The Inevitable Change of Us - Chapter 13 - EmWritesSpicy (2024)

Chapter Text


Holding Shelby helped take the edge off her usual come down. Shelby was warm and clingy and pulled Fatin ever closer like she didn’t want to part from her.

She was sure they had been lying there for a while when Leah returned and ran her hand through each of their hair. “Come on. I’ve made lunch for you.”

They ate quietly, with soft smiles and sighs as Shelby tucked into Fatin’s side. Leah eventually appeared with robes and underwear and told them to throw them on before they caught a chill.

“I thought you were heading into work today?” Leah asked.

Shelby sipped her drink and then moved to play with Leah’s hand. “They suggested I take a day off. Said I’d been pulling too many hours, and my students had a trip today. A substitute took my spot herding them for it.”

A knock sounded on the door, and Fatin felt Shelby panicking beside her.

“It’s just Amy and Kaley,” Fatin said calmly. “They asked to drop in a coffee before we ended up… you know.” She smiled. “But if you don’t want guests right now that’s fine.”

“It’s your house.”

“True but you’re currently collared under our roof. So, I’m asking you if you’re happy to have guests,” Leah said.

“As long as it’s just them that’s fine.”

Leah watched her for a moment longer. “Do you want your collar taken off?”

Fingers reached for it and fear crossed Shelby’s face. “Do I need to? It would probably draw questions that y’all don’t want.”

“That’s not my question,” Leah said firmly. “Angel, do you want to keep it on?”

“I do. I… I don’t feel ready for it to come off yet.”

“Okay. I’m going to answer the door now.” Leah headed away and as Shelby’s nerves grew Fatin pulled her onto her lap so that Shelby was straddling her.

Her cheeks flushed, and her attention darted down to Fatin’s lips.

“They’re not going to judge you for anything you need while wearing this. Just ask,” Fatin said. “Or if you need it from me, take it. I’ve never been worried about PDA in front of them. You should see Amy after an org*sm she won’t leave Kaley’s lap.

Shelby leaned down as they heard footsteps. The kiss was gentle but deep, hungry in a way that made Fatin’s mind spin. She resisted the urge to grab Shelby’s ass, knowing she may not feel comfortable with that in front of them. Then there was the fact that Shelby’s ass was still sore and bright red from earlier.

“Do you need a plate?” She heard in the distance as Shelby arched against her.

“No but I might need a cold shower if they keep that up,” Kaley teased.

It was loud enough that Shelby pulled back, lips swollen as she grew embarrassed.

Kaley stepped closer, and gently scratched Shelby’s scalp whispering, “As you were sweetie,” in her ear.

It had the needed effect, and Shelby relaxed as she moved to kiss Fatin again.

Eventually, Amy grew unable to stand there any longer. “Come to the sofa,” she groaned. “I missed you both.”

They lay there happily; Shelby occasionally kissing Fatin as Amy lay behind Fatin and played with Shelby’s hair.

It was comforting; a warm embrace that left her tearful.


“She’s collared,” Kaley noted quietly. They were far enough away from the other three girls that they wouldn’t hear a word.

“We offered and she accepted.”

“I’m unsurprised,” Kaley said. “When I saw her that first day, I knew that look.”

“When Amy and Fatin were on the sofa?” Leah asked.


“I thought Shelby was uncomfortable with them. I almost asked her to leave.” Leah still felt the weight of that, another thing she had missed.

“You’re still new to the scene and also you know Shelby well. You’re not looking at her expecting to randomly see a new side to someone you’ve known for years. And on the island, I should think you all got fairly close.”

“Very,” Leah said. “I feel like that’s exactly why I should have noticed.”

Kaley shrugged. “You seem to have noticed now if you offered.”

Leah rolled her eyes. “A little heads up would have been nice.”

“I didn’t know for sure, but I suspected it. If it helps,” Kaley said. “I didn’t suspect she was into pain play. Shelby seems quiet and reserved. A lot of people I’ve met into it have been like our two.”

“Loud brats?”

“Mhm. Confident, co*cky. Want someone to put them in their place.”

Leah snorted. “Yeah. That’s Fatin alright.”

“You had a session before we arrived, didn’t you?”

“That obvious?” Leah asked.

“The two of them are inseparable and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Fatin that tactile. The three of them look very happy over there. It’s nice.”

“It is,” Leah started. “And this is the most stable Shelby’s mood has been since they arrived. Since our session she hasn’t cried and her smile…” Leah grinned as Shelby giggled and tugged Fatin and Amy closer. “She needed that. I’ll talk to Toni, but I think something more intense like she wanted would help her. She took the flogger like a trooper.”

“You flogged her?” Kaley said, her interest piquing as her brows raised.


“A couple times or…”

“More. And fifteen of those were as hard as I go with Fatin.”

Kaley let out a whistle. “And how did you feel during?”

Leah cleared her throat. “Turned on. Happy. I felt-” Love. The same way she did for Fatin.

“You don’t need to say that yet, but I know where your thoughts went.”

“I think I should feel terrified about it.”

“And do you?” Kaley pressed.

“No, it feels… normal. Like parts of a machine finally working together. Everything fits with them.”

“Do you need to uncollar her before Toni gets back?”

