night as the St. Louis Cardinals, sparked by the hitting of Ray Jablonski and Rip Repulski, won a 7-3 victory. Jablonski Five.for- Five Mizell limited the Reds to harmless single by Bob Borkowski and a ninth-inning home run by Jim Greengrass. The other two Cincinnati runs were the result of Mizell's wildness. A hit batsman, three straight walks and a force out gave the Redlegs their first two runs.

Meanwhile, Jablonski and Repulski were giving Cincinnati pitchers heavy punishment. Jablonski wound up with five hits in five times at bat. Repulski was A two for five hitter and one of his blows was a three-run homer in the seventh-his third circuit wallop in two games here. Repulski drove in four runs tonight to go with the five he sent home last night on two homers and a double. Summary: ST.

LOUIS (ND.) ah A Stanky, Hemus, 1 Musial. it Bilko, 14 Slaughter. Jablonski. A Repulski. cf Rica.

Anderson, Mizell, 36 12 CINCINNATI Bridges, 2 Adana, 3 Bell. co kluazewski, Greengrase, Borkowski. rt Seminick, McMillan, 8 Kelly, 1 Smith, b-Hatton Perkowski. Totals 29 3 27 13 ST. LOUIS 000 300 400- CINCINNATI 020 000 001- RB -Repulski 4, Anderson, Jabionaki, Stanky, Seminick.

McMillan, Greengrasa; Anderson: HR--Repulski, Greengrass; DP--McMillan to Bridges 10 Kluazewski, Perkowski to McMillan 10 Kluazewski: LOB--St. Louis 11. Cincinnati 4. Perkowaki 7: 80-Mizell Perkowski 4. Smith 1.

Kelly 1: HOPerkowaki, 11 in 6 (faced 3 batters in Smith 1 in 1. Kelly 3 in 2: 8-6. Smith 1-1. Kelly 0-0. Mizell -Mizell -Smith.

Kelly: Mizell 18-30: Harlick, Gore; A Ran for in 9th. out for Smith in 7th. Cincinnati, July 8 (P) -Del Rice, St, Louis Cardinal catcher who had been selected as a member of the National League all -star squad, suffered a dislocation of the thumb on his right hand in tonight's game with the Cincinnati Redlegs. Del Rice Thumb Dislocation Pirates to Train At Ft. Pierce Pittsburgh, July 8 IP- General manager Branch Rickey of the Pittsburgh Pirates indicated today the Pirates have selected Fort Pierce, for a spring training camp.

Fort Pierce is within 100 miles of Miami and 18 miles from Vero Beach. long time home of the Brooklyn Dodgers in the spring. This means the Pirates -who trained last spring in Havana and had very little major league opposition-will have plenty of competi tion in spring drills hereafter, New York, July 8 (F- Defensive lapses by the Red Soxinfield provided the New York Yankees with two unearned runs tonght and the edge by which they Boston, 4-2, behind the sixhit pitching 1. of Jim McDonald. 4: Henry Leaves in Hurry The Red Sox made hree errors and two of them led to Yankee tallies in the second aid sixth innings.

After scoring twice the first inning on two-run single by Gil McDougald, which folloved hits by Don Bollweg and Hank Bauer and A walk too, Mickey Mantle, the Yankees big rur they needed in the second. In hat frame. Yogi Berra and Billy Martin led off with singles and alvanced to second and third on A7 error shortstop Milt Bolling. Rookie lefthander Bill Henry was by sidearmer Sid Hudson and he got McDonald on a called hird strike Phil Rizzuto's fly toleft scored Berra. The Red Sox picked up one run in the third when.

Jin Piersall doubled and scored or Hudson's single. Hudson also dove in the run in the fifth wien Bolling singled and he followed with a triple to right-conter. An error by second baseman Billy Goodman put Gene Woodling on base to start. the sixth. Ha moved to second on single by two out loaded the base.

Bollweg Berra and a walk to Rzzuto with singled to right to score W'oodling but Berra was out at the plate on a fine throw by outfielder Jim Piersall. It WAS the fifth victory against three defeats for young McDonald, who issued only two walks, putting only eight runners on pAse. He fanned four, including two in the ninth. Summary: NEW TORK (AL) Rizzuto. Roller.

Collins. Bauer. rf Mante. cf McDougald, 3 2 Renna. If 1-Woodling.

If. Noren. If Berra, Martin, 2 Donald, Totals 33 7770 27 12 0 BOSTON (AT) Goodman. 2 Stephena, Gernert, 1 Kell. 3 Umphlett, cf V'ilber.

3 -McDermott Piersall, ri -Zarilla Rolling. Henry. Hudson. R- -Baker Flowers, Totals 32 2 3 24 14 NEW YORK 210 001 (NIx BOSTON 001 (10 000 -2 Me Onugald 2. Rizzuto, Rollwes: 28-Piersall: 38-Hudson: and Gernert.

Rizzuto. Martin and Bollwes: Teft-Boston 5, New Tork 1. Fludson 3. McDonad 2: SO Hudson 4. McDonald 4: 110-Henry in (faced two hatters 2di.

Hudson 5 in 6. Flowers 0 in 1: and ER-Henry Hudson 1-0. Flowers 0.0. McDonald 2-2: -McDonald (3-30; 1-Henry (1-1). 11- Paparella.