“No, we’ve already talked it through with her. She said anything Shelby needs she’s happy for me to provide. I think if we tag team, that way I can take care of the heavier play and she can comfort her after.”

“Sounds like you have your whole little quad worked out over here,” Kaley said with a grin. “Who would have guessed it?” Then she paused. “Actually, no I think everyone probably thought you were all lovers on that island.”

“f*ck you.”

Eventually, they joined them, and whilst Fatin wanted to stay with Amy, Shelby made her way into Leah’s lap; likely because it was her first time experiencing heavier pain play. It was normal especially at first for submissives to seek comfort from their domme after. And really, it was Leah’s favourite part. Getting to hold and calm her, getting to protect those she loved.

Shelby was far lighter, nuzzling into her neck as she clung to her. However, Leah noticed the signs about an hour later. The drop. As did Kaley who watched her like a hawk.

“What would help you right now?” Leah asked.

When Shelby blushed and averted her eyes, Leah knew. She also knew Shelby would need whatever she was longing for to ease that drop. Whilst Fatin was at a point where she would gladly ask, Shelby was new to this. On top of that, she was shy and embarrassed by those needs she was new to.

“Can you watch Fatin for a moment?”

“I was just about to suggest that,” Kaley replied.

“Fatin, are you okay with Kaley and Ames for ten minutes or so?”

“Yeah. Amy owes me a shoulder rub.”

“Come on angel,” Leah said, quietly guiding Shelby into the bedroom. She shut the door and then took Shelby back in her arms. “What do you need?”


“An org*sm?” Leah asked.

“Yes. But I…”

“I can ask them to leave if you need it.”

Shelby averted her eyes. “Wouldn’t it be weird for them to listen?”

“It’s up to you but I can tell you neither of them will be fazed by it. They’re used to Fatin needing me after sessions in the same way, so this is no different. They’ll pay no mind to it.”

Her face was tucked into Leah’s neck, but soon she pulled her hand lower.

Leah held her breath as her fingers found her wet. She walked her back and lifted her onto the cabinet as she kissed her neck. Shelby hissed as her sore ass rested on it.

“Do you need my fingers?”


She pushed into her slowly. After intense sex Fatin often craved a lighter touch, and it appeared Shelby was similar. Leah was unhurried as she worked her fingers into her, stroking along the rough patch inside of her as Shelby whimpered into her neck.

Minutes passed and Leah found herself breathing heavily, turned on at the sounds Shelby made against her skin. “Are you going to be good and come for me?”

A nod was felt against her, Shelby already fluttering around her fingers like the words inched her closer.

“You’ll feel much better after a release,” Leah promised. “A little reward for that red ass I love.”

Shelby moaned loudly then, her face turning pink as her eyes darted to the door.

“Don’t think about them angel. It’s just us in here. You’re safe to let go.”

However, she could see her overthinking and still focusing on the sound she made.

So, Leah decided to have a little fun. If Shelby was embarrassed Leah could throw herself under the bus. “f*ck Shelby,” she yelled.

It worked, and Shelby was reduced to a fit of laughter against Leah.

“They’re not going to care. Amy is louder than everyone else in this place combined.”

“Okay,” Shelby whispered.

Leah began moving again, and though it took a while Shelby finally let go for her. It was beautiful to watch, her head flung back as she moaned.

“That’s great. You’re so good for me. We’re all so proud of you.”


“Don’t think about it. Come around my fingers for me like the good girl you are.”

“Christ Leah.”

“That’s it, I can feel that you’re close. I need you to relax into it, Shelby.”

Shelby slumped a little as her hips arched. Her breath caught and staggered as her nails dragged along Leah’s back.

“Good, there you go,” Leah said. “You’re so wet for me. How about you come for me, and I’ll clean you up.”


“I know baby. Don’t worry, it’s fine.”

Shelby groaned into her neck, fighting her climax off.

“Shelby,” Leah said firmer. “Behave and let go.”

That was all Shelby needed to get there. She made a note that Shelby might take comfort in reprimanding on occasion, something firmer than Fatin appreciated, and worked her through it.

She was loud as she came, giving Amy a run for her money.

Leah moved lower and cleaned her up first with her mouth, and then moved them to the bathroom so they could wash.

She dragged a warm cloth along Shelby’s thighs. “Part your legs for me.”

But as she cleaned her up, Shelby needed more.

Leah shook her head with a smile and took the toy off the side she set to air dry earlier.

She reached for the lubricant they kept in the bathroom and doused the toy. Slowly she pushed it into her as her mouth took care of her cl*t.

Once Shelby was sated and clean, a good thirty minutes later, they joined them.

Fatin finally came to Leah’s side, and Shelby tucked into them both embarrassed.

Not wanting to draw attention to it, Kaley and Amy launched into a discussion about a show they were watching.

After they left, Shelby ended up taking a nap. Leah tucked her in and encouraged it, knowing her first session would knock her out.

“What did the two of you do earlier? Shelby sounded…” Fatin smiled. “Happy.”

“It wasn’t easy getting her to let go fully with company the first time. She was holding her org*sm back.”

Fatin grinned. “And did she seem into that?”



The Inevitable Change of Us - Chapter 13 - EmWritesSpicy (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.