McKinley, Honochick. McGowan, A. -Lined out for Hudson 6th -Struck out. for Wilber in 9th -Grounded nut tor Piersall In Ath A- Hit into force play for Ronna in 34 Minneapolis Sends Schmitt to Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma. July, 8 (P) Jake Schmitt, 27-year-old southpaw pitcher, has been optioned the Tulsa.

Oilers from Minneapolis of the American Association, Grayle Howlett. Tulsa baseball club president. said today. The Texas League club yesterday purchased Ziggy Jasinski. who had been the Millers' regular shortstop.

Schmitt last season with Minneapolis had a 7-7 won-lost record. Cortez Tag Team Wins Mat Feature Holyoke, July 8-The Australian tag team of Manuel Cortez. East Boston, and Adrian Baillargeon, Montreal, captured the wrestling feature at the Holyoke Arena tonight in two straight falls from Bob (Bibber) McCoy, Cambridge and John Heidermann, Bronx. Rocky Baron, Chicago and Walter Kameroff. New Haven.

wrestled to a draw in a 30 minute sem-i final while Dynamite Dunn of Boston received the verdict over Les Ruffin of Lawrence in the opener because of the latter's roughhouse tactics. Falls Tigers Easily Win Pee Wee Tilt Chicopce. July 8-The Chicopee Tigers Pee Wee baseball team defeated Aldenville Legion Pee W'ee's 21 to 7 tonight in Lincoln Grove. Dennie Perusse collected a homer, three doubles and A single to drive in nine runs. Score: Tigers 453 810 -21 15 0 Post 337 041 110- 7 3 0 Perusse and MacKechnie; Fortin and Denault Probable Pitchers New York, July 8 (P Probable pitchers for tomorrow's major league games.

(won and lost reclords in parentheses): National League Brooklyn at Philadelphia (night) -Milliken (3-2) or Podres (3-2) VS Roberts (13-6). New York at Pittsburgh--Jansen (7-7) or Gomez (5-4) VS Dickson (7-9) only games scheduled. American League Boston at New York (11- 4) vs Lopat (8-1) (Philadelphia at WashingtonByrd (8-9) or Kellner (7-7) vs Shea (7-1). Cleveland at St. Louis (night)Lemon (11-7) vs Larsen (2-6) Detroit at Chicago -Marlowe (3- 6) is Dobson (5-5).

MOTORCYCLE RACES JULY 11: 8:30 P.M. HALF MILE TRACK STAFFORD SPRINGS SPEEDWAY CONN. A.M.A. Sanctioned Rain Date July Clark Suffers 7-2 Pony League Loss Corning. N.

July 8 Righthander Ralph Clark, former pitcher for Classical High School and American International College in Springfield. suffered his first. Pony League loss, 7-2, here tonight as he was knocked from the box in the eighth inning by first place Jamestown. The bespectacled righthander previously had won three straight for the seventh-place Corning club in this class pro circuit. Score by innings: Jamestown ..002 101 120-7 15 0 Corning 000 100 100 -2 7 3 Taylor and Witucki: Clark.

Cougen (8), Cloos (8) and Winkler. NEW YORK (NL) A Lockman. 1, It Gilbert. Dark. 2 Thompson, Irvin, If Thomson, cf Spencer, Mueller.

If Westrum Hearn, Withpim. Williams MC Kosio, Totals 47 16. 33 13 PITTSBURGH MD Abrama. rt 6 J. 0'Brien, 2 Connell, 3 1f Smith.

It Thomas, ct 6 Ward. 3 13 Atwell. F. O' Brien, Friend a h-Lindell Hetki, Totals 46 14 33 12 NEW YORK 410 000 009 05--10 PITTSBURGH 000 003 020 02- Irvin Mueller, (Dark scored on Friend's balkl. Westrum.

Smith 3. Thomas Abrams 2. Ward: 2B-Irvin. Dark, J. Brien, Smith.

Thomas: 3R-J. O' Brien: HR--Irvin; SH-Thomson. Dark. Atwell: DP-Daik to Spencer to Tockman. Ward (unassisted), Left- E.

-New York O'Brien to J. O'Brien to 11. Pittsburgh BB- -Hearn 2, Wilhelm 2. Friend 3. Dickson 1.

Hetki 1: 80-Hearn: 5, Jansen 2, 1. Friend 6. Hetki HO -Hearn 5 in 3 1-3 Wilhelm 4 in 2 1-3. 'Jansen in 2 1-3. Koalo 4 in 1, Friend 9 in 7, Dick3-2, son 1 in 1.

Heiki A in 3: Wilhelm 2-2, Koslo-2-2. Friend Hetki -Wilhelm O' Brien); Winner. Jansen 48-70: loser. Hetki (3-4). -Secory.

Roberts, Goetz, Dascoli. A 7095 A- Flied out for. Friend in 1th. b- Flied out for Dickson in 8th. C- Ran for Jansen in 11th, LEARN TO FLY NOW! INSTRUCTION ONLY 75 4 HALF PER HOUR 1 Many Students Learn to Fly In 8 Hours.

at BOWLES AGAWAM AIRPORT Take Suffield from Agawam Bridge, turn right on Silver St. 7-0283 4-9412.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